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Uchiha Clan (2)

In the dimly lit Naka Shrine, tension hung heavily in the air as the elite members of the Uchiha clan gathered for a rare and significant meeting. Only those who had activated their three-tomoe Sharingan were permitted, highlighting the gravity of the occasion. The flickering candlelight cast long shadows, accentuating the seriousness etched on every face.

Uchiha Inabi, an officer of the Konoha Military Police Force, sat cross-legged among the attendees leaning forward slightly. "Clan Leader Fugaku." He began, his voice steady. "Why have we been summoned here? The last time a meeting of this scale was held, it concerned our clan's relocation."

Fugaku sat cross-legged atop a raised platform. His face was serious, betraying no hint of emotion as he addressed the assembled members and declared. "I have been informed that Namikaze Mirai will be visiting us soon."

At this announcement, whispers and speculations rippled through the room. The name of Namikaze Mirai, the younger brother of the Fourth Hokage and the famed 'Blue Flash' brought a mixture of anticipation and unease.

Before Fugaku could calm the discussion below, a hoarse, cold voice suddenly sounded, cutting through the murmurs and causing the voices to quiet. All attention shifted to the aged form of Uchiha Setsuna, whose presence commanded respect despite his frail stature. His eyes, still sharp and focused, belied his years and hinted at the wisdom and experience accumulated over a lifetime.

"Fugaku-san." Setsuna began, his voice steady. "What exactly is the reason for his visit? And what of the commotion he caused at the Hokage building?"

The room fell into an even deeper silence, the tension palpable as the clan awaited Fugaku's response. The significance of Setsuna's inquiry was not lost on anyone.

Fugaku inclined his head slightly in acknowledgment of Setsuna's question. "Mirai-san's visit stems from his search for answers regarding the night of the Nine-Tails' attack. His actions at the Hokage building were a message, a warning to those who have been manipulating events from the shadows."

Setsuna's eyes narrowed slightly as he absorbed Fugaku's words. "And you believe he means to ally himself with us?" He asked, his tone probing but without judgment.

Fugaku nodded. "Yes. Mirai has made it clear that he does not hold the Uchiha clan responsible."

Setsuna remained silent for a moment, his gaze distant as he weighed the implications.

"His return could indeed shift the balance." Setsuna finally said, his voice softer but no less commanding. "But we must tread carefully. The village is already suspicious of us, and any misstep could lead to further isolation and conflict."

Fugaku, sensing the need to clarify the gravity of the situation, raised his hand to draw the attention of the assembled clan members once more. The room, which had begun to stir with the conclusion of Setsuna's remarks, fell silent again as Fugaku's presence reasserted itself.

"Before we conclude." Fugaku began, his voice firm and steady. "I must issue a warning regarding Namikaze Mirai. While some of you may draw comparisons to his brother, the Fourth Hokage, I urge you to reconsider."

"He is not like his brother." Fugaku continued. "He is more dangerous and unpredictable. While the Fourth was gentle and approachable, Mirai-san has always been known for his fierce determination and willingness to take extreme measures. His actions of attacking the Hokage building, should serve as a clear indication of his methods and mindset."

The room was filled with a tense silence after Fugaku's warning, the gravity of his words sinking in. However, the atmosphere shifted subtly as the aged voice of Uchiha Setsuna broke the silence once more.

"Interesting!" Setsuna murmured, a spark of eagerness flickering in his sharp eyes. Despite his frail stature, there was an unmistakable intensity in his gaze. "It seems this Mirai is as formidable as they say. A man willing to defy the Hokage and attack the Hokage building in broad daylight… such boldness deserves to be witnessed firsthand."

Setsuna's words elicited a palpable spark of interest among the gathered Uchiha. The anticipation in the room was almost tangible, with many clan members exchanging intrigued and excited glances. Fugaku observed this shift and could only sigh inwardly, recognizing the unchanging nature of his clan.

No matter the circumstances, the Uchiha's natural inclination towards strength remained unwavering. This meeting was no different. Fugaku knew that Setsuna's endorsement of Mirai had only heightened their curiosity and eagerness.

In their new home, Naruto's eyes sparkled with excitement as he stared at the table laden with an array of delicious dishes, the centerpiece being a large cake. He could hardly contain his enthusiasm, rubbing his hands together in eager anticipation.

"Wow! This looks amazing!" Naruto exclaimed, his eyes wide. "Why is this dinner tonight uncle?"

Mirai's smile softened as he looked at Naruto. "Tonight, we're celebrating new beginnings, Naruto. And we're also celebrating your past three birthdays, the ones you never got to enjoy."

Naruto's excitement faltered for a moment, replaced by confusion. He looked at Mirai, not knowing how to react. The weight of the words sank in, and his eyes welled up with tears. "I… I never had a birthday party before." he whispered, his voice breaking. "I was always so envious of the other kids."

Mirai reached out and gently placed a hand on Naruto's shoulder. "I know, Naruto. But that changes now. From today onwards, you'll have all the celebrations and happiness you deserve."

Naruto couldn't hold back his tears any longer. He began to sob, the years of loneliness and longing pouring out. Mirai ruffled his hair gently, letting him cry. "It's okay, Naruto. You're not alone anymore. We're family, and I'll make sure you never feel that way again."

After a while, Naruto pulled back, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. He looked at the feast before him with a mix of emotions. "Thank you, uncle! Thank you so much!"

Mirai nodded. "You're welcome Naruto. Now, let's enjoy this feast. Happy birthday, and here's to many more to come."

Mirai placed a candle in the middle of the large cake and lit it. "Alright, Naruto. Close your eyes and make a wish."

Naruto closed his eyes tightly, concentrating hard. After a moment, he opened them, blew out the candle and declared with determination. "I wish to become Hokage and be recognized by everyone!"

Mirai's smile brightened. In Naruto's eyes, he saw the same fiery determination that had defined Minato and Kushina. "That's a wonderful wish, Naruto."

Mirai watched Naruto eagerly devour his cake, the boy's enthusiasm a beacon of hope amidst the dark memories that plagued him. Silently, he made a vow in his heart.

"Naruto!" He thought. "If you truly wish to become the Hokage. You'll have to surpass me first. But know this, I will do everything in my power to pave the way for you, to achieve that dream."

Shaking off his thoughts, Mirai reached under the table and pulled out a small, carefully wrapped box, handing it to Naruto with a smile. Naruto's eyes widened in excitement as he eagerly tore off the wrapping paper, revealing a silver bracelet. The bracelet was beautifully crafted, with three kanji characters engraved on it, the same three words that were inscribed on Minato's kunai - 'Sword of Shinobi's love'.

Mirai said. "This is a bracelet I made for you. These words were on your father's kunai. It represented his conviction."

Naruto's eyes shone with awe he held the bracelet. "This is for me? Thank you, I'll wear it always."

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