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90.12% The 6 Eyes In The Cultivation World / Chapter 73: Wu Xian Jr.? 4

Chapter 73: Wu Xian Jr.? 4

Grand Star Village quickly grew overnight, its laws and sudden changes drew many from far and wide. Before anyone knew it, the village was more than large enough for it to become a city, but for this to be done, they needed the empire's approval.

The village head went on to meet the man from the government and set him on a path of righteousness, and through him, more people within the empire began to support the city's growth.

In days, the city grew so much that the emperor grew scared of this righteous city. Of course, everyone wanted to support this city, mainly those of the lower class. What was more scary was that when they joined, they truly changed their ways becoming righteous and setting off on a path to undo their wrongs.

What can an emperor do when over 99% of his men support someone else more than they supported him? What can an emperor do when the man who was being supported was truly kind, going as far as even forgiving assassins sent to kill him, and opening their eyes?

What can the emperor do when everything he throws at him turns against him and becomes a truly good person? Well, the only answer was to go to see said person in person, and see where to go from there... but he ended up being changed, seeing all of his wrongdoing and changing for the better.

In a matter of 1 week, the whole empire had transformed, with everyone from the poor to the rich working together, coming together to help each other rise, it birthed a powerful force that made everyone uneasy by how united this empire had become. But luckily, the spread of this empire's righteousness had stopped, disappearing with the village.

But everyone shall remember that perfect saint, who had cultivated an aura of such extreme righteousness, that even attacks aiming to take his life ended up changing for the better, turning into attacks which instead protect others, instead of bringing harm to others.

 Anyone who came across him repented, seeing their wrongdoing in a new light... but the day he disappeared... a new religion started. They didn't see him as a god or anything, but they made him out to be a god. If he wasn't good, then who was?

And to that, I would have to disagree with them, I felt like it was an insult to be considered a god... but forget that. After playing my role of being a saint, I moved on to play my role of a villain. 

"So, how would you be evil to the extreme?" Wu Yun asked while we appeared in a new universe, where I began to start making plans.

"Simple, to truly enjoy causing harm. To fully know what you are doing is wrong and messed up, but to simply enjoy it. Simple killing wouldn't do, to be as evil as possible, you should get to know a person, know what they loved most, and crush it before their eyes while they watched on hopelessly. To push them to the deepest part of the abyss, to erase the concept of love, kindness, or whatever within them... to be so demonic, one becomes righteous." I said lightly, causing Wu Yun's eyes to narrow as she thought about it. 

But she needed to see me get to work, so I went on to do just that. Extreme evil isn't based on some concept or value others hold on something. Rape, murder, and such things are what some people see as wrong. But around the world, some people don't see death as anything to fear, and others don't see rape as a big deal. So, what would be pure evil?

Simple really, hit a person where it hurt them most. You were a loyal follower of a god? Attack their faith, force them to go against everything they believed in. and make them hate themselves to such a great level, that they can't even look themselves in the mirror. Do they have those they love deeply? Make them kill them, not by force, but of their own free will.

Push and keep pushing, break them bit by bit. Have them forget what it was like to be happy, make them forget what it was like to be anything, but in pain. Pain so high, that it warps their viewpoint. Making them believe the only way in life is through pain. Pain that would push them to create more people like them, pain that would force them to only be able to find friends in those going through the same thing.

This is extreme evil. To completely warp a person's viewpoints, to the point the heavens can't say anything. If one truly believes what they are doing is the right thing, going as far as to even confuse the heavens... well, what do you call this? Yes, the means these people came to be was as demonic as demonic could be. But they loved each other, they supported each other, and they were there for each other. 

The village they built, stood tall as everyone was equal, they were in pain, and through that pain, they were united. As the world turned their blades towards them, they stood together, for they understood each other, and cared for each other.

It got to the point where the heavens began wondering if the world should be in pain, was this the right path? Luckily, Xiao Lingxi stopped this, or who knows what could have happened.

I only stayed there for 2 weeks, and within that time, I brought pain to everyone I met. Even the evilest of devil path cultivators came to fear me, viewing me as a real devil. But I got to see 2 new sides in life, one through the eyes of an extreme saint, and one through the eyes of an extreme devil.

But what I saw was how there were an infinite number of personalities and experiences for me to gain within this incomplete heavens. It would be a waste for me to leave right now, so I went to the river of reincarnation, 

"Xiao Lingxi," I called out softly, to which Xiao Lingxi appeared after a moment. She looked at me in confusion, not knowing what I wanted. She expected me to play out the role of a saint longer to learn more, but I moved on each time my reach swallowed a whole empire.

"Mind helping me create an infinite number of soul clones to send into the river of reincarnation?" I asked with a smile, causing Xiao Lingxi to go blank for a moment before she nodded in understanding.

"You need experience, so you're taking the route of splitting your soul into mini parts and throwing them out there." She said lightly, to which I nodded lightly. She sighed, as this was the best way. Even me playing the role of a saint, and a devil wouldn't be as good as this. This is because even as a saint and a devil, I was still myself, just looking through different filters. 

But if I could make it so my reincarnations could live different lives, from the best of lives to the most hellish of lives, I could truly gain a limitless amount of experience, a shortcut, that could take me years. Years which I didn't mind waiting

"Give me your soul." She said softly, to which I took a small piece of my soul, and cut it into infinite pieces. I had the souls expend themselves, healing themselves to normal sizes, before Xiao Lingxi took them, sending them off to reincarnate, skipping the line of reincarnation.

She waved her hands, giving all of the souls different karma values, while ensuring they would be one pure universe. After, she looked at me, as that wasn't easy.

"If you want a payment, then I guess I could only marry you," I said lightly, to which her glare sharpened.

"Do you know the effect of your actions? That righteous empire is so righteous, it's changing the world around them. the aura alone is bringing them good fortune, given enough time and the reach of that empire would reach even the immortal realm." She said causing me to be stunned as I didn't know that.

"The devil empire is doing the same, but instead of spreading good, they are spreading pain. They are two extremes of goods and bads that the heavens don't know how to deal with them." She said leaving me quiet, before sighing. Once again, I forgot how big of an impact my actions could have on the world.

The reason I had my reach only reach the empire, was because I didn't want the reach of my actions to go past planets. I was too much for this heavens to hold, and even the smallest acts I made could have such huge waves...

"Sorry," I said lightly while looking towards those two empires, just to find out that something odd had happened. Everything had reverted to normal as if I had never been there.

"I of course erased the fact you were ever there, you thought I would let you walk around doing such nonsense to the heavens?" She asked, with a sneer, to which I blushed in embarrassment,

"What are you going to do while you wait?" She asked, to which I thought for a moment, before looking at Wu Yun.

"What do you want to do?" I asked, to which Wu Yun shrugged lightly.

"I created a technique that allowed me to be all-seeing, I already instantly comprehended all experiences out there. I have nothing to do in this heavens, and for the past 10 years, I had fun exploring. I have nothing I want to do." She said with a shrug,

"But we can try and see if we can start a family, I always wondered what it would be like being a mother." She said lightly, leaving me stunned., and XIao Lingxi pale. If we gave birth to a child, just how freakish would our child be?

"Sure, I don't see why not," I said lightly, I guess I should sit back, with my only responsibility being that of looking after my family or something, It would be a new experience, just a humble father, with a normal job, living in a normal house.

"Oh, you don't have to watch. I don't mind sharing." Wu Yun said with a wink towards Xiao Lingxi, causing her face to turn red in a shake. Wu Yun smirked, since she already had plans to make Wu Yun join the shame, she currently didn't mind if Xiao Lingxi joined or didn't.

Anyway, we left. We went to a parallel earth, which had a fusion of tech and cultivation, although this world seemed to be split into two parts, one for the normal people who had no concept of cultivation, and another being cultivators.

"Really?" Xiao Lingxi said with a blank look, up on seeing where I went. To get to understand me, she had seen what earth was like, and some of the stories I had read there... was I not setting myself up to be the overpowered dad, who left behind a MC son?

"So... I guess we need to first make connections," I said while looking around while standing in the sky, looking down on earth. I looked around for some time, before finding someone with a righteous heart, who in the future would be schemed against and killed by not-so-kind people.

I nodded lightly before taking a step forward, appearing in the future where I appeared in a forest. I looked around for a moment, before turning around as I heard the sound of swords clashing.

"Old man, hand over the treasure." a young man said while running after an old man who was running for his life, while also protecting a box in his hands. His eyes landed on me, and seeing my black jacket and black jeans, he at first thought I was a normal person. But as soon as he realized I had a blindfold on, he knew for sure I wasn't a normal person. But that didn't matter right now.

"Young man, hurry and flee." He said while turning to run away from me, not wanting me to be pulled into his trouble. But did that matter, the young man and his group wouldn't let me off. A dagger shot through the air, shooting towards me, I looked at the dagger for a moment before frowning as it had frozen before my face. The dagger fell powerlessly to the ground, I sighed softly before looking towards the person who had thrown the dagger, Helian Xun was currently pulling his heart out of his chest.

"What? missed me?" I asked with a smile, to which she sneered while ignoring everyone there.

"I lost our bet, and now I will follow you. Sooner or later, I will be able to force you to go all out... and the best time is when you're able to control that will of yours. Until then, I accept I'm weaker." Helian Xun said with a sigh,

"You do understand I came here to sit back and start a family right? Well, I did warn you I would marry you if you kept it up. Now I have no choice but to put a ring on you." I said with a smile, causing Helian Xun to pause, followed by her face turning slightly red.

"On that note, I should get married before I start a family. You two stay here, I need to go do a few things, after I return, I shall marry you both." I said, to which Hleian Xun's face turned redder, while Wu Yun who couldn't be seen by anyone else but us, raised an eyebrow.

"Who said I wanted to marry you... I reject you... yes, you have been rejected by me." Helian Xun said in joy, realizing she had finally rejected me.

"Okay... I will just marry Wu Yun." I said with a smile, making Helian Xun frown, she wanted a bigger reaction. She glared at me hatefully, that smile truly annoyed her.

"If you don't marry me..." She said coldly, she didn't know what she would do, but she would do it. This left not only me but Wu Yun and the other guys at the side speechless... did she not just reject me?

"Well, if you want me to marry you so much... I guess I have no choice." I said with a shrug, making Helian Xun want to kick someone. Her killing intent spread out for a moment, but she calmed down. Ever since she learned to use other emotions to fuel her killing intent, it had gotten harder for her to control her killing intent. Every emotion she had made her want to kill. 

She was happy? She wanted to slaughter. She was Sad? She wanted to slaughter. She was disgusted? she wanted to slaughter. She was fearful? she wanted to slaughter... maybe a life of being normal might help her relax.

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