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79.01% The 6 Eyes In The Cultivation World / Chapter 64: The Fairy Realm

Chapter 64: The Fairy Realm

God Mountain, was the biggest mountain under the heavens. In the past, there used to be a palace that belonged to the gods. It was where the council of gods, devils, and primordial met. But it was destroyed with the end of the primordial era, and ever since no one could near this mountain.

Only being above the Immortal Sovereign could near the mountain, but with this heaven sealed away, who could come close to that mountain? 

Yet at this moment, a majestic palace was on top of this mountain. It suited the seemingly endless mountain since the palace gave off the air of being endless. Those skilled in formation seeing this palace would be charmed, this is because every part of this palace was placed in such a skilled way, that it brought out 100% of this palace's beauty, at the same time, it also had Infinity being channeling around it, making it unreachable...

Due to the return of the gods, devils, and primordials, this heaven had reclaimed its title of the highest heaven in name only. In due time, heaven would reclaim its former level of Qi and the number of experts, it just needed time.

"Nice..." I said while looking at the Limitless Symbol which was blood red. This was going to be the symbol for the Limitless Slaughter Hall.

Helian Xun just snorted at my words. I gave all of the hall masters the task of creating a unique symbol for their hall. Of course, each had to have the Limitless Symbol within, and in the holes of each Symbol would be my beautiful blue eyes. This was so that I could have eyes everywhere.

The Limitless Pill Hall had its unique symbol, that would make it so anyone would get the pills through secondhand means, or other such means would find that the pill was unreachable for them.

"Now, I have better things to do." She said with a snort before walking off. I ignored her while putting the symbol to the side for Xia Qingyue to get later.

"Well, I should get going to the fairy realm," I said with a sigh, a few months have gone by, and Limitless had already made huge waves in the past few days. The first thing we did once the organization was built was a hunt for all of the organization members who had ascended.

But not everyone was lucky upon ascending to the immortal realm, some became slaves, some were tortured for all of their information, while others had their souls searched. Some even became sex slaves as their beauty stood out amongst those of the same realm, causing many to lust after them.

The punishment for harming my people was simple... a fate worse than death. The punishment hall was responsible for the task of passing on judgment, but since Qin Wentian was currently dealing with his things, Jasmine took over.

The punishment was simple, since they did the crime, they had to do the time. They had to suffer pain, pain so great it would leave them in a catatonic state. Pain so great, that after the hell was over, their hair turned white, with their body ever shaking, unable to forget that pain they went through.

The pain was for everyone, everyone who had a hand in this must pay the price, with the power backing them being erased... No one died, for living with knowledge and experience of that pain was a cruel fate. Many took their own life, unable to forget that pain. Many died from the pain, and the list went on.

Other than that, we had begun loaning out money to others, to say the least, those who took a loan didn't dare to miss their payments.

"What?" Helian Xun asked frowning hearing I was going to the fairy realm, after all, that was where Yun Yun was, and since Yun Yun was my life partner, she could understand why I was heading there.

"What?" I asked back with a mocking smile, which annoyed Helian Xun. She knew that Yun Yun was 100% my type... she looked like a female version of myself. Well, that's what she believed, I didn't see it. I just thought Yun Yun was a beautiful woman. She had beautiful blue eyes and beautiful white hair. She also had an outstanding figure, 100% my type.

"I'm coming." Helian Xun said calmly, causing me to frown while looking at her.

"Since Jasmine can't follow you around, it has to be me to come with you to protect you. Xia Qingyue is busy with her mother, and also is dealing with the fact she will divorce Yun Che later... that leaves me, Feng Xue'er, and the Little Demon Empress..." Helian Xun went quiet, not knowing what to say past that.

Feng Xue'er the daughter of the Divine Phoenix Emperor was too nice and pure, she didn't fit the task. The Little Demon Empress on the other hand was too arrogant and might be the one who tried to kill me... so that left her, but she might also try and kill me.

"Those two are not suited for the task, but since I'm only second to you in strength, plus the fact I'm loyal to the job... although I hate you, I have no choice but to follow you out." Helian Xun said with a sigh as if she was being forced to do this.

"Oh, is this a tsundere act?" I asked, causing a vein to grow on her forehead... but shockingly, she didn't lash out, as she stood there like a soldier.

"Whatever..." I said with a sigh before getting up, as the master of Limitless, I was nothing more than a normal human at this moment. We headed out of the guild, before jumping into a ship, which shot off towards the fairy realm...

The fairy realm, was currently not in good condition, ever since the seal was opened, many powerful beings had begun to eye the fairies... there were many reasons for this, for one the fairy race's unique ability to guide, and second, the fairy race could be used in alchemy to create the Reality Bending pill.

The fairies existed within a state of reality and dreams, meaning in one step, they could enter the spiritual realm, and the reality realm. The fairy realm was in fact in such a state, so they were extremely valuable in the eyes of many, and it's why the fairy king liked to make connections with everyone so he could have protection.

But with the passageway to the other heavens opening up, and the gods, devils, and primordials, many wanted to enslave the fairies. Of course, the fairies from the other heavens tried to move to protect these fairies, but they found they didn't need to as Yun Yun showed everyone just how much of a freak she was.

She copied the many Supreme Dao, and even other laws like Luan Xun, mine, and Helian Xun laws, these came together to make her unstoppable, forcing everyone away. They were of course unwilling to let such a freak keep existing, so they were currently getting ready to launch a wave of attacks at her to kill her... until they saw some handsome white-haired man entering the Fairy realm to visit her. 

"Couldn't you have come after I had my fun?" Yun Yun asked with a faint smile, it's been a long time since she had fun. With her power to instantly comprehend everything, she was even able to instantly comprehend a Supreme Dao, gaining the power of a Supreme God-level existence. 

Of course, this was all through comprehension. If she tried to channel the power of her understanding into her body, she would die, as her body was extremely weak. All she could do was launch this stuff out, not daring to try and hold it in.

"I just finished doing my work, and for the upcoming few years, I have nothing to do," I said with a smile while taking a seat on a flower. 

"Oh... so, should we get married?" She asked, causing Helian Xun to frown. Yun Yun ignored her, her attention fully on me. She wanted to get married, and since she had accepted the fact she would join my harem, she wasn't going to go back on that just because Luan Xing disappeared.

"Not feeling it right now, just because fate said we are suited for each other, doesn't mean I would agree," I said with a smile, to which Yun Yun rolled her eyes.

"Then let's go, I can leave the fairy realm so long as we are together." Yun Yun said with bright eyes, for the longest she was in the fairy realm, only able to project her mind elsewhere around the immortal realm. But even that had its limit, but now she could finally step out.

"Really? This is a realm that exists within the spiritual realm, I wanted to enjoy myself here." I said with a sigh, to which Yun Yun pouted lightly, but she nodded lightly. She jumped off her flower before she suddenly shrank down to the size of a palm, with wings growing on her back. This was her fairy form.

She didn't bother to ask, as she went on to sit on my shoulders. I didn't mind and got up, and went on to go to explore the fairy realm. I didn't explore the fairy realm as I had come here straight away.

"Nice..." I said while looking at the world of flowers, trees, beautiful rivers, ponds, deer, and so on. It was a world of nature, a world filled with endless beauty. It was something out of a dream, it looked fake, for everything here in a way was fake.

Yun Yun didn't react to the sight, after all, she had seen this for the past 6 years, meanwhile, Helian Xun and I had to stop to enjoy the beauty and smell the roses. 

"I see... this realm is the collection of the dreams of everyone in this heaven?" I asked to which Yun Yun nodded.

"Unlike other realms which have an endless number of realms, this doesn't. There is the nightmare realm, the paradise realm, and so on. Even that Limitless Dream you created down in the lower realm is here, you just have to find it. pretty much, all forms of dreams in some way shape, or form are linked here, therefor there is no realm king here, but we fairies do gain the benefits of a realm King without the need to be one." She said to which I nodded lightly,

"Pretty much, if I destroy this realm, it's like killing the concept of dreams?" I asked to which she nodded lightly. I rubbed my chin, going on to explore the world of dreams... if I studied this place, Blue might be able to grow stronger.

"I already improved Your blue." Yun Yun said, seemingly knowing what I was thinking. I looked at her in confusion, so she just gave me the newly improved Limitless.

"I improved it seeing your battle with that crazy woman there." Yun Yun said while looking at Helian Xun who glared at her. But Helian Xun acted like a soldier and didn't react.

'I see...' I thought while looking at the newly improved technique. For one, Infinity can now be used on my HP. Unlike when I created an imaginary infinity and boosted my infinity, I can now just improve the quality of my HP. In other words, attacks that would do 10 damage on me, would do infinity 0.000...0010 damage to me.

When Blue is used, even if my HP reaches Zero, I can keep fighting with negative HP. Blue when used on space, creates negative space or pretty much creates a void. This Negative HP was something that should be impossible, think of it as in a game, where your avatar's HP reaches 0... but the avatar keeps fighting even past death. No matter how low the HP gets, they never stop fighting,

Of course, this negative HP stuff would make it so the heavens try to erase me. This is where Red comes in. Turning that Negative HP into a positive, meaning I could use the reverse curse technique on that damage, making it not only heal me but improve my health.

Lastly, the clash between Red and Blue creates Purple. When used on my HP, Negative and Positive come together, creating an imaginary HP. This Imaginary HP was far more powerful than the one I used to create, for this was truly an imaginary HP, making all damage I take... imaginary.

This new Limitless also went as far as affecting other stuff, like energy, strength, resistance, and so on. But best of all, it gave Blue Omni Attraction, and Red has Omni Repell, meaning that they could truly pull and push everything, and when come together, everything could truly be erased.

This meant Infinity could now only be crossed by something of a greater infinity and nothing else below it or equal to it.

"I Didn't think of that..." I said while looking at the negative HP part,

"I got that from seeing hackers back on your earth, I saw how some hacks allowed people to keep playing even with their HP past 0." She said with a smile, making me look at her slightly. She had been studying to expand her creativity. 

"Nice," I said with a smile,

"So, how do you plan to pay me back?" She asked, catching me off guard as I didn't know what she meant by that. Yun Yun smiled, making my face change, she flew off my body.

"H-hey? What are you thinking?" I asked with unease on my face, Yun Yun's body grew, taking on her human form, and causing her wings to disappear. She waved her hand, and to the shock of Helian Xun, her instincts didn't kick in, leading to her being teleported randomly elsewhere within the immortal realm without being given the chance to resist.

"Did you think you're worthy of making me wait? What I want, I take. You love me, and I love you... so what's with the nonsense?" She said while pulling me into her arms. I wanted to say something, but she shut me up with a kiss.

The Kiss caused me to widen my eyes, this kiss was no less enjoyable to Luan Xing it felt even better. My hands subconsciously wanted to wrap around Yun Yun, but I stopped myself and tried to push myself off her. I was strong enough to overpower her, even if I had limited myself to human-level strength, she was still weaker than me...

My world flipped before I found myself on the ground. My eyes widened as Yun Yun sat on top of me, her hands intertwining with my hands. Her clothing was nowhere to be seen, leaving behind an enchanting sight that made my eyes want to break free from my control as they wanted to scan this enchanting beauty.

"What do you think? Should we start?" She asked while lowering her body on top of mine. I hesitated, not knowing what to say. She was 100% my type, but why was I rejecting this?

"You keep rejecting me because of some nonsense with fate... it kind of annoys me off. Isn't cultivation all about going against fate? To be the strongest means the ultimate level of freedom. You want me, so take me... I'm not doing this when you're at your full strength, I wouldn't be able to handle it with my current body. Hate me or not, I'm not stopping." She said causing me to sigh softly.

Indeed, I wasn't sure if I wanted to marry her. The heavens pretty much pointed her out towards me, which made me unwilling. Who was the heavens to decide anything for me? Were the heavens worthy? 

All of this came together to make me question something... do I have free will? Was everything that was happening right now fated to happen? If someone cut their fate and broke free from the strings of fate, were they not fated to do that? Does that mean there is a greater fate out there?

If you are reading a story about someone who broke free from fate, were they not always fated to break free from fate? Were they not playing at fate's hands? If that story doesn't end there, doesn't it mean the said person is still in fate's hands?

If there are greater concepts, are there greater fates? Let's for a moment look at an anime called Naruto. Who were the masterminds in Naruto? There was a guy called Pain, let's say he was controlling fate. But there was someone called Obito controlling his fate in the background, but someone was controlling Obito Fate, and even that person was being controlled by someone else.

What if Fate was like that, puppet strings on top of puppet strings... but Yun Yun was right, cultivation was all about going against fate. I like it, so I shall take it. But at the end of the day, no matter how many layers of puppet strings, I shall break past them all. I was going to be the strongest, not because I was fated to, but because that's the only place I belonged.

Yun Yun's eyes widened as she found herself being pinned under me.

"Interesting, after today you're all mine," I said with a smile, to which she snorted lightly, unwilling to accept that.

"At most equals." She said unwillingly, I frowned slightly. This woman was too prideful, 

"Fine... first one to tap out is the loser," I said with narrowed eyes, to which her eyes narrowed. Although I fully mastered my body, she also had full mastery of her body once she saw how I had full mastery of my body.

"You think without the Limitless you can defeat me like this?" She asked with a sneer, 100% sure she would win.

"I don't know the meaning of losing," I said forgetting all of my losses. She smirked, accepting the challenge, so the hardest battle of my life begun.

Fun Fact, This is MC's first time, be it in this life or the last. In his past life, he never bothered for love, but in this new life... well, the gateway to this new field of pleasure was opened...


Who would have MC's first child? Is it...

A. Yun Yun- The Fairy Girl

B. Helian Xun - The Dragon Slaughter Girl

C. Xia Qingyue- The Ice Empress

D. Xiao Lingxi - The Heavens

E. Jasmine - The Red Hair Loli

F. Luan Xing - The Most Beautiful Woman

G. All Of Above + More

H. None Of Above. It's Someone Else.

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