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3.7% The 6 Eyes In The Cultivation World / Chapter 3: Red Rilver Village 3

Chapter 3: Red Rilver Village 3

The cultivation stages went as Houtian. this was the first stage of cultivation, to those common people, there were only 9 levels, each 3 levels focused on something different parts.

1st Order to 3rd Order - Tempers the Muscles (Early Houtian)

4th Order to 6th Order - Refines the Tendons (Middle Houtian)

7th Order to 9th Order - Tempers the Bones (Late Houtian)

There was a level above the 9th order, which was the 10th order. But not everyone can reach it, one needs to have a strong foundation to reach such a level. At this level, one tempers the whole body from the skeletons, eyeballs, brain, and heart. it was possible to skip this realm, but they would be weaker than those who of course reached level 10, and at the same time, their future breakthroughs would be harder.

What I did was reach level 12 Houtian. At level 10, I tempered my whole body. But this got me thinking of why there weren't 3 levels for the whole body. there was one for the muscles, tendons, and bones, yet nothing for the whole body. So, I did some tests and, I quickly found out it was possible... but it was painful.

At 11th level Houtian, It was hell. I was crying from the pain, but I managed to break through to such a level that led to me enraging the heavens.

At 12th level Houtian, I failed to break through many times due to the fact I kept fainting from the pain. I also had to take breaks due to fear of damaging my brain from all of this, but after months of hard work, I managed to break through to level 12, which enraged the heavens even more so than when I reached 11th-level Houtian.

These breakthroughs boosted my capabilities, and it only grew more noticeable when I reached Xiantian.

To reach Xiantian, one has to create a Qi sea within their dantian. At Houtian one doesn't draw power from within but from the Qi around them. they have to absorb it into their body before they can use it for techniques or to boost their physique capability.

1st Order to 3rd Order - Early Order Xiantian. 

4th Order to 6th Order - Mid Order Xiantian. 

7th Order to 9th Order - High Order Xiantian. 

10th Order - Peak Order Xiantian

At Xiantian, one Qi takes the form of a mist or a gas. But due to the high amount of Qi within, one can turn that Qi into things like metal and other things. Although they would disappear after some time. each level measures how much Qi is within the dantian.

There was a limitation set on the Sea Qi as it couldn't hold too much Qi. each level in Xiantian breaks through these limits. of course, filling up the Sea Qi to its limits was for the best, before every breakthrough. There were ways to increase the limits of your Qi sea size other than through breakthroughs, but that would need treasures and other such things.

At Xiantian, the paths of cultivation are also cut into two paths. There is the Qi path and the body path.

The Qi path would focus on improving the Qi within the dantian. this dantian can be used to boost one's physique strength, speed, durability, and many other things. The only thing it can't do is boost your mental capability, or anything related to minds.

The body paths would allow one to cultivate their body. This would allow the body to grow stronger, and some even allow the body to be able to endure the most powerful of blows without a single scratch. While Qi can run out, those on the body path can fight for a long time. Body cultivation arts are rare, normally people take drugs that could boost the body, but the whole continent doesn't have such a thing as a body tempering art. They also have a longer lifespan than others.

I was talented, honestly, everything I had today was due to mainly my capability. The 6 eyes, the limitless plus a brighter mind was what was gifted to me from birth. all led to me bringing out my creativity. I studied many things, and the first thing I started off doing was mastering my energy control.

Yes, the 6 eyes give me high levels of energy control... but I realized I could keep improving my energy control. For one, I took a concept from an anime I watched, a practice known as Tree Walking Practice. It is when one gathers energy into the bottom of their feet and walks up a tree without hands.

It sounds simple due to how amazing my energy control was... but you would be wrong. the 6 eyes gave me the power to control energy down to the atomic level, but even I needed to take time to learn how to manipulate energy in such a way as walking up trees without hands. I of course made some mistakes, but managed to master this within a few hours.

After this, I got to walk on water before I went on to walk on air before I walked on space. I know, it's crazy to think about. but I managed to improve my energy control to such a high level that I brought out my full potential. Walking on space was such a strange concept, but thanks to the Limitless, I had a high understanding of space. This allowed me to pretty much fly around.

Watching the anime Jujutsu Kaisen, I was always annoyed by the fact Gojo wasn't as strong as he should have been.

Neutral Limitless: Infinity is the base state of the Limitless and is essentially the power to stop. The Limitless technique operates the same way convergent and divergent sequences do in mathematics. The Infinity is the convergence of an immeasurable series, anything that approaches the infinity slows down and never reaches the user. This is because the technique takes a finite amount of space between the two subjects and divides it an infinite amount of times.

In mathematics, no matter how many times someone divides a number it will never be reduced to zero. Instead, they will be left with fractional units so infinitesimal it would become immeasurable to their eye. The Limitless brings this concept into reality, so anything that attempts to penetrate this infinitely divided space will slow down to the point of appearing to stop completely.

Infinity exists everywhere. for one, how many infinities exist within a meter? between 0 and 1 meter, there existed an infinite upon infinite upon infinite, upon infinite numbers of infinities. 

I wanted to be able to bring out all infinities, making me truly untouchable by all things that try to reach me. But this needed me to face everything to train the limitless to affect everything.

Oh... I can also cultivate the 6 eyes. As I temper the 6 eyes and my mind, the stronger they shall be. Sadly, I needed to study body cultivation to improve my body. for the time being, my 6 eyes can't be improved.

"what's with that look?" Xia Qingyue opened her eyes, she was happy but seeing the look on my face, she frowned.

"Nothing," I said in annoyance while eating an apple. Xia Qingyue blinked slightly, before understanding what was happening. Before she was taught the way to reach the 11th Houtian, I had told her it took me 1 whole month of harsh pain to reach that level. yet she did it in one night and wasn't in that much pain.

"It also hurt..." Xia Qingyue softly. it did hurt, she had to grit her teeth through the pain. but she couldn't say anything seeing me take a mad bite out of an apple.

"... thank you for the technique even though you didn't have to." Xia Qingyue said softly. Many times I had to destroy my cultivation and start over due to mistakes. due to how I wasn't talented, I had to create a technique that could store my cultivation after I destroy it, and await me to draw upon it. thanks to my mastery of energy control, I didn't waste any of my energy during this.

"Whatever," I said while getting up to leave, 

"Wait... how are you so powerful? Even with the 11th and 12th Houtian, skipping two realms should still be impossible." She said softly, to her someone with Trash talent shouldn't be so powerful.

"Under the same realm, i'm the strongest. That means realm, not level." I said calmly, indeed just that, skipping two realms should be impossible. but I had the 6 eyes, the limitless, and my cultivation art. Plus, I had created other techniques. Yes, I was limited to the limitless, but there were ways around that.

When I made my wish, I fully knew I could do what I wanted. Even in my past life, I was a man with a strong will, and also a genius. I fully believe that the mind is the most powerful thing a person can have...

"... the name is Xia Qingyue by the way." She said softly, I turned to look at her with a raised eyebrow for a moment, before speaking.

"Wu Xian," I said before I left, leaving Xia Wingyue lost in thought. Chu Yueli watched her disciple and looked back at me with a complex look, not knowing what to say.

I didn't pay them much attention and went on to find a peaceful spot to work on my cultivation art. My cultivation art was known as The Limitless Cultivation Art.

At Houtian, this technique tempers the body to levels unmatched. it needed one to have such high levels of energy control or else they would risk death. I tempered myself down to the atomic level... no, not the atomic level, the subatomic level since my eyes grew stronger, leading to their abilities growing sharper.

I read through many novels in my past life, and even read through many cultivation arts for Houtian in this realm. In the end, I created the Limitless to temper my body to such a level that I was extremely powerful. I pushed it even more by having my body become like a lifeless tree.

My physical body would be like that of a dead tree, and even after being struck by a sword, the body would not bleed, nor would the essential life force be damaged. This on top of my overpowered durability, I could stand still before anyone at level 5 Core formation and below, and not be injured.

For Xiantian, the Sea Qi is boosted. Taking the principle of the Neutral Limitless: Infinity, I wanted to try and hold an endless amount of energy within my dantian... but that was dangerous. if I fainted or something, then things could go bad.

Instead, I had to do something different. I would expand my Qi Sea endlessly, and absorb a lot of Qi into my Qi sea, before having my Qi sea return to normal. this hurt. When I said that it hurts, I wasn't joking. The pain was too much to put into words, all I could do was lay on the ground, unable to move from the pain.

But this forced my Qi sea to grow and adapt. thanks to the fact I slowly turned the Qi sea to normal, it caused it to grow to unmatched levels until I felt like I couldn't take the pain anymore. the extra energy was released before I broke through. I did this for every level up to the 11th Xiantian. So yes... my willpower was powerful, but how?

Well, I realized that for my plans to happen, I needed a strong will. So, in my free time, I tried to see if I could manipulate my spirit. This was hard as mind-related abilities were hard to find, and leaving the continent wasn't simple, so I had to sit back and be creative about this.

Thats when I remembered about the storage ring. To see inside a storage ring, one needed to send their mind into it. of course, this took training... so why couldn't I use such a concept?

Well, it worked. It took some time, but I managed to control my spirit. After this, I had to find out how to temper my spirit. What was better than pain? I had to take some time to study how the spirit react to pain, too much pain and the spirit would be damaged, but with the right amount of pain, the spirit could adapt and grow. adding a spirit cultivation art on top of this, and the spirit can take on all damage and grow.

Now, I can take on all types of pain without a flitch... well, not all. If the pain I felt today was the same pain I felt at the 11th Houtian, I would die. My mind would shatter and die under such pain...

Well, enough explaining stuff. I went on to start creating the cultivation art for Qi Condensation. I could be seen just writing on paper, before I destroyed it, and moved on to a new plan.

'Looks like I can't do both in the same realm, I would have to hold off creating an inner world for some time.' Days later, I sighed while looking at the paper in front of me. It looked like for each realm, it was best I put all of my attention on the realm's main reason for existing, or risk not bringing out the full potential of said realm.

"Do you not eat?" A voice broke me out of my deep thoughts, I already knew who it was. My sharp senses already knew who it was. I turned back to look at Xia Qingyue, who came to stand over the tree I stood under. In her hands was a bag, which I ignored.

"Even someone in Xiantian needs food." She said softly.

"I mastered my body long ago, my body doesn't waste energy on anything," I said calmly, I trained my 6 eyes to even affect my body's energy, meaning on just one apple, I can go for hundreds of years or more without trouble.

"thats... impressive." She said softly while sitting down next to me. I looked at her with a blank look, before I smiled.

"Don't tell me, did you miss me or something?" I asked with a smile, annoying Xia Qingyue, but as she had frozen her emotions, she didn't show much emotion.

"I came to thank you... tried spending more time with my parents, at least before I left to try and become an immortal. and indeed, I have missed out." She said while looking towards the village up ahead.

"My dad doesn't have the talent for cultivation, and I realize that he will not be here in a few years... the same for my brother." She said softly, she was the only one born with some talent in her family.

"... someone like you can't stay in this small pond for long. What are your plans?" She asked to which I rested my hands on the back of my head.

"There are countless other continents out there waiting for me to pay them visits. I will be leaving to gain more knowledge. I'm not talented like you, so I have to put in more effort than others." I said with a smile, leaving Xia Qingyue to look at me for some time,

"Hey, don't fall in love with me. At least buy me dinner." I said with a smirk, causing her face to twist in annoyance. She looked away, scared that she might swing her sword out at someone.

"Oh my... are you hiding your blush from me?" I asked while covering my mouth, causing veins to cover her forehead.

"Thats so cute, to think the cold beauty would be so shy. so cute," I said as if I was talking to a child, causing Xia Qingyue to turn around and throw the bag in her hands at me. but the bag paused in front of me, unable to reach me.

"Oh? a Tsundere?" I asked with shocked eyes, Xia Qingyue gritted her teeth while pointing at me, she wanted to speak, but no words came to her tongue. Her face was bright red, causing me to blink.

"I never seen anyone blush so hard. Your face is bright red... but no wonder you hide your face. Your blush isn't so cute. which only makes it cuter." I said making Xia Qingyue almost faint out of rage. She threw me a death glare before walking away,

"You forgot your bag, or was this some type of gift to show me your love?" I asked while opening the bag, just to see food within. but it was pulled out of my hands by Xia Qingyue,

"Don't touch my stuff." She said angrily, before leaving.

"You cooked for me? already acting like my future wife." I said almost making Xia Qingyue fall over. She stumped her feet away, while I laughed while going on to try and complete the cultivation art for the next realm. this was something I wanted to do long before I could reach the next realm. I should reach level 12 Xiantian within 2 weeks if I can find a large amount of energy. if not, then it could take me years to reach such a realm.

Time passed, and soon the marriage happened. It was such a huge event that happened, and luckily for Yun Che, no one dared to bully him seeing how I beat up a cultivator to protect him.

It was a beautiful wedding, although Xia Qingyue was cold through it all. What followed was that the two spent a night together, yet Yun Che could only sleep on the ground while Xia Qingyue took the bed. although Yun Che did manage to touch her, using his medical skills to give her Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins... well, that was what he said, but in truth, he used a treasure.

Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins are something that is achieved when all 54 veins are opened. Having these veins means that the person's speed of cultivation, flow, gathering, and release of energy is brought to a higher level, as if they work under different laws, allowing one's veins to ascend to a realm above 'human'. There would also be no limit to any skill practiced and they will never hit a bottleneck in strength.

In the Blue Wind Continent, these veins have never been seen before because a person will naturally have a large number of veins blocked at birth. It is extremely difficult to open veins. Most cultivators can open 2 to 4 veins on their own in their entire life, while even the most genius of doctors can at most open up to 5.

Fundamentally, all the 54 veins must be opened to obtain the Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins. even if one is still closed, there would at least be a 50% difference in cultivation speed, channeling speed, and gathering speed between a person who has 53 veins and one who developed the Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins.

Yun Che can impart the most superior version of Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins due to the power of the Sky Poison Pearl. The heavenly artifact not only opens the veins but also completely purifies them, making the profound strength of the owner impeccably pristine.

"Did you reach the 11th Houtian like that man?" Yun Che asked stunning Xia Qingyue who was lying flat on her stomach, while he stood over her.

"Yes, Wu Xian passed onto me the way to reach it. I can't give it to you." She said emotionlessly, Yun Che thought for some time before nodding. 

"There is more to this right?" He asked, but Xia Qingyue shook her head, unwilling to say more. Yun Che thought for some time, before looking towards where the man with the blindfold should be.

"As thanks... I can ask him to pass it on to you. Judging by his character, he would accept the deal so long as you can also purify his veins like me. This is something he created on his own, giving him the power to skip 2 realms." Xia Qingyue said stunning not just him, but even the woman within the Sky Poison Pearl

"He is a genius, his talent might be black-grade..." Xia Qingyue didn't say anything else, lost in her thoughts. Yun Che was also in his thoughts,

'Go and get the technique,' The woman in the Sky Poison Pearl said, making Yun Che frown slightly. He was slightly unwilling, but as someone who wanted to reach the peak, then it was something he would go do.

So, he finished up with Xia Qingyue, and although he wanted to take advantage of her, the fact Xia Qingyue wasn't having it, gave him no choice but to behave. After all of this, he stepped outside and went out of the village. He was only at level 4 Houtian, he had just started cultivation, so it was to be expected

It took a moment, but soon he walked up a hill, where on top, I sat back, looking at the beautiful full moon in the sky.

"I don't mind giving you the way to reach 11th and 12 Houtian, I can even give you the way to reach 11th and 12 Xiantian," I said calmly without bothering to look down at Yun Che, who was slightly stunned that I guessed what he was here for.

"what do you want in return? I don't believe you would be so nice to hand it out." He said while stopping before me, closely sizing me up.

"Not really, I don't care if many people learn this technique or not. I don't fear having rivals, I alone would stand at the peak of this world, it's a fact." I said with a shrug, at this Yun Che said nothing.

"But since it holds such huge weight to others, I don't mind using it. I could have you tell me about that soul in your arms. or maybe the treasure that has bonded with you, maybe that unique powerful bloodline," I said making Yun Che grow tense.

"Look at you, you wouldn't even be able to blink if I made my move right now. But luckily for you, I don't take from the weak. It's below me." I said with a smile, which annoyed Yun Che slightly, but he relaxed.

"I'm sure that soul has told you I have trash talent, which is 100% true. So, I have to use everything I have to speed up my cultivation speed. Currently, I only have 12 veins opened." I said while standing up, and walking towards Yun Che. Yun Che didn't take a step back, and not even a hint of fear appeared in his eyes. Even as I brought my face so close to his it looked like we might kiss.

"3 requests. opening my veins is going to be the first. second, the soul within gives me all types of knowledge on cultivation. And it has to make an oath to only give me the truth and it all. I don't care if she is even an immortal." I said with a smile, to which Yun Che stepped back slightly.

"You can hear me." a girl's voice entered my ears... well, it didn't as I had to hear into the Sky Poison Pearl.

"of course little girl. Do we have a deal? I saw you when you appeared a week ago. it's the main reason I came all this way." I asked making the 13-year-old girl stunned for a moment, she bit her lips for some time, before speaking.

"I don't have that many cultivation arts." She said to which I shrugged.

"then add other arts. on top of knowledge of every realm. Since I plan to add an extra 2 levels to every realm I enter." I said with a smile,

"then... how about you give us the way to reach past the peak for every realm you reach?" She asked to which I shook my head.

"I don't take losses. the deal is for Houtian and Xiantian. nothing more, and nothing less. If you want the rest I would create, you have to offer something up at that time." I said making her a bit annoyed

She gritted her teeth for some time, and after a few minutes, Yun Che walked down the hill with a paper in his hands, which held the way to reach the 11th and 12th Houtian and Xiantian. I on the other hand sat back, going through the countless techniques and arts in my mind.

'Sigh, I guess I have to return home.' I thought while closing my eyes, waiting for morning to come so I could return to the sect... wait, I have to stop by a few other villages. I sighed softly, since I wasn't one to half-assly do my job, I had to hit up those villages...

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