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20% Naruto : God Amongst Shinobi / Chapter 5: Chapter 5 : Chakra seal

Chapter 5: Chapter 5 : Chakra seal

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. The only thing I own is a bag of ideas and a bit of inspiration.



[What isn't known is that once chakra is properly circulated or activated, some part of spiritual and physical energy will keep leaking into the chakra network, effectively overfilling it a little causing the chakra network to widen over time.]

'So why isn't it happening to me?'

[Because of T̶͔́ĕ̶̮̭͝n̷̡̯̽́k̴͇̇à̶̟̋î̴͉̟ energy. It isn't letting your energies leak into your chakra excessively.]

Ren grasped his head as he felt a strong headache.

[Danger detected. Restricting all related information until further notice.]

Ren felt his headache start to fade away. 'What was that !? I almost felt my head explode.'

[That was this world almost treating you like a disease. Information regarding that is restricted, you are advised not to seek that information until further notice.]

Ren was just about to question further but now restrained himself still remembering his headache.

'Then how am I supposed to get stronger, If I can't grow my chakra reserves?'

[If the energies don't seep through by themselves, you need to force the energies to do it. But that method is time-consuming so, for now, you need to achieve something else if you wish to pass the graduation exam.]

'Can't I just store chakra in a chakra seal and then use it to refill my chakra reserves?'

[That is what I was going to suggest. Though it is a bit inefficient .]

'But where do I buy a chakra seal from? Those are all extremely expensive and right now I cannot afford them'

[You will make them yourself. I can provide you with the basics of fuinjutsu as I did with the other chakra theory. Still, I cannot give anything higher till you increase your achievement level in this world so that you are a bit more connected to this world to avoid detection by this world's system.]

Ren nodded but now understood why he had been asked to draw lines for a year. Though Ren did worry if he could learn fuinjutsu in 5 months but decided to put that thought out of his mind.

************ The next day******************

Ren stood in front of a shop called Twin Dragon Ninja Tools. 'Please, have everything I need.' thought Ren as this was the 4th shop he was visiting to buy fuinjutsu-related things, all other shops seemed to have ready-made seals or nothing related to fuinjutsu at all.

After the destruction of the Uzushiogakure, it seemed that fuinjutsu had been on the decline and its practitioners were rare so only storage seals for items etc were mainly produced and used.

Ren entered the shop and looked at the shopkeeper who was a bit tanned and muscular. "Do you have fuinjutsu creation supplies?" asked Ren to the man who looked a bit surprised but nevertheless nodded and went back to the back of the shop to bring it.

Just then another person entered the room. Ren looked to his side to see a Redhead enter the room. Ren's eyes lit up in recognition but he turned ahead and avoided looking at her. Akane came and stood next to Ren waiting for the shopkeeper to come.


Ren felt the awkward silence but relaxed a bit when the shopkeeper came back with a box and laid it on the table.

"What is the range you are looking for?" asked the man professionally without thinking much of Ren's age.

Ren thought for a bit and decided to buy the cheap set for now, as he was practising and then later when he would try to create the chakra storage seal for real, he could buy some good quality chakra ink and other things.

"I will take the cheapest set for now. Please include all the brushes for writing calligraphy too." Ren added as he knew brushes weren't normally included in the set.

This made Akane glance a bit surprised at Ren ' Eh? Is this person learning Fuinjutsu?' thought Akane as she noticed the fuinjutsu supplies but Ren didn't seem to be wearing any clan emblem

'Maybe, he is a genin and his sensei is teaching him.' thought Akane as she knew that Fuinjutsu had become an obscure art that was only practised nowadays by some people in the shinobi clans.

"Okay... Here take it the sum will be 5000 yen but pay 4700 in total including the discount as you are shopping here for the first time." Said the shopkeeper to Ren and then turned toward Akane

"Ah Akane, how can I help you?" asked the man to Akane who replied with " Higurashi-san, I want to issue a custom order for kunai "

Ren had already taken out the money and gave it to Higurashi as he felt that the amount was agreeable enough and that he was not getting scammed.

Ren walked out of the shop with his hands heavy and pockets lighter than before.

It wasn't long before Ren arrived at his house, he dropped off the items he bought and started to exercise as it was still way too early to sleep.

He began with his usual routine of 20 push-ups, 20 sit-ups, 20 squats, and a 5 km run. By the end of it, he was breathing hard and looked pink in the face. He had a quick shower before he sat for meditation.

'Breath in, Breath out...' Before long Ren fell into a kind of trance.

when Ren opened his eyes he was no longer in his room, he looked around and saw that he was in a muddy swamp.

'My chakra' thought Ren as he instinctively realized the place he was in. he saw a small stagnant stream of water which was slowly moving its way through the swamp.

Ren followed the stream of water to its origin but the more he walked the harder it was to move forward, but stopped at last as he felt it was impossible to move any further.

*Breath* Ren opened his eyes for the second time only to find himself back in his room

*************Four months later****************


Ren looked extremely calm as he drew some symbols on paper. He lifted the brush and looked over the seal one more time. ' It looks fine, but does it work fine?'

thought Ren as he kept his hand on the paper and pumped it with his chakra depleting his reserves within seconds.

Ren removed his hands and then waited for a few seconds and again kept his hands on them 'Release' Ren relaxed his shoulders as he felt his chakra return to him though only seventy percent of what he had put into the seal.

'The release function works well. Now to the leap of faith' thought ren as he pricked his finger with a needle and then a drop of blood fell from his finger onto the seal.

The seal started glowingly lightly, Ren quickly placed his pricked finger on it and watched in fascination how slowly the chakra of the seal was sucked into his wound.

Ren felt a fleeting warmth course through his body before it disappeared.

[Congratulations host, your seal has adjusted to your chakra network quickly. It is a success]

'Well thank you, Eris, though I still have one more feature to check but it has to be done a little later.'Thought Ren before quickly calming done his excited heartbeats and again entering into a trance.

Ren opened his eyes and saw that he was in the same swamp but the stream of chakra flowing was half its usual size then he saw a pathway joining the main one this one was way wider but there was a dam, a gate of sorts between the two streams of chakra 'The chakra seal' Thought Ren. Ren was just about to wake up in the real world but something made him stop.

Ren started to again follow the mainstream tracing it back to its origin, but this time the journey was not so difficult. 'The swamp ends?' thought Ren as he noticed that the land grew sturdier the further he walked.

Soon he was out of the swamp and stood on gravel. He still followed the stream and finally found its origin. Ren came across a mesmerizing pool of crystal-clear water, radiating an otherworldly glow as it gently gushed out and wound its way downstream into the depths of the swamp.

Ren carefully approached it and dipped his hands in the pool.


Ren let out a long, contented sigh as he settled into the pool, feeling the comforting warmth of the water spreading through his body. The gentle ripples created a soothing rhythm that seemed to lull him into a state of peaceful tranquillity.

With each passing moment, he became increasingly absorbed in the sensation, losing all track of time as he basked in the sheer bliss of the moment. Ren let out a contented sigh as he sank into the soothing warmth of the pool, feeling it wrap around him like a comforting embrace.

Lost in the moment, he gave up all awareness of time, giving himself over to pure bliss and warmth.



Authors note :

So how was it? Lots of time skips and I thought that it would be better to start with the main story, as it would get a bit boring watching the MC train and do mundane things. If you liked the story be sure to comment on it and drop some power stones. 50 power stones for a bonus chapter

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