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93.75% Hulk vs DC / Chapter 15: Chapter 15

Chapter 15: Chapter 15

A month had passed since the night Black Canary had stopped by Hulk's quarters to congratulate him on his heroics. In that time, the big guy had been busy smashing robots, throwing down with supervillains, and generally living up to his reputation as the strongest there is.

But no matter how hectic his life became, Hulk often found his thoughts drifting back to that conversation with the beautiful blonde heroine. 

He was drawn from his reverie by the chirp of his commlink ringing. Hulk tapped the device in his ear, frowning slightly. "Yeah, whatchu need?"

"Hey there, big guy." The rich, smoky tone was unmistakable - Black Canary. "You got a minute?"

A grin split Hulk's craggy features at the sound of her voice. "For you? I got all the time in the world, pretty bird."

He could almost hear the smile in her reply. "That's sweet of you to say. I was wondering if you maybe wanted to...I don't know, grab a drink or something?"

Hulk's brow furrowed in confusion. "A drink? You know I don't really do that kinda thing." He shrugged his immense shoulders. "Don't need to with my biology and all."

"No, no, I just meant...hang out?" She let out a soft chuckle that made something flutter in Hulk's chest. "Like, one-on-one?"

It took Hulk a moment to process her meaning, his eyes widening in surprise behind the tinted glasses he wore. " mean like a date?"

"Well, if you want to call it that!" Black Canary's warm laughter came through the commlink again. "I'm just saying it might be nice for us to spend some time together outside of life-or-death situations. Get to know each other a little better as people, you know?"

Hulk was silent for a long moment, feeling oddly flustered - a very un-Hulk-like sensation. Finally, he managed a slow nod, despite the fact that she couldn't see it. "Yeah...yeah, okay. That sounds...nice."

"Great!" Black Canary sounded delighted. "Say tonight around 8? I can pick you up at the Compound if that works?"

"T-Tonight?" Hulk stammered, then felt a flush of embarrassment at his uncharacteristic stumbling. He was the freakin' Hulk - he didn't get flustered! Clearing his throat, he regained his usual bravado. "Yeah, tonight is perfect. It's a date, pretty bird."

"It's a date," she agreed warmly. "See you at 8, handsome."

The commlink clicked off, leaving Hulk to simply stare ahead, looking rather dumbstruck. Did that really just happen? Did Black Canary - the smart, beautiful, amazing Black Canary - actually ask him out on a date?

A slow grin spread over his granite features as the reality of it sank in. Heck yeah, she did! Letting out a booming peal of delighted laughter, Hulk leapt to his feet, feeling strangely giddy and energized. He had a date to get ready for!

The hours ticked by in a disorienting blur until finally, the appointed time arrived. Hulk was waiting in the Compound's hangar bay, trying his best to look nonchalant despite his nerves.

At precisely 8 o'clock, the distinctive thrum of repulsor engines cut through the silence as Black Canary's sleek aircraft lowered down through the open launch tunnel. Hulk straightened slightly, shoving his hands into the pockets of his immense purple shorts as he watched her land and pop the canopy.

Moving with casual, effortless grace, Black Canary emerged from the cockpit and strolled over to him. Rather than her usual black combat attire, she was dressed in slinky black pants and a silky cream blouse that showed just a tantalizing hint of cleavage. Her blonde hair fell in glossy waves over her shoulders, practically glowing under the hangar's harsh lighting.

"Hey, handsome," she greeted with a warm smile. "You about ready to get out of here?"

Hulk broke into a broad grin, giving her an exaggerated once-over with his eyes. "Yeah, let's blow this joint. After you, pretty bird."

Chuckling under her breath, Black Canary led the way into the small two-seater craft, Hulk having to hunch his massive frame slightly to clamber aboard after her. Once they were both secured, she brought the engines back online and guided them up and out of the tunnel and into the night sky.

As the compound shrank away behind them, being replaced by the glittering tapestry of the city skyline ahead, Hulk cleared his throat slightly.

"So...uh, where're we headed?" he asked with forced nonchalance.

"I thought we could start with some dinner," Black Canary replied easily, not taking her eyes off the controls. "There's a nice little mom-and-pop Italian place I know that shouldn't mind accommodating someone of...your dimensions." She flashed him a sly sidelong look with a wink.

Hulk couldn't help but chuckle at that. "Heh, yeah I can be a tight fit sometimes."

"Don't sell yourself short," she smirked back at him. "You fill out a room pretty nicely as I recall."

Was that...flirting? Hulk felt oddly pleased at the thought. Who would've guessed the pretty bird played as good as she fought?

"So," Black Canary went on in a more serious tone, "I figured after dinner, we could maybe take a walk around the city? See the sights, get to know each other without world-ending catastrophes getting in the way?" She glanced over at him again, looking earnest. "That is...if you're interested?"

Looking into those warm blue eyes, Hulk felt a contentment he wasn't used to settling over him. Just a guy and a girl out enjoying each other's company - not teammates, not fighters, just two people getting to know one another. It was...nice.

He matched Black Canary's soft smile with one of his own. "You kiddin'? I can't think of anything I'd like more, pretty bird."

 (After the date)

Black Canary expertly brought her sleek aircraft down on the roof of an apartment building, the engines winding down to a soft whine as they touched down. She popped the canopy and hopped out, smoothing her hands over her silky blouse.

"What do you think?" she asked, gesturing out over the twinkling skyline visible from their perch. "Not a bad view, huh?"

"Yeah, not bad at all," Hulk rumbled in agreement as he unfolded his massive frame from the craft.

He moved to stand beside her at the roof's edge, his broad shoulders brushing against hers as he took in the breathtaking vista that spread out before them. The city gleamed and glittered under a canopy of brilliant stars, towering skyscrapers standing as glittering monoliths amidst the twinkling sprawl of streetlights and neon signs.

"Heck of a place to call home, ain't it?" he remarked, unable to deny a certain fondness for the familiar cityscape.

"It definitely has its charms," Black Canary agreed with a warm smile. "Though I have to admit, the view is a little extra special tonight."

She turned that smile up toward him, her blue eyes sparkling in a way that made Hulk's heart give an odd little lurch in his chest. 


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