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Chapter 1 being Born anew

A late teenager is seen sitting on a bench looking beyond onto the waters into a lake. He thinks to himself 'man what am I gonna do with my life when I graduate?' for a Second he thought, and gets up from the Bench stretching "military or school?" he stumbles The words out.

No matter what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna do something, hell if it comes to terms, maybe onlyfans don't wanna work that 24/7 Office job ahheh. its April Just a few more months few he officially graduates high school.

I should probably head home, i start to walk forward, moving my legs as i Ponder what game I'm gonna play when I get home, i've been out for to long ma's ganna be pissed

I think to myself as I look towards the sun, that's certainly Beginning to. kind of surrounded by nothing but green, beautiful trees, long luscious path and And the sky is just beautiful blue, I like to enjoy the small things sometimes going off for small walks to long walks.

I live in the city. It's pretty noisy, but I rather enjoy the company once in a while. I would prefer the forest alone isolated Full of nothing but peace, But I really got nothing else. Better to do besides hanging out with friends and do a schoolwork. social life is all right. Girl problems as always the usual. You know the problems all Men and teenage boys go through, you're lucky enough I guess I'm not that bad of lucky I guess because well.

Everyone has their own and stuff, Mom hope u wont be that mad that i'll be late for dinner as I think to this, I look towards a pathway that shortcuts The small clearing of trees towards a bigger bustling area 'yeah ma wouldn't mind if i took A few extra minutes coming home' I just walked towards before while a blinding light comes out of nowhere like a booming nebula before I realize it I'm in the middle of nowhere, Like literally I look around and I see nothing as all black, Time passes, I guess starts to think to myself who am I?.

Well my Name is Lance wellbringer, I got brown hair Hazel eyes, unfortunately I'm 5:7 Too tall to be Goblin and to short to actually pull Basic white girls.

I guess I'm a kind person. Usually that is I wouldn't even say that, but I'm a person usually keeps to myself and respect others like music and everything how my hobby was reading and hang out with Friends playing video games.

Just messing around reading fan fictions, and all that I look back my memories and realize I could've done a few things. Like chasing one girl just making decision that we all regret.

I would like joking a lot often didn't take things seriously like when there's one girl confessed to me I kind of just put it aside and laughed Avoid it kind of avoiding the whole thing whether it would be avoiding responsibility or just not tell a girl how I felt.

I kind of felt bad that was kind of rude to me, Kind of let her on without telling her how I felt about the whole thing, usually would surround myself a lot of unhealthy people just the boys you know, nothing involving drugs and whatever gun slinging and I was just normal kid, truthfully, I was more like a scholar, i like sports and everything I was OK with whatever I did Hell I enjoyed being there in the moment.

I like creating things, Making things my hands sculpture, all of that combat games like VR also Obsessed and always Strategy games like sword and combat weapons, and how they're made kind of obsessed over Making Stories with Legos, Playdo, clay, over time as i got older kind of stop stressing over many things in life.

such as all that I was more of the big brother and the fry, and a few other things leading to that, You know Classic Family problems at home and all that, No matter what I was a big family and friends I really appreciated.

Those were truly. good memories in my life. I like to live a lot. I was a hard people pleaser Which was always good times I really was a dick, But I always like seeing other smile, It was easier to make others smile I couldn't make myself smile.

Overtime I became obsessed with all fiction creating and writing to like mythology myths legends and all that crap, Truly interesting stuff, Got into manga, anime, shows

all of it I truly appreciated anything I was given, last thing I kinda regret is.

I didn't spend enough time with my family. I love them. Truly my parents truly wouldn't be annoying, but I didn't have any hate for them. Overtime, family problems, always kind of Grew apart from them when I got older, Wish I could've been closer with them, tried my best to be a good son now for my pops, My dad was a hard-working man always working every day, My mom was stay at home.

She always take care of the kids and dogs while my dad was at work. No matter what she always showed love, And shown me What it really means to be a mother, Same with my dad he's all right, father Tried his best to feed me and my sister giving us what we could, Even more than what we would give us.

i been in this void for so long i think, i'm slowly starting to like it aheha Yep, I'm slowly going insane. Wait, what is that? see all around me starts the manifest with golden particles pulling me through next moment, everything turns dark 'Who turned the lights off?' yep I'm such a comedian. Man it's really warm.

It feels like I'm in compressed cave it's really weak. I can't really feel anything in our sense anything it's like it's all blacked out. I hear vibrations Could those be voices? voices? mayn it's really warm in here. It's Hella comfy like a mansion, but on crack Whatever that means, what's this information? I've tried to move around, but I can't. It seems like I've been moved from one endless void to another.

But I could be in a womb actually voices the thumping and I feel like move around a little little bit. I feel Nutrients slowly through my body and it tastes absolutely amazing. Multi of different types of foods all of them tasting, absolutely glorious.

Kind of godly. never once taste in my past, life would have to be this weird strange liquid time. Every time I would get some of it, I feel myself getting more energy overtime. but eventually, I get some information. like it's being fed to me.

In the beginning was the primordials- no chaos was the first thing In the beginning there was Chaos, a yawning nothingness. Out of the void emerged Gaia (the Earth) and other divine beings — Eros (love), the Abyss (part of the underworld), and the Erebus (the unknowable place where death dwells). Without male assistance, Gaia gave birth to Uranus (the Sky), who then fertilized her.

Information carries on lack a bag of luggage, and on So much, but my mind comprehensive fairly well into this information.

I gather I learned a few unfortunate things. I still remember my past life, and I still cannot see. no but seriously though it seems like I am in the Greekverse, Or other words great mythology, damn mayn this sucks Fortunately.

There was seems I'm not immortal because knowing what I'm gathering this information I might be something more like a divine being? This must mean something because I get all the starting basics of fundamental of the Hierarchy? But Eventually.

The information ends at the fact Of the Titans being overthrown, And Zeus Becoming the new sky Godking or whatever, Which is kind of weird because it doesn't have anything else from Greek mythology besides until that point? Could that Potentially before Hercules and the age of heroes? Interesting.

Eventually, start playing around with this weird sensation like in my heart or something It is red soul? or It feels like an engine constantly going, Then Then eventually, I try to push it and then it just goes into me.

Time passes I don't know how long, but I realized a few things, After that weird fragment thing seems I've gained more conscience of what's going on, My body and soul, I mean Also started to be a former communications of voices.

Two things I can confirm though is the fact is, I am Currently a fetus in the womb and whoever is my mother is a very powerful being my father Also, it's just a pure form of I think this is magic or man. It's a whole lot oh It's divinity.

So I am a God oh this leaves the problems since I'm in Greek mythology. I'm probably in Greek territory obviously I'm not a smartest man alive. I know that.

But damn I hope I'm not a child of Zeus or something. I hope I'm not born a woman. I can't imagine shit would happened to me. getting murdered for no reason and power-hungry Schemes by other powerful beings mythology with its families, Incest, murder, Greek mythologist all sorts of weird benefits and beautiful stories at times.

Wait actually I'm getting distracted from the main point I keep rumbling on bad habit, So understanding my body, I finally realize something I feel my connection towards my soul.

Even in more intensely like aching divinity part from it. It's like a golden apple with honey falling off it. I look more towards it and its Full of beautiful fire and lava and I see some sort of hammers going back-and-forth like a clock? I see a lot of swords and blades and all of it.

It's probably something of creation or something. probably might've been also probably assuming I have something to do with combat? strength?

Lava? Weird? could I potentially that wouldn't make sense The God of volcanoes.

Sounds cool but what about the other things? They remind me of old guy hephaestus? that couldn't be though it could be actually not sure about the swords though did I potentially replace him? I don't remember Him having him having swords as a combat thing?

Anyways, though I see a bunch of other stuff, but it seems, I can't comprehend it right now, though, I'm able to calculate at a higher pace Even though I'm conscience Calculations, and all that kind of my brain automatically.

Time passes, and I felt my body more fully developed. I could feel my limbs and every once in a while, I can move them around a little more, To my liking, it seems the walls ever once in a while I kick because I got nothing else better, I always hear something being called as I do this kind of get a reaction.

But I haven't learned anything else about my divinity, wait what's happening? Oh, no, I'm more information? information being flooded into my mind as I'm slowly being pulled out of this comfortable cave. No, I want to go back. As I'm being pulled out Which I'm assuming is the womb.

I start to register the information and look in front of me and I see a massive golden palace with marbles decorating everywhere, simply astonishing and never seen anything like that in my life only novels or shows actually not even.

Flawless almost perfect. Actually, I can see some flaws in them. I don't know why I can see it. I wanna fix it. No i can make something definitely better. I'm just been born? and I kind of just blackout.

Oh fuck I think to myself as I look in front of me after looking around the palace curiously I see Most perfect beings I've ever seen before, I look forward. I see a beautiful woman with raven purpleish hair not dark enough. She's like God of death or something. But beautiful to be sparkling like a peacock.

And I see a man and woman in front of me, both of assuming godly parents, registering the faces They look exactly what I assume A Greek bodybuilder would have they both are young. Well not young. They look like they're pushing past early 30s.

The man I see has immaculate, long silver hair with blue lightning eyes there clears the sky, He wears a tangled Greek fashion robe with golden patterns on it, and he has a crown has amazing jewels on it, That The Queen and king I realize that Zeus and Hara.

To be honest, honest, I kinda realize this while In The womb, but I didn't wanna really speculate because all the information I heard was being censored until the last few seconds. Had a few King and Queen. His gloriousness Zeus.

Or something like that about lightning bolts, giants and Titans,

My mother, though hera Just wearing a similar outfit, but more spray of colors like purple green gold in a few other symbols she has a tiara? Same Amount of beauty but different, They look at me, surprised, and smiling, they have teeth that would make Hollywood celebrities teeth look like Slugs, Maybe I'm being adjust a little bit dramatic.

but I hear my name being called by them as they look at me from the crib I'm currently in Which is also a very nice crib, I'm guessing they probably had some Giants or Titans make it blessed to make it warm and Comfortable, But the midwife towards my birth was lady Hestia, Other than this after seeing them, speak to the back, my parents continue speaking to me as they talk to her a few minutes and then start moving me to bigger room Starts moving.

I see a sort of Silver portrait, sling about a lot of them with Good art, Music constantly being played throughout the halls, We reach the room and my mother gives me a kiss, I can feel the motherly love radiate off it, Looking at Hera, I kind of feel bad knowing wandering how many times my father already cheated on her, still a curious thought wondering if this is the god of war universe or other ones.

I'm visited by my older sisters, yeah, apparently I got Persephone and Athena, these two little girls visit my crib quite often, call me cute and adorable and a few other things you know the usual, sometimes talk to me and play around.

It seems the process of me growing is odd, Heard my parents speaking about how I was in the in the womb for 2 long summers, but apparently after a year, I should start developing really fast, well, I'm in my crib and visit via number of different Majority of gods Whether it be by my Dad's or mother's siblings well besides Hades, and few honorable mentions

Eventually Following, started learning how to crawl, as soon as i touched marble floors of the palace, by moving using my arms and than along with my stubby legs by pouring my golden mana into them, upon this

has started getting more into my core of my soul, which is more about how magic works in this world. And my dad and my mom are happy about it especially my learning especially crawling I guess, mom she looks very proud of me and she calls me her little sparky fire ball.

Time passes And I'm already Matured the age of 5 as I was wandering the halls of the palace of Olympus, scheming Some blueprints in my mind.

That will make The palace look better whenever i get older.

As i walk, i think that the fact alot has changed in timeline or mythology, A lot of things are not the same, Like But the real question is pantheons do they exist? must need to worry about other ending events? and overpowered immortal beings, Whom enjoy throwing tantrums?, But the fact is.

I see my mother arguing with my dad about him and his loyalty, she looks like she's about to slap him for his ignorant remarks and controls herself and walks away, calling him A worthless husband. I see Sadness linger in my father's eyes.

As they both separate and walking different connections.

Knowing where my mom will be heading to her garden, which holds many beautiful flowers from Demeter and others Gods. or planning on stalking my mom i go head and grab some ambrosia and then head to the garden following Finishing my drink.

By the way Mount Olympus is large, Example would be as big the state of Arizona. apparently though Mount Olympus is a huge mountain like Mythologically huge. But apparently the mountain is the highest in Greece, apparently the mountain has different 3 layers of that type of tier God you are, the peak is where palace of Zeus and Hera is, apparently the whole mountain is a different realm from below, but the city of the gods that resides in Mount Olympus is called Olympos.

So my mother own's one Garden and its the Orchard of Hesperides or Hera's Orchad. It was a Gift from Gaia to my mother after she accepted Zeus's proposal. It was honestly a good welcoming Wedding gift, It's a very beautiful garden in the west of Olympus, and I have visited a few times.

But knowing my mother makes her way her safe space. i head down the Golden marble path leading to a beautifully open field with this i see a massive Five-story tall tree, It's glimmering with countless golden Apples falling down it's a very green tree that just radiates health. but the Orchard holds A Grove with many exotic flowers and Fruits.

Most notable one that's quite the Value. Is tree known as the tree of immortality, which produces the golden apples that are said to make you well immortal, or really just grant you Youth, the tree produces bronze apples and golden apples. The bronze apples are used to make nectar, than the golden apples are good for ambrosia.

The orchard has three maidens that called the "Hesperides" they tend to the garden and feed the local bums, They are children of Atlas and so called the "nymphs of the West" but I'm calling them the Local bums because they Occasionally pick from a tree for themselves.

But My mother grew tired of this eventually Got her hands on never sleeping Guardian Of the Sacred tree, a pretty large divine reptile which unfortunately is a 100 headed dragon literally just named Ladon. Like bro mom could've just name him the great hundred headed destroyer, but who cares its a safeguard for other treasures here.

But seeing my mother up ahead finishing her conversation with the Hesperides, i finally walk into the Garden leading to thin path which closes close to the magnificent tree.

I hear loud thud like stomping and i see big Shadow covering my body from behind, than hear a rain of saliva dropping down.

*Oh yeah our guard dog* think to myself and turn around to get hit by shotgun of saliva to the face..

"yeah yeah, i missed you too Ladon" i speak out loud to the "Mighty" dragon before moving my hand Petting the winged reptile.

Ladon moves his body back after water boarding me, letting me breathe and getting better look at the "beast." Ladon is first generation divine Hesperian Dragon. Hes smaller than a elephant, but bigger than a lion.

He's like a big python Komodo dragon mixed into one serpentine body. the body thicker than a any mortal metal, and his bright dark green scales shimmer like copper and Gold.

He has 99 heads all slithery Dragon-heads

The one in the middle commands the rest of them, the main head is what i call the true homie Ladon..

Ladon's main head has 4 eyes on each side than he has head of a dragon in a face of a Komodo, but his tongue feels more like a Labrador dog.

Ladon's strong and no means weak he's still a pup and mom had me fixed him a half finished collar, Which goes around his neck It acts as a preventer from him growing more than needed. Until he learns to shape shift.

Ladon though, while to many other gods large and terrifying physically. Ladon is a sensitive soul at heart. As his sole purpose from my mom is to protect the tree of the Golden Apples and its treasures.

Also i remember him in mythology being related to Typhon the King of Cur- Monsters. So saying that he's pretty much related to Cerberus would make him his sibling.

whenever I go to the garden, I spent a lot of time with him. Usually avoiding the those annoying bum ass nymphs, all they do is laz about, my boy Ladon be doing all the hard work.

But before I carry on with my dear thoughts i say out loud "Ladon Sit boy"

Ladon flops has lower back legs on the ground making some dust fly away he looks at me like a golden retriever, waiting for its toy from its master.

before I give him the gift I made him I look up above the heavens to its Home of heavenly lights of beauty. The colors of Ultramarine,

Celadon and Amaranth.

You know whats funny many now don't realize that helios light could only reach underneath the heavens, But then the question is.

If Olympus is above the heavens, then who provided light to Olympus? And that would be the Mr Hyperion the lord of the East! one who presided over heavenly light and was said to be father to the other lights of the heavens.

He's also God of watchfulness well that would be the case if my dad Zeus didn't send his ass into Tartarus because he was meat riding Chronos to hard.

So that would leave two other options

uncle helios and well me just old guy Aether!

but still Appreciating The heaven lights, and the many stars.

I pull out A metal ball I crafted with some good old fine metals. Laid about, that i most Definitely did not bug mom about and it most certainly wasn't a gift for the Goodest boy of THE YEAR.

Its circle hunk of metal its outer layer is celestial Le bronze. Meanwhile, the inner layer is made out of Adamantine.

After fooling around with it, I really wanted something good for my boy. Ans one does I want it to be special so he could use it? So shrink to a hand size and expand to fit his Ladons mouth.

Not gonna pull out the boring stuff but yesterday i was sitting in my room I realize I'm able to pour my divine mana into objects, weapons metals.

Than shape them how I want, if there's some sort of way form. It's not I'm gonna have to finish it out later. It's hunk of metal. Not a perfect form.

but it'll still a work for my boy. "Ladon here i have brought you a great gift" i say to the good lizard somewhat dramatically

revealing What inside of my hand Which is the spere i made.

Ladons looks at me and before he could react i throw the ball causing it to expand to the size of a grizzly bear it flows down the hill we on and excitedly Ladon runs after it.

But of course, I made sure that It wouldn't be too heavy, Well, that wouldn't really matter his strength is Out of this world.

Hollowed the inside of it, adding a few layers separately so wouldn't affect the environment like a massive crushing ball.

Hopefully it wouldn't hurt anything well. Besides the plants that is witness row of

celestial dandelions get stamped by the ball, Mom not gonna like that uh.

But thinking about Ladon as i see him playing around, I Kind of feel bad for both him and his brother Cerberus. Though because mythology wise they're both quite lonely.

His job isolates him, it would stand the reason that he Would want companionship he barely has interactions with anyone because he's more of a guard dog.

I should get him a girlfriend. The Hesperides being an exception because they are the Queen of bums. My mom likes him alot because he does his job well Keeping others from bothering her.

One I understand a lot I make as much time as The come see him and play around with them whenever I'm free Avoiding my responsibilities as a prince.

But speaking on that Ladon has Ratio of being Guard dog of the year. I Remember I have a fond memory when my Uncle Poseidon, wanted to get a gold fruit on from the garden without my mom's permission. Upon coming upon my boy Ladon.

Dearest uncle would end up getting his ass yeeted off mountain Olympus. knowing that felt like last week or whatever Time zones that are here on Olympus. that event would end me Taking responsibility for my boy And crafting a collar for him. which note be my smart good dragon would do good and was only doing his job So my mother was quite pleased. and So it was my father because well my dad made fun of Poseidon, for getting thrown like sack of potatoes.

I end playing around with Ladon for about 30 mins and he enjoys the ball I gave him alot. As i see that he wont stop chopping on it and it rolling around.

So leave him to his alone time make my way towards my middle of the orchard. where my mother has all her favorite things.

Ladon sees me walking away and continues playing on with us ball enjoying himself.

I see my mother walking closer into a bench like throne near some flowers. I made the bench to relieve stress. it was my first creation.

It's a tiny little throne I made for mom and dad, Honestly, I'm more of a mother's boy, even my past life, doesn't mean I don't respect either of my parents, though I love both of them.

I gotta figure out how to fix that relationship though. and my dad's endless congregate of sticking his you know what anywhere.

But My mom stares at the marble bench, I made for her, earlier last year. Looks like she slowly calms down smiles, she than calls my name "Aephaestus come how long can I keep your mother waiting?" i sigh and i get away from my spot behind a nicely decorated pillar and Approach my mom. Usually my mom only comes, to her garden following a argument with my dad, Or she's having One of her tea parties with my dearest aunts.

I say dearest because they give the best sweets. Replying i say"okay coming Mother" one thing I realize is our parents don't, really care if we me and Athena Address him them with titles. Especially my father Zeus, Not sure if there's going to change in the future though. mother looks at me with her colorful ox-eyed stare.

My mother stands up in the great garden and she Points to beautiful blue flower with Lightning coursing

in it Probably a flower my dad gave her.

Hera says "this is the flower your father gave me after we got married after the war with The Titans, once he became the new king, He gave me the most beautiful ring and promised me that he would always love me, i was the happiest woman alive, during that than few years later we would have you my little Prince." she ends up with her a late smile, I can see the pain.

But she still holds. Great love For my father, Kind of sigh to myself in my mind and walk to her and Reply "mother its very beautiful! i bet all the other Goddesses were very Envious." she smiles and said yes, they were.

You should've seen a look on their faces. she smiles more, She gives me a hug and And tells me "to promise and never break a woman's heart, for The heart is what Our love comes from, and out love is more valuable than any jewel." I smile to her and reply back "i promise to never break a woman's heart mother" sometime passes as we enjoy the silence of the garden.

Eventually, though One of the maids, a polite sky Nymph named Anastasia tells me that the ceremony would be starting soon and I need to get dressed, My mom should be all right she says she just tell me go get ready, As a good man.

I follow through, I head back to the palace

on my way back I forgot to mention Ladon also guards Atlas, which is his imprisonment to forever hold the heavens is outside of the Garden of the Hesperides.

Like its one if the first things u can see walking out of the garden. U would see bearded man holding a celestial sphere on his shoulders. Thats what i would say but in reality in the grassy Fields in the distance. Is Atlas the Titan of strength forever condemned to hold the sky for an eternity or the heavens. But i look over and see a Atlas. He's 20 feet tall He's not currently and his Titan form though. which would make him significantly larger. Its interesting because divine beings have Divine forms that we hold by using our divine mana. Being able to tap into your divine form is practically the principal. of being a divine being or immortal that's pretty much the highest reach you can go as immortal being.

Like for say immortal beings have two forms the regular form which is stationary, and than if you're strong enough and have the talent you can reached into your divine form. Many of the Titans And Gods had to use this form during the war if they wanted to Actually fight against each other.

Like during the war, I know my father and his brothers needed to reach their divine forms, if they Truly want to kill their father or overthrow him. But lastly, on my useless yapping The divine form enhances, all abilities and cons of combat. It's strictly when you embrace your concept or God-given Abilities and tap into it becoming one. but usually it requires a lot of strain it drains your divinity and divine will.

But i answer the palace and enter my quarters or bedroom, it's just a big marble room with a massive king size bed, painting all around you know the usual very nice the floors tinted with gold and white marble Nothing specific.

My mother helps me choose a quite dashing outfit, the ceremony, The outfit kind of looks like something an ancient Royal Greeks would wear mom made me wear the small ribbon that Gold and silver in it.

I go to the massive mirror In my room And I can't help but think how much ima be a lady killer in the future. Of course I'm wearing a pretty nice greek toga good fabric pretty silky would give a 10 and 10.

It's missing a few things, but it works. I look at the mirror, my height is 5:7 I have A good chiseled jawline not to overdone very perfect. I possess tan skin from my dad 'also praying i get his height to' hopefully I grow more.

I have gained Freckles from my mom, but My hair is long with Silver white With flaming Red streaks, look at my eyes in there, volcanic magma, constantly popping.

My irises are purple with light blue streaks. The Body Looks Good, well looks good everything you get the point.

But around my body there's these tattoos, That look like volcanic electricity lines, the colors however change between from orange, red, constantly going back-and-forth between light and dark.


I started by Bugging my Mom about the said tattoos, and she just hit me with the "go ask ur father" so i went looking for me the "King of the Gods" hoping he still in the palace walls.

10 minutes later i found him, Standing near a balcony, chitchatting. Next to him sitting on-top of the roof of the balcony, is a giant golden Caucasian feathered bird, it has Sparks of lightning Flowing around its feathers. Its probably his personal messenger.

But having questions that must be quenched, I approach my father greeting him "Excuse me, father" I do a slight bow with my arm to my chest.

My father turns his body showing his royal white golden chiton garment. He smirks showing some teeth, "Ah the prince Aephaestus, what may i do u for?" he says lightly some what dramatically than going on one knee. looking at me with warmth and curiosity.

"Mother wanted me come to You for a question I had" Zeus looks at me and thinks for second "hmm if this wise King can assist a Prince, why would he not?" jokingly he looks towards his bird and says:"Aephaestus, I believe I have not introduced you yet, to my companion" he moves his hand and points it to the oversized bird "this is the great divine messenger, Aetos Dios he is gift from ur great grandmother Gaia. After we overthrown the Titans."

I look at father and look at the bird and it really does look like an eagle, its aura holds divinity great one its powerful, I wonder if it's the father of all eagles? I wonder what this bird's relationship has with Thunderbird in the north west?, realistically, it's probably one of his lackeys that assist on the job "watching the hoes."

But my dad states "Aetos is great messenger for me and Olympus he serves m- us quite well, if it wasn't from him we wouldn't have known what the Titans were const-".

"FATHER, i get it he quite outstanding bird. I came here for question and learning not another history lesson" Aephaestus finally said his voice bored with little impatience.

"hmm, okay what is ur question? than son?

The sky father replied evenly.

Aephaestus looks up Curiously to his father and asks "Father what do the tattoos or markings hold?."

Zeus drags one his fingers on his chin narrows his somewhat wise light sky gray eyes looking down towards his son.

"Hmm Gods are made different than most living beings, some have horns, some have green skin, some have tattoos, We have Greek oracle runes, thats what These markings that run apart us. They run through our family, every God has a different type of runes that flow through the body and soul, they truly represent uniquely the strength and divinity we hold."

(ending of flashback)

So what i understand is they "represent" our

divinity to my bodies core. But speaking about that its like how my fathers brothers.

My uncle Poseidon has Tattoos and markings Greek Oracle runes Running through his body, his have color of the ocean blue they move around like waves. But it seems there's two things that i learned.

First being is mortal beings have mana cores, and immortal or celestial beings have divine cores each corresponding core is uniquely to its host. but rule is, Gods have divine cores and we pull our divine mana from it.

Divine mana is alot different than normal mana, divine man allows us immortal beings to accomplish a lot more, like pulling the stars apart. The color blue is normal for mana meanwhile divine mana is the color gold.

The second being, runes are scatter about on immortal beings bodies to allow them hold the power they have in check, The Runes could say that they act as the wire that connects the soul to the divine. I'm guessing, each pantheon or God has different patterns for the Runes.

What I mean by pattern is where the runes run throughout, guessing they're like a conducting point, Our pattern is called the Greek oracle runes and we got it from our great grandmother Gaia, for i am guessing she also has the runes we have and probably if not two types knowing she is a primordial and all.

But continuing on my courageous thought understanding is after some amount of time, I was thinking I definitely was a fusion of

Ares along with Hephaestus. hmm Replacing the two gods or The "two major Deities", surely had impact on some greater good be it complicated or not, So became one with the inventing "lame" bastard son? And the first Prince Who has track record I've just getting absolutely slammed And humiliated.

Of course this more information will get that in a second. but secondly must get pampered up for the pot. My parents wanna show me off the rest of the Olympus, Since I am the royal prince after all. I can't disappoint after all.

after getting my outfit on or my robe, my mom tells me she'll be at the ceremony and she makes her way towards the central of the palace near the hanging gardens where the food and banquets being held, not too sure about whether or not they're inviting every God, whether be minor old or new, but who knows.

I get everything I need And I certainly make my way towards the party or ceremony. I see two massive doors at least 50 feet tall leading towards a much larger room. The doors have gold engraving on them and Silver tracings around them I see a bunch of Guests Lined up walking inside also there's a red carpet leading to it, But the Guests are Assortment of different races, As I'm getting towards the door, I got to my left and I see my good older sister, Athena, waiting for me,

She's wearing a silver Robe with gold markings going to the other side of it, she has her Bright blonde hair with silver tracings, Up in a bun with a fashion garment.

Shes ayear older than me But it seems like I age 2 times slower than the rest of the other gods, At the same time, I realize the more Greek god ages, the more slowly, they age, I am five years old But I look like I am 11 and Athena looks 12.

This shit does it make all sense. Anyways, I threw that thought behind my head as she grabs my hand and pulling me forward as she walks forward towards the massive door leading to the dining hall.

"where how You been? u had me waiting here for Two minutes and 39 seconds" she says Observing me suspiciously with her glowing Silver Gray eyes with A blue golden queue to the iris.

I reply with "my bad, I got caught up with The Queen, you know my mom?." I say to her sarcastically she rolls her eyes at me. we continue walking and she tells me "that our uncle hades and his queen Demeter will be

arriving with our Cousin persephone."

kind of curious, She follows up hinting that her amazing Owl named "Glauca" Gathered the information she says this with a glitter of Sparkling in her eye, She's very Proud of her bird i think, The newest following, we enter the massive hall.

Fascistpenguin Fascistpenguin

Mid but at least we got a good template for starting off.

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