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75% The Deathly Hybrid / Chapter 3: Chapter 2

Chapter 3: Chapter 2


(A/N) I'm bacckkk...


'-' Thinking

"-" Talking to someone

(-) Author note until further notice



Woodsboro, California-

Year 2007, Month ?, Date ?-


"thump thump"

"Thump Thump"


Blurry brown eyes snapping open, wildly looking around accompanied by sharp intakes of breath.

'Was that a nightmare?'

No it couldn't have been, my 4 year old childish mind tries to comprehend before looking to the desk with a digital clock proudly displaying 11:59 p.m.

Before looking down at my small sweat covered body and sheets, my little hand grabbing a side of the sheets to throw off me and the small bed for a little more comfort. My hand going to my boxers, grabbing a handful of the sweat covered fabric in an attempt to fan some of the sweat off.

'One more minute till I turn 5'

I think distractedly and in disinterest trying to shake sweat off my hand, catching a glimpse of the clock once more, revealing 12:00 a.m.


My mind is suddenly assaulted by an intense burning hot pain, hands flying straight to my disheveled head trying to alleviate the pain but finding it fruitless. Instead fighting to not make any more sounds so as to not wake up the other kids.

"That... Fucking… Hurt… Lucifer…. You dick"

I say cursing the devil as all my 21 years of memories come crashing into my five year old brain.

The absolute killer headache subsiding at a faster rate then should be possible, but quickly perishing the thought in favor of getting my mind in order. Fighting to get my small sweaty body under control and into a more comfortable sitting position on my uncomfortably sweat soaked bed,

Slowly inhaling and exhaling to get my mind more under control and hopefully alleviate the little pain still there, still slowly and calmly inhaling and exhaling.

I started to focus more in-words on my subconscious and memories from both lives and hopefully put them in chronological order.


"Fuck… thank Satan for the 280 IQ, that could've been so much harder" I say quietly to myself, Well my first life is all organized now it's time to check out this new one.

Going over my second life seems to be as i remember. 'humm, hum, humm, hu' cutting off my humming i exclaim

"Oh this is interesting"

Saying as such and finding some amusement at the fact I'am an orphan in this life, honestly wouldn't have it any other way. I seem to have been found on the Woodsboro Orphanage homes porch. Inside a ordinary basket wrapped up in a baby blanket and a piece of paper with my name.

"Raven Thornrose"

'I love it' Thanking as such well not really finding much else that should be remembered, but noting the fact my body is starting to curve in certain areas.

Being hit by that sudden train of thought, my small hand snaps to the waistband of my boxers at a light speed. Quickly pulling them up reveals Lucifer did keep his promise.

"Thank Fuck" My relief probably would've been palpable to anyone witnessing the scene.

disregarding that train of thought I note from my memorys the elderly 60 years old orphan caretaker and the other 4 kids in the orphanage.


All of the sudden being hit by a strong lightheadedness, clumsily getting out of my sitting position. My vision slowly starting to fail me as blurriness returns alongside black spots, in a last ditch effort aim my head for the sweat soaked pillow whilst thinking.

'I know i've heard of Woodsboro somewhere before' My last conscious thought before sleep takes me.



"Raven… it's time to get up"


A voice calls out twice, startling me slightly the second time. Cracking a little blurry brown eye open only to immediately snap shut from the blinding sun light, turning the other way while slowly opening my eyes a little more.


Eyes still adjusting wall my focus is on the sound of my door being opened. Setting up a little and slowly taking in the crimson painted walls with a couple Ben 10 posters hung up, a wooden desk with some books and the digital clock upon it, plus a wooden roll chair to sit on. A seemingly empty bookshelf a little to the right, lastly shade darker wooden dresser plus my medium sized bed that is under me.

A sudden air current brings my attention to a white door being gently opened by an elderly hand.

"Raven… are you up?" A feminine voice questions out.

"Yes Ms.Green" I automatically respond well shifting to stand up, almost tripping as my

smaller legs and feet hit the carpeted floor but quickly balanced out.

I walk to the dresser I spotted, yanking the first drawer open I'm greeted to socks and boxers. Grabbing one of each all the while silently thankful to Lucifer they're not SpongeBob themed or something, Slipping the boxers I'm currently wearing off and trading them with the fresh pair.

Socks in my left hand, I yank open the second drawer. Greeting me is a small variety of shirts, I just grabbed the first one I see and if it so happens to be my favorite color 'Oh well'.

Left hand still clutching the socks I put on my shirt, crouching a little I open the third and final drawer. 'Yes' doing a little fist bump when I see sweatpants while randomly grabbing a grey pair, slipping my right leg through followed by my left before pulling them up to my waist.

"Breakfast is ready, Raven" Ms.Green said while standing next to my now fully opened door with a frown.

"Coming" I indifferently say while slowly making my way to the now opened door, seeing this Ms.Green starts to leave.

Slowly and calmly following after her but not before closing my door, I'm greeted by an ordinary hallway with a couple of pictures here and there.

Arriving at the dining room I see 4 kids sleepily eating breakfast while animatedly talking, ignoring it all in favor of my seat. I'am greeted to 4 stacks of pancakes with butter and syrup.

Quickly devouring the breakfast while I start thinking about my new life and the future I can't wait to build, I'm suddenly hit with an epiphany.

'I'm in California soo… that means I can get emancipated at 14'

Doing a quick check in my head, 9 years but I have to figure out a way to make some money and train my Siphoner abilities.

"humm, hummmmm, humm"

Humming a quiet little tune to myself, so many plans start to form in my mind. I'll need to learn coding so I can make a couple phone games like candy crush or I could liberate some money from big companies that probably wouldn't even notice.

'Decisions, decisions'

Finishing my breakfast while standing up and proceeding to the sink, cleaning my plate and silverware I put it in the dish rack before returning back to my room. Opening my door I walk in before closing it behind me and proceeding to throwing myself on the now dry bed.

"Ok, got to learn as much coding and science as possible because it would probably come in handy for magic and can't have my 280IQ going down the drain" I say to myself whilst Focusing if I can feel anything different with my very being, Only to quickly feel as if there's a void where something should have been.

'That sucks, I don't have any magic to siphon from. Plus I haven't broken the werewolf curse yet' I think a little dejectedly. I can't help but feel I'm missing something right in front of me, closing my eyes to get a quick nap. I suddenly remembered a franchise I had recently watched because of an actor I liked.

"I'm also in the Fucking Scream Verse" I say aloud but then kind of shrug it off, reminding myself they're only humans wearing masks and wielding a single hunting knife.

Ending any and all train of thought as I drift to sleep.


Definitely doing a time skip

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