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You wanna come to my house

Ch 3 you wanna visit my house

As Ritsuka was ready to leave for the day, he was Still trying to get in contact with Wakamo, but he still hasn't been able to, and the messenge he has sent to back suit it has not been replied to to, as then he saw his class mates

Hey Ritsuka. Nonomi said looking at Ritsuka. Why dorn we go to your house today

My house huh. Ritsuka then remeber the People living there Him, Misono Mika, Aru, Haruka and Kayoko. I don't think that is such a good idea

The girls were confused as they tilted there head to the left confused.

What scared. Hoshinos said looking at him. That we will blow your house up.

Ritsuka chuckled nervously at Hoshino's playful jab. "Not exactly scared, but let's just say my house isn't exactly set up for visitors."

Nonomi smirked mischievously. "Oh? Is there something you're hiding from us, Ritsuka?"

Before Ritsuka could respond, Serika chimed in. "Maybe he's secretly a master chef and doesn't want us to know."

Ritsuka raised an eyebrow, amused by their speculations. "You've got it all wrong. It's more about privacy and... uh, decorum."

Ayane, who had been quietly listening, leaned forward with curiosity. "Come on, Ritsuka. We're all friends here. Plus, I'm dying to see where you live."

Ritsuka hesitated for a moment, weighing his options. He knew he couldn't keep them at bay forever, and maybe letting them see his living situation could work in his favor, especially if he needed their help in the future.

"Alright," Ritsuka finally relented, "but don't say I didn't warn you. Just... try not to judge too harshly."

Later that afternoon, Ritsuka led his classmates through the streets of Kivotos towards his modest home. Along the way, they chatted and joked, lightening the atmosphere with banter about school and their shared experiences.

As they arrived at Ritsuka's doorstep, he took a deep breath and opened the door, allowing his curious classmates to step inside. The interior was tidy, albeit sparsely decorated, reflecting Ritsuka's preference for simplicity and functionality.

Nonomi wandered around, inspecting the living room with interest. "Nice place you've got here, Ritsuka. It's cozy."

Hoshino peeked into the kitchen, her eyes widening in surprise. "Hey, is that a sword on the wall? That's pretty cool."

Ritsuka chuckled nervously, glancing at Mika who stood nearby, observing their reactions with amusement. "Yeah, it's a souvenir from... uh, a trip."

Serika grinned as she examined a bookshelf filled with various titles. "You've got quite an eclectic taste in books, Ritsuka. Mind if I borrow one sometime?"

As they continued to explore, Ritsuka felt a sense of relief that his classmates seemed genuinely interested and were not overly critical of his living space. Perhaps allowing them into his personal life wasn't such a bad idea after all.

As the visit came to an end, Ayane turned to Ritsuka with a smile. "Thanks for letting us see your place, Ritsuka. It's nice to get to know you better."

Ritsuka nodded, grateful for their understanding. "Anytime. Just... maybe give me a heads up next time?"

With a round of goodbyes, Ritsuka bid his classmates farewell, closing the door behind them. He leaned against it for a moment, reflecting on the unexpected turn of events. Despite his initial reluctance, he realized that opening up to others could sometimes lead to unexpected friendships and alliances in the vibrant and unpredictable city of Kivotos.

Ritsuka closed the door behind his classmates and turned to face the hidden figures emerging from the shadows. Aru, Haruka, Kayoko, and Misono Mika stepped out cautiously, their expressions a mix of amusement and relief.

"Finally," Aru exclaimed, adjusting her hair clip. "I thought they'd never leave. Did they suspect anything?"

Ritsuka shook his head. "No, they were just curious about my place. Thankfully, they didn't notice anything unusual."

Kayoko smirked playfully. "Good thing we're experts at hiding, huh?"

Mika, who had been silently observing, finally spoke up. "We should be more careful next time. We can't risk them discovering our operations here."

Haruka nodded in agreement. "She's right. We need to maintain our cover, especially with Ritsuka's classmates around."

Ritsuka glanced around the room, making sure everything was as it should be. "Don't worry, I'll handle it. Just keep a low profile and stay out of sight."

Aru nodded, her expression serious. "Understood. We'll be more cautious."

With a plan in mind, Ritsuka and his secretive housemates settled back into their routine, knowing that their unconventional living arrangement required careful management to avoid unwanted attention. As they dispersed to attend to their respective tasks, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with his new allies, each contributing their own skills and perspectives to their shared goals in the enigmatic city of Kivotos.

As then Ritsuka door opens as Ayane comes in, as they all just froze.

Hey Ritsuka I forgot something. As she then looked at the girls. Nerve mind I can come back tomorrow

As she Tryed to leave she was dragged back into the house.

Ayane froze in surprise as she found herself being gently pulled back into Ritsuka's house. She stumbled slightly, catching herself before regaining her composure. The girls exchanged quick glances, uncertain of how to explain their presence to Ritsuka's classmate.

"Um... Ayane," Ritsuka began, trying to find the right words. "There's something I should explain..."

Before he could continue, Aru stepped forward, her usual confidence shining through. "It's not what you think, Ayane. We were just... um, helping Ritsuka with something important."

Ayane raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "Helping with what, exactly?"

Ritsuka hesitated, then decided to be straightforward. "They're part of a project I'm working on. It's kind of secret."

Kayoko nodded eagerly, chiming in. "Yeah, we're helping Ritsuka with... uh, a research project! It's really cool stuff."

Ayane looked around, taking in the curious expressions of the girls and the somewhat awkward atmosphere in the room. She couldn't help but smile at their attempts to cover up whatever was really going on.

"Well, if it's a secret project, I guess I won't pry," Ayane said finally, giving Ritsuka a playful nudge. "Just make sure to let me know if you need any more help, okay?"

Ritsuka nodded gratefully. "Thanks, Ayane. We appreciate it."

With a wave goodbye, Ayane left the house, leaving behind a sense of relief among the group. They exchanged glances, silently acknowledging their narrow escape from potential exposure.

"That was close," Haruka whispered, letting out a nervous laugh.

Ritsuka sighed, running a hand through his hair. "We need to be more careful. From now on, let's keep a low profile."

Mika nodded in agreement, her expression serious. "Agreed. We can't afford any slip-ups."

As they returned to their tasks, the incident served as a reminder of the challenges they faced in maintaining secrecy while pursuing their goals in the bustling city of Kivotos.

The following day at school, Ritsuka found himself lost in thought, replaying the events from the previous evening in his mind. He couldn't shake the nagging feeling that keeping such a large secret would eventually catch up to him.

During lunch break, Ritsuka sat with Shiroko, Hoshino, Serika, Ayane, and Nonomi. They chatted about upcoming assignments and school events, but Ritsuka's mind was elsewhere.

"Hey, Ritsuka," Shiroko called, snapping him out of his daze. "You seem distracted. Everything okay?"

Ritsuka forced a smile. "Yeah, just thinking about some... personal stuff."

Hoshino leaned in, smirking. "Is it about those 'secret projects' you mentioned yesterday? Got any more mysterious girls hiding at your place?"

Ritsuka chuckled nervously, trying to play it off. "Nothing like that, just some research I'm doing. You know how it is."

Nonomi tilted her head, looking curious. "It must be some pretty intense research if it involves that many people."

"Yeah, it's... a group effort," Ritsuka replied, hoping to steer the conversation away from his housemates.

The day passed uneventfully, and soon enough, Ritsuka found himself back at home. He opened the door to find Aru lounging on the couch, Mutsuki and Haruka bickering playfully over a video game, and Mika working on her laptop.

"Welcome back," Mika greeted without looking up. "Any news?"

Ritsuka sighed as he set his bag down. "Nothing much. Just trying to keep everything under wraps at school."

Aru glanced up, smirking. "Still playing the diligent student, I see."

Ritsuka shrugged. "Gotta keep up appearances."

He walked over to the kitchen to grab a drink, only to find Kayoko rummaging through the fridge. She glanced at him and grinned. "Hey, Ritsuka! Need anything?"

Ritsuka shook his head, grabbing a soda. "Just a drink. Thanks."

As the evening wore on, Ritsuka sat at the dining table, his laptop open in front of him. He typed out a message to Wakamo, hoping for a response this time. Just as he hit send, there was a knock on the door.

Ritsuka opened it to find Sensei standing there, a serious look on his face.

"Ritsuka, we need to talk," Sensei said, stepping inside.

The room fell silent as everyone turned to look at them. Sensei took a seat at the table, motioning for Ritsuka to sit across from him.

"I've been hearing some rumors," Sensei began, his gaze piercing. "And I need to know if they're true."

Ritsuka swallowed hard, trying to keep his composure. "What kind of rumors?"

"Rumors about you being involved in some... questionable activities," Sensei replied. "I need to know what's going on, Ritsuka. I care about you and your future."

Ritsuka glanced at Mika, who gave him a subtle nod of encouragement. Taking a deep breath, Ritsuka decided to come clean, at least partially.

"I... I am working on something," Ritsuka admitted. "But it's not what you think. It's... complicated."

Sensei leaned back, crossing his arms. "Complicated how?"

Ritsuka hesitated, searching for the right words. "I'm trying to bring together a group of people with unique skills. We have a common goal, and it's for the greater good."

Sensei's expression softened slightly. "And what is this goal?"

"To bring stability to Kivotos," Ritsuka explained. "There's a lot of unrest, and I believe we can make a difference."

Sensei nodded slowly, considering his words. "I see. But be careful, Ritsuka. The path you're on is dangerous. Make sure you're not endangering yourself or others."

"I understand," Ritsuka said, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. "Thank you for trusting me, Sensei."

With a final nod, Sensei stood up. "Just remember, I'm here if you need help. Don't hesitate to reach out."

As Sensei left, the room remained quiet. Mika walked over to Ritsuka, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"You did well," she said softly. "Now we just have to stay focused."

Ritsuka nodded, feeling a renewed sense of determination. They had come this far, and he wasn't going to let anything stand in their way.

The next morning, Ritsuka received a response from Wakamo. She agreed to meet him in a secluded part of the city later that day. He quickly gathered his things and headed out, leaving his housemates to manage the house in his absence.

Arriving at the meeting spot, Ritsuka spotted Wakamo waiting by a park bench. She had an air of confidence about her, and as he approached, she gave him a scrutinizing look.

"You're Ritsuka, right?" Wakamo asked, her tone wary.

"Yes," Ritsuka confirmed, offering a small smile. "Thanks for meeting with me."

Wakamo crossed her arms. "You said you had a proposal?"

Ritsuka nodded. "I believe we can help each other. I know you've been working independently, but with my team, we can accomplish much more."

Wakamo raised an eyebrow. "And why should I trust you?"

Ritsuka met her gaze steadily. "Because we have the same goal: to bring order to Kivotos. And together, we're stronger."

There was a moment of silence as Wakamo considered his words. Finally, she nodded slowly. "Alright, I'm in. But don't think I'll follow blindly. I'll need proof of your commitment."

Ritsuka smiled. "Fair enough. Welcome to the team, Wakamo."

As they shook hands, Ritsuka felt a sense of accomplishment. With Wakamo on board, their group was growing stronger. Now, all he had to do was continue building alliances and stay one step ahead of those who might try to stop them.

Returning home, Ritsuka shared the good news with his housemates. They spent the evening strategizing and planning their next moves, knowing that each step brought them closer to their ultimate goal.

As the days turned into weeks, Ritsuka and his team worked tirelessly. They recruited more members, each with their unique skills and abilities, and slowly began to make an impact on the city. They faced numerous challenges and obstacles, but with determination and teamwork, they persevered.

One evening, as Ritsuka stood on the balcony of his home, looking out over the city, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. They had come a long way, and there was still much to do, but for the first time, he felt hopeful for the future.

Mika joined him, leaning against the railing. "We've made a lot of progress," she said softly.

Ritsuka nodded. "We have. And we'll keep going. For the sake of Kivotos."

Mika smiled, her eyes reflecting the same determination. "Together."

As the sun set, casting a golden glow over the city, Ritsuka and Mika stood side by side, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. They were a team, a family, and nothing could break their resolve.

To be continued

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