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Chapter 3: What Is This Town?

Ritsuka sat in his classroom, lost in thought. Kivotos was an undeniably strange city, and he was still trying to wrap his head around its peculiarities. The first oddity was the halos on the heads of the girls. These halos bestowed them with extraordinary abilities—super speed, super strength, and various other powers. While most had a single halo, Ritsuka's own head sported two glowing devil horns instead.

Then there were the guns. In Kivotos, guns were as common as candy, something that still baffled him. Third, the entire city was built around its numerous academies, making it a place where students outnumbered other residents by a significant margin. Finally, there was the bizarre population distribution: 60% female, 20% anthropomorphic animals that could talk, 15% robots, and only 5% male. Why the female population was so dominant remained his biggest question.

And then there was Abydos High School, his new school. Including him, there were only six students. As he zoned out, pondering these mysteries, a sudden tug on his hair snapped him back to reality.

"Ow!" Ritsuka exclaimed, turning to see Hoshino grinning at him.

"You were spacing out again," Hoshino teased, letting go of his hair. "What's got you so deep in thought?"

Ritsuka rubbed his head, giving her a half-smile. "Just thinking about this town and how weird it is. Everything from the halos to the guns, to the fact that this school has only six students, including me."

Hoshino chuckled. "Yeah, Kivotos is unique, that's for sure. But you'll get used to it. It's not all bad. Plus, you've got us now."

Serika, Ayane, Nonomi, and Shiroko looked up from their desks, nodding in agreement. "We're a small group, but we stick together," Serika added with a smile.

Ritsuka appreciated their camaraderie, even if he wasn't sure he fully fit in yet. "Thanks, guys. It's just a lot to take in."

"You'll be fine," Ayane said, giving him an encouraging pat on the back. "And besides, we could use someone like you. Abydos needs all the help it can get."

As the day went on, Ritsuka tried to focus on his classes, but his mind kept drifting back to his plans. He needed to figure out how to recruit the people on his list without drawing too much attention. Each of them was powerful and influential in their own right, and he had to be smart about his approach.

During lunch, he found a quiet spot in the school courtyard and pulled out his phone, reviewing his list again. The first person he needed to contact was the Black Suit, the leader of Gematria. Their support would be crucial, providing him with both resources and credibility.

"Alright," he muttered to himself. "First step: secure a meeting with the Black Suit."

Just as he was about to send a message, Hoshino plopped down beside him, her curiosity piqued. "What're you up to, Ritsuka?"

"Just, uh, planning some things," he said, quickly locking his phone. "You know, trying to get a handle on this place."

Hoshino raised an eyebrow but didn't press further. "Well, if you need any help, just let us know. We're all in this together, right?"

Ritsuka nodded, feeling a strange sense of comfort in her words. "Yeah, together."

As the school day came to an end, Ritsuka made his way back home, his mind already plotting his next move. Mika was waiting for him, her eyes filled with questions about his day.

"So, how was it?" she asked, handing him a cup of tea.

"Interesting," Ritsuka replied, taking a sip. "This town is even weirder than I thought, but I'm getting used to it."

"Good," Mika said with a smile. "Because we've got a lot of work to do."

Ritsuka nodded, the weight of their plans settling on his shoulders. "Yeah, we do. But we'll make it work. One step at a time."

As night fell, Ritsuka sat by his window, looking out at the city that held so many mysteries. He was determined to unravel them all, and with Mika by his side, he knew they stood a chance.

As Ritsuka stood in the store, going about his business, the sound of gunfire pierced the air. It was a common occurrence in Kivotos, where guns were as prevalent as candy and rarely resulted in fatalities. He paid it little mind, trusting the Valkyries police to handle such disturbances. However, his indifference was shattered when he felt the cold press of a gun barrel against his head.

Turning slowly, Ritsuka found himself face-to-face with a girl unlike any he had encountered before. She had long, straight shoulder-length pink hair that framed her face, casting shadows over her eyes. Her smile was haughty and pretentious, accentuating the air of a villainess or a demon queen, a persona further enhanced by the wine-red horns protruding from the back of her head with symmetrical golden accents.

Without hesitation, Ritsuka swiftly disarmed her, kicking the gun away and pinning her to the ground with practiced ease. The girl, who introduced herself as Rikuhachima Aru, seemed surprised by how quickly she had been subdued. Ritsuka took control of the situation, retrieving her weapon and asserting his dominance before walking away calmly.

Aru, still recovering from the shock of being bested, watched him go with a mix of admiration and curiosity. She had heard rumors of Ritsuka Morningstar, the enigmatic newcomer to Abydos, and now she had experienced his strength firsthand. Despite being labeled a fugitive by the city, Aru sensed potential in aligning herself with someone of Ritsuka's caliber.

As Ritsuka continued on his way, thoughts raced through his mind. Aru could be a valuable addition to his team, her skills and demeanor suggesting she could be a powerful ally. But he needed to approach her carefully, mindful of her unpredictable nature and the potential benefits of having someone with her abilities on his side.

The encounter left Ritsuka with a new perspective on the complexities of Kivotos and its inhabitants. In this city where danger lurked around every corner, alliances could be forged in the most unexpected of ways. With Aru now a potential ally, Ritsuka knew he had to tread carefully as he navigated the intricate web of power and intrigue that defined Kivotos.

As Ritsuka stood in his house, the quiet was abruptly interrupted by the sound of someone at his door. Mika moved to answer it, but Ritsuka instinctively stepped forward, taking charge of the situation. He opened the door and found Aru standing there, framed by falling cherry blossoms, with her club members Kayoko and Mutsuki in the background.

Aru wasted no time in making her proposition. "Ritsuka Morningstar, I want you to join my team. Will you?"

Ritsuka regarded her with a calm smile, then unexpectedly closed the door in her face. Aru stood there in silence for a moment, clearly taken aback by his response. The seconds stretched as she processed what had just happened, her expression a mix of surprise and uncertainty.

Inside the house, Ritsuka leaned against the closed door, contemplating his next move. He knew Aru was no ordinary girl; her boldness and confidence hinted at valuable qualities, but he needed to gauge her intentions and motivations more clearly before making any decisions.

Mika glanced at him, raising an eyebrow. "Was that really necessary?"

Ritsuka shrugged. "I need to see what she's made of. Besides, it's not often someone like her comes knocking on my door."

Mika chuckled softly, shaking her head. "You have a strange way of recruiting allies."

"Maybe," Ritsuka admitted, a faint smirk tugging at his lips. "But sometimes you need to test the waters before diving in."

Outside, Aru finally gathered herself and straightened up. She hadn't expected Ritsuka to dismiss her so abruptly, but she was determined not to be deterred. If anything, his reaction only fueled her curiosity and resolve to prove herself worthy of joining forces with him.

Ritsuka opened the door again, stepping outside to face Aru directly. "Let's talk," he said simply, his tone indicating a willingness to entertain her proposal under the right circumstances.

Aru nodded, a glint of determination in her eyes. "Alright. I'm listening."

And with that, the stage was set for a negotiation that would determine whether Aru would become an ally in Ritsuka's plans or remain on the outskirts of his ambitions. In Kivotos, where alliances were as fragile as cherry blossoms in the wind, every decision carried weight.

Ritsuka just looked at Aru as he spoke to her. And why should I work with you last time I check you, and your club attack my School also if you are saying to join Gehenna Academy forget it I like where I am.

Ritsuka's words hung in the air, his tone steady and firm as he confronted Aru outside his door. She stood there, cherry blossoms swirling around her, caught off guard by his directness. His mention of her club's past actions struck a nerve, but she maintained her composure.

"I understand your concern," Aru replied evenly, her voice measured. "But what happened before was a misunderstanding. We were misled by false information. I'm here to make amends and to prove that we can be valuable allies."

Ritsuka crossed his arms, studying her carefully. "And why should I believe you now? What assurances can you give that you won't turn against us again?"

Aru took a step forward, her expression earnest. "Because I believe in what you're trying to achieve. Gehenna Academy may have its own agenda, but I'm offering you a different path—a partnership based on mutual benefit. Together, we can accomplish more than either of us could alone."

Ritsuka considered her words, weighing the risks and potential rewards. He knew Gehenna Academy had a reputation for ruthlessness and secrecy, contrasting sharply with the relative stability of Abydos. Yet, Aru's proposition intrigued him. If he could channel her ambitions and abilities toward his own goals, it could significantly strengthen his position in Kivotos.

"Alright," Ritsuka finally said, his voice neutral but decisive. "Let's say I entertain your offer. What exactly do you bring to the table?"

Aru's eyes lit up with determination. "Skills, resources, and a network of allies. My club has capabilities that could complement your strategies. We have information, influence, and the means to navigate the darker corners of this city."

Ritsuka nodded thoughtfully. "And what do you expect in return?"

"A partnership," Aru replied without hesitation. "Trust, collaboration, and the opportunity to prove ourselves worthy of your trust."

Mika, observing from the doorway, spoke up. "Ritsuka, she may have a point. We could use all the help we can get, and having Aru and her club on our side might give us an edge."

Ritsuka considered Mika's words, then turned his attention back to Aru. "Alright, Aru. We'll give this partnership a trial run. But one wrong move, and it's over. Understood?"

Aru nodded, a hint of relief crossing her features. "Understood. Thank you, Ritsuka. You won't regret this."

As they finalized their tentative agreement, Ritsuka couldn't shake the feeling that he was stepping into dangerous territory. Trusting Aru and her club was a gamble, but in Kivotos, where alliances shifted like shadows, it was a risk he was willing to take to further his ambitions.

The cherry blossoms continued to fall around them, a fleeting reminder of the fragile alliances and uncertain future that awaited in the city's tangled web of power and intrigue.

Anyway. Aru cough as then Mutsuki, Haruka, Kayoko, arrived next to her. We are moving in

Aru's declaration stunned Ritsuka. He stood there, trying to process the audacity of her proposal. Mutsuki, Haruka, and Kayoko, standing behind Aru, looked equally determined, their expressions suggesting they were serious about integrating their operations with his.

Ritsuka glanced at Mika, silently communicating his disbelief and concern. "Can she do that? Is this even allowed by law?" he asked, his voice tinged with incredulity.

Mika sighed, her brow furrowed as she considered the implications. "Legally, I'm not sure. It's highly unusual for someone to impose themselves like this. But in Kivotos, where the rules seem more like guidelines, enforcing such matters can be tricky."

Aru, sensing Ritsuka's hesitation, stepped forward earnestly. "Ritsuka, I know this is sudden, but I truly believe we can achieve great things together. My club has resources and connections that could benefit your plans."

Ritsuka mulled over her words, weighing the potential advantages against the invasion of his personal space and the risks of aligning with someone driven by infatuation rather than strategy. He needed allies, but he also valued his independence and control over his operations.

"Look," Ritsuka began carefully, "I appreciate your offer, Aru. But moving in here—without my consent—is a step I can't accept lightly. We need to establish ground rules and boundaries if we're going to work together."

Aru's expression softened slightly, realizing she may have overstepped. "I understand. I apologize for the abruptness. Let's discuss how we can make this partnership work in a way that benefits both of us."

Mika interjected, her voice firm yet diplomatic. "Perhaps we can set up a trial period to see how our collaboration unfolds. We can revisit the living arrangements once we've established trust and clear objectives."

Ritsuka nodded, relieved to have a potential compromise in sight. "That sounds reasonable. Let's start with that."

As they began to outline their terms and conditions, Ritsuka couldn't shake the feeling that this alliance with Aru and her club would test not only his strategic acumen but also his ability to navigate the unpredictable dynamics of Kivotos. With tensions simmering beneath the surface, he braced himself for the challenges ahead, knowing that forging alliances in this city meant balancing ambition with caution at every turn.

As the next day dawned, Ritsuka awoke to a chaotic scene in his kitchen. The remnants of a hurried breakfast lay scattered across countertops, evidence that the girls—especially since Aru and her club had moved in—had wasted no time in making themselves at home.

Ritsuka sighed heavily as he surveyed the mess, his mind already foreseeing multiple renovations in his future if this continued. The thought of his meticulously organized space being overtaken by Aru's impulsive energy and her club's presence was unsettling.

Mika, who had already been up and about, entered the kitchen with a knowing look. "Looks like they've settled in," she remarked wryly, eyeing the scattered dishes and half-opened food containers.

Ritsuka nodded ruefully. "It was bound to happen, I suppose. But they could at least clean up after themselves."

Mika chuckled softly. "You might need to set some ground rules sooner rather than later. Otherwise, I can see this turning into a perpetual mess."

Ritsuka nodded in agreement. "I'll talk to them today. We need to establish boundaries if we're going to live and work together."

Later that morning, Ritsuka gathered Aru and her club members in the living room, a sense of determination in his demeanor. He addressed them calmly but firmly, outlining his expectations and setting ground rules for living together under one roof. He emphasized the importance of mutual respect, cleanliness, and cooperation in their shared space.

Aru listened attentively, her expression reflecting a mix of admiration for Ritsuka's leadership and determination to prove herself worthy of his trust. Mutsuki, Haruka, and Kayoko nodded in agreement, understanding the need for structure in their new arrangement.

As they discussed logistics and responsibilities, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a sense of cautious optimism. Despite the unexpected turn of events, having Aru and her club in his house could potentially strengthen their alliance and enhance their capabilities in navigating the complexities of Kivotos.

However, Ritsuka remained vigilant, knowing that maintaining balance and harmony among their diverse personalities and ambitions would require ongoing effort and diplomacy. In a city where alliances could shift as swiftly as the wind, he was determined to ensure that his partnership with Aru and her club remained both strategic and sustainable.

To be continued

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