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59.9% A Mutant Collector Quest / Chapter 121: Chapter 120: Rogue -2 (Edited!)

Chapter 121: Chapter 120: Rogue -2 (Edited!)

Marie feels that the woman's voice sounds very familiar. Meanwhile, Logan stands protectively in front of Marie as two figures emerge from the tall trees.

Marie's eyes widen as she recognises one of them. "Anna?" She calls out, stepping forward, "Anna, is it really ya?"

The woman smiles. "Yes, it's me, sister. Ah've come for ya."

"Stay back," Logan warns, her eyes fixed on the other dangerous-looking woman.

"What's the matter, Logan? Are you not happy to see your sister again?" The other woman asks with a feral grin.

"Anna, where did ya go? And for so many years!... Ah, daddy, aunt, everyone from the commune searched for ya everywhere!" Marie says emotionally with tears streaming down her face. Logan holds her back, preventing her from moving forward.

"The commune … daddy and Aunt, huh," Anna says, her smile faltering as she looks at Marie's tears. "Ah was found by mah new Mama in the forest and been with her ever since," she adds, her smile returning.

"New Mama?" Marie asks in confusion.

"Ya will love her. Now that ya are a mutant too, ya can live with us. We can be together under one house just like old times, Sugah'!" Anna says with a wide happy smile.

"Mutant? Wait a minute, did ya come here to meet me just because Ah have become a mutant?" Marie asks incredulously, wiping her tears away.

"Yes, now that ya are a mutant, we can stay together. Ya can even join our cause. Ah can teach ya how to become strong like me," Anna says, clenching her fists with a wide smile. "Ya won't be a cryin' little girl anymore... No one will bully ya or laugh at ya. If anyone does, ya can just beat 'em up or ya can even kill the weak normal humans. As the Leader always says, we are the superior race anyway!" Anna's eyes gleam with a mad glint as she speaks.

"Superior? Leader? Fightin'? Killin'?" Marie asks, her confusion deepening."What are you babblin' about, Anna? And who's this scary-looking woman with ya? Have ya joined a gang?"

"Ya will know about everything, sugah. Just come with me," Anna offers with a smile as she extends her hand.

"Bub, I think your sister is a little cuckoo in her head... If I was you, I wouldn't go with her," Logan says seriously, still locking eyes with the other woman who was giving her dangerous vibes.

"Anna, what happened to ya?" Marie asks again, her voice cracking, as she gazes at her twin sister... Anna looked so different from herself, so different from the sister she remembered!

"Stop callin' me that! Mah name is Rogue!" Anna suddenly snaps, yelling as she stamps the ground.


A small crater forms underneath her feet as the wild woman besides Anna steps back, eyeing her warily.

Logan regards Anna seriously, her body tensing, ready for a fight. Marie stands in shock at her sister's sudden outburst.

Anna takes a deep breath, massaging her head, and turns back to Marie with a strained smile. "Why don't ya just come back with me, sugah? Ya are my sister, aren't ya?" she says, extending her hand again.

"W-why don't we sit d-down somewhere... and have a talk first?" Marie says, wanting to understand what had happened to her sister.

"So ya are sayin' no then?" Anna says, lowering her hand. "Bring her to me," she commands.

"As you say, Rogue," the woman beside her replies, walking forward with nails looking dangerously sharp. Logan steps forward, shielding Marie from her view.

Suddenly, a long extended tongue snaps from the side straight towards Marie at high speed. Before either Logan or Marie can react, it bounces harmlessly off the air.

"Ouch!" a man's voice exclaims from Logan and Marie's right side, as a man with a long tongue hops down.


Logan looks above as I appear, standing in the sky in my Aeon supersuit.

I had heard the explosion, and DAISY had informed me of what was happening near Logan and Marie. Seeing as how the patrons in the bar wanted to check it out, I used my Temporal Looping Powers to trap them in a loop and then knocked them all out, not wanting them to meddle in what looked like a fight about to happen.

I then turned invisible and arrived at the scene, where I saw the other sister of Marie, Anna, who didn't look mentally stable. And by that small display of strength, she definitely was powerful!

I identified the feral-looking woman beside her as the female version of Sabretooth, judging by how she was eyeing Logan.

Honestly, I knew this universe was messed up, so a gender change of some characters I previously knew about was something I was pretty used to by now.

I saw how a hidden Toad that was reaching for the Swan, so I used a forcefield to bounce his filthy tongue off and canceled my invisibility.

"If Marie doesn't want to go, then no one can take her away!" I announce as I extend my hand and use my power, Temporal Looping, wanting to trap them all in a loop.

The Toad vanishes from the place and goes back to the tree, jumping down and repeating the motion, while Sabretooth vanishes, goes back inside the forest, walks ahead, and repeats.

But Anna is looking at me with an irritated face. "This doesn't concern ya, Aeon!"

Logan looks up at the golden man and sniffs her nose in recognition, while Marie also looks up, her eyes going toward his crotch. "Luke," she murmurs in a low voice with a red face recognises it even through his tight pants!

I was somewhat surprised that my Temporal Looping Power didn't work on Rogue, though not entirely shocked."She is your sister, isn't she? Instead of forcing her, why not have an honest talk with her?" I suggest calmly.

"Who do you think you are, telling me what to do?!" she yells in annoyance.


"Agh!" I find myself on the ground with my brain rattled, feeling like the daylights were knocked out of me, while even my hearing was left impaired.

"NOO! Don't hurt him!" a woman's scream rings out, drawing my attention upward. Floating in the spot I occupied moments ago is Anna, gazing down at me with a smirk. Meanwhile, I find myself sprawled on the ground.

Marie is the one who just screamed before, as Logan is holding her back from going near me right now.

I taste blood in my mouth and realise my jaw is dislocated. Using Metal Constructs, I repair my bent helmet and take a deep breath. Channeling Chi Manipulation, I heal my wounds and regain focus.

"Well, well, look at ya," Anna says with a smirk. "Most folks crumple after a taste of my fist. Seems ya're a tougher nut to crack. But two punches are always better than one, wouldn't ya say sugah?"

I notice that on the ground, both Sabretooth and Toad have been released from the loop, as I couldn't concentrate on keeping it up just now. Hell, I couldn't even react to her speed!

Sabretooth grins, dashing toward Logan and pouncing. Logan retaliates, swiping at her with her metal claws and flinging her aside. Sabretooth rises up from the ground with three long, deep gashes on her chest, her bra torn, but Logan watches in surprise as the wounds heal instantly, mirroring her own regenerative powers.

"Ah! I have missed you, sister! It will be fun to bathe in your blood again," she says with a crazed grin, dashing back towards Logan.

"I don't have any sisters, you crazy psycho!" Logan yells, charging towards her.

Toad appears near Anna, his long tongue flicking out menacingly. "Let's not make this difficult," he says as his tongue flashes toward Marie to ensnare her.

As I prepare to use my forcefield, Anna appears in front of me, ready to punch again. This time, I react quickly, activating my Electric Aura and Chi Manipulation powers to dodge her attack.

But her punch goes through my Electric Aura easily with not even a flinch from her.


"AAAH!" Toad yells, retracting his burned tongue as a red blast slams into it.

I erect another barrier just in time for Anna's punch, but both my Radiant Shield and Psionic Forcefield are shattered instantly. I skid along the ground, though the force was mostly absorbed by the destroyed shields.

I had noticed the red blast that blasted the Toad's tongue away, but I am still surprised by the new arrival.

It was Cyclops, but female. "Back off," she orders Toad, her hands beside her visor, which was glowing red.

"Why are y'all butting in mah family matters!" Anna yells in rage, flying up and coming straight towards me.


Her flight is interrupted as she is thrown back by a big Lightning Bolt. I notice that the sky is covered by storm clouds, and a woman emerges floating in the air, surrounded by lightning.

I smirk as I use my Power: Storm's Embrace, covering my body in electricity as I rise up beside the woman. She looks at me in wonder, wind and lightning swirling around both of us, but my attention is still on Anna, who is flying straight towards us both with an angry face.

Seeing the lack of damage on her, I question myself in wonder if this version of Rogue had really absorbed all of Captain Marvel's powers just like in the comics. If it is true, then there is no way we would even be able to scratch her.


On the ground, Toad leaps around Cyclops, dodging her lasers, trying to close the distance. Logan and Sabretooth's fight is bloody, both attacking each other without thinking about defence.

Marie looks at the people fighting, both on the ground and in the air, tightening her gloved fists in frustration.

"You'll never beat me, sugah!" Anna taunts, dodging Storm's and my lightning.

She then smirks, tanking my lightning blast directly and zooming toward me. Instead of punching me, she grabs my metal helmet. "Ah always wanted to see who was behind this mask!" she says, ripping apart the front of my metal helmet with her hands.

"Ah my, ya are the most handsome guy Ah have ever seen, sugah," she exclaims, as her eyes meet mine. "Too bad, but ya shouldn't have been in mah way!" she says, removing her gloves and touching my face.

I drop my serious, helpless face as a smirk plays on my lips. "Huh?!" she looks weirdly at my reaction.

I use Metal Constructs on my gloves, transforming them into bracelets, and with my bare hands, I grab her face.

"What? How are ya still awake?!" she exclaims, wide-eyed.

"You are not the only one with powers, sugar!" I say with a smirk, pressing my lips against hers, as I kiss her!

She struggles, but against my vice grip, with her powers neutralized by my Personal Anti-Power ability, she can't do anything but struggle. I stick my tongue inside her mouth as I kiss her passionately, descending and using Metal Constructs to close my helmet halfway, to protect my identity.

Anna keeps struggling until I float back to the ground and break the kiss.

"Let me go ya creep!" She says with a flushed face.

I lick my lips and let her go. She backs away, jumping a significant distance as her powers return.

"Fall back!" Anna shouts as she looks at me vigilantly. Toad, who was relatively unharmed, and Sabretooth, whose bra was in tatters, go beside her. Sabretooth's eyes are locked on Logan, who returns the glare with equal intensity.

Storm arrives with a breeze, floating down beside me, her gaze occasionally shifting to me. Cyclops stands with her hand on her visor, watching the three of them vigilantly.

"Marie, come with me!" Anna says, opening her arms and looking at her sister.

"No!" Marie says, her gaze shifting to me, remembering the promise she had just made. She turns to Anna, her voice trembling with emotion. "Anna, why can't we sit down and talk? Ah have so much to share about... mah life, mah school, and about mah favorite person!... Ah want to know everything that happened to ya too... Sister, can't we find a place where it's just the two of us to talk? Why do ah have to go with your group? Why do we have to fight? Please, Anna, let's just talk." Her eyes plead with her sister, filled with hope and longing.

"Ah have told you, Sugah', mah name is Rogue!" Anna says with a bitter smile. She then looks at me. "This isn't over!" She declares as she floats up and flies away into the forest.

"Nooo! Anna!" Marie tries to go towards her, but I stop her. Silent tears are shed from her eyes as she sees Anna disappearing into the forest.

"Sh-She has changed so much! B-but at least she is alive," Marie says, sobbing into my chest.

Logan hisses as Sabretooth gives her a neck-cutting gesture before retreating back into the forest.

Logan stares at her destroyed bike, her mood darkening further. She then turns towards the two newcomers, her eyes narrowing."Who the fuck are you guys?"

The girl in the visor steps forward. "I am Scottie Summers, and this is Ororo Munroe. We are from Xavier's Institute for Gifted Children!"


[stgatlants323 has bought One store item! PP CUT!]

Sabertooth's gender has been switched to Female in this quest!


[Tier 3: Transcendent Human Physiology (59/100) -> Tier 3: Transcendent Human Physiology (79/100)]

[Tier 3: Phoenix Magic (25/100) (Apprentice) -> Tier 3: Phoenix Magic (45/100) (Adept)]

[Tier 2: Transcendent Angel Mage (8/100-> Tier 2: Transcendent Angel Mage (18/100)]

[Tier 3: Lightning Angel (51/100) -> Tier 3: Lightning Angel (81/100)]

[Tier 3: Earth Portal Creation (30/100) (Apprentice) -> Tier 3: Earth Portal Creation (70/100) (Adept)]

[Tier 3: Chi Manipulation (44/100) (Adept) -> Tier 3: Chi Manipulation (54/100) (Adept)]

[Tier 4: Metal Constructs (30/500) (Apprentice) -> Tier 4: Metal Constructs (50/500) (Apprentice)]

[Tier 3: Electricity Manipulation (0/100) (Novice) -> Tier 3: Electricity Manipulation (20/100) (Apprentice)]

[Tier 3: Temporal Looping (34/100) (Adept) -> Tier 3: Temporal Looping (44/100) (Adept)]

[Tier 3: Force Field Manipulation (90/100) (Expert) -> Tier 4: Force Field Manipulation (0/500) (Adept)]

[Tier 4: Personal Anti-Power (50/500) (Apprentice) -> Tier 4: Personal Anti-Power (60/500) (Apprentice)]


Updated Summary:


Force Field Manipulation (From Susan Storm)

[Tier 1]

Psionic Shields: Able to create small psionic shields that provide slight protection against minor physical attacks.

Psionic Blasts: Capable of producing harmless psionic blasts in one direction, enough to push back an average human.

[Tier 2]

Larger Shields: Able to create larger psionic shields up to 4 feet in diameter. These shields can protect against more substantial physical and energy attacks.

Destructive Blasts: Capable of producing small destructive psionic blasts that can damage or disorient opponents.

[Tier 3]

Versatile Shields: Can create force fields of varying shapes and sizes with greater versatility and durability, covering multiple people or objects.

Significant Protection: Shields can withstand significant impacts, such as car crashes or heavy artillery fire, providing reliable protection.

Moderate Force Blasts: Force blasts are more powerful, capable of causing moderate damage to objects or knocking out superhuman opponents.

[Tier 4]

Building-Sized Shields: Can generate force fields that cover and protect a small building or multiple individuals.

Substantial Defence: Shields can withstand heavy impacts, including sustained energy blasts and explosive forces.

Destructive Force Blasts: Force blasts can cause significant damage to structures, such as blowing apart walls or incapacitating multiple foes at once.


Avi2112 Avi2112

A first taste of group battle!


Yes Sabertooth is Wolverine's sister here!! Ohh these sisters are wild :P


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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