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Chapter 48: Anya Corazon

"What's your name?" you inquire, sensing something familiar about her.

"A-Anya, Anya Corazon … from Mexico," she replies, her voice quivering.

Recognition dawns on you. Anya Corazon, who in your past world comics, becomes Spider-Girl or Arana.

Her method of gaining powers was a bit different then Peter but she had almost the same power set as him.

She's on a very low priority on your Index and she must have been captured recently or else you would have been notified.

"Do you know this girl?" Matt asks, joining you.

"Something like that," you murmur, then address Anya, "Come with us."

You lead the way out of the warehouse, Matt leaning on you for support, still reeling from his injuries. Anya follows cautiously, eyeing the bodies scattered around with visible fear.

"D.A.I.S.Y. inform Uncle George about this discreetly" you whisper as soon as you come out of the warehouse.

"Already done, Luke," D.A.I.S.Y. responds.

Well you were glad, at least now those girls won't be mishandled. You can see that Matt has some questions, he must have heard D.A.I.S.Y.'s voice.

You're about to explain to Matt when D.A.I.S.Y. interrupts with another urgent update.

"Luke, Karen has just left the building and is heading towards her house"

"Fuck" "Shit", you and Matt curse in unison.

"She must still have those files with her. They'll definitely be waiting for her at her apartment. We have to get there first," Matt states, trying to steady himself against a wall.

Anya looks at you both, her expression a mix of confusion and concern.

"I'll go. You're in no shape to handle this," you tell Matt firmly.

"Ugh, no, I'm still fine," he insists, blood staining his teeth.

You're left speechless by his stubbornness.

"You need to see a doctor—don't worry, I've got plenty more tricks up my sleeve," you say with a smile, activating your Power: Earth Creation Portal on the ground in front of you.

"What the hell?" Anya exclaims, jumping back in surprise.

Even Matt's body flinches when the portal appeares.

You can't help but smirk at their reactions, and you were also eager to test out one of your newer Powers tonight.

"This is a portal. We can go anywhere in the city through this," you explain with a proud look, although it is concealed by your mask.

"Are you serious?" Matt's expression show disbelief.

"Who are you people?" Anya asks, clearly scared. You glance towards her and clear your throat.

"I am Batman"

She just looks at you blankly, and even Matt seems puzzled.

Sometimes, you felt a twinge of sadness that no one could understand your jokes. "Anyway, let me drop you off at a medical facility of mine. They will treat you there," you suggest to Matt, trying to move on from the awkward silence.

"I am coming with you. You are also injured; you will need help," Matt asserts, taking a deep breath and standing up straight.

"I think it's better if I go alone. There will be one or two thugs at most after Karen, I'll be able to handle them just fine. And don't forget about your serious injuries," you honestly convey to him.

"Alright," Matt sighs, begrudgingly acknowledging your words.

"Okay, let me take you to that facility," you offer, extending your hand.

"No, I know someone... she will be able to treat me just fine," Matt says, shaking his head at your proposal.

"Are you sure?" you inquire again, looking at the serious wound on his side.

"Yes," Matt nods firmly.

"Alright, tell me the general area where you want me to send you," you ask with a sigh, as it looks like he won't budge on this. You knew he was referring to Claire Temple, a kind-hearted nurse who has previously stitched him up when he was injured.

Matt provides the location, looking puzzled.

You bring out your mobile phone, and the screen lights up, showing an empty alley in the area. D.A.I.S.Y. is always quick on the update.

As you look at the alley through your phone and activate your power, you can see through the screen that a portal opens up on the ground there.

"Alright, you just walk through this portal, and you will reach your destination. Do you want me to come with you?" you offer.

"No... I can tell that you are speaking the truth," Matt says and then fearlessly walks into the portal.

"Woah!" Anya exclaims as Matt vanish inside the hole, only to reappear through another portal in your video feed.

"Are you a magician?" Anya asks you, clearly shocked.

You wanted to reply to her again with an 'I am Batman' line in your Christian Bale voice, but maybe that joke has now gotten old really quick.

"Let's go, I'll take you to a friend's place," you tell her as you grab her arm and head towards the portal.

"N-no, I d-" Anya protests, but before she could finish her sentence, you both had entered the portal and emerged in the backyard of a house.

"I thought I would meet you today in my backyard," speaks a feminine voice.

"Thought or saw?" you speak with a smile as you gaze at Cassandra Webb in front of you.

She smiles back and then grabs your face, giving you a passionate kiss while holding your mask.

You kiss her back, your hands moving to her ass and grabbing it tightly. Anya, on the side, blushes, looking at you both making out in front of her.

As your hand starts rubbing her pussy through her jeans, Cassandra stops the kiss. "Alright, you have somewhere to be, and I have a guest to entertain. Go now, and next time, try to be more careful," she says with concern, gently hovering her hand above the bullet wound.

"I'll try my best," you reply with a wry smile.

"Come now, my child. Let's get you inside," Cassandra says gently, pulling Anya's hand.

Anya glances in your direction, and you give her a nod.

She hesitantly follows the lady. "Umm, who are you?" she asks as she was led inside the giant house.

"You can call me Madame Web," Cassandra says with a smirk.

You shake your head at her antics and then look towards the portal.

"This will be interesting"


"Shit," Karen curses as she reaches underneath her apartment.

She hadn't anticipated the rain, and now she was soaked to the bone.

Maybe this was a bad idea, she thinks as she starts climbing the stairs of her building.

Karen understood why she had survived the first attempt on her life and why her colleague had been killed instead. It was clear to her that the perpetrators knew she had obtained the files containing all the transactions.

Their intention wasn't to eliminate her but to intimidate her, hence they stopped the police, who were likely under their influence, in filing a case against her.

Reflecting on the incident where they framed her for the murder of the person she sought help from, she realised they wanted to instill fear in her, using the leverage of her being a suspect in a murder case.

They could have killed her the first time but they opted to maintain the psychological pressure, hoping she would succumb and surrender the incriminating files.

She didn't know why their plan changed and they decided to murder her inside police custody. Maybe it was because Matt and Foggy showed up as her attorneys, making them realise that the situation might spin out of control.

Well, she wasn't that easily scared, and she wouldn't let an innocent man's murder be in vain.

As she climbs the stairs, she had to admit, she was still a tiny bit scared. Maybe she should have asked for help from someone. Matt and Foggy were just ordinary people, but Lucas was a billionaire. He would definitely be able to help her.

But how could she ask him to get entangled in such a dangerous mess? She sighs aloud, especially when he had already helped her so much. He was rich, handsome, and so hot. If she weren't being targeted by someone, she would have accepted his offer to date in a heartbeat.

As she entertains these thoughts, she reaches her apartment. Retrieving her keys, she unlocks her door and enters.

Locking the door behind her, she opted not to turn on the lights and headed straight to her bathroom. Climbing onto the toilet seat, she reaches for the vent and removes the panel. Her hand delve inside until she finds what she sought.

With a sigh of relief, she retrieves a USB containing all the files, including the emails she had copied as evidence.

Exiting the bathroom, she was startled by a male voice.

"Did you get what you came for?"

Whirling around in shock, she sees Lucas seated on her couch, looking at her with amusement.

"Lucas? What are you doing here?" she asks, panic rising in her voice.

"Waiting for you, of course. Ouch," Lucas winces as he stands up, blood staining his sleeves.

"What happened?" Karen asks in concern, moving closer to inspect him. "Is that blood? Are you injured?" she exclaims at the sight.

"Oh, it's nothing," Lucas dismisses her concern with a wry smile.

Before Karen could press further, a metallic rattling sound interrupts them, drawing their attention to the door.

"Who's there?" Karen asks, her anxiety mounting as she edges closer to Lucas.

There was no response, but the door creaks open slowly, revealing a figure entering through the threshold.

The man appears menacing, locking the door behind him and wielding a large knife.

"Wh-who are you? This is my house, please get out!" Karen demands, grabbing a nearby stool as a makeshift weapon.

However, the man ignores her, not even acknowledging her presence. Karen glances at Lucas, who seemed oddly amused. "Just enjoy the show," he remarks cryptically, prompting Karen to turn her attention back to the intruder.

The man moves to a dark corner of the apartment, assuming a crouched position with his knife poised and a chilling smile on his face. Karen felt a shiver run down her spine at the sight.

Before she could voice her questions, the man vanished before her eyes, leaving her bewildered. "Wh-where did that man go?" she asks Lucas in shock.

"Don't worry, he'll be back in 15 minutes," Lucas reassures her with a smile.

"H-how did he vanish? Who is he? And why are you at my place?" Karen bombards him with questions, her confusion mounting.

"Well, he's Rance, a hitman hired to kill you when you return back home," Lucas explains calmly, his smile never faltering.

"What?!" Karen exclaims, stunned by the revelation.


I give a heartfelt thanks to my new Patreon Supporter! :)

striker james

You are Alpha level on Patreon and Tier 1 on Discord now!!

Again thank you all for your support, as it really motivates me to keep this story going! 


Avi2112 Avi2112

Btw you guys found out what those two secret rolls were for from that fight right??

The first was for the number of russian thugs and the second was for the weapons they could have, so the encounter might have gone even worse if those rolls were higher :P


Anya and Julia looked really hot in the movie madame webb!


You can find out about our Powers from the Stat Screen in the Aux chapter


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