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22.22% I am Invincible!? / Chapter 2: Invincible

Chapter 2: Invincible

He saw a familiar black woman getting talked to by a freakishly tall blonde guy, the girl must be Amber.

He shook his head, he had enough to worry about with the whole, Dads gonna pummel me into the ground thing.

He needed to get strong.

He needed a plan.


Mark was just waiting, he tried to speak as little as possible. He didn't want to have to explain a sudden personality shift.

If anyone asked why he was quiet, he would just say he had a headache.

It should work.

He did surprisingly get to work, luckily he had a calendar app that automatically did his work schedule, if not for that thing he would be screwed.

But he was waiting, for one thing.

He remembered the scene, Mark is putting stuff into a bin and he accidentally sends a bin bag to the moon.

This might be where he gained super strength, flight, super speed.

This could be where he changed the world.

So when he was told by his manager to bring out the trash he was excited. He slowly made his way to the bin, he didn't wanna walk too fast and accidentally get bin juice on him.

That would be disgusting.

He felt his heart beating rapidly as his hands were shaking in excitement? Fear? Both, he didn't know.

He lifted the weirdly heavy bin bag awkwardly and tried to throw it into the damn bin.

The next moment, the bag had been sent flying into the sky above with a woosh.

A grin lit on his face, he looked towards the burger fast food place. He went into the back doors and grabbed his stuff.

He wasn't working here anymore.


He was currently in a park not even 300 metres away from his house, he was thinking things over.

Did he tell his parents about the powers?

If he doesn't then that means Omni-Man doesn't advance his plan yet.

If he does, then he gets to be a superhero, train with other hero's, train against villains and gain allies.

If he doesn't tell his dad the timeline will completely change, he wouldn't be prepared for anything at all.

He sighed, he would have to tell them soon.

There really wasn't anyway he could hide it from his parents, not when they knew the superhero life better than he did.

Then they would just confront him for lying and putting himself in danger, he could see the lecture coming from a mile away.

So he settled on a compromise.

Before he announced his powers to his father, he would perfect his control over flight and punching at least.

His parents didn't expect him home for another hour and forty minutes, so he would use that time trying to perfect his powers.


He looked on Google Maps and searched for a nearby large park or field. A nearby large park was only a mile away.

So he went on a mini jog, as he feet pushed against the ground he already felt stronger, faster he felt like he was almost gliding against the path.

It was dark and he wasn't wearing any running clothes so people might suspect some odd things.

But then he started thinking about what type of Hero he wanted to be, and he wasn't going with the Viltrumite plan, he's morally flexible when it comes to stealing or most things really.

But enslaving humans, yeah he wasn't doing that.

So he would need allies, Robot is a must.

He can't remember the comics completely, he remembered he ended up hating Robot but he became very powerful and made earth better.

Atom Eve was powerful, Allen was powerful after getting his head kicked in, the coalition of planets were probably useful.

He honestly didn't remember enough beyond when a bunch of Alternate dimension marks all came to his dimension and started killing tons of people.

Could he trust the coalition of planets?

He clenched his jaw, if only he reread the comics before he got here.

He sighed, nothing he could do about it now.

Anyway, what type of Hero should he be? The question went through his head and he came to the obvious answer.

A frontline Hero, patrols at day and fights the big supervillains.

He thought to Spider-Man, the best Hero of all time in his opinion. He did a mix of daytime patrol when supervillains were about but also did night-time patrols.

Something that he never saw Mark ever do.

Should he emulate Spider-Man? No, he's not as good as quips and instead of funny and charming it will probably come across as awkward and annoying.

He finally got to the park, it was massive! He didn't expect it to be this big, it also had quite a few trees he could use as cover.

So he quickly made his way over to a cluster of large trees and stood inbetween the maze of trunks, sticks and leaves.

Viltrumites need to use leverage to fly, he needed to push off the ground, he thinks?

So he tried that, didn't work.

He tried it again, nada.

Again, nope.

He sighed, he wanted to try something he saw in Man of Steel.

He dropped to one knee, pushed his hands hard against the ground below.

Then pushed and jumped with all his strength.

His body was propelled into the sky above, he felt a grin rise on his face. He twisted his body in the air and looked at the sky, he could see the stars and moon.

He tried to push his body off the air, seeing if that worked and it kind of did?

Given he went flying a couple hundred metres in the direction he pushed off from he would say it worked, he just needs to control it now he's in the sky.

As he started to feel gravity's effect on him he pushed off the air again, this time going straight up.

He went flying towards the sky above.

The way his body felt in the air was just right, he could never imagine getting in a car ever again.

Mark was twisting in the air nonsensically while laughing, this was so much fun.

This was…this was amazing.

He reached the peak of his flight and started to drop to the ground, he instinctively twisted his body upright and felt his flight slow.

Viltrumite instincts were just so cool.

He was now just hovering over the world with his burger-mart uniform, he laughed to himself at the absurdity.

He was already one of the strongest people on this planet just because of sheer strength, durability and he can fly.

But he would get his head kicked in by tons of people, he slowly rised he was getting used to slowly controlling flight and it was almost working.

But anyways, he can't get arrogant. The sheer amount of times Mark was getting curb stomped in the comics and the show was just devastating for his future.

So he would train, he would take this as seriously as he possibly could.

So as he slowly flew back and forth, up and down, right and left, every possible direction he started to increase his speed.

Then he would do the same routine, loop de loop, left and right, up and down, back and forth quite literally anything he could think of.

Then he would slowly increase the speed again and again and again until he was cruising around.

It was tedious, he wanted to start at full speed but he knew that this was the best way to have perfect control of his own body in the air.

His speed was nowhere near his max but he was still passing by the surrounding buildings in a blur.

The whole time he was grinning, he didn't even think about turning or twisting anymore.

This was going great!

"Mark?" A familiar voice jolted him out of his exaltation, he came to a sudden stop, gulped and slowly turned to the form of his flying father.

He looked stunned, his eyes were wide. He was wearing a grey T-shirt and dark jeans.

"Hey, uh Dad" saying dad felt weird but definitely nessacary.

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