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Chapter 3: Moonstone high

As Adam stuffed his gym shorts back into his locker, he couldn't ignore the faint odor wafting from them. "I should probably take these to the laundry," he muttered to himself, wrinkling his nose in disgust. The exhausting basketball class had left him drained, especially after Coach Thompson's grueling drill that had pushed him to his limits.
Glancing at the clock, Adam realized it was already half past four in the evening—the start of the free period when students could indulge in whatever activities they pleased, within school regulations, of course. But Adam was too exhausted to think about anything other than getting some much-needed rest.
With a resigned sigh, he packed his backpack and trudged out of the basketball court, his footsteps echoing in the empty hallway. The silence seemed to envelop him, more noticeable than usual, as he made his way towards the exit.
Just as he rounded the corner, his heart skipped a beat as Harris suddenly appeared before him, a malicious grin spreading across his face.
"Where do you think you're headed, punk?" Harris taunted, stepping closer to Adam.
Adam's instincts kicked in, and he turned on his heels, breaking into a run. This wasn't the first time he'd found himself in a confrontation with Harris, and he knew all too well that it usually didn't end well for him. Harris was cunning, always choosing his moments carefully, and this time was no different.
As Adam sprinted down the hallway, his heart racing with adrenaline, he couldn't shake the feeling of impending doom. Harris had caught him off guard, and now Adam was left with no choice but to outrun his tormentor, hoping to escape unscathed once again
Suddenly, Adam felt a heavy impact against his back, causing him to stumble and collapse to the ground with a painful thud. Groaning, he struggled to his feet, only to realize that it was Harris's backpack that had collided with him. Before he could react, Harris grabbed him by the neck, his grip like a vice. Harris was way taller than Adam and more muscular too so manhandling him really didn't take much for him.
"We can talk about this, man. Like civilized people," Adam pleaded, his voice strained as he attempted to break free from Harris's hold. But Harris, towering over him with his superior height and muscle, had other plans.
With a malicious grin, Harris dragged Adam towards the closed-off, unused locker room—a forgotten space that had been shut down for maintenance after a supposed rat infestation. It was the perfect spot, secluded and abandoned, where no one would hear Adam's cries for help.
As Harris shoved Adam into an old footlocker, Adam knew he was trapped. "What was that you said about me being pointless?" Harris taunted, his words dripping with venom as he threw a punch that connected with Adam's face, sending him reeling.
Blood filled Adam's mouth as he tasted the metallic tang of his own injury. "Okay, man, this is going too far," he managed to choke out, attempting to fend off Harris's relentless onslaught of punches.
But Harris showed no mercy, his blows raining down on Adam with increasing ferocity. "Nah, after what you said, I'll make sure you won't speak again," Harris spat, his tone laced with contempt. "You damn negros are all the same."
As the violence escalated, Adam's world blurred into a whirlwind of pain and darkness, his pleas for mercy drowned out by the sound of his own suffering. In that moment, Adam began to genuinely believe that he could die there. Harris was red in anger, and he didn't look like he was planning to stop when...
"HARRIS!" a voice boomed from the entrance of the door, cutting through the tense atmosphere like a knife. Adam's heart skipped a beat as he recognized the voice—it was his best friend, Bryce. "What the fuck, man?" Bryce lashed out; his tone laced with anger as he stepped forward.
Pound for pound, Harris still had the physical advantage over Bryce, but what Bryce lacked in size, he more than made up for in influence. With his father on the school board of directors and his natural charisma and ambition, Bryce was well-known and respected among both students and teachers. And to top it all off, he was currently leading in the race for school president.
"Don't get in my way, teacher's pet. Or do you want a beating too?" Harris taunted, trying to intimidate Bryce into backing down. But Bryce stood his ground, unfazed by Harris's threats, and met his gaze with a steely determination.
"You could try," Bryce retorted with a smirk. "But trust me, this won't end well for you. So why don't you leave now, and maybe I'll pretend like nothing happened," he added, offering Harris a way out.
Harris bristled with anger, realizing that he was in a losing situation. With a deep breath, he reluctantly turned and began to walk away. But before he disappeared from view, he shot a venomous glare in Adam's direction. "This isn't over, punk. Your little boyfriend can't protect you forever," he sneered, his words dripping with malice, before disappearing down the hallway.
As the tension dissipated and the adrenaline began to fade, Adam couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude towards Bryce, as he got up and brushed the dust off his clothes.
"You didn't have to do that you know." Adam insisted, " I had him where i wanted him." he added jokingly as he stretched his wounded arm.
"Yeah right." Bryce remarked as he let himself laugh a little.
"What's so funny?" Adam demanded furiously as they walked off back to their dorm houses. In that moment, he realized just how lucky he was to have a friend like Bryce by his side, someone who would always stand up for him, no matter the cost. 
Meanwhile, Aiva lay in her bed, consumed by a sense of unease. Thoughts of Adam swirled in her mind, a tangled mess of guilt and confusion. Why him? Why now? She felt a pang of jealousy gnaw at her insides, even though she had no right to feel that way. After all, she was already in a relationship with Bryce. So why couldn't she shake the feeling that something had changed between her and Adam?
Her friend and roommate, Stephanie, entered the room and found Aiva huddled on her bed, clutching her pillow with a troubled expression. With a sigh, Stephanie asked, "What did Bryce do this time?" But Aiva shook her head, indicating that it wasn't Bryce who was troubling her.
"Then who is it?" Stephanie pressed, her brow furrowing in concern. Aiva hesitated before admitting, "It's Adam."
Stephanie's eyes widened in disbelief. "No way. Him?" she exclaimed, incredulous. Aiva nodded silently, confirming her suspicions.
"What's going on with you two? He's just your best friend, right?" Stephanie prodded, sensing there was more to the story. Aiva turned her gaze upwards, lost in thought as she contemplated Stephanie's question.
It all started in their senior year when they first met, Aiva reflected. Adam had transferred in, and she had been the one to give him a tour of the school. They had instantly clicked, bonded by their shared interests and easy rapport. Adam's kindness and infectious energy had drawn her in, and before she knew it, he had become an integral part of her life.
Adam had a talent for shooting and was popular in both archery and the marksman club. everybody needed him and wanted to be around him. Meanwhile Aiva was always into gardening and would spend days taking care of the plants in the school garden on the rooftop. The downside was she was usually alone, nobody else was interested in the club so she was usually just her own company. Until one day Bryce came walking in. He was the first person who actually seemed to be interested in what she did and her in particular. they started meeting more and more and spending more time together, they made out on many occasions and even took things a bit further on multiple occasions. Everything was going great until one faithful day...
As she tended to the garden, lost in the tranquility of nature, her peaceful moment was shattered when a group of boys from the junior class barged in, mocking her for being alone and carelessly trashing the garden she had worked so hard to maintain. Despite her attempts to defend herself, they easily overpowered her, leaving her feeling helpless and defeated.
Then, purely on coincidence, Adam appeared on the scene, his presence a welcome relief in the midst of chaos. With unwavering courage, he stood up to the bullies and chased them away, before turning his attention to helping Aiva repair the damage they had caused. His kindness and generosity touched her heart, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards him. Later she found out the reason he was there to begin with was to deliver some pots that miss. Heinz the gardening instructor had given to him.
"So, you're in love with the kid simply because he fixed some gardening equipment?" Stephanie asked, her tone tinged with confusion. Aiva bristled at the implication, feeling misunderstood.
"He helped me understand why those kids did what they did," Aiva explained, her voice tinged with frustration. "It was Harris who sent them, all because I turned him down at last year's Halloween festival."
"And?" Stephanie pressed, still failing to grasp the significance of Adam's actions.
"When I confided in Bryce, he brushed it off like it was no big deal. But Adam, he actually stepped up and defended me," Aiva elaborated, her admiration for Adam evident in her words. "He stood up to Harris, even though it meant putting himself at risk. That's just who he is. He's... he's amazing," she concluded, her voice softening as she hugged her pillow tightly, lost in her thoughts of Adam.
Stephanie frowned, still not entirely convinced. "But if you feel that way about Adam, why stay with Bryce?" she asked.
Aiva sighed, feeling torn. "It's complicated. And besides, I have bigger things to worry about right now. Like the new girl," she admitted, her voice tinged with suspicion. "There's something off about her. I can feel it."
Stephanie nodded in agreement, understanding the gravity of the situation. Only a few people such as themselves, with their keen intuition and shared knowledge, could sense when something was amiss. And with the arrival of the new girl, it seemed that trouble was on the horizon once again.
Aria had just finished lugging the last of her bags up to her room, grateful for the solitary space granted to her by the principal. She glanced around at her new surroundings, taking in the sleek design of the room. The bed, made of birch wood, seemed to blend seamlessly into the wall, creating a cozy pod-like atmosphere. A small curtain provided both privacy and protection from the sunlight streaming in through the window.
Across from the bed stood a large closet with a full-length mirror, while a round green table and two chairs occupied the center of the room. A bean bag nestled in one corner, offering a comfortable spot for lounging. And just beside the door, a refrigerator stood sentinel, a surprising yet welcome addition to the room.
As Aria settled onto the edge of her window seat, her mind buzzed with thoughts of the days ahead. She knew she had plenty of time before the next full moon, three weeks to be exact, but she couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation coursing through her veins. And then there was Adam, with his easy charm and magnetic presence that seemed to draw her in.
Despite her best efforts to remain detached, Aria couldn't help but feel a strange familiarity with him, as if they had crossed paths in another lifetime. But she quickly pushed aside such thoughts, reminding herself of the mission at hand. People were inconsequential to her, mere pawns in a much larger game.
Yet, as she pondered her next move, Aria couldn't shake the nagging feeling that something was off about Adam's friend, Bryce. There was an unsettling familiarity in his voice and demeanor that sent a shiver down her spine. But for now, she would bide her time, keeping a watchful eye on him and waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.
With a determined nod, Aria refocused her thoughts and steeled herself for the challenges ahead. Whether they believed in werewolves or not, she knew that eventually, they would all come to see the truth. And when that day came, she would be ready.

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