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Magic is all about intent with wands having been made around the Hogwarts founder's time to be used as a control method to lower the average potential of their population. Wands allowed for faster casting time and an increase in efficiency. But when children get dependent upon them during the 'prime growth period' they use less magic overall not increasing the threshold of their limits by much with their control of magic not up to par for wandless magic. They would still be able to fight and beat a wandless practitioner but would have no real power if separated from their wands.

Magic comes not from the body itself but from the soul.

After absorbing all that knowledge, many things began to make more sense. I thought slowly leaning back before the slight squelch reminded me where I was. My disgust and worry returned full force. I slowly got up from my bed, careful not to make any fast movements, and made my way to the door that was surprisingly unlocked. Reflexively looking at the clock right across from my room.

It is currently sitting on one thirty and since it's still cold and dark that means it's one in the morning. I can't steal from Vernon or Petunia but Dudley won't be too much of a problem. After all, he just needs to throw a tantrum to... But Vernon would still beat my ass... fuck. Turning to the kitchen I take a look at the date and it's currently January 3rd, 1988 a Sunday. Turning around I head back into the cupboard and close the door behind me. 'Still smells like shit.' I sit down on the floor leaning my head back into the door and slip into 'Meditation'.

My sense of smell is the first thing to go as my body loses its senses one after the other until I'm drawn to my magic. It's not some ball of energy in my navel or heart but it's present throughout my body. Slowly I seize hold of it and try to rotate it but nothing happens to my increasing frustration. I keep trying different things until I remember magic comes from my soul so I just need to want to move. As if responding to my will my magic started to move faster gathering in concentration and I tried to will it to flow faster and it did. I began to play with it making go in patterns around my body that grew increasingly more complex until I could make it form a slightly detailed boat.

Finally satisfied I deactivated meditation.

[New perk Attained]

[New skill Attained]

[Hidden quest Control Above All complete]

[Gift stored in Inventory]

[Host has leveled up]


[Name: Harry James Potter

Age: 7

Lvl: 3 0/20 exp

Mp: 14000/14000

Str: 7

Dex: 9

Perc: 12

Int: 16

Wis: 13

Cha: 20

Points: 6]



Gamers Mind Max

Gamers Body Max

Parseltongue Max

Mothers Protection Max

Family Magic Max


MetaMorph Lvl 1 0%: You can currently change your eye color and hair length.

Observe Lvl 1 0%

Meditation Lvl 15 12%

Magic Energy Manipulation Lvl 25 5%]


[Genius: You have officially entered the world of geniuses. You will learn everything 20% faster.

Hyper Magic Sensitivity: You are always extremely aware of the magic within and around you.]


Wanting to know how long it's been I slowly open the door and it's now 4 AM. Slowly closing it I move to my bed and gather my magic into a large whirlpool. I begin to think only of cleaning and getting rid of the bad smells and bugs. Repeating this for a while and letting the power build-up. Then I let it out with a simple thought 'cleanse'. The magic sweeps throughout the room, dirt, spiders, insects, urine, and blood spatters are instantly erased. I ignore the notifications and Jump on my now clean bed I feel up the thin sheets that give off a 'new' smell.

I almost slip into sleep right there but I don't want them to see what I did to the place. I get up quickly and gather my magic again this time with the thought 'Don't notice the door.' With that done I jump into bed for some well-earned sleep.


"That's my special little Duddikens" Petunia squeals like he had done something amazing which she does every time he does even the most mundane thing. Along with booming laughter that I could feel through the floor.

Groaning I swipe away a notification and open up my inventory. My broken glasses, the infinite food, and water, and a wrapped gift sitting there. I take out a water bottle and take a quick swig when I see it start to immediately refill. I try to take out food but nothing happens until I think of a basic burger with medium-rare beef, a cheese slice, and buns.

As I eat I start thinking of the best way to progress to the highest level of power I can but the fact that certain actions brought about increased gains and changes makes me want to keep the status quo. Harry hunting will let me train my dexterity, gardening might give me something that could make herbology smooth sailing, cleaning could become some overpowered skill with how gamers function, and Cooking for the Dursleys will give me skills that could turn me into the world's greatest chef. Depending on whether or not I get those skills tomorrow my stay here may be long and fruitful especially if I can simply overpower my 'caretakers' physically.

As much as I simply want to leave this place I had also gained the memories of the Original Harry running away, calling CPS, and more. He did not get far and was thrown right back here with a quick obliviate. So no matter how this goes I am currently dealing with at the very least a manipulative Dumbledore meaning I need to be his perfect little pawn for a while longer.

My plans decided I contently ate and drank.


I selected the gift and immediately it changed to omega mutant awakening serum. Seeing that I decided not to take it and took out another burger.

I don't know in what ways it could change me and if some form of physical deformity shows up I would be fucked six ways to Sunday. Not to mention I don't know much about the X-men and I certainly don't want people searching for me while I'm weak.


[Name: Harry James Potter

Age: 7

Lvl: 3 0/20 exp

Mp: 14350/14350

Str: 7

Dex: 9

Perc: 12

Int: 16

Wis: 13

Cha: 20

Points: 6]

So it did increase.



Gamers Mind Max

Gamers Body Max

Parseltongue Max

Mothers Protection Max

Family Magic Max


MetaMorph Lvl 1 0%: You can currently change your eye color and hair length.

Observe Lvl 1 0%

Meditation Lvl 15 12%

Magic Energy Manipulation Lvl 26 20%

Intent casting Lvl 2 5%]

Well, that's certainly nice. Might as well get to work. I recast the don't notice me field and started playing with my new abilities.

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