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87.5% A New Beginning: Marvel reborn / Chapter 14: Chapter 14

Chapter 14: Chapter 14

Pov Levi:

As I stood in front of the antique shop in Brooklyn, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and trepidation. The shop, seemingly ordinary from the outside, was actually a secret underground facility, transformed into a state-of-the-art laboratory for today's experiment. Dr. Erskine exchanged a secret code with the shop owner, an elderly woman who was also an undercover agent, and made our way into the lab.

As we descended into the underground facility, the vast, ultra-modern rebirth lab stretched out before us, far larger than the store outside. The room was a hive of activity, with technicians operating machinery, engineers monitoring screens, and a film crew setting up their equipment. All eyes turned to us as we entered, and I could sense a mix of respect and curiosity.

At the center of the lab, the rebirth device gleamed, its glittering lenses surrounding two man-shaped cradles. Pneumatic panels folded below, and six vita-ray reactors loomed behind, their hum filling the air. 

Howard Stark, greeted us with a hint of mischief in his voice. "Ah, the main character for today's show has arrived. Are you ready to step into a new world?"

I nodded, and as I did, the door above us opened, and Steve Rogers, accompanied by Peggy Carter, made his way onto the platform. "Speak of the little guy, here he is to rewrite his destiny," Stark said, his eyes fixed on Steve, who looked around in awe at the machinery surrounding us. 

Steve joined us, and Peggy made her way to the observation booth above, her eyes fixed on the scene unfolding below.



Senator Brandt stood in the control room, surrounded by his aides and advisors, conferring in hushed tones. A man with glasses, 'Fred Clemson' from the State Department, waited patiently behind him, his eyes fixed on the conversation. Colonel Phillips entered the room, his presence commanding attention.

"Senator Brandt, glad you could make it," Phillips said, his voice firm but respectful.

Senator Brandt turned to him, his expression inquiring. "Why exactly am I in Brooklyn, Colonel? I'm not aware of any pressing matters in this city."

Phillips gestured to the machine below, its hum filling the air. "We needed access to the city's power grid, Senator. Of course, if you'd given us the generator I requisitioned, we wouldn't be having this conversation."

Senator Brandt waved his hand dismissively. "Lot of people asking for funds, Colonel. I can't fulfill every request."

As he spoke, Fred Clemson stepped forward, his hand extended. "Colonel, I am Fred Clemson, State Department. If this project of yours comes through, we'd like to ensure it's used for something other than headlines."

Peggy Carter entered the room, her eyes scanning the space before settling on Colonel Phillips. Phillips nodded in acknowledgement, and Senator Brandt's gaze drifted to the window overlooking the lab. His eyes widened as he spotted Steve Rogers, the young man's frailty evident even from a distance.

"Jeez, somebody get that kid a sandwich," Senator Brandt exclaimed.


General Pov:


Dr. Erskine carefully assisted Steve onto the device, his eyes locked onto the young man's fragile form. Levi, beside him, nodded in response to Erskine's query, "Comfortable?" 

Steve's gaze darted around the room, his eyes widening as he took in the array of machinery and the expectant faces of the attendants. 

His voice trembled slightly as he asked Dr. Erskine, "You save me any of that schnapps?" 

Dr. Erskine's expression turned sympathetic, and he winced, "Not as much as I should have."

With a nod, Erskine signaled the attendants to hook up Steve and Levi to the device. The hum of machinery grew louder, and Steve's eyes fixed on Howard Stark, who emerged from behind the device, his eyes shining with a mix of excitement and trepidation. "Coils are at peak, levels are 100%," Stark announced, his voice filled with confidence. 

"We may dim half the lights in Brooklyn, but we're ready. As ready as we'll ever be."

Levi chuckled, and Steve's gaze flickered to him, then back to Stark. "I saw you at the Expo," Steve said, his voice laced with awe. "Did you ever get that Cadillac in the air?" 

Stark's grin grew wider, "Had her flying three full minutes." 

Steve's eyes widened further, "Then what happened?" 

Levi interjected playfully, "They landed, technically." 

Stark's smirk grew, and he patted Steve's shoulder, "Don't worry, kid. This will be a smooth ride." Steve's expression remained unconvinced, his eyes darting to the device, then back to Stark.

Dr. Erskine pulled down an overhead microphone, his eyes fixed on the booth where Colonel Phillips stood. He tapped the mic, and Phillips winced, holding his ear. 

"Ladies and gentlemen," Dr. Erskine announced, his voice echoing through the speakers, "this morning we do not take another step toward annihilation. Today, we take the first step on the path to peace."

In the booth, Senator Brandt watched with a skeptical expression as Dr. Erskine continued, "We will begin with a series of micro-injections to the subject's major muscle groups." Howard Stark and his assistants readyied the machinery, while the engineers checked their monitors.

Dr. Erskine clicked off the microphone and nodded to a nurse, who opened a case, revealing a gleaming aluminum syringe. She tapped the needle, pulled back the plunger, and injected both Levi and Steve in the arm. Levi took the injection easily, but Steve winced initially before relaxing. 

"That wasn't so bad," Steve said, to which Dr. Erskine replied with a smile, "That was a tetanus shot." Levi chuckled, and Steve looked embarrassed.

A panel slid back, revealing a carousel of light blue vials. Thirteen tubes of serum stood at the ready. Dr. Erskine and the nurse inserted six vials each into the injectors, which connected to Levi and Steve. 

Erskine nodded at a tech, who deployed the injection pads. They bristled with hundreds of tiny needle tips, closing over Levi and Steve, pressing them to the table.

Dr. Erskine counted down, "Beginning serum infusion in five, four, three," He pressed a switch, and the injection pads clicked. Unseen needles deployed, and the blue fluid slowly emptied from the serum injectors. 

Steve's veins swelled, and his head began to shake. Levi also felt heat in his body and started to shake.

 Erskine hit another button, and padded restraints closed in on their heads, holding them still. Their wide eyes glowed an intense blue.

Finally, the injector vials emptied completely. Dr. Erskine said, "Now, Mr. Stark." 

Stark pulled a lever, and the table slowly tilted upright. The bed rose like a rocket ready to launch. The panels unfolded, and a hood lowered over Levi and Steve's heads, sealing them inside the Vita Chamber. 

From a window frame, their faces could be seen. Erskine spoke into a mic, "Steven, Levi, can you hear me?" Levi nodded, grinning, while Steve joked, "Is it too late to go to the bathroom?" 

Dr. Erskine smiled and commanded, "We shall proceed."

Stark threw a switch, and his Vita Ray reactors roared to life. The room filled with a piercing whine, and a huge gauge needle began to climb - 10, 20... Steve's face contorted in tension, while Levi's expression remained steadfast. Inside the chamber, orange light built in intensity, and technicians pulled on goggles. 

Peggy crossed her fingers, her eyes fixed on the scene unfolding before her.

As the needle continued to rise - 30, 40... Steve's eyes squeezed tight, his pain evident. Levi, however, seemed to be handling the treatment much better. 

Erskine monitored their vitals, nodding to Stark to increase the power. The dial turned higher, and the machines beeped faster...and faster...

At 50, 60... Steve's head snapped back, his body seizing. The glow surged, flooding the window and hiding Steve and Levi from view. Peggy's worry turned to alarm, her breath fogging the glass. The needle reached 70, 80...and Steve's scream echoed from the speaker.

Erskine rushed to the window, but the intense light blocked his view. He barked into the microphone, "Steven? STEVEN?" 

Peggy raced out of the booth and down the stairs, shouting, "Shut it down!" 

The lights grew brighter, forcing the viewers to shield their eyes. Erskine yelled, "MR. STARK, KILL THE REACTORS!"

Just as suddenly, Steve's voice came through the speaker, "No..." followed by "Don't..." 

Stark's hand hesitated over the dial. Then, Steve's voice grew stronger, "I can do this." 

Levi also encouraged, "Yes, Dr. Erskine, Steve is stronger than you think. We can do this, so don't stop now." The room held its collective breath, frozen in anticipation.

Dr. Erskine swallowed hard, hesitating before nodding to Stark. With a final turn of the dial, the Vita Ray Chamber flashed from orange to white, and then darkness fell. The whine ceased, and the machines' beeping stopped. Erskine turned ashen, Stark stared at the dial, Peggy swallowed hard, and even Phillips looked somber.

Then, a sound rose - the steady beep of the machines. The lights rose, and Erskine hurried to the device. "Mr. Stark!" he exclaimed. 

Stark hit a button, retracting the hood and panels, releasing a blast of steam. When it cleared, Erskine saw a new man hanging in the straps - muscular, tall, and perfect. Steve's head rested against his chest, eyes closed.

In the observation booth, everyone gasped and rushed out, except the man with glasses, who flicked a switch on his cigarette case, revealing a red light. He snapped it shut and magnetized it to the chair bottom. 

The technicians freed Steve and Levi from the straps. Dr. Erskine approached Steve, saying, "Steven?" Steve opened his eyes, "Doctor? Did it...?" Erskine smiled, "I think...yes..."

Levi gazed at his transformed physique, astonished by the dramatic changes. His once lean and athletic build, had bulked up significantly, now resembling somewhat a bodybuilder's physique. His height, too, had increased, stretching from 6'2" to 6'5" feet, making him an even more imposing figure. His muscles rippled beneath his skin as he flexed, marveling at the newfound strength and power coursing through his veins.

Levi, now bulkier and taller, grinned at Steve, "Well, look like someone else also just hit the gym." 

Howard Stark exclaimed, "You did it, Doctor. You really did it." 

The others rushed into the lab, and Senator Brandt remarked, "Some folks in Berlin are about to get very nervous." 

Peggy brought Steve his clothes and asked "How do you feel?", and he dressed, saying, "Taller..."

The man with glasses entered the lab, eyeing the remaining tube of unused serum. He flicked open a lighter, revealing a button. 

Erskine turned, "Please, do not smoke in here." Levi saw the man and as Erskine saw him more closely, he recognized him as Heinz Kruger from HYDRA. 

Dr. Erskine realized the danger, shout "No..." 

But Kruger pushed the button, and the observation booth exploded, shooting fire and glass into the lab. 

Phillips shoved Brandt out of the way, Peggy pulled a pistol, and Erskine rushed to get to the serum first. Levi instinctively ran towards another man who pull out the gun, colliding with him as new to his speed and crashing through the nearby wall.

Kruger also drew a pistol and shot Dr. Erskine, who fell back, smashing into the machinery. 

Steve exclaimed, "NO!" as Kruger snatched the last tube and raced for the door. 

Peggy shot at him, but he escaped. Steve rushed to Erskine's side, checking his wound, "Doc!" 

Levi pulled himself out of the hole in the wall, seeing Dr. Erskine's bloody form.

Noob_Burn Noob_Burn

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