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Chapter 11

Pov Levi:

As I completed my morning routine, I received an unexpected call from the Colonel. I stood at attention outside his office, noticing a hint of annoyance on his face. After a deep breath, he gestured for me to enter. "Levi, sit down. I have news for you."

I obeyed, thinking it might be another mission briefing. But his next words caught me off guard.

"Levi, you've been selected for Project Rebirth. You'll be administered the Super Soldier Serum."

My mind raced as I processed this revelation. While I recognized the opportunity, I was hesitant, knowing I already possessed exceptional strength, stamina, and agility. I had also conducted experiments on my blood, discovering an extra set of chromosomes, but I couldn't decipher my DNA structure. I wondered if the serum would even be effective or safe for me.

I expressed my concerns to the Colonel, asking " sir, is there were alternative candidates."

However, his calm demeanor turned to irritation, and he sternly replied, "This is an order, soldier. Do you intend to defy it?"

I felt trapped, reluctantly responding, "No, sir."

As I exited the office, I saluted and made a mental note to seek out Dr. Erskine's counsel. I trusted him to keep my secret, hoping he could provide guidance without revealing my secret, which I feared would lead to government scrutiny and intervention.


I knocked on Dr. Erskine's door, and he invited me in. As I entered, I noticed a mix of curiosity and concern on his face.

"Levi, thank you for coming. I assume the Colonel has informed you about Project Rebirth?"

"Yes, sir. He told me I've been selected for the Super Soldier Serum."

Dr. Erskine nodded, his eyes clouding over. "I chose you, Levi, because I see good in you. But I must share a story with you, one that explains why I'm hesitant about this project."

I leaned forward, intrigued. "Please, Doctor, tell me."

Dr. Erskine's eyes seemed to gaze into the past. "Johann Schmidt, the leader of Hydra, captured me and forced me to develop the serum. He held my family hostage, pushing me to complete the incomplete formula. The result was...unsuccessful."

His voice trailed off, and I sensed a deep pain behind his words.

"Schmidt took the serum, gaining super strength, but it not only amplified his strength but also aggression. I realized too late that I had created a monster."

I felt a sadness on dr. Erskine face but it's gone as soon as he's eyes refocused on me.

"I chose you, Levi, because I believe you have a good heart. But the Colonel and the higher-ups want a soldier, someone who will follow orders without question. I fear they don't care about the human cost."

My mind raced as I processed Dr. Erskine's words. I could sense the weight of his responsibility, the burden of his past mistake.

Dr. Erskine's gaze held mine. "I see a spark in you, Levi. A spark of compassion, of empathy. And I want to find another candidate, someone who embodies those qualities, and who have a good heart, someone who will use their gifts for the greater good."

"Doctor, there's something I need to tell you. Something that might change everything," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

"What is it, Levi?" Dr. Erskine asked, his eyes narrowing slightly.

"I have an extra set of chromosomes, Doctor. My DNA structure is...complex. And I possess certain abilities," I revealed, my heart racing.

"Abilities? What kind of abilities, Levi?" Dr. Erskine asked, his curiosity piqued.

"I have super strength, stamina, and agility. I can also adapt to certain...negatives, but it's not foolproof," I explained, watching Dr. Erskine's reaction closely.

" Fascinating! I've never seen anything like this before," Dr. Erskine exclaimed, his eyes lighting up with excitement.

He quickly grabbed a syringe and drew a sample of my blood. I watched as he examined it under a microscope, his eyes scanning the sample with intensity.

"Levi, you're telling the truth. Your DNA is unlike anything I've seen. The extra's incredible," Dr. Erskine said, his voice filled with wonder.

"I need your promise, Doctor. You can't tell anyone about this. I don't want to be a test subject for the government or other scientists," I pleaded, my eyes locking onto his.

Dr. Erskine looked up from the microscope, his eyes locking onto mine. "I promise, Levi. I'll conduct some experiments with the serum, but I'll destroy all information and samples afterward. You have my word."

"Thank you, Doctor. I trust you," I said, feeling a sense of relief.

"I'll get to work on the experiments immediately. I'll let you know the results soon," Dr. Erskine said, his voice reassuring.

I searched his eyes, looking for any sign of deception. But all I saw was sincerity.

"Thank you, Doctor. I appreciate it," I said, turning to leave.

"Levi?" Dr. Erskine called out, his voice stopping me in my tracks.

"Yes, Doctor?" I asked, turning back to face him.

"I promise to keep your secret safe. But I need you to promise me something in return," Dr. Erskine said, his eyes serious.

"What's that, Doctor?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

"Promise me you'll use your abilities for good. Promise me you'll be a force for justice," Dr. Erskine said, his eyes burning with intensity.

I nodded, feeling a sense of purpose. "I promise, Doctor. I'll use my abilities to make a difference."

Dr. Erskine nodded, a small smile on his face. "I knew I could count on you, Levi."


As we arrived at Camp Lehigh in Wheaton, New Jersey, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nerves. Dr. Erskine and I had shared a secret just a week ago, and now we were about to embark on a new journey. We were greeted by Agent Peggy Carter, who stood tall and confident in her crisp army uniform.

"Welcome, gentlemen," she said, her eyes scanning us with a hint of warmth. "I'm Agent Peggy Carter. I'll be conducting the examinations and supervising the chosen trainees."

Howard Stark, ever the charmer, flashed a smile. "Look who we have here, the beauty of war, Miss Carter."

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head at his flirty attempt. Peggy ignored him, her expression unimpressed. "Mr. Stark, I'm here to work, not indulge in your playboy nature."

She turned to me, her gaze softening. "Levi, it's good to finally meet you again."

"Likewise, Agent Carter," I replied, feeling a sense of ease with her.

As we settled into the camp, Stark continued to try and charm Peggy, inviting her to be his "lady for the night." For his stark expo She politely declined, her smile firm but friendly.

Undeterred, Stark turned to Dr. Erskine and me. "Gentlemen, I have a proposition for you. I'm hosting an exhibition at Stark Expo next month, showcasing the future of technology. I'd love for you to join me."

Dr. Erskine and I exchanged a glance, and I nodded. "We'd be honored, Mr. Stark."

Peggy raised an eyebrow. "I'm not sure I'll be able to attend, Mr. Stark. I have duties to attend to."

Stark grinned. "Nonsense, Agent Carter. You need a break from all that seriousness. Come, it'll be fun, I promise."

Peggy shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips. "I'll come to the exhibition, Mr. Stark, but not as your 'lady for the night'."

Stark chuckled, his eyes sparkling with delight. "Well, I suppose I can't blame a man for trying. Very well, Agent Carter, you may come as my esteemed guest instead."

Dr. Erskine and I exchanged a glance, both of us smiling at the banter between Stark and Peggy. It was clear that she was not one to be won over by charm alone, and I admired her for it.


As I strolled through New York, I stumbled upon a movie theater, INT. MOVIE THEATER, and decided to catch a show.

Inside, a patriotic film was playing, encouraging viewers to join the war effort, even showcasing a young boy's contributions.

However, a disruptive man in the audience shouted, "They're just tryin' to get outa workin' for a living!"

But his comment was met with indifference from the crowd. Undeterred, he yelled again, "Jeez, play the cartoon, already!"

His outburst irked me, and I considered responding, but a slender man intervened, politely asking him to keep it down.

Nevertheless, the disruptive man continued, "Let 'em clean up their own mess, the jerks!"

The skinny man refuted him once more, his annoyance growing, "YOU WANT TO SHUT UP?" The man slowly stood up, revealing his imposing height, making him a very large jerk.

My interest was piqued as I followed the jerk and the skinny man outside the theater into a nearby alley.

The jerk punched the skinny man in the jaw, knocking him into a row of garbage cans. But to my surprise, the skinny man got back up, only to be hit again. He tried to block the jerk's swing with a trash can lid, but it was yanked away, and he was punched to the ground. Yet, he got up again! The jerk was taken aback, and I seized the moment to intervene.

"Fight with your own size," I said, and the jerk turned to face me. He swung a punch, but I dodged it easily and countered with a round kick to his head, followed by a quick punch to his rib and another to his temple. He crashed to the ground. The skinny guy watched in amazement, and as he opened his mouth to speak, I sensed movement behind me.

I dodged a punch and caught the arm of a new attacker, a man in a sergeant uniform, and flipped him over my shoulder.

As he fell, the skinny guy rushed to help him, exclaiming, "Bucky, are you all right?"

Bucky stood up, wincing in pain, and said, "I'm right, Steve, but I think you picked the wrong dude today."

Steve pointed at the unconscious jerk and said, "No, Bucky, he saved me from that guy."

I apologized, "Sorry, soldier, it's just my instincts. Are you all right?"

Bucky waved his hand, but I could see the pain in his eyes. "Thanks for helping my friend," he said, looking at me, then at Steve. "Sometimes I think you like getting punched."

Steve chuckled, wiping blood from his mouth, "I had him on the ropes."

We introduced ourselves - I'm Levi Hart, and they're James "Bucky" Barnes and Steve Rogers.

As we shook hands, I said, "Nice to meet you both, but I have to go now." I glanced at my watch and added with a grin, "You should put some weight on if you want to rope guys like him."

With a wave, I left the alley, thinking it was cool to help without a reason. But there was something familiar about Bucky and Steve.


Dr. Erskine knocked on my door, a hint of excitement in his eyes. "Levi, may I have a word with you?"

I nodded, gesturing for him to enter. "Of course, Doctor. What's on your mind?"

He smiled, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "I've made a breakthrough, Levi. The experiment was a success, and the results are promising."

My heart skipped a beat. "What does that mean?"

Dr. Erskine's smile grew wider. "It means you can take the serum, Levi. And because of your unique blood, I've made some adjustments to the formula. It'll give it a small boost, and the serum will be more stable."

I felt a wave of relief wash over me. "That's amazing news, Doctor."

Dr. Erskine's expression turned serious. "But there's something else, Levi. Your's like nothing I've ever seen before. It's as if it has a mechanism that adapts and changes whenever I try to decode it."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What do you mean?"

Dr. Erskine shook his head. "I mean that every time I try to sequence your DNA, it changes. It's like it's alive, Levi. And I can't crack the code."

I shrugged, feeling a strange sense of relief. "Well, at least no one can exploit my DNA now."

Dr. Erskine nodded. "Exactly. You're safe, Levi. And with the serum, you'll be even more protected."

I smiled, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders. "Thanks, Doctor. I owe you one."

Dr. Erskine smiled back. "You don't owe me anything, Levi. Just promise me you'll use your abilities for good."

I nodded, feeling a sense of purpose. "I promise, Doctor. I'll make a difference."

With that, Dr. Erskine left, and I lay back in bed, feeling a sense of peace wash over me. I knew that tomorrow would bring new challenges.


Here's the rewritten paragraph:

Author's Note: I want to thank you all for your patience. Despite the delay, I remained committed to completing this story. I've written some scenes that are inspired by the movie, so let me know what you think!

Thanks again for your support! ✌️

Noob_Burn Noob_Burn

Please tell me if you like this story . Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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