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Chapter 7: Father and Daughter talk

Momonga POV

"Ughhh... I'm tired..." After Momonga teleported away from the floor guardian's, he had to lean his hand against the wall. He was mentally exhausted as he had to put up a fake front of being an almighty ruler in front of his now sentient npcs. 

Remembering each of their speeches on how they viewed him, he internally freaked out and thought to himself.

"What's with their glorious views about me?!? Those guys are serious!"

Needing to remove this anxiety in his mind he decided to try and experiment with this new environment he was placed in. He decided to teleport to the entrance of a minor guild warehouse within Nazarick. It housed random trash from lower to middle tier items that he and the other supreme guardians deemed was not valuable enough to be put in the guild treasury. All of the sudden if felt a presence behind him. He turned around and saw Narberal Gamma closely behind him. He nearly screamed but held it in with all his power which showed itself in dark black aura that surrounded him. To Naberal, it looked like he was enraged with her. She started to shake uncontrollably in fear and an instantly kneeled on the floor.

"L-L-L-Lord M-M-M-Momonga h-have I done.... S-Something to o-o-offend you?" Narberal was barely able to get the sentence off while stuttering. She had tears in her eyes.

A green light sparkly light enveloped him and instantly calmed him down. Momonga quickly dissipated the aura away and coughed in embarrassment.

"Ah.. No you have not Narberal. I was simply testing you to see if you could withstand a fraction of my aura. You have done remarkable well, better than average actually. As expected of a member of the pleiades and a creation of my fellow supreme being." 

"I-I.... Thank you for your praise, Lord Momonga!" Naberal was relieved that it was a test and was internally happy as it seemed that she passed with flying colors but she didn't show it on her face. She didn't know that Momonga was lying through his teeth. 

"I have something to try, Narberal Gamma, follow me." Momonga said stoically.

"Yes Lord Momonga!"

Momonga opened the door to the warehouse and picked up a common sword from a selection of many. He thought to himself.

"Even though I'm a magician, since I'm level 100, I should have enough strength to swing a sword... or will class restrictions still play a role and not allow me to?"

Momonga then tried to swing the sword as hard as he could but before he cold, it was like an invisible force was holding him back, making him simply drop it on the ground. Narberal witness this and was confused on what he was trying to accomplish. 

"This confirms that class restrictions still come into play." He confirmed to himself. He continued by looking at himself through the mirror that was placed in the room.

"I don't feel any unease or fear when looking at my appearance.. Has changing into this form change me mentally as well as physically?" He thought to himself and recalled when he groped Albedo's chest in the throne room and when he just got scared by Narberal Gamma. 

"I also know that when I become emotionally unstable, something forcibly makes me calm down... I also don't feel the sensation of hunger... at least.. at the moment... I also don't feel the need to sleep as well... hmmm..."

"Lord Momonga." Naberal caught Momonga's attention.


She quickly gestered towards the fallen sword. Momonga realized that she wanted to pick up the sword to put it away. He nodded his head at her, and she quickly picked up the item and was about to put it away. looking at her with the weapon in her hands, it gave Momonga an idea.

"Create greater item!" He chanted. Instantly, his mage robes were replaced with dark black, heavy knight armor with a red cape.

"Narberal, give me the sword."

"Yes Lord Momonga." 

Momonga grabbed the hilt of the sword with both his hands and swung. To his surprise, it actually worked. When he swung a large gust of wind blew in many directions from the sheer power of his swing.

"So just like in Yggdrasil, items that are created via magic are usable."

"Narberal I'm going to leave for a bit. Do not tell any of the floor guardians of my departure." Momonga ordered. Narberal had a look of hesitancy but agreed to his commands.

"As you command, Lord Momonga."

Just as he was about to teleport out of the room, the door burst open. It was Mare who was looking stressed out and breathing heavily which confused Momonga because he assumed that he teleported to his location, so it required little physical effort.

"Lord Momonga!" Mare cried in desperation.

"What is the problem, Mare?" Momonga asked. If Mare was acting like this, then something serious must have happened.

"Miss Albedo started a fight with Miss Bellerose! I-It's serious! Miss Bellerose activated "False Reality" and it affected all of us and Albedo but they're not aware of it! I-I was able to get out using multiple dispels on myself, but I do not believe that I have the MP to get everyone out besides myself! Please Lord Momonga help! The floor guardians are in danger!"

Startled at this information Momonga ordered Narberal Gamma to resume her duties and for Mare to follow him. He then quickly teleported back to the sixth-floor arena. When he arrived. he saw the floor guardians except Bellerose, standing there in the middle of the arena. Most of the floor guardians were staring into nothing blankly with their eyes looking foggy. Albedo, however, was reacting differently. She was on her knees screaming, visibly seizing, her foggy eyes were flowing with tears, and she was sweating profusely. He knew that this meant that her HP was severely low, around 15-20. In Yggdrasil, players looked like this when severely affected by Illusionary damage debuffs, however, they did not actually feel what was being done to them. If that were the case, it would be catastrophic, but now that the world was real, it became a lot more dangerous. He quickly chanted greater dispel on them knocking them out of the illusion.

All the floor guardians were confused at first, in which Momonga explain to them that they were in an illusion caused by Bellerose. When they heard this, they started to sweat. They all thought to themselves that her powers were immensely fearsome and powerful more than they ever thought. Momonga then continued by ordering them to explain what happened between Albedo and Bellerose but before they could explain, he ordered,

"Bellrose, enough with the petty tricks and get down here." Momonga ordered coldly.

Bellerose quickly floated down towards him and started to kneel. No one saw besides Mare who was beside him, that Bellerose's eyes were filled to the brim with tears. Seeing this caused a wave of silent rage that he was barely able to control. 

"Is it because I'm her creator?" He thought to himself.

After a couple of minutes of silence, Demiurge explained to him the situation. 

"There was... a verbal dispute between Shalltear and Albedo in which Bellerose got directly involved. It ended up with Albedo questioning the worthiness of Bellerose's position as a floor guardian and as Lord Momonga's creation out loud, disrespecting both her and indirectly you, Lord Momonga."

"....I see." Were the only words he could say as hearing this, Momonga was enraged but tried to keep a cool head. It also helped that he was being forcibly calmed down. He then issued orders to the floor guardians.

"You will all be punished later except Mare, who came to get my attention. You all decided to sit and watch as your fellow guardians fought against one to the death. Even though it was an illusion, you all represent 41 supreme beings by being creations of them. By killing each other, you are shaming the image of the supreme beings."

"And when Albedo wakes up, tell her I will talk with her soon. Tell her to be prepared" 

Momonga finally continued to look at Bellerose who was still kneeling and trying not to cry. After a while, he realized he was staring for too long.

"As for you Bellerose, come with me right now" He said sternly. He still had to be harsh with Bellerose in front of the other floor guardians so he would not show any bias towards her as he was her creator, however, as soon as he was out of her eyes, he was going to explain to her that she was not at fault, but she had to not try and kill them by using such lethal spells if something like this were to happen ever again. Part of him was mad that she tried to kill Albedo, so he had to be sterner when telling her the second part, so he planned on exuding some aura so she would get the message.

Momonga turned around and opened a portal in front of him. Bellerose quickly floated towards the portal and went through, leaving the unconscious Albedo and other floor guardians behind to contemplate their actions or lack thereof.


Reina POV

Momonga teleported himself and Reina in front of a door in a large hallway. She then noticed Narberal Gamma standing at the side of the door.

"Narberal Gamma, leave and tell those around the area to not disturb my discussion with Bellerose in this room. They will not knock. They will not eavesdrop. They will not go near this room until Bellrose, and I leave this room, signaling that we are done with our discussion. Do you understand?" 

Hearing the seriousness, Narberal immediately bowed towards her and Momonga.

"Yes Lord Momonga. I will send word of your command!"

Narberal immediately teleported away from Reina's and Momonga's sight. Leaving them alone. They both entered the room and did not talk to each other. They just stared at each other for a couple of minutes in awkwardness. Throughout this, Reina was shaking in nervousness and sniffling.



Momonga was the first to speak up.

"Did you really think that it was okay.. for you to attempt to take a floor guardian's life, a creation of one of the supreme beings, my friends, who I hold dear to me?" Dark aura began to seep from his body, enveloping the entirety of the room. This made Bellerose tremble in fear even more.

"Even though you are my creation, you will not be exempt from severe punishment if you do even anything even remotely close to what you pulled off now. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" At this point the amount of dark aura was unbearable. Reina was crying profusely and was covering her eyes, trying to wipe her tears away but they kept coming.

"Uuuhuu *Sniffle* *Sniffle* uuhghh.."

(A/N I legit don't know how to do show crying without reminding myself of the old man crying meme) 

"B-But she tried to put her hands on me! She was going to kill meee! *sniffle* Are you telling me to not protect myself?!?! BASTARD! DISGUSTING SKELETON LOSER! I HOPE YOU NEVER GET A WOMAN IN YOUR LIFE FOR ETERNITY!" Reina was screaming at Momonga. Dark black and blue smoke-like aura started to cover her body, nearly rivaling the amount of dark aura that Momonga was releasing albeit he was holding back most of his aura he could possibly release. Suddenly the dark aura disappeared.

"Ethereal hand." He put his hand on the top of Reina's head. This sudden action startled her at first, thinking that he was going to hurt her but when she looked up at his face, she had the feeling that he wasn't going to. For some reason, instead of feeling anger or fear towards his action, she felt suddenly calm and safe which made her aura dissipate. 

"*Sigh* 1. I will pretend that I did not hear that last part of what you said to me. 2. I'm not saying that you can't protect yourself. Normally, if somebody that were not a part of Nazarick try to put their hands on you, you have all the right to make them suffer as much as you want. 3. Do you truly think that Albedo truly wanted to kill you? Think Bellrose, you are smarter than you realize when your emotions are stable. Albedo.. She has.... a deep affection towards me. If she were to kill you, she knows she would gain my rage and my hatred."

With her emotions calming down, Reina realized that she made a big mistake. 

"I really just tried to murder one of the guardians! I-I'm such a idiot! I should know this because I have knowledge of her! What's wrong with me?!?" She yelled internally to herself. Reina put her head down remorsefully.

Momonga continued seeing how she was deeply reflecting on her actions.

"In a sense, you and Albedo are similar. You both a quite intelligent normally. *Chuckle* albeit I think that Albedo is smarter than you." This made Bellerose make a pouting face towards Momonga.

"However, that intelligence is becomes murky and clouded when experiencing intense emotions. It ruins your judgement, and it causes you both to act irrationally. Refrain from being consumed by your emotions. You're strong, but sooner or later, that fatal flaw will be used against you if you don't teach yourself control."

Thinking about his wise words, Reina agreed with what he said. She remembered someone like Shalltear who in the future, was going to be affected by a world item. Shalltear could've completely avoided them if she didn't lose herself to that bloodlust. It was a slightly different situation, but she did not want to become like that.

"I will allow you to use your illusions if anything like this happens again but only use your very weakest illusions. Try doing harmless pranks against them instead of murdering them please." Reina's eyes widened and thought that was a good idea. She remembered the scene where Albedo tried to ride a bicorn but couldn't because she was a virgin. 

"Pffft a virgin succubus!" Reina thought to herself. She also thought of multiple scenarios where she could create an illusion of Momonga calling Albedo a virgin loser and that she should be ashamed of herself as she was a succubus and was still a virgin at her age. She wanted to thank him but didn't know how to reciprocate these words sincerely. She suddenly thought of a way, but she didn't know how he'd react to it.

"Screw it!" She thought to herself.

"Thank you f-f-father... and I'm sorry for what I've done."

Momonga suddenly stood up, took his hand off her head and froze. His red eyes were gone from his black eye sockets. A green haze enveloped him. Reina saw this and happily smiled, knowing that it probably shook the very core of his soul. Momonga then coughed and responded.

"Y-Yes. My... Daughter.. Now that you've reflected on your actions... you may now go and see... Yuri Alpha if you want because soon, I will be calling you later for something important... Also you can call me father when we're alone but only when we're alone, understand?" Momonga said. Reina swore to herself that she saw a bead of sweat dripping from his skeleton head.

"Yes father!" Reina smiled and left, not seeing the expression on Momonga's face as she called him father again.

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