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Chapter 26: Chapter 25

Brad glanced at Edward and began to narrate what had just happened between him and Jamie.

"I was originally directing the concrete pump truck to enter the construction site at the entrance when he walked up to me and asked if we were hiring laborers here."

He was a small subcontractor with dozens of workers under his command, part of the construction team for the Dawn Building Project.

"He looked like a student when I first glanced at him, wearing the uniform pants of your Horizon school. I asked him, 'As a high school student, why aren't you focusing on your studies and instead coming to the construction site to do labor work?' He told me he didn't like studying very much, wanted to get used to working at the construction site first, and after a while, he wouldn't go to school anymore and would just follow me to do work at the construction site." At this point, Brad shook his head as he took a puff from the cigarette.

It's not easy to hire workers at the construction site now to do work; there are hardly any young people willing to be masons anymore because of the hard work they had to do on the site.

Don't be fooled by those keyboard warriors online talking about bricklaying like it is the easiest and the most enjoyable work in the world; let them come to the construction site to work, each one will find it tough that they will leave after a few minutes of work.

Under Brad's command, most workers are over forty years old. The oldest among them are almost sixty this year. This made the work at the construction site quite slow as he was behind the schedule to complete the building project.

But when Jamie approached him, he was actually quite tempted to accept him as a worker. A high school student who came looking for work and willing to do labor work? Wouldn't this be a perfect addition to his construction team's strength?

But now standing next to Edward, Brad couldn't possibly voice his true thoughts out. Having gone from being a mason to now supervising dozens of workers as a subcontractor, he is no fool.

He knew his own thoughts about accepting Jamie, but he couldn't say that in front of the teacher.

"I told him that he is a high school student and he should focus on studying to have a better future by attending a good university and getting a better job than this work. But that kid insisted, saying that he would be studying for a few more years while coming out to earn a few thousand dollars. So why not start to lay bricks now. This way, he could earn money for a few more years."

Brad took a puff and then said, "I jokingly asked him, 'Alright, how about coming with me to the construction site to do some bricklaying?' I didn't expect that kid to immediately ask if he could get an advance of one month's salary."

Brad chuckled and said, "Isn't he here to mess with me? If he needs money, he should ask his parents for it. Why come here and play this game with me? So I scolded him, saying he's a troublemaker who lacks parental guidance and then that fucker started to argue with me. Um... Teacher, I hope you don't mind for me calling him a fucker."

Brad chuckled and walked away after finishing his cigarette and started to work.

Edward stood aside, smoking quietly while listening to Brad's story. His brows furrowed, his mind wandering. Although Brad's words were strange, the situation should be close to the truth.

Does Jamie dislike studying? That's possible. But does disliking studying mean he has to come to the construction site to do manual labor? That doesn't make sense.

Moreover, the fact that the kid ran off as soon as he saw Edward made it even more puzzling. But it was already late at night, and he couldn't gather more information.

After understanding the situation from Brad, Edward didn't linger and left the construction site on his bike.

He wanted to catch up with Jamie. Even though it's late, Jamie is a boy, but Edward felt it's better to be cautious. Skipping school and not going home, then running to a construction site to work as a laborer?

How could Edward, as his homeroom teacher, not investigate this?

However, Jamie had already disappeared from the construction site when he saw Edward.

Edward searched around the construction site but didn't see Jamie. He stopped by the roadside and took out his phone.

During the day today after he became homeroom teacher, he had already saved all the contact information of the students' parents in the mobile phone in his office.

At this moment, he scrolled down the screen, found the contact information of Jamie's parents, and called the number.

"The number you have dialed is invalid, please verify the number and try again."

Edward raised his eyebrows, very surprised.

'It's actually an invalid number. How could it be an invalid number? These student information were all left by the previous homeroom teacher, it shouldn't be wrong, right?'

Although the previous few homeroom teachers were all teased away by the students of class 9 of grade 11, when they were in office, they were still very diligent.

'Could it be that I made a mistake during the day and entered it incorrectly? It shouldn't be.'

When Edward does something, once he starts, he will definitely take it seriously.

He clearly remembers the contact information of all the parents in the class, he double-checked several times. When entering the contact numbers, he checked while entering, twice. After saving all of them, he checked them one by one, twice.

There shouldn't be any possibility of errors at all, right? He thought to himself, 'could it be that no teacher had ever called Jamie's parents before this?'

But as soon as this thought occurred to him, Edward shook his head. That's even more impossible.

As the class 9 of grade 11, which student hasn't had their parents called before? It can be said that the students of class 9 of grade 11 have been called the most by parents in the whole school.

Unable to get through on the phone, Edward refused to believe it and tried again several times, but the result remained unchanged, which made him very frustrated.

In a typical class, there is usually a parent group. When the homeroom teacher or subject teacher needs to contact a student's parents, they can simply mention them in the parent group. It's simple, convenient, and allows for real-time communication.

But the situation of class 9 of grade 11 is different. Class 9 of grade 11 used to have a parent group, but as the previous homeroom teacher left at the end of the last semester, the parent group was dissolved.

Everything in class 9 of grade 11 is now in a very closed and chaotic state, which is one of the reasons why no teacher wants to be the homeroom teacher of class 9 of grade 11.

It's like starting from scratch. Unable to contact Jamie's parents, Edward can only give up. He plans to personally visit Jamie tomorrow morning to inquire about the situation.

Having made up his mind, Edward went toward his home. When Edward reached the society he gave the guard the packet of cigarettes and went toward his home. The home was one of the things his parents left for him after their death. But as Edward was a kid when his parents died Edward's custody went to his mother's sister, Helen.

Helen was an independent girl until she got pregnant and left by her boyfriend when she was in university. Since then she had been living with them. She decided to give birth despite his mother's objections but his father supported her. She had a daughter. And after the accident she had been living with Edward with her daughter while taking care of both of them.

He took out the key to open the door. The lights were closed as Edward had already told Helen about him being late. After parking his bicycle he went to his room to take a shower and slept in his bed. A quiet night passed.

The next morning at 5 a.m., Edward turned off his alarm clock and got up with a yawn. He couldn't remember the last time he woke up this early in the morning. He normally got up at 6 o'clock and after doing some exercise and running he went to school.

But now as the homeroom teacher of class 9 of grade 11, he needed to adjust his body clock accordingly.

Morning lectures at Horizon High School started at 7 o'clock, so he had enough time after waking up to exercise, have a shower and have breakfast.

"Aunt, I'm leaving."

At 6:30, Edward told his aunt and then prepared to go downstairs with a few boxes.

"Edward, let me help you carry some."

Edward's aunt, Helen, a lawyer, saw her nephew dragging some boxes and wanted to help.

"Aunt, I can handle this on my own." Edward smiled and insisted on not letting Helen help him. The boxes contained things like the mainframe and monitor which were not too heavy for him.

Moreover, Edward was strong now, and he didn't need Helen's help with these things. He had already informed Helen and Gwen, Helen's daughter about becoming the homeroom teacher.

Starting today, he will be living at R.S Building Society.

Regarding the housing arrangement, he just mentioned it was the school's decision, and Helen and her daughter didn't ask much.

After putting the boxes in the trunk, Edward drove his Land Rover out of the garage and drove toward Horizon High School.





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