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64.62% I am reborn in Akame ga KILL / Chapter 95: The Phoenix King

Chapter 95: The Phoenix King

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- Korra, why don't you let Hela enter you with more than just his tongue? - Katara asked her sister. This morning, before I left for Azula's place, I had decided to give Katara a go at her ass, and I had just finished, and I was already out of the girl, admiring her stretched open hole... a masterpiece.

- Sister, I put up with Hela only because of you, let him be grateful that I even let him put his tongue in me. - Korra, who was playing with her pussy with her fingers while watching my anal fun with Katara, replied naked.

- Oh, 'tolerate'... you moan with pleasure when Hela's tongue is in you. Sister, you keep lying to yourself. - Katara looked at Korra with a puzzled look, it was obvious that we were going to sleep together soon, but Korra was still making illusions.

- Katara... can I lick her? - Korra asked, approaching Katara's arse.

- Is Hela's milk in there... or did you like it and you lied last time? - Katara stuck her finger in her back hole, and pulled it out stained with my seed, she put it in Korra's mouth, 'Oh, you're a liar, sister. - said Katara as Korra began to suck her finger.

- You girls play around, I'll be back in a week or so, if you need anything, just ask the clone. - I said and got dressed, -Corra, keep expanding your horizons at Wan Shi Tong's, and if you don't make any progress again, I have a couple more ways to help you. - I got fully dressed, and as I left I slapped Korra's buttock, which was now licking Katara's bottom... what good sisters they are... time to go to my sister.

It was a long distance between my oasis in the middle of the desert and the capital of the Fire Nation, and since this planet also had time zones, it was morning now, and when I reached the capital of the Fire Nation an hour later, it had just recently become night. This was to my advantage, it was much easier to infiltrate the palace at night, and to be precise, I wanted to infiltrate Princess Azula's bedroom.

Azula was sleeping alone tonight... as a child, sleeping Azula was like an angel, a trait she still has today, sleeping sis looked very cute and defenseless... especially defenseless were her holes, which is where I got attached.

- Ummm... Hen, I hope I'm awake now...' Azula opened her eyes as I penetrated her pussy and ass.

- Sis, I came to visit you... by the way, where are Mei and Tai Li, you usually sleep together right? - I asked while moving in Azula's holes.

- Recently their parents came to the capital from the colonies of the Earth Kingdom, so Tai Li and Mei had to give them some time. - Azula replied, trying to hold back her moans. In order not to wake up the entire palace with the screams of pleasure of the princess, I travelled with Azula to the domain, there she could scream and moan as she was used to.

After making hot love to her sister, she told me of her triumphant return to the capital. I had seen how the people had greeted her, but Azula told me how Ozai had reacted, and he had praised her and promised to reward her handsomely soon for her loyalty and performance.

Azula could sense a lie, and felt Ozai's words to be a trick, so she started to find out what kind of reward the Fire Master was preparing. As it turned out, Ozai was planning to hand over the title of Fire Master to Azula in a few months, and he had decided to proclaim himself the 'Phoenix King' - the ruler of the world, who would burn the old world to ashes when he flew over the planet Comet Sozina.

Azula found out that for the coronation ceremony of Ozai, ritual armour is being prepared, new flags and banners with the phoenix instead of the symbol of fire are being sewn, in short, Ozai is preparing to solemnly proclaim his new title of 'Phoenix King'.

- That's a funny title he's made up, I think I'll take it when I bring that fool down from the top of the world to the depths of despair. - I said, making a couple of plugs for Azula's holes, because usually everything I pump into Azula is sucked out by Tai Li or Mei, but now they're gone, so I'll have to plug the holes so nothing comes out. Azula and I had a great night and the girl will have to go to Tai Li and Mei to tell them about my return.

- Yeah, I knew right away that my father was trying to trick me somewhere... I killed the Avatar, my duty was done, and now he doesn't need me anymore. I'll be a Fire Mistress of sorts, but I won't have any power, all the power will be in the hands of the 'Phoenix King'. - If I had not deceived him myself, I would have been very hurt, but I knew that my father could not be trusted a hundred per cent... as well as me, he brought me up like this. - Azula finished.

- Since Ozai will give up the throne in favour of his new title, you will be able to rule the Fire Nation immediately after his assassination without any delay. - I went over to Azula and put plugs in her holes.

- Look, Hela, I understand that Ozai was a disgusting father to you, but do you really resent him so much that you're willing to kill him? - Azula asked, and stood up from the bed, trying to walk around with foreign objects in her pussy and arse.

- Hmm... to be honest, he hasn't done anything bad to me personally, apart from his bad fatherhood. And his desire to take over the world is just an imitation of Azulon and Sozin, who also wanted absolute power. To be objective, Ozai is not the worst Fire Lord, he didn't start new wars like Sozin, he just continued the policy of the past rulers of the country, as Azulon did after Sozin's death. His methods of warfare were the same as those of the past rulers, they had quietly carried out genocides, and Ozai continued this tradition, wanting to genocide Ba Sing Seo. However, while Ozai is no worse than Azulon and Sozin, he is no better than them. I was even thinking of letting Ozai live... you know, cutting off his arms and legs, and crippling his chakra so he wouldn't use magic anymore... but that asshole still gave birth to me and deserves a little mercy, so I'm just going to kill him. - I replied.

- Yeah, you're just the mercy itself. - Azula smiled.

I moved the girl back to her bedroom, and while Azula went to her friends, I decided to walk around the capital. I changed my appearance so that no one would recognise me, I had built up a layer of pseudo-flesh on top of me, and now I was a not particularly handsome and bald middle-aged man. I visited various shops in the capital, bought clothes for the girls, furniture for the palace, books for Wang Shi Tong's library, as he had burned all the books from the Fire Nation section and would be happy to have even the most publicly available books from that country.

The money was a pleasure to spend, I was a prince, but I had earned my fortune by literally mining gold from the crater of a volcano with my hands. While I was in disguise, I had a funny idea about Ozai and the fact that I was in the capital of the Fire Nation. I could take on the appearance of Azulon and appear as a ghost to Ozai at night, and with the domain I could disappear instantly, adding to the image of a ghost that could appear and disappear at any time. I can also try on the image of Airo, who Ozai also tried to kill... while I'm in the capital, I'll have fun not only with Azula, Tai Li and Mei, but also with Ozai, and while I'll have the first three physically, I'll have Ozai morally.

I ended up having a great time with Azula, Tai Li and Mei, but to be honest, I enjoyed scaring and bullying Ozai more. Every night I appeared next to him and tried on a new image, first the image of Azulon, then the image of Airo, I recreated the image of Ayla, Ozai's mother, and also recreated the image of Sozin from paintings, all these dead relatives would appear next to Ozai at night and call him 'Killer', when Ozai attacked them, trying to drive them away, the ghosts would disappear, but would soon return again. On the fifth night, the image of the 'dead' Avatar appeared to Ozai, and on the sixth night, Ozai saw a dark spirit wearing an Oni mask.

- Killer... Fire Master, your soul is cursed...' said the dark spirit, and removed the mask, underneath which was Ozai's own face, which began to burn, revealing his skull, which in turn began to turn from human to bird. 'Fire Master, your cursed soul will burn in the fire. - The dark spirit began to turn into a burning skeleton of a bird, and soon disappeared.

Ozai reacted rather violently to all these appearances, the first time he thought he was dreaming, but he soon realised that he wasn't. The second night, he tried to stay awake, but it didn't help him, his dead brother appeared to him and called him 'Killer', then Ozai tried very hard to exorcise the spirit, he ended up burning down his bedroom. The third night he spent in another bedroom, but the ghost of his mother found him, the fourth night Ozai decided not to sleep either, but being in the company of several people, this time he was visited by the ghost of Sozin... I made this ghost in the form of a spiritual projection, and the energy of the spirit was adjusted in such a way that Sozin could only see Ozai. On the fifth night, Ozai simply took a strong sleeping pill and drank alcohol, thinking it would help him avoid the visions, but I used healing techniques to heal him and bring him back to normal, and then brought him out in the form of the Avatar of Korra. On the sixth night, Ozai stayed in the throne room, surrounded himself with guards, and also had Azula guard him, so it wasn't just Ozai who saw the burning bird show.

- Father, it seems that by killing the Avatar, we have angered the spirits. - Azula said courteously.

- I don't care about the spirits, when I take over this world, next I will take over the spirit world! - Ozai said smugly.

- So be it, father. - Azula bowed her head and had a smile on her face. She knew that it was me who was torturing Ozai, and judging by the bags under Ozai's eyes, I was doing it quite successfully.

- Azula, I've decided to go tomorrow to check on the readiness of the battle fleet. - You will stay in the capital and rule the Fire Nation.

- I am honoured, father. - Azula smiled even more.

Simply put, Ozai decided to escape from the palace so that he would no longer be harassed by dark spirits. The next day, after breakfast, Ozai announced in the town square that he was handing over the throne of the Fire Lord to Azula, the Fire Sages came up to Ozai and took a piece of jewellery in the form of the golden symbol of the Fire Nation out of Ozai's hair, then they put it on Azula. This ceremony was a surprise to her sister, she didn't think that the coronation would be held so hastily, but she was still happy that she had become a Fire Nation Mistress.

After Azula's coronation, the Fire Sages began to dress Ozai in ceremonial robes with golden phoenixes on their shoulders, and when they placed an ornate helmet with golden phoenix wings on the sides on Ozai's head, they declared him the 'Phoenix King' - the new ruler of the world! Ozai's title is sound, but the robes and helmet are ridiculous.

The soldiers raised their new crests with the phoenix on red cloth, the people cheered a bit, and soon Ozai boarded an airship and flew off into the sky.

As if to say, Azula said that Ozai had planned to have this ceremony, before the attack on Ba Sing Sho, when he would have flown off to destroy the capital of the Earth Kingdom with the power of Comet Sozin, but due to my interference with ghosts and dark spirits, Ozai hurriedly flew away from the palace of the Fire Nation and passed the title of Fire Master to Azula just in case, so that the dark spirits would now harass the new Fire Master instead of Ozai himself, who now holds the title of Phoenix King.... and since I won't be appearing to him at night anymore, he'll think his plan worked.

The whole ceremony seemed too rushed, even the onlookers didn't realise what it was all about, as Ba Sing Seo hadn't been captured yet, but they didn't mind Azula as the new ruler of the Fire Nation, thinking that Ozai would now rule over the captured territories, and now he was flying off to personally command the attack on Ba Sing Seo.

Azula travelled back to the Fire Master's palace in the palanquin, when she arrived there she went to the throne room and sat on the Fire Master's throne.

- All guards to leave the hall! - Azula ordered, and the guards standing along the throne room went out the door in a slim line, - Hela, brother, show yourself in front of the Fire Master. - said Azula with a smile.

- What does she command, my queen? - I stepped out of the domain in the middle of the throne room... I was discreetly watching everything that was happening with the help of spiritual projection, - Don't you want your faithful servant to fuck you on this throne?

- That's what I called you for. - Azula replied, and turned round and took off her trousers and panties, -Come on, brother, I order you to fuck me as hard as possible. - she wiggled her arse.

- Excellent first order as the new Fire Mistress. - I began to do my best to do the bidding of the ruler of the Fire Nation.

I stayed with Azula for a couple of days, but soon she had to deal with the affairs of the country, it was necessary to understand all the intricacies of the government, to remove some of the ministers that annoyed Azula herself.

Azula and I agreed that as soon as the Avatar defeated Ozai as the 'Phoenix King', she would declare Ozai and all those who travelled with him traitors and renegades that went against the will of the true ruler of the Land of Fire. Still, Ozai had officially renounced the official title of official ruler of the Fire Nation, and adopted some title he had made up himself. Azula could communicate with the rulers of other nations as if she had nothing to do with Ozai's actions.

I returned to the oasis, and was the first to find Korra sitting on the balcony, meditating with her eyes closed.

- How are you doing? - I came up behind Korra, and ran my hands under her top, the girl meditated only in her top and panties.

- Still no luck. Wang Shi Tong told me about Rava and Watu, the spirits of Harmony and Chaos, about how magic had entered this world, and about the first Avatar Wang, he also told me about that, and many other things. Perhaps it made me closer to realising and opening the sixth chakra, but it was still closed. Wang Shi Tong told me to meditate more, which I did until you came and started groping my breasts. Could I be less cheeky, Hela? - Korra asked, and looked up at me, 'And you're a couple of days late, by the way, you said you'd be back in a week. - The girl was kind of displeased that I was pawing her mounds, but she didn't stop me from doing it.

- I had to stay a while, Ozai had given up the throne to Azula, so I supported my sister morally during the first hard days of her reign... or rather, I just fucked her on the throne... it was fun. - I answered, and now I was groping Korra's breasts with one hand, my other hand went into her panties and started to penetrate her ass with my fingers.

- You pervert! - And why did your father suddenly give up the throne? - Korra asked, trying to hold back a moan.

- Come on, I'll tell you and Katara everything in detail. - I picked Korra up in my arms and carried her to the bedroom, and to make it more fun, I lifted her top up, exposing her breasts, and sucked on her nipples as I went.

Katara was found in one of the towers, she was gardening there. With the help of Water Magic and life energy, the girl was trying to grow new kinds of plants from various grains, which could quickly green up the desert... in general, the idea is very good, and I'll have to experiment in this way too. When Katara heard of my arrival, she interrupted her experiments and sat me down on a chair and gave me a blowjob while listening to my story. When I finished my narrative, I simultaneously cum in Katara's mouth, the girl took a mouthful of seed, and forcefully kissed Korra, passing some of my milk to her sister. Korra had no choice but to swallow all that her sister gave her during the kiss.

- Corra, now you try to make Hen feel good. - Katara put my cock in Korra's hand.

- N... no. - Korra answered awkwardly.

- Suck it, come on! - 'Don't be stubborn. - Katara poked my cock into Korra's closed mouth until she opened it and put her lips around the head of my cock.

- That's it, learn to get Hela's milk, you like it, you don't have to make a fool of yourself. - Katara controlled the movement of her sister's head, and then looked at me, - Hela, since you were not far from the sleeping Ozai, why did not you stab him at night? - Katara asked.

- Mm-hmm. - Korra, whose mouth was busy with my cock, quipped in agreement.

- Well... that wouldn't be interesting, I want to beat him in the moment of his supposed triumph. And as you can see, it turned out to be funny in the end, now, after killing Ozai, Azula will immediately declare the end of the war, and only a fool would oppose this decision, because the Avatar completely destroyed the air fleet, which was led by the self-proclaimed King Phoenix on Ba Sing Seo... and the Avatar also killed the Phoenix King, easily ripping off the head of that fool. By the way, Korra, you suck pretty good. - I stroked the girl.

- 'Hrr...' Korra clenched her jaw a little so her teeth sank into my cock.

- He praised you, sister. - Hela slapped Korra's buttock, -Hen, punish this bad girl, and fill her throat with your hot milk. - Katara started holding Korra's head so she couldn't put my device out of her mouth.

- Good idea. - I stimulated my testicles to produce the milk that flowed into Korra's mouth, 'Drink it up, you ungrateful Avatar Korra. - I began to pour my seed down Korra's throat, and she tried to swallow it, but soon began to choke, and the white substance began to leak out of her nose.

Katara removed her hand from her sister's head, and she took her cock out of her mouth and began to cough, spattering my milk everywhere.

- Katara... ahem... what are you doing? - Korra asked, looking at her sister.

- I'm trying to reform you, I've realised recently that you're too hard-headed, and you need to be guided to the right path by your own hands. You yourself will resist to the last. - Katara answered and sat down on my cock, - Soon I'll sit you on Hela's rod. - said Katara.

- You know, Katara, you're like a mother telling off a child... only the mother is obviously perverted... - I said, - Ah, yes, in a couple of days I'll go to Kyoshi Island to my mother and Yui with Suyuki, and at the same time I'll take Korra to a place for meditation, and if you can't get insight there, I have one last 100% option... but it can be dangerous.

- No more dangerous than your stick, which nearly suffocated me. - Korra replied grudgingly.

- Sister, start licking Hela's balls. - said Katara.

- No. Korra said no.

- Then I won't lick your balls tonight either. - gave Katara an ultimatum.

- Katara, you've become a vicious manipulator. - Korra replied and approached my groin and took my bells in the palm of her hand and after a while began to caress them with her tongue.

- Well done, sister. - Katara praised Korra... we're getting some Avatar training.


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