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36.09% I am reborn in Akame ga KILL / Chapter 61: The Attack

Chapter 61: The Attack

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**Admiral Jao**

Fire Master Ozai had personally ordered Lieutenant Admiral Jao to fix the problem with the Southern Tribe, he was given a ship of the latest design, a Dreadnought-class battleship, but the cursed Avatar, along with the cursed traitor from the Fire Mages, but the Lieutenant Admiral was prevented from carrying out his orders, and Jao learned that the Avatar had returned, and that he had been born in the Southern Water Tribe and had already begun his journey to master the elements, which meant that the Fire Nation's army could begin the hunt for the new Avatar. Although the Lieutenant Admiral failed the Fire Lord's mission, he did get some results and also made a suggestion that would help the Fire Nation deal with the cursed Waterbenders once and for all. The Fire Master listened to Jao's proposal and not only gave him the go-ahead to carry out his plan, but also promoted Jao to commander, that is, to admiral in command of the flotilla.

As a young man, Jao served in the Earth Kingdom in the army of General Shu, and one day, while scouting the Shi Wong Desert, he came across a huge stone palace, which turned out to be a huge library created by the Spirit of Knowledge Wang Shi Tong. To access the knowledge of this library, all he had to do was to give the spirit a book with the knowledge that Wang Shi Tong did not have yet. So Jao was able to enter the place where knowledge from all over the world was stored, and there he read about La and Tui, the Spirits of the Ocean and the Moon that dwell at the North Pole and live in the Spirit Oasis in the form of two vulnerable koi fish. The Fire Mages have always been made stronger by the Sun, while the Water Mages have been made stronger by the Moon, and if you kill the Moon Spirit, the Water Mages will almost lose their powers, and then they can be easily destroyed. In order to carry out the plan to kill the Moon Spirit, the Fire Master had given Admiral Jao an entire fleet.

- What's going on? - Jao asked, seeing that the ships in the vanguard of the formation suddenly began to slow down, and then stopped and even began to sink, 'It's the Avatar! Put all ships on red alert! Keep moving, and guard all important nodes on the ships so that they can't disable them! - Admiral Jao began issuing commands.


- Well Korra, our job is to stop all these ships, I'll start by quickly disabling the ships in the vanguard, and when the alarm starts, create a strong ice blizzard, it will be easier for us to operate in it. Then I can get out of the water and start acting on the deck of the ship, you keep freezing everything, it will be ideal if you can ice the whole flotilla. - I mouthed the plan as Korra and I hovered in the air.

- Got it, Hela. And... now a lot of Fire Nation soldiers will die... soldiers of your people. - Korra spoke in the form of an ice harpy.

- In the past, I've tried to minimise the number of casualties by disabling ships, even though I could have sunk them completely with the entire crew. As it happens, the Fire Nation's soldiers have been inflicting fear and terror on other nations for a century, and now they understand only those two concepts - fear and terror - what I've tried to show mercy, they just don't get it. Now, the main thing is to stop the fleet, and afterwards I will teach them a lesson, they will experience horrific fear and despair... but you don't have to kill them, it will be enough to cripple them all so that they can't take up arms again.

- And you don't care at all that you're going to maim soldiers serving the Fire Nation? - Korra decided to ask.

- You know, patriotism is just a tool to manipulate the masses of people, I don't have that disease, and I'm sensible. The Fire Nation are invaders, exterminating entire nations, I have no illusions about them, and I understand that they must either be stopped, or help them to end the war, but it will end only when all nations except the Fire Nation will be exterminated, I do not like this outcome, so I chose the first option, and help you to stop them. - I replied.

- Good, you chose the right side, Hela. Well, then, I'll wait for the right moment. - Korra nodded.

- Let's get started. - I stopped supporting myself in the air, and fell into the water, swimming underwater towards the first ships of the flotilla.

Now, with the oxygen boost and additional fire Qi from the domain, I could melt metal even faster, only half a minute and the frigate would lose two propellers at once and start to stop. Without wasting time, I began to do the same with other frigates sailing ahead of the formation, so that the ships in the rearguard eventually had to either slow down their ships to prevent a collision, or sail around the broken ships from the side, but I also disarmed such ships. Plus, Korra stepped in, freezing the water between the ships. As a result, it turned out that the first half of the flotilla completely blocked the normal passage of the second half of the flotilla, which was still intact... but not for long.

Barrels of explosive resin began to be dumped into the water, and as they went underwater, they began to explode, which made it impossible for me to operate underwater. Jumping out of the water onto the deck of the first ship I saw, I was immediately hit in the face by several fireballs, and several arrows in various places.

- You guys know that cruelty breeds only cruelty, right? - I asked, dressed as a demon, and got a few more projectiles in my mask and armour, - I guess you don't know, I'll show you.

I created some sharp ice blades, some big ice spiky balls, and a bunch of small projectiles behind my back and used them on the soldiers. It was a lottery, some people were lucky enough to get a concussion, some had their limbs broken, some lost their limbs, and the unluckiest lost their heads in the lottery.

I was looking for people based on their heat, so I could play the lottery with every soldier on the ship..... in the end, after my visit to the ship there were no whole soldiers left at all, someone was bound to have some kind of trauma after me. Having finished with the crew of one ship, I started on the second, and so on in turn... It was good that in the Land of Fire they don't take women in the navy on principle, so I didn't have to worry that some silly pretty girl who decided to go to war for her country would get hit.... amongst the regular soldiers on land.

While I was busy inflicting terror on the Fire Nation soldiers, Korra was creating a heavy blizzard at the same time. The ice storm slowly began to spread out from the centre of the flotilla and was gaining momentum by the minute, sharp icicles began to fly around, the temperature also began to drop, and visibility due to small ice particles dropped to a minimum. Soon all the soldiers hid inside the ships, and I had to fish them out through the corridors and compartments.

The flotilla included five battleships in addition to the frigates; I had already been on one battleship, and now I entered the second battleship, where I met a familiar face in the captain's cabin.

- Oh, it's Lieutenant Jao, nice to meet you. - I said, and nailed Jao to the wall with ice spears, - How is Ozai doing? I'll ask him myself soon. Have a nice stay. - I completely turned Jao's limbs to ice and smashed them into shards.

- Tell him that's what Ozai is waiting for. - I fixed his wounds, so the commander was now armless and legless, - You should have killed the Avatar of the Air Nomads, he would have been a pacifist. Eh, you must regret that the current Avatar isn't like that at all. - I kicked Jao in the groin as well, freezing everything there, and then kicked him again, turning his dignity into ice shards.

- Ozai's waiting for that too. - I said one last thing before continuing the carnage on the ship.

Actually, Jao and I had a dialogue just now, it's just that he only responded to all my words with a scream of pain.... after me, everyone was moaning and screaming in pain.

To make it even more frightening, I left my metal statue on every ship I visited, I simply melted the deck and turned the metal into a replica of myself in mask and armour. It only took a few minutes of time, and it was a good workout, because on the last ship I created a statue in only a dozen seconds. In addition to creating statues, I was also destroying the turbines on the ship, disabling those ships that I hadn't sawed off their propellers.

The whole operation to eliminate the flotilla lasted about ten hours, Korra was keeping the blizzard going the whole time, so when I finished beating up the Fire Nation soldiers and damaging their ships, I flew up to Korra in the middle of the blizzard.

- I'm done, we can call it a day. - I said to the ice harpy.

- Finally, I'm getting tired. - Korra replied in Bing's voice, 'Being human is fun, but it's exhausting. - She stopped keeping the storm going, and it soon began to dissipate.

- Then let's fly back to the city. - I looked at the several dozen ships frozen together, where the entire crew had been incapacitated. I feel like the only lesson they're going to learn is not to do battle with the Avatar on the water, lest it freeze everything.

I didn't consume their souls, but I nibbled on them a little, because next to the Avatar it's obviously not a good idea to behave like a dark spirit and enslave the souls of mortals.

A couple of dozen minutes later we flew back to the Spirit Oasis, Yui had already untied Katara, and both girls were now sitting near the Spirit Pond. When Korra and I landed next to each other, they noticed us right away.

- I mean, the Oasis of OWLs has no security at all, some polar owl will fly in and eat the two great Spirits of the Ocean and Moon like ordinary fish. - I commented on how easily Korra and I had entered the Spirit Oasis from the air.

- These spirits have been here for thousands of years, and nothing has happened to them in that time. - replied Yui.

- Well, the safety of these spirits is your problem, if something happens to them, then all the Water Mages will be greatly weakened, but it will not affect me. - Bing, don't tell me you don't know how to disconnect with Korra.

- You're so clever. - Korra the harpy replied, 'I'm thinking about how to disconnect without hurting myself or Korra.... well, I'll just try to do it in reverse. - Bing created a cocoon of ice around herself.

- Katara, do you want to ask me how it went? - I asked a question and took off my mask, it was all chipped and scratched, just like all my armour. The Fire Nation soldiers had attacked me heavily, so my armour was visibly battered, but I could fix all that damage pretty quickly with magic.

- I don't want anything. I have a grudge against you. - Katara replied.

- Well, as you wish. - I answered, and began to take off my armour, - Wow, how did I get such a huge dent on my back? Ah, I think I was hit by a ballista, funny, and I didn't notice it in the battle. - I said, examining the parts of my armour that had a lot of damage on them.... and all that damage could have been on my body if I hadn't been protected.

- I want to know how it went, and I think father will want to hear your story too. - said Yui.

- Well, Korra froze all the ships, I single-handedly beat up over ten thousand Fire Nation soldiers, killed some, maimed some, and froze the commander's limbs and shattered them. Now the whole flotilla is just a pile of frozen scrap metal with a bunch of cripples and invalids lying around inside. - I replied calmly.

- It's... terrible. - Yui said slowly.

- Yeah, I agree, I didn't really like beating up thousands of people for ten hours straight, but if I hadn't done that, then those thousands of soldiers on nearly a hundred ships would have sailed to the Northern Tribe and started pelting the city with burning shells and barrels of explosive tar, in that case it would have been terrible. - Katara, as soon as Korra comes to her senses, you can tell her that you can continue training in Water Magic, while I meditate at the North Pole... or do you want me to fly to Suyuki? I could use some relaxing female company... okay, I'll meditate for now though. - I've decided to fly to the Northern Spirit Portal.

- Who's 'Suyuki'? - Yui suddenly asked.

- His girlfriend. - Katara replied.

- You have a girlfriend? - Yui asked me accusingly.

- Why are you surprised? You even have a fiancé. - I pointed at her necklace, -But with Suyuki and I didn't have anything serious... unfortunately, we only kissed.

- He started seeing her the first day we met. - Katara added with accusation in her voice as well.

- Well, you can wash your hands of me, but I'm out of here. - I jumped into the air and flew wherever I wanted to go.

At the North Pole the spiritual background was noticeably lower than at the South Pole, because the Northern Water Tribe is much larger than the Southern, and the more people there are, the more they absorb spiritual energy, and the less of it is available. But right next to the Spirit Portal itself, the flow of spiritual energy was quite dense, so I sat down there to meditate and sleep, because I was tired.

While I was sleeping, I dreamt of a tree with a huge hollow, from where a red light was pouring and someone was whispering something to me from the hollow. In the end I woke up full of energy, but not really rested, I would have preferred an erotic dream to a dream about trees. As Bing had said, the portal at the north pole was in the middle of the Sacred Forest, and there were trees all around, which was probably why I had a dream about trees.

Sitting near the portal, I also filled my domain with spiritual energy, here, I had a snack, and began to repair my armour. Afterwards, I decided to go to the tundra and practice Ice Magic, creating various huge ice sculptures, then I switched to Fire Magic, where I decided to practice the speed of my fire spiralling spheres by shooting them at the newly created ice statues.

After Fire Magic, it was time for Lava Magic, more specifically molten metal. To create various things I can now use this magic, but for combat it is still useless, so I began to practice attacks flying clots of molten metal. Anyway, I spent the whole day just practising various magic, and when I was tired, I sat down to meditate and fell asleep again and dreamt of a gnarled tree with a glowing red hollow, and now I could distinguish a whisper.... some distinctly male voice asking for help in getting free.

- It's time to stop sleeping in this place, the dreams here are disgusting. - I spoke after waking up, and I also noticed strange footprints not far from me.... as if a giant centipede had been walking near me... and there is a Koh Face Snatcher here, he looks like a huge centipede with a human face, and he changes faces all the time.... Well, there's a reason I slept in a mask tonight. and I'm not sleeping here again, it's time to go to Suyuki's.

But first, I decided to go see how the frozen Fire Nation flotilla was doing, and they were surrounded by Northern Tribe boats, and with the help of Water Magic, they were towing all those ships away from the North Pole. For this operation, all the water mages, including Master Pakku and Korra and Katara, were activated, so, I landed on the boat to say hello.

- Here I am! - I fell from the sky onto the deck of the boat, and was immediately attacked by the nearest Water Mages, -Your efforts are futile, mortals! I will devour your souls! Ha-ha-ha-ha!

I began to be attacked quite densely with water, but all this water I was freezing, and subduing me.

- Wait, wait, wait! That's my friend Hela, he's just messing with me! - Korra shouted, and the mages listened.

- Well, that's not interesting. - I took off my mask. Hi, Korra, Katara, how are you? Master Pakku, greetings. - I nodded to the old man.

- Everything was calm, until you appeared. - Korra replied, and continued with the rest of the water mages to push the ice block with the ships frozen in it towards the mainland of the Earth Kingdom. In the place where we intercepted the flotilla, to the Kingdom of Earth was only eight hundred kilometres, in a day Water Mages can easily cope with the transport of this iceberg to the mainland.

- Boy, you're the one who massacred all those ships, aren't you? We investigated the ships, and we were even able to talk to the soldiers. We agreed to help them get to land, in exchange for them not attacking anyone... though in their situation, they just weren't capable of doing that. When we examined some of the soldiers, they were grey... young men, greyed out from fear...' Pakku muttered, looking at me.

- How gentle they are, though. - I hummed, 'Well, now that you've solved this problem, I'll fly to Kyoshi Island to see Suyuki, once you've finished your Water Magic training, fly there and we'll look for an Earth Magic teacher for you. Or if you don't want to contact me anymore, then don't come to Kyoshi Island and continue your journey without me, I still haven't figured out if I'm needed in the Avatar's team or if I'm in your way. - I put on my mask, and jumped into the air, releasing jet flames from my limbs, flying into the sky.

- Is he a Firebender? - Pakku asked Korra.

- Yes, and that's not the most interesting fact about his biography.

- And the most interesting is that he's also an Ice Mage? - Pakku asked.

- No, that he's the prince of the Fire Nation. - said Katara.

- ...I don't get it. - Pakku replied, shaking his head.

- Grandfather, let's focus on the matter at hand. - said Korra.

- Yeah, concentrate on the case now. - said Pakku.

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