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34.31% I am reborn in Akame ga KILL / Chapter 58: Farce

Chapter 58: Farce

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- Pick a weapon, southerner. - Yui's fiancé said, nodding at the gun rack.

- Wait a second...' I examined the weapons, 'I hope you only have training weapons of such crappy quality, or it would be very sad. - I took the straight sword from the rack, and saw that Hann was tying the sword scabbard to his belt, then I took the spear in my right hand and the shield in my left.

- Let us begin. - Hann entered the arena and struck his spear against the shield.

- Please don't hold back, Hun, give it your best shot. - He lunged at me with his spear, but I just moved out of the way, avoiding him. I did a little pirouette and got behind Hann's back and hit him under the knee, causing Yui's fiancé to fall to his knees.

- I think I've won. - I put my sword to Hann's neck,' 'Okay, that round wasn't really fair, you had a heavy shield and an awkward long spear, and I only had a sword. Let's try it again. - I went back to my seat.

- ...' Hann threw away his spear and drew his sword, 'Let's go. - Hann said through gritted teeth and came at me, attacking furiously with his sword, and I dodged all his lunges without effort.

- It's weird. - I stopped just dodging, and decided to knock the sword out of Hahn's hands in one move. When Hann raised his sword for another blow from top to bottom, I struck the edge of his sword, Hann could not hold the weapon in his hand, and it flew out of the arena in a high parabola. But he still had his shield to stun me with, and I swung my foot at that shield, and Hann flew out of the arena with his sword.

- Strange, I thought I heard you were the strongest warrior in the North. Maybe you have some strange tradition of giving the worst warriors of the tribe the title of 'Best Warrior'. It's a tricky move, the enemy defeats your 'Best Warrior', thinks you're all weak and relaxes, and then the really strong warriors come out and defeat the enemy. It's a clever trick, and so that the enemies don't suspect anything, you give the worst warrior of the tribe not only the title of 'Best Warrior', but also a princess as a wife, after that your clever trick no one will be able to figure out. - I said, as the evil Hahn rose and returned to the arena.

- Shut your mouth, southerner, and fight! - said Hahn.

- Yes, yes, sorry to spill your secrets. But before we fight again, I need to equalise our forces somehow. Just a moment, Princess Yui, I need a little help from you. - I walked to the edge of the arena, Yui went there too and I gave her two blindfolds, -Here Princess, please blindfold me.

- Hela, do you want to fight with your eyes closed? - Yui asked, fulfilling my request.

- Yes, and also without my hands. With the second blindfold, tie my arm behind my back. - I turned to Yui, and she complied with my request, 'Now I'm at least on par with the 'Best Warrior of the Northern Water Tribe. - I entered the arena and turned to Han, and judging from the thermal imaging, Han's face was now burning with rage.

- You bastard! - I was still able to dodge all his punches and lunges, even with my eyes closed.

- Should I tie up my legs, too, so that the Best Warrior of the North can hit me once? - I asked, and I dodged Hannah's broad swing by leaping into the air, so that I could stand right on his head. - I said, standing on the head of this 'warrior', and then I kicked my heel on Hahn's shield, causing his shield to hit him in the jaw.

Hahn tried to stab me with his sword, but I jumped off his head and did a somersault in the air, landing with my back to my opponent. Hahn took advantage of this and attacked me from behind, trying to stab me in the heart, but my thermal imaging allowed me to see everything around me, so even with my back to Hahn I continued to dodge his lunges.

- When are you going to get hit, Hann? - I asked, standing with my back to him and dodging all his fierce swings and lunges. - I stood on one leg and continued dodging like this. Hahn wanted to cut my leg, but I jumped up and put my boot on his sword, then did a backflip, during which I kicked Hahn in the face. After that, Yui's fiancé flew backwards and sprawled on the snow, bleeding from his broken nose.

- Han, are you alive in there? You're the best warrior of the Northern Tribe, they even gave you a princess to marry. Han, get up and fight. - I said, trying to cheer up my opponent, who was on the verge of being knocked out.

- What's going on here?! - I heard the chief's voice.

- I don't know what to call it, it was supposed to be a training fight to share experience, but it turned into a circus when it turned out that your best warrior can't even hold a sword and can't hit me, I even blindfolded myself to give this guy a better chance, but he's hopeless. I'm not even sure he can hit the hole on his wedding night. - I replied, freeing my hand by loosening the knot and also removing the blindfold from my eyes.

We already had enough spectators when the fight started, but now there were three times as many here, which made people start laughing quite loudly at my last words.

- What was all this spectacle about? - The chief asked, approaching Hann, who was fainting.

- I was just bored, and this fiancé of Yui's turned up, and I wondered how good the fellow was who had been given such a beautiful girl to marry... but she was given to him, I see you don't appreciate and love your daughter, if you have chosen such a worthless fiancé for her. But that's your business, maybe it's your tradition to give your favourite daughters to the most worthless members of the tribe. I don't know what the point is, but it doesn't make any sense to forbid girls to learn Water Magic, but you do it. Your rules and traditions, I don't meddle in them, but I condemn them with all my heart. - I replied with a smile, 'Alrighty, I'll go check on the Avatar's training. - I started to leave, and Yui wanted to follow me.

- Yui, we need to have a serious talk. - the chief called her out.

- We'll talk at home, father, now you better help Hannu, and I'll go get the healers. - The princess answered and went with me to the Water Mage School, the healers were in the neighbouring building.

- Hela, I'm afraid that my father will forbid me from talking to you after this. - Yui said sadly, 'He'll probably think that I sicced you on Hann on purpose to avoid marrying him.

- Well, if the chief will choose a better husband for you, or better yet, leave it to you, that's fine. There must be some politics involved in all this, I don't believe that knucklehead is the best warrior in the tribe, he's probably related to some local bigwig.

- Yes, he's the son of an elder who commands an army of non-magical warriors. Master Pakku is also an elder who commands the Water Mages of our tribe, but Master Pakku has no children. - Yui confirmed my hunch.

- Well, I can see now for what merits, this sub-warrior got his title, purely by blat. - I said, and we were just passing the healer's school, so Yui quickly told me that the healers' help was needed at the warrior training ground, and then she and I headed for the Water Mage School.

In addition to Korra and Katara, there were a few dozen other students, all of whom were boys and were currently studying on the sidelines, with Master Pakku occasionally shouting at them when he saw some of them slacking off. The master himself was busy teaching Korra and Katara, teaching them about magic, showing them examples of moves, and making sure they were done correctly. He may have been a squabbling man, but he taught very well. Now Pakku was teaching the sisters the 'octopus' technique, which is when a magician creates a multitude of water tentacles, each of which he can control. It's quite effective because it allows the waterbender to defend from all sides.

- How are your new students doing? Are they doing well, Master Pakku? - I asked.

- They are very talented... though they are women. - replied the old man.

- They are still girls, I haven't made them women yet. - I said with a smile.

- Hela, we can hear everything. - Katara said, and tried to splash me with water.

- Don't get distracted! - shouted Pakku, intercepting the water and sending it back to Katara.

- Yeah, Hen, don't distract us, go do something useful. - Said a focused Korra, making smooth movements with her hands and thin water tentacles flew around her.

- And beating up Princess Yui's fiancé, can you call it something useful? Because I already have. - I asked, nodding at the princess.

- You beat up Yui's fiancé? - Korra was distracted, causing all the water flying near her to rush down.

- But she doesn't love him, and Hann doesn't love her, and he only wants to marry her so he can become chief. - I justified myself.

- So you decided to help her get rid of her unloved fiancé so that you could take his place? - Katara asked in a strange voice, and the water around her somehow accelerated, turning from water tentacles into a water vortex.

- No, I beat him up because he was an asshole, I could tell by the look on his face. You gave me a great idea, though, to marry Yui... but I don't really like power, if I wanted to rule a whole nation, I wouldn't run away from home. - I answered, and looked at the princess, who was visibly blushing.

- Oh, so, beat Yui's fiancé, you purely from altruistic motives, wanting to help Yui, without any plans for her? - Katara asked the question.

- Exactly. I just don't like power-hungry assholes, my father is one of them, I can't stand that prick. I've been thinking about flying home and punching him in the face for a while now, but he's a really powerful mage. He's always valued power and strength, and I was weak when I was a kid, so he treated me with disdain, and now I'm not so sure I'll be able to punch him in the head. - I said while the girls were practising. Oh, that reminds me. Princess Yui is turning sixteen in a week, and she's invited us to celebrate. Think of a gift for her at your leisure. I'm thinking of getting her a necklace, I think everyone here wears necklaces, and the princess has a necklace around her neck, but it's kind of lame.

- It's a wedding necklace, we have a tradition of giving such necklaces to the girls we are going to marry, while men wear standard necklaces to show that they are already married or planning to get married soon. - Pakku spoke up.

- So this necklace was given to you by Han? - I asked Yui.

- Yes, I showed it to you to confirm that I'm engaged. - replied Yui.

- Oh, I'm sorry, I don't know about your traditions, but where I come from, instead of a necklace, they use rings made of precious metals and gemstones, and then they wear it on the ring finger. But even so, your necklace still sucks, I guess Hann didn't bother with it much, bought the first one he could find and gave it to you. - I lowered Yui's collar and looked at the fabric headband that held the round blue glass locket.

- By the way, Katara, where did you get that necklace hanging around your neck?' Master Pakku suddenly asked and pointed to Katara's neck, 'It's made in the style of the Northern Tribe's wedding necklaces. You have only recently arrived here and you would not have been betrothed to someone from the Northern Tribe. - said the old master.

- Ah, the necklace? My mum gave it to me, and my mum was given it to me by Pra Pra... I mean, Grandma Kanna. - Katara replied as Pakku walked over to her and examined the necklace up close.

- Your grandmother's name is Kanna? Hmmm, what a coincidence, my runaway bride from my wedding was also named Kanna.... and I also gave her a wedding necklace, this one, I made it myself sixty years ago. - said Pakku.

- Our grandmother was supposed to marry you? - Katara and Korra were surprised.

- I made this necklace when we first got engaged to your grandmother. I thought Kanna and I would live happily ever after, but she disappeared. And I loved her. - Pakku said sadly.

- But she didn't love you, did she? Was it a marriage of convenience? Pra-pra didn't want to obey your silly traditions and rules, so she ran away to the south. That took a lot of courage. - said Katara, looking at Pakka.

- So you're our grandfather? - Korra asked.

- There is a good chance that if Kanna ran away from me pregnant, then your mum could be my daughter, and then you are my granddaughters. - replied Pakku.

- Huh, you have an interesting family, just as interesting as mine. - I remarked.

- I have to go south to meet Kanna. - said Pakku firmly.

- Only after you teach Water Magic to your supposed granddaughters, one of whom is the Avatar. - I said.

- Yeah, okay. So, granddaughters, now your grandfather Pakku will focus only on your training, and now you can count on no favours. - said Pakku sternly.

- I think I understand why Pra Pra ran away from him. - said Katara.

- Yeah. - Korra confirmed.

- Well, now you'll definitely learn Water Magic. - I gave you a thumbs-up.

- Hela, are you some kind of prince, too? You said, 'If you wanted to rule the people, you wouldn't run away from home.' - Yui asked me as we walked away from Pakku, who had started teaching Katara and Korra Water Magic with great zeal.

- I should talk less... but yes, I am a prince... of an island nation in the south. - We were now at the North Pole, so the Fire Nation islands were in the south like all the other countries.

- I see. - Yui blushed a little, ''Hela, for my birthday, I want you to give me a necklace. - Yui lowered her head to hide the fact that she was now all red.

- That's too thick of a hint, Princess Yui. Yeah, well, a necklace is a necklace. - so, when I extinguished the volcano, in addition to fire energy, my domain was also replenished with a supply of precious metals.

Lava flows from the bowels of the Earth, and half of it consists of silicon dioxide, i.e. molten rock, but the other half consists of oxides of iron, magnesium, aluminium and other metals, among which there is silver and gold. Precious metals there is a minuscule amount, but these metals are very good conductors and accumulators of magical energy, including fire Qi, so the particles of silver and gold managed to attract to themselves, and now I have two tonnes of gold and a tonne of silver in the domain.

I'll probably use it to expand the domain, but I'll keep some of the metal to make coins, and I can also make jewellery for Yui and Suyuki and the other girls.

Diamonds for jewellery are easy to make, you take a piece of coal, heat it with Fire Magic and squeeze it as tightly as possible until its crystal lattice rearranges itself, that's all... although I have to wait for my arm to heal before I can do anything, but it will be fully recovered by the time Yui's birthday comes around.

I continued to watch Katara and Korra train, and Yui apologised and said she needed to talk to her father, then left for the palace.

Pakku trained his supposed granddaughters until the sun went down, only then did he let the girls go, and the three of us went to the palace.

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