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32.36% I am reborn in Akame ga KILL / Chapter 56: Northern Water Tribe

Chapter 56: Northern Water Tribe

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As we got closer to the volcano, the girls began to feel the heat from the mountain, and when we did climb to the top of the volcano, we could see the boiling lava.

- I think the volcano will explode tomorrow, the day after tomorrow at the most, the lava is almost to the edge of the vent. - I said, and kicked a rock into the volcano, -Well, now you can start kissing. - I looked at Korra and Katara.

- We need to warn the people of the city, they don't know about this danger. - said Katara.

- Yes, yes, right after you kiss your sister in front of me. - I insisted.

- Hela, we have a huge problem in the form of a volcano, that soon everything will be flooded with lava, and you still with your kiss. - Korra looked at me with a kind of judgement.

- Korra, you're the Avatar, just put that volcano to sleep. Come on, Avatar Korra, we believe in you. - I pointed at the lava in the volcano and looked expectantly at Korra, Katara also started looking at her sister with hope.

- ...I don't know how. - Korra replied, after a few seconds.

- Well, great, so all the inhabitants of this city are doomed to die from the lava flows... although, no, they will probably die from the hot ash and poisonous gases that will fill the area during the eruption... which will be tomorrow! Korra! Sedate the volcano! - I shouted.

- I don't know how! - Korra shouted back.

- Who should?! Our lives are in your hands! The lives of all the people of this city are in your hands! Korra! Save us! - I screamed in panic.

- Hela, but you said you were mastering Lava Magic, is there anything you can do? - Katara asked, seeing that her sister was at a loss.

- I can certainly try. - I jumped inside the volcano vent, and before I landed on the liquid magma, I pulled the energy out of it, and cooled it down to stone, which I stood on.

I just got a domain, it's still small and I can't store anything but energy in it right now, and the amount of energy I can store is limited, but the domain itself can be expanded with extra energy, heat energy is not good for that, but I don't care about energy loss right now, there's plenty of energy in the volcano anyway.

Korra is an Avatar, but she has no heat absorption skills, she can cool water into ice, but she can't cool lava into stone, after she learns Earth Magic she might learn to do it, but right now she has no way to prevent the volcano from erupting. I can try to absorb the heat from the volcano by turning all the lava into stone, that should put the volcano to sleep, but most of the heat energy to the domain will go through my body. I will definitely get burns afterwards, but in return, the burnt flesh through which the sea of fire Qi has travelled will become stronger and will be able to amplify my Fire Magic. That's why I decided to use my left arm to absorb the heat of the volcano, after restoring my arm, its energy conductivity will obviously increase many times over.

- Let's begin. - I extended the open palm of my left hand towards the magma and began to draw heat from the volcano, soon a fiery spiral disc formed in front of my hand, it was the fire Qi being absorbed through my hand into the domain. There was no pain so far, but I had only just begun, and it would take quite some time to completely put the volcano to sleep.

After half an hour, the volcano was clearly cooler, and my hand began to tingle a bit, and after two hours, the skin on my palm began to char, but the heat I was absorbing was not originally created by my internal energy, so it was harming me, even though I have a pretty good resistance to fire. After five hours, my arm was charred almost to the elbow, it was quite painful, but I could tolerate it, the nerve endings were just burnt out, so it was the whole parts of my arm that hurt, which at this point was also charring a bit.

The top layer of lava in the volcano had already solidified, so Korra and Katara came down to me. The girls wanted to help and heal my arm with water healing techniques, but my injured arm was overflowing with fire Qi and simply vaporised water or ice. I, on the other hand, silently continued to absorb all the heat from the volcano... oh, so much fire energy is enough for me with my special fire spiral spheres to shoot as if it were an automatic rifle. I don't even know where I would need that much fire Qi, but it's not a waste, and a little discomfort can be tolerated. What doesn't kill me makes me stronger, but without regeneration I'd be a one-armed cripple.

- That's it. - I hissed through my teeth. It had been ten hours since the volcano had been put to sleep, my arm was blackened to the elbow, my fingers were smouldering coals. To help myself, I froze my entire arm in ice, through which I began to pass the life energy... I took the ice from my spatial pocket, and before my left arm cooled down, it melted about a quarter of the magical ice.

- Auntie Wu was right, the volcano didn't explode in the end... because of my interference, of course, but maybe she had predicted it. She also said something about burning bones. - I examined my fingers, which were burnt to the bone, - Oh, it's a pleasure to put volcanoes to sleep, I recommend it. - I looked at Korra and Katara with a smile and said:

- What are you standing there looking at? Kisses, you think I've forgotten about our argument?

- Um... okay, an argument is an argument. - Katara approached her sister.

- Don't forget to kiss long and with tongue. - I reminded the girls.

- So be it, for the fact that you helped with the volcano, I will fulfil your agreement with Katara. - Korra answered and put her arm around Katara... for a few seconds they looked at each other uncertainly, and then they closed their eyes and began to bring their lips closer together, locking them in a kiss.

- Oh, yeah, that's a good one. And now tongues, open your mouths, and run your naughty tongues into each other's mouths... excellent, it's like a balm to the soul. - I commented on Katara and Korra's kiss... I liked the sight of the sisters kissing back in the last world when Akame and Kurome were always licking, so it was time for these sisters to get used to the family thing.

The long kiss ended, and the sisters blushed and lowered their heads, trying not to look at each other.

- After such a spectacle, I have to fly to Suyuki... well, I wanted to escort you to the edge of the Earth Kingdom to make sure you get to the North Pole safely... in fact, you're already almost at the edge of the continent, so I'm leaving you now. - I said, and released the jet jets from my feet and flew away from the volcano... however, after absorbing a huge amount of fire Qi, it turned out that the Ice Magic was not listening to me well. I glided to the ground as best I could, landing in the woods between the volcano and the city. I would have to postpone my flight to Suyuki, and stay here until I was fully healed and my energy was back in balance.

I couldn't move my left arm, and it would take three days to a week to fully recover, so I made a rudimentary bandage out of cloth, and now I was wearing a bandage for my arm. My landing near the city was noticed by Bing Xi Feng, she flew over and sat on my right shoulder, helping to correct my energy by infusing my body with icy Qi.

Korra and Katara began to return from the top of the volcano, and caught me near the town. I decided to settle in this forest for a while, I have no money to rent a room in the city, I can't buy food there either, and here in the forest meat is running around. One accurate throw of an icicle and a fox-antilope became my dinner, and now I need to eat as much meat as possible to regenerate.

- We thought you'd flown away. - Korra said that she caught me cutting the carcass, I was working with one hand, and instead of a knife I used a sharp icicle.

- I wanted to fly away, but my Ice Magic has weakened, and without it I can't fly properly, so I'll stay here until I recover. - I replied, and Katara, seeing how uncomfortable I was with the carcass, came over and started to help me.

- Oh, don't worry, I can do it myself, and you go to bed, you have to fly to the North Pole tomorrow. - I said, looking at Katara and she lowered her head.

- Hela... I'm sorry, ... when I found out that you are the prince of the Fire Nation, I became too prejudiced against you... and I also resented you because of Suyuki... I actually thought that you liked me and Korra, and then you started dating Suyuki. - Katara said.

- Well, yes, I like you, you two are two very beautiful girls, with a pretty good character, but Suyuki did not waste time, and I am now actively playing hormones, so, I could not refuse Suyuki ... and in fact, I do not regret anything. I told Suyuki who I was, and she accepted me calmly. - I cut off a piece of fox-antilope meat and roasted it a bit with magic and started eating it.

Katara also cut off the meat and Korra roasted it with Fire Magic, and both sisters also started eating.

- Would you rather go into town and not eat the poor one-armed cripple? - I asked.

- Do you feel sorry for him? - looked at me Korra, - Okay, I will not go round and ...

- And confess your love to me, oh, I'm flattered. - I interrupted Korra.

- And ask you to accompany me on my journey again. You helped us twice, and saved thousands of lives with that help... while I, the Avatar, could do nothing. - Korra continued.

- What do you mean, 'nothing'? You helped fill the reservoir, along with Katara. - I smiled, looking at Katara, -I was offended that you kicked me out of your Avatar company and took away my ice phoenix, but I understand your resentment, so I'm ready to continue travelling and helping you, but on the condition that you kiss again. - I said, and I cut myself some more meat.

- ...Agreed. - Katara replied and got close to her sister and started kissing her again, while I was eating the meat, watching a little incestuous lesbo show, - You still have the taste of meat in your mouth. - Katara remarked, after a long kiss with Korra.

- Yeah, you too. - Korra confirmed.

- I see you two have been exploring each other's mouths.

- You're the one who said we should make sure to kiss with our tongues. - Katara remarked.

- Last time, yes, but now I'm just asking you to kiss, and the rest is your initiative. Well, I know how nice it is to kiss, so I'm not judging you, and even on the contrary, I approve, if you suddenly want to lick, then do not hesitate, you can do it in front of me.

- Let's go into town. - Korra got up, and Katara followed her.

- I'll cut up some meat, and then we'll go. - I'm gonna put this meat in my stomach from my spatial pocket.

We slept in the hotel room assigned to Korra as the Avatar, and in the morning, all three of us boarded the Bing and continued flying north. Our ice phoenix started to complain because she had to carry me too, I'd flown before, but Bing could carry a couple of tonnes of fruit across the sea, so it was an empty complaint. In a day we reached the edge of the continent, and decided to spend the night on the shore, and the next day, from morning till evening, we flew to the North Pole.

Unlike the Southern Water Tribe, which consists of many villages scattered all over the pole, the Northern Water Tribe is more integral, they have one big tribe, with one leader, one army, and all together they live in a big well-protected city, completely built of ice.

The Fire Nation also attacked the Northern Water Tribe many times, but each attack was met with a decent response, and the invaders simply had to retreat, and when the Fire Nation attacked the Southern Water Tribe, they attacked only one small village, and when they defeated it, they started on another village, until eventually there were no Water Mages left at all at the South Pole. It can be said that the Southern Tribe has itself to blame for its poor state, as freedom is very much valued there, which is why there is no unified government, and as a result, there is no unified defence army. In the north, the defence worked very well, they spotted us from afar and started attacking us with ice shells, trying to shoot us down. They couldn't hurt Bing, so we went down and Korra told us who she was and why she had come north. Everyone knew that there was a new Avatar in the world, so we were allowed to go into the city, or rather, we were escorted into the city to avoid another possible attack due to misunderstanding. We got into the boat, and Bing shrank down and sat on my shoulder.

We were quite far from the city as we ran into the tribe's border patrol, we had to sail for a couple of hours before we arrived at the main and only city of the Northern Water Tribe.

The city was located in a huge ice crater, almost all sides of the city were surrounded by thick ice walls, only the front part of the city faced the sea, but it was also blocked by an ice wall. The only way to get inside was with the help of Water Mages, they had to make a tunnel in this ice wall, let the ship through, close the hole in the wall, raise the water in the airlock, let the ship into the next airlock, and only then the ship enters the city.

- Yeah, the security here is top-notch, no Fire Nation will ever get into the city,' I said with a smile. - I said with a smile.

- How many Waterbenders are there? - Katara was surprised to see many people controlling masses of water or ice.

- And this is all centralised government, while the Southern Water Tribe was scattered all over the south pole and destroyed village by village, here all the water mages defended only one city, but they all did it together, and this is the result. - I pointed to a beautiful city of ice, there were many water channels like in Venice, on which floated small boats with people, on one such boat floated a pretty dark-skinned girl with silver hair.

- This is Princess Yui, the only daughter of our chief. - explained our attendant, who was steering our ship to the chief's palace.

- Oh, a princess. - I rejoiced.

- She is betrothed to the best warrior of our tribe - Hann. - added the attendant.

- Oh, sad. - I was sad.

- You have Suyuki. - Korra remarked.

- I'm a prince, and some of them have harems or multiple wives. - I replied.

- Don't touch Princess Yui, she's already taken. - Katara told me.

- All right, I will touch only those princesses who are not already occupied. By the way, Korra and Katara, you are the daughters of the village chief, so in a way you can be considered princesses too. - I said and played with my eyebrows, but the girls just rolled their eyes and looked at the surrounding icy architecture.

Soon we arrived at the palace, like all the houses here it was made of ice, I did not like the design of the palace, my ice palace will be prettier somehow, but from the general style of the city this city hall did not stand out, so in general the building looked good, such an eight-storey ice house.

In honour of the Avatar's arrival, Chief Arnuk decided to hold a feast, the purpose of his arrival had already been announced to him, and the chief had already chosen a teacher of Water Magic for the Avatar, so he would introduce him to us at the feast.

Korra and Katara were quite hungry, they had had breakfast before the flight, they had skipped lunch and dinner had been a couple of hours ago.

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