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26.58% I am reborn in Akame ga KILL / Chapter 46: The Request

Chapter 46: The Request

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It had been four years since I'd run away from home and settled in the South Pole, and I'd spent most of that time training in magic, moving with a junk-filled spatial pocket, the weight of which was distributed throughout my body, making me physically stronger in addition to magically stronger. I was twelve now, but I looked about fourteen years old. Actually, heavy exercise makes my body stocky, and I should be more like a dwarf, but my other self controls the development of our bodies so that they are of a normal build.


Life 3367/3367/168 per hour

Qi 3557/3557/596 per hour


Strength 357

Dexterity 310

Endurance 340

Intelligence 264

Soul 2490

Now my body has the maximum physical indicators that can give out a human body of my build and height, I can only with the help of physical strength to lift about seven hundred kilograms, and run at the speed of a car, for a comfortable life is enough, and for everything else there is magic.

The limit of Strength and Dexterity for a person of standard build is somewhere around five hundred units, with such indicators I can lift a ton of weight and run at a speed of seventy kilometres, only due to the strength of muscles. This limit will be reached at the age of twenty, but I accelerate my development with the help of magic, so I will reach this limit earlier, at the age of sixteen. I have a way to transcend the limitations of the human body, and although it will be stronger, it will consume many times more energy to maintain normal functioning. For me now it is more important to strengthen my soul, the body is only a shell, I would not like to lose it, but I have already changed several bodies during my conscious life, so I did not put a strong emphasis on the development of the physical shell. The body is a very useful tool for me, but in case of its destruction, I will simply change it for a new one.

My soul has grown five times stronger over these four years, and with it my magic. As one indicator of this fact, I can now reach a maximum speed of two and a half Mach during jet flight, which is two and a half times faster than the speed of sound, and that's the maximum speed that fighter jets can reach. However, I can only maintain a speed of Mach 2.5 for a short time, but I can fly at Mach 1.5 all the time, which is about one thousand eight hundred kilometres per hour. My previous wingsuit can't withstand supersonic speeds, but with the development of Ice Magic, I was able to create my own ice wings, which are the webbing between my limbs, which are much stronger, and even if they are damaged, I can quickly repair them in flight.

I'm not a fussy eater, I had enough meat from the local polar animals, but Bing Xi Feng liked fruit, so I had to fly to the nearest islands and gather fruit, berries and nuts. Since I was gathering food for my ice phoenix anyway, it would be foolish not to diversify my diet as well. In addition to the various fruits, I came across a milk tree, which, if you cut its bark, would produce a white, viscous liquid that was very pleasant to taste. The island on which I found the milk trees was uninhabited, so I quietly organised the collection of this sap there. I made holes in the milk trees, I put tubes in them, through which this white, milk-like tree sap flows into containers, and periodically I visit the island to collect the containers filled with milk. This all leads to my flying over the South Pole quite often, from the ground I must look like an ice bird with a red tail, sometimes Bing Si Feng flies alongside me, she doesn't like warm climates, but occasionally comes to the islands with me to eat fruit straight from the trees.

The people of the Southern Water Tribe have a pretty good shipping industry, often going out to sea in their boats to catch fish, so it's not surprising that the Southern Water Tribe people once found a cluster of decommissioned Fire Nation ships at sea. Over the past four years, the Southern Invaders have sent boats with repair crews to the ships a couple of times, but those boats never made it to their destination. The Southern Invaders have also tried to sail to the South Pole from the opposite direction, but I have disabled those ships as well. Over the past year, the Fire Nation has stopped trying to attack the Southern Tribe altogether, perhaps they have some problems there again, perhaps the conquest of the Earth Kingdom required all the resources to be allocated to themselves, but the fact remains that the Southern Invaders have stopped attacking the South Pole.

And it doesn't take a genius to add up the fact that the Southern Water Tribes have never been attacked by the Southern Invaders in the last five years, the fact that there are a bunch of broken Fire Nation ships floating nearby in the sea, and the fact that there is a strange ice bird with a red tail that often flies over the tribe.

Putting these three facts together, I was considered to be the guardian spirit of the tribe, protecting them from the Fire Nation, and even a statue was erected near the settlement, where they brought various offerings, mostly dried seal meat - the most common food in the southern tribe.

The statue in the form of a bird was made of ice, most likely worked on by the two girls who are the only water mages in the South Pole. It was obvious that the sculpture had been worked on, but these girls had no teachers in magic, so the ice sculpture was rather mediocre. I spotted this ice totem from the air when I was returning with Bing from the islands. Since the statue resembled a caricatured parody of Bing Xi Feng, it offended her and she even wanted to go freeze the entire tribe that dared to create such an ugly copy of her in ice, but I suggested that we simply remake the statue and make it so that it would accurately display the greatness and beauty of Bing Xi Feng. So this proud ice hen, said she wanted an ice sculpture the size of a mountain, but I tempered her appetite to a hundred metres. While the village was asleep, Bing and I quickly built a hundred metre statue of an ice phoenix that spread its ice wings hundreds of metres, as if embracing the tribe's settlement.

- There, now this statue shows at least a hundredth of my greatness. - Bing said with satisfaction, sitting on my shoulder and examining our work.

- That ice statue was meant for me, but it's not a bad ice sculpture. - Bing wanted to stay to see how people would react to her magnificent statue, but I had already satisfied her ego enough by helping the ice phoenix build this colossus, so that was enough for today.

The creation of this ice idol, was a confirmation to the tribe that they were indeed now protected by an ice spirit in the form of a bird.

It was now mid-spring, the time when the polar day changes to polar night, on the outskirts of the southern continent day and night will still change each other, and I live in the centre of the pole, so I will have sunshine for another week. At first I wondered why all the people of the Water Tribe had swarthy skin, but after a few years of living at the Pole, where the sun shines mercilessly for half the year, I became swarthy myself. For me it was a tan, protecting me from excessive ultraviolet light, and for the people of the Water Tribe, this tan became a natural skin colour, also protecting them from ultraviolet light.

When the polar night was only a day away, I was practising inside my ice palace as usual when I heard someone's maiden cry:

- FROSTY SPIRITS! - I heard a girl screaming while I was training, so I took a bottle of milk from the milk tree and went to check who it was that had come to me and was yelling outside my window.

- ICE SPIRIT, WE NEED YOUR HELP! - Shouted a slightly different girlish voice already.

I went out onto the ice balcony, and stood on the ice slide and slid down to the two female visitors.

- What do you want? - I asked the two girls, they were the same girls who had Water Magic, -You're not too far from your tribe? - I asked after drinking milk from the bottle. The girls were a bit confused now, as they were calling for the Ice Spirit, and a half-naked, swarthy guy with black and white hair, who was drinking milk, came out to them.

- Um...' said a dark-haired girl with two pigtails hanging down from her fringes and framing her face. By the looks of it, she was younger than the other girl.

- Can I be a little more informative? You interrupted my practice. - I looked at the second girl.

- Are you an Ice Spirit? We're here to see the Ice Spirit. - The second older girl asked, her hair was tied up in a ponytail and two separate strands hung down on her temples, also framing the girl's face.

- BING SI FENG! COME HERE, THERE'S SOMEONE HERE TO SEE YOU! - I called out to the ice phoenix.

- I'm busy eating! - came the reply from the top of my palace.

- Eat later, come on fly here, Bing! - I shouted again, and an ice bird flew out of the palace.

- What do you want? - Bing also asked a question, sitting on my right shoulder.

- Greetings great Ice Spirit, we need your help. - The men of our tribe have decided to go to war, they have decided that since the tribe is protected by the Ice Spirit, they can attack the Fire Nation themselves and take revenge for decades of oppression without fear for their families. - said the younger girl.

- Don't they have anything better to do? Let them stay at home, they have a ruin here, and they go to war. - I commented.

- That's right, we think they're being stupid too, and we've come to ask the Ice Spirit for help. We need to stop them somehow, if you tell them not to go to war with the Fire Nation, but to stay and rebuild the Southern Tribe, they will listen to the great Ice Spirit. - said the eldest girl.

- I see what you want. I will fulfil this request, for ten thousand lychee fruit. - replied the ice phoenix.

- That's quite a price you're charging, Bing. - I looked at the bird.

- Well, I'm a great Ice Spirit, if I do requests for free, then people like these girls will be standing here tomorrow. Do you agree? Pay up. - Bing Xi Feng looked at the two girls.

- But... you defeated the Southern Invaders for free and protected the tribe from their attack. - The older girl made her argument.

- Who said it was me, and who said I did it for free? This guy defeated the Southern Invaders, and I helped him, but he paid for it too. - Bing pointed her beak at me, and now the two girls shifted their gaze to my face.

≪Hmm... the older of these girls, I remember that energy, she has that light spirit inside her that drove us out the first time we were brought in. It seems she was supposed to be our twin sister, and it seems like this girl is Rava's new Avatar. ≫

- Hey, do you have a brother? - I asked the older girl.

- Huh? No...more precisely, my mum told me that I was supposed to have a twin brother, but he died right after I was born, for some reason he was born very weak. - replied the eldest.

≪ No good for us. We should have been that brother. If she hadn't banished us, everything would have been fine, but no, we had to interfere.≫

- Why did you suddenly ask that? - I thought I'd ask the younger one.

- No reason. - I answered, and then there was silence, which was interrupted by Bing.

- Anyway, I'm going to eat again. - The phoenix soared into the air and flew off to the palace.

- Um... and you... what village are you from? - asked the youngest, - By the way, my name is Katara, and this is my older sister Korra, we are the daughters of the chief of Hakoda. - Katara introduced herself and her sister.

- And I... I think I'll keep my anonymity. - I replied.

- But we've seen your face, so how much anonymity are you talking about? - Korra asked.

- Bing knows a spirit - the Mother of Faces, this spirit can give me a new face in case of anything. - I said.

- Huh, you're friends with spirits, you're not Avatar, are you? - Korra asked with a smile, surely she knows that she is the Avatar.

- Even if I was, I certainly wouldn't tell you that. - I'm an Avatar too, just not Rava's Avatar, but the Avatar of my original self in this world.

- Why did you help the Water Tribe stop the Southern Invaders? - Katara decided to find out.

- First and foremost, I was helping myself. I had recently settled in the South Pole, and I didn't need the Fire Nation soldiers to stop me from living and training here in peace.

- Did you come from the Northern Water Tribe? - Korra asked.

- That's a question I'll leave unanswered. Girls, I can't persuade the men of your tribe to go to war, I'm not even sure they would listen to Bing. Your men are used to the constant attacks of the Fire Nation, they almost destroyed you, they pillaged your culture, for a couple of generations now the Southern Water Tribe has lived in constant readiness to repel the Southern Invaders, but now that the attacks have stopped, your men don't know what to do, they are all trained to be warriors ready to fight for their tribe, but there is no one to fight with... so they have decided to find the enemy themselves. Your men just don't know what to do in a peaceful life, they're used to constant warfare, once they've got itchy fists, they'll be hard to stop. I guess the only thing that can stop them is their women, don't let them out of the bedroom, that's my advice. - I said and stood up on the ice slide and started to climb back up to my ice palace, -Hurry home, it's going to be polar night soon. - I shouted one last shout, and disappeared inside the palace.

- What kind of advice is that? 'Don't let her out of the bedroom?' - Katara asked her sister.

- I have my guesses, but you're too young to know. - replied Korra.

- How about we tell the Ice Spirit that you're the Avatar and she'll help us with our request for free? - asked one younger sister to the older one.

- Quiet, no one can know I'm the Avatar. Ice Spirit is friends with that guy, and he's too suspicious. If the Fire Nation somehow finds out I'm the Avatar, they'll send the entire Fire Nation army here to destroy me, along with the entire Southern Tribe. And even though I'm the Avatar, no one taught me how to use any of the elements, I'll be easily defeated by experienced mages... and my father wants to leave with all the men of the tribe... let's pass that guy's advice on to all the women of the tribe, just say that it was the Ice Spirit who advised us. - Korra spoke up, walking off with her sister back to the village, and they have a long way to go.

When I got back to the house, Bing Xi Feng said to me:

- You lied, you're not the Avatar, that girl is the Avatar.

- When did I claim to be the Avatar? You're the one who called me the Avatar, and decided to become my guardian spirit and teach me Ice Magic for a small fee. I never asked you to do that, and I certainly never called myself the Avatar.

- Hmm... but you use Fire and Ice Magic at the same time, and you feel like an Avatar.... although now that I've had a close encounter with the real Avatar, I realise you're definitely not. Well, we're responsible for the ones we tame, but I can't abandon my favourite human pet just because he wasn't the real Avatar,' Bing said arrogantly. - said Bing arrogantly.

- Actually, I consider you my pet, my tame ice phoenix, so to speak. - I replied to that statement.

- Don't flatter yourself, you're my pet. I am already tens of thousands of years old, and you are not even a decade and a half old. - still arrogantly said this icy chicken.

- You know, the years lived are not equal to wisdom, and the age of the physical shell is not equal to the age of the soul. I may not be the Avatar of Rava, but that doesn't mean I can't be the Avatar of some other powerful spirit.

- Indeed, you are definitely not an ordinary person. - Bing began to fly around me and scrutinise me carefully, -So, I'll promote you from pet to friend. - sat on my shoulder.

- Then I'll promote you to mate. - I stroked the ice bird, and continued training Ice Magic under the supervision of the ice phoenix.

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