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10.4% I am reborn in Akame ga KILL / Chapter 18: Shot

Chapter 18: Shot

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The rebel spies had to find out for the Night Raid the identity of a maniac who decapitates people at night, and they did, although several spies lost their heads to the maniac in the process.

- So, our target is Zang-Palach, the former executioner of the largest prison in the Empire, thanks to the efforts of the Prime Minister, he had enough work to do, he carried out several beheadings a day, which eventually drove him crazy, now he chops heads of everyone indiscriminately. Before leaving the prison, he beheaded the chief warden and took his Teiga - Spectraktor, an eye-shaped artefact that gives its user the ability to look several kilometres away, see through objects, anticipate the next actions of the enemy, and also gives the ability to use strong hypnosis on his opponent. Our opponent is a professional executioner with a strong Teigu, which gives him a huge advantage over the enemy, only Akame, Bulat and Gin will be able to cope with him, the rest of us better not to go at night in the capital, so as not to accidentally lose their heads. - Najenda was sitting in a chair in a rather revealing outfit that she was wearing just for me, because Najenda realises that I'm helping Night Raid mainly because of her, and to keep me close to her, she dressed more revealingly, which really helps, because it's nice to do the bidding of such a beautiful woman, especially knowing that you'll be rewarded by her at night.

≪And he also called me a 'titty slave', himself no better. ≫

- Zang is a madman who doesn't care who he kills, we could leave it to the Imperial guards to catch him, but then they'd get the Spectractor too, which we don't want. Plus, the regular guards are powerless against Zang, and it could take too long for him to be captured, and he could kill a lot of civilians as well as our spies, who mostly operate at night. - Leone, who was the liaison between the Night Raid and the revolutionary informers in the capital, added, 'Zang operates all over the capital, at different times of the night, sometimes not even every day, so we'll have to ambush him for a few days to catch him, so someone will have to be patient. - Leone looked at me, insinuating that I have fun with Najenda every night, but I won't be able to do that for a few nights.

- That's okay, I'll make up for it later in the day. - I replied with a sad look at Najenda, who I had planned to bunk with in a couple of hours, but now I would have to go catch the maniac.

We had been trying to catch Zang for three nights, while the guards were still searching for Captain Ogre's murderer and looking for Zang. Because of the large number of guards, all the criminals preferred not to go out on the streets, and ordinary people also stayed at home to avoid losing their heads, so we spent these three nights running around the capital full of guards, but during the day I had a good time with Najenda. In order not to embarrass the rest of the squad, we went to the lake, and there on the shore in the sunshine we had intercourse alone... almost alone, sometimes Lubbock and Leone watched us, a couple of times Shelly and Main, and once Akame, though this one was probably just nearby, while hunting or fishing.

Zang showed up on the fourth night, decapitating a trio of guards in the area I was viewing, standing on a tall building in invisibility. I'd tried to track Zang by scent before, but he'd been hiding in the sewers, where his scent was lost in the sewer amber, now I'd been lucky enough to catch him after killing him, and I'd decided to behead him myself, ironically. But apparently Teigu Zang's Teigu allowed me to look behind his back and also see through my invisibility, probably only at close range since he hadn't noticed me before.

- A Night Raid assassin that, like me, uses Teigu. - Zang protected his neck with the blade that came out of his armour. I attacked Zang also with the hidden blade from my wristband, and my weapon was clearly better, for it cut the executioner's blade, but Zang had two of those wristbands with a blade, and with the second one he tried to decapitate me himself. I tried to dodge, but his Teigu read my movement, so he still managed to slash my throat with his blade, good thing it was protected by armour.

- Sweetheart, come to me, today I'll let you take me in the arse. - Suddenly a naked Najenda appeared in front of me, in the place where Zang had just stood.

≪He's hypnotising us, we'll dispel it. ≫

- Oh yeah baby, I'm on my way, I'm gonna rip your arse with this thing. - I answered and pulled out my rifle, let's see how Zang will dodge bullets and laser beams... as it turned out, it was not bad, his Teigu was anticipating the trajectory of the shot, and Zang was able to dodge, and he also started to attack me.

- Killer, you can hear the voices of your victims, can't you? Since I became an executioner, I hear the cries and moans of my victims all the time. - Zang told me, while trying to decapitate me, I activated additional blades from my back, which Zang also had time to follow and react to.

- I have a voice in my head, but it commands me to sexually enslave all beauties, so, I have a slightly different schizophrenia. - I replied, trying to catch this crazy person reading my every move. Akame wasn't that far away from me, so she soon came running over here and joined the fight as well. Zang did well against the two opponents, but still missed one scratch from Murasama's blade, and died a couple of seconds later, smiling happily as he said before he died that the voices were finally gone.

- We finally got the bastard down. - I took the Teigu in the form of an eye off his forehead and put it on my forehead, after which I could see Akame's naked face. 'Teigu is great, I'll study it and make visors for my armour. - I took Teigu off, because it was consuming enough energy.

- We should take Bulat and leave, the guards will be here soon. - Akame said as she put her sword back into its scabbard.

After that incident with Zang, and after the killing of the guard captain Ogra, all the guards were still very active for a couple of weeks, and were doing their jobs as they should be, and not with their sleeves up. The Night Raid rested during that time, each doing their own thing, I was mostly busy either building weapons or Najenda. Shelly had a couple of assassination orders, one with Mein and the other with Akame, and the last one she did, she's a member of the Night Raid, now her face is on the Empire's most wanted list, along with Akame, Najenda and Bulat.

- Shelly, I wish you'd stay at the base. - Najenda said, looking at the flyer with Shelly's picture on it.

- I'm sorry, I was stupid again. Are you going to punish me now? - Shelly looked at Najenda and then at me and blushed.

- Actually, you should definitely be punished, but participation in the Night Raid Squad is voluntary, so I can't punish you like that, except I can give you a kitchen outfit.

- Don't! - Akame objected, she had once told me that Shelly had helped her cook dinner once and she had salted everything she could and burned everything she could burn to coals, Akame had cried afterwards because of the transferred food she could have eaten but Shelly had ruined it.

- Shelly, who am I supposed to go shopping with now, huh? - resented Mayne for walking around the capital with her friend earlier.

- I'm sorry, Mayne. - Shelly said even more pathetically.

- I don't know, you'll have to try harder to make me forgive you. - said the pink-haired girl.

- Sooner or later, all the members of the Night Raid will be on the flyers, it's inevitable, because we'll be interfering in the capital's affairs, and maybe soon the Prime Minister will organise a group of Teigu owners to catch us, and given the rumours that Esdeath has almost conquered the Northern Tribes, I'm afraid she might be the one to lead that group. If the Prime Minister were to suggest it, and remind her that I am the leader of the Night Raid, I think Esdeath would be happy to accept. - Najenda said, and looked at her right hand, which Esdeath had frozen and shattered.

- Oh, for Esdeath's meeting I've been tweaking my armour to make it more airtight and cold resistant, and I've integrated a Teigu Spectractor-like visor into it, so you can have it now. - I put the Teygu in the shape of an eye on the table.

- You can't kill Esdeath, and neither can we. What, are you going to sexually enslave her? - Leone asked mockingly.

- I'll decide whether to kill or enslave her when I defeat her in battle, which won't be easy even with my artefact weapons. By the way, yesterday I finished the revolver, and today I tested it, and here it is, Najenda, as requested, a compact gun, as powerful as Callandor. More specifically the revolver stores eight superpowered charges that can be fired one at a time, or combined into one superpowered shot. The charges accumulate over time, but at this point the revolver can still fire weaker energy projectiles or a laser beam. The beam, by the way, can also be boosted with the accumulated charges, one charge is generated for eight seconds, so if you fire one boosted projectile per second, you can shoot almost non-stop. My old revolver was very similar to this one, only here I added the enhancements that I picked up from Teigu Mein, the same enhancements are also in my rifle. - I laid out a rather large gold revolver, which I pushed towards Najenda.

- Mein, would you like to have a competition for the title of Night Raid's 'best sniper'? - Najenda asked, taking the revolver and aiming it through the collimator sight.

- I'm ready to rub anyone's nose in anyone who challenges me for the title of best sniper, even if it's you, boss. - Maine said proudly, picking up her Teague.

- I've got a sniper mode built in just in case. - I said, activating the sniper mode. The sight in the revolver was created with a hologram, and in the aiming mode, the hologram enlarged to become a full-fledged sniper's sight.

- Are the bullets not aiming themselves at the target? - Najenda asked.

- Yes, this mode I called - 'Lazy Sniper Mode', through the sight you can fix the target, and the bullet will chase it until it hits, but it works only on those eight accumulated charges. - I replied.

- I...I'm still the best sniper! - Maine shouted.

- Let's check it out. - Najenda smiled.

Najenda had been training quite a lot lately, she'd been training with Akame in swordfights, with Leone in fist fights, she'd been fighting me in bed, and now she'd decided to have a training-competition with Mein.

Mein, despite her bad temper, was still a good sniper, she shot very accurately at close, medium and long range, even though she hadn't received Callandor that long ago. Najenda was on par with Mein, but more because of her experience, she had owned a Callandor for a long time and had learnt to shoot well with this Teigu, which had three modes of fire - machine gun, sniper rifle and beam weapon.

In general, Najenda and Mein had a draw, except that, for the sake of interest, Najenda experienced the firing of eight charges at once, which formed a dense projectile that exploded like a missile, ordinary shots were as strong as tank shots, and the beam, reinforced with charges, made a through tunnel in the rock. Mein's Callandor could do such tricks, but only when Mein herself was in mortal danger, and Mein herself was very weak after such a thing, whereas my revolver could fire such shots one a minute, and worked with the owner's energy only at night, in sunny weather it used up almost none of the owner's energy.

Mein almost cried after the competition, so Najenda announced:

- Okay, it's a tie here, do you agree Mein?

- Mm-hmm. - The pink-haired girl nodded, still upset that she hadn't won, so Shelly hugged her to comfort her.

- It's still amazing how you, Gin, were able to create a weapon that is as strong as Teig. - Najenda said, looking at the revolver.

- I'd be proud of it, I've only replicated what the master gunsmiths created a thousand years ago.

- But four hundred years ago, the then Emperor tried to recreate Teiga, and he failed, though he was able to approximate the power of the previous artefacts in some places. - Najenda added.

- It means he tried badly, the Empire must have already started to rot, if the First Emperor allocated a huge amount of money for the creation of Teigu, then when creating Shingu, most of the money was probably stolen by the officials, and the strength of an artefact depends on the quality of the material. When Teigu was created, groups of hunters were organised to hunt for the strongest monsters on the mainland, while when Shingu was created, the artisans were given low-quality material, so they created what they created. It's easier for me, I'm the one who gets the raw materials for the weapons, and some craftsman who has a family and children will certainly not go hunting for a super-class monster to accidentally die there and leave his family to their fate. By the way, I'm also preparing a weapon for you, but it will be a little poisonous, almost like Murasama, so you'll have to drink an antidote to develop immunity to the poison, and this antidote, as a side effect, will make you a little stronger, strengthening your muscles.

- That's not going to be very pleasant, is it? - Najenda asked, shooting at a bird flying in the sky.

- It's a demon bird, it's got really good meat! - Akame rejoiced, and ran like a hunting dog after the prey falling from the sky.

- Yes, you'll be feverish for a couple of days, but then even Murasama's poison won't take you. - I replied, -Tomorrow you will drink this antidote, and today I want the payment for the revolver. - I hugged Najenda and kissed her, all the other members of the Night Raid were present, even Akame came running in dragging the carcass of a five metre long headless bird. Lubbock was still jealous of Najenda, Leone and Shelly were giving me strange feelings, and most frightening of all, Bulat was jealous of Najenda, the faggot had taken a liking to my swarthy, smoky looks... on the one hand, it was good that he was a faggot, because he wasn't interested in Najenda, but on the other hand, he was interested in me.

Tonight I enjoyed Najenda for a longer time as I won't be able to make love to her for at least two days, I finished with her at noon and before I let her rest, Najenda drank an antidote. I went to the capital after that, to finish Najenda's weapons in my forge, and also to finish her armour, for the meeting with Esdeath. A shop was opened next to my forge, where I decided to sell my weapons. So, now I only have people coming in to make individual orders for weapons, which happens a couple of times a week, and the rest of the time I don't have to work.

I got back to the Night Raid base at night, Najenda was asleep, she had a fever, but everything was going according to plan, however, I was scheduled to have coitus with her now, but I had to go to the library to read books. Because of the world's peculiarities, the real stories here are no different from fantasy novels in my world, reading works on the history of the Empire, you even forget that you have a book that tells the real history of the world, and not the lore of some game. Scientific works were not very widespread here, but when you have twenty-metre monsters running outside your window, you can't do maths, but alchemy is quite developed here, mainly thanks to it Teigu was created, the materials for which were extracted from the bodies of these twenty-metre monsters.

- Oh, Gin, you're here too. - Shelly walked into the library.

- Yeah, I'm free tonight, so I thought I'd read. - I was still wearing the special glasses that allowed me to absorb information a couple of times faster, I'd made them similar to the Spectractor, but their only ability was to capture the image and transmit it to my mind. This duplicates the incoming information from my eyes, and I remember that information better and faster.

- Then I'll read here too, if you don't mind? - Shelly picked a book off the shelf and looked at me expectantly.

- Sure. - I answered, and continued reading, occasionally feeling Shelly's eyes on me, and when she looked at me again, I looked at her too,' Shelly, do you want something?

- A kiss. - the girl replied quietly.

- What?' I asked again.

- I've never been kissed, I want to kiss like you kissed Najenda yesterday. Can you kiss me? - The girl looked at me pleadingly.

- Why me?

- Why who? - Shelly asked back, 'I... you know, I joined the Night Raid because the only thing I know how to do is kill. Whatever I do, whether it's cooking or cleaning or laundry, I'm just a terrible hostess that no one would ever marry. I once had a friend who was friends with me despite the fact that I'm a scatterbrained inept, and one day her ex broke into her house, who was on drugs, he grabbed my friend by the throat, and to save her, I grabbed a knife and killed him. My friend was in shock and I was as calm as ever. After that my friend and I had a fight, the guards acquitted me, because it was clear that this guy on drugs attacked us. Before that I lived with my friend, and after that incident I had to go back home to live with my parents, and one day when I was coming home from shopping, I was attacked by friends of the dead guy, he was in a gang, and they came to avenge him... before they caught up with me, they went to my house and killed my parents, luckily for me, the handle of my knife broke at home that day, and when I came home, I bought a new knife, which I took out of the basket, and without any problems I stabbed those gangsters. That's when I realised that the only thing I knew how to do was kill, after my parents died I decided to join the revolutionary army where I could use my killing skills for good. I'm an assassin, now I'm officially wanted by the Empire, I might die tomorrow, and yet I've never been with a man, never even kissed one. - Shelly looked at me with a pleading look in her eyes.

- I'm with Najenda.

- Yeah, I'm sorry I asked you to do something so stupid. - The girl lowered her head in frustration.

- But if it's just a kiss, and you don't tell Najenda about it, I can help you. - I got up and closed the library door and sat down next to Shelly.

I was partially controlled by my second consciousness, but I liked Shelly on principle.

- Gin, I'm sorry I tried to kill you. - Shelly looked at me when I was sitting right next to her.

- Oh, you're the first person to apologise for that. I forgive you. - I got close to the girl's lips and kissed her, Shelly didn't have any experience in that, so I had to do it myself. After the first kiss, Shelly tried to repeat the kiss and she was already penetrating my mouth with her tongue. She continued to kiss me, and I returned the favour, and although I didn't make love tonight, I did have a lot of fun with Shelly, and I made her beautiful body as good as Najenda's beautiful body.

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