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9.24% I am reborn in Akame ga KILL / Chapter 16: Gun Test

Chapter 16: Gun Test

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After dealing with the Imperials, I went back to the Night Raid base, fixed Najenda up a bit, and wanted to have a sword fight with Akame, but she went fishing, and said that if I helped her, she'd do her job faster and then we could practice.

- You were talking about some kind of 'spatial pocket' where you store meat, is that some kind of Teigu? - Akame asked as we walked with her towards the river.

- It's schizophrenia in my soul created it, she also created a pocket world there, where she wants to settle a harem of slave girls. - I answered, and we were just approaching the river, Akame quickly began to undress, and remaining only in a swimming costume, said:

- I will throw the river tuna on the shore, and you store it in this pocket of yours.

- You'll make a fine slave, Akame. Oh, come on, you've never seen a girl in a swimming costume before, especially since we saw Akame naked when she was tumbling around with Merryde. That's why I say she'll make a good slave. - I started talking to myself again, and Akame, blushing a little, jumped into the river, and soon a five-metre long fish weighing six hundred kilograms was flying out.

And although I'm a big cat, I don't really like fish, when I was in the east of the Empire in a port city, I tried some sea creatures there, I liked crabs the most, their meat was sweet and pleasant to taste, but otherwise, there is too much water and not enough energy in fish, maybe some sea dragons or leviathans I would like, but they must live somewhere in the oceans, where it is dangerous to sail because they sink ships.

My assistance in fishing was limited to transporting fish from the river to the base, which was a dozen kilometres away, but I decided to 'fish' too. My boots allowed me to walk on the water, and my keen eyesight, which saw a bit of the energy of living things, allowed me to distinguish fish in the river water and harpoon them with the retractable blades on my back, Akame now threw the fish not on the shore, but directly to me, where it disappeared a metre away from me, just within that radius I could move objects into my spatial pocket or domain. Moving along the river, Akame and I had caught at least a couple of months worth of fish... or rather, that's what I thought. When I decided to help Akame cook the fish, it turned out that she wasn't a very good cook. She's an excellent cook, but she eats sixty percent of it while cooking and then eats it with the rest of the Night Raid, so that's enough fish for a week, and Akame often has snacks between breakfast, lunch and dinner. She eats like a madwoman and doesn't go to the bathroom.

I decided to follow Akame out of invisibility, telling her that I was going back to the capital and staying at the base. Akame and I did some training, and she got hungry again, she ate, and soon it was time to make dinner, she ate while cooking, she also ate at dinner, and at night she got up a couple of times to eat... yeah, you can tell her strength doesn't come from the ceiling, she eats a lot to be strong.

≪And the best thing is that she doesn't take a piss, which means her back hole is always clean, she's the perfect anal slave. ≫

- It's all about the schizophrenia of slaves. - The Night Raid was resting today, it seems the new order is being tested now, or it could be a set-up by the Imperials to catch Najenda's unit. The next day, at lunch, Leone talked more about the mission that came in.

- Boss, well, the mission passed the test, it turned out to be just as the customer said. One of the captains of the imperial guards, nicknamed Ogre, takes bribes from criminals and shifts the blame of the crime onto innocent people. Our client's fiancé was unjustly accused and executed, the real culprit was Gamal, a butter merchant, who gave Ogre a hand and got him off. The client sold her body in brothels to save money to pay for our services, she asks to kill Gamal and Ogre, they are really guilty of many crimes, especially Ogre, being the captain of the guards, he considers himself the 'king of the city' and does whatever he wants. - Leone spoke as she sat on the couch next to the other Night Raid girls.

- I see, then we'll kill those bastards. - Najenda spoke up.

- Gamal is not a problem, he frequents the brothel and is the easiest to catch, but Captain Ogre is a strong swordsman, some even call him Demon for his strength, but he either sits in his office and takes bribes or goes on patrol with his squad. Only on his day off he relaxes in a bar near the palace square. In general, either Bulat or Akame will be able to cope with this task, but they are wanted, and we will have to act near the barracks of the guards. - Leone said.

- Oh, I've recently built a stealthy assassin's blade into my wristband, and I've been meaning to try it out on someone, and I can use it on this Ogre. - In a moment the wristband on my hand became a blade, it differed from a regular sword in that it was part of the armour, which made it easier for me to conduct energy through it, so it was much easier and faster to create energy sickles with it, although I built it into the wristband because I wanted to and I could, - Plus, I can become invisible, so I can kill Ogre even in his office. It'll be very revealing that the captain of the guard was killed in a place full of guards.

- Hmm, yeah, the Night Raid will be even more feared then. Then, Leone and Akame will take care of Gamal, and Gin will take over Ogra. - replied Najenda, who already had half of her arm grown off.

Now, I'm helping Night Raid for two reasons, the first being Najenda. The second reason is that I have ten times less chance of killing the Prime Minister alone than in a group. The Prime Minister sits in the Imperial Palace all the time, which is overly well guarded, in addition to General Esdeath, the Empire also has Generalissimo Budo, who also owns one of the strongest Teigu, Fury of the Lightning God: Adramelech, which allows him to use lightning at the same level that Esdeath uses cold. And that's not counting a bunch of other Teigu in the hands of lesser known users, but serving the Empire nonetheless. As was evident from my fight with Night Raid, I can easily be mobbed. Now I have plenty of ideas for my own enhancement, while I have the opportunity I will improve my artefacts and my fighting skills, and in the meantime I can help Najenda and her Night Raid, whose ultimate goals are the same as mine.

I had heard something about Ogre from the guards I was buying from, Ogre had a squad that he personally trained and was loyal to him personally, the squad treated Ogre like a father, but the other guards didn't like this corrupt bastard who was a really good guard at first, he was feared by the criminals, but once he became captain he started acting like a criminal himself.

We left the base together with Akame and Leone, and the three of us ran to the capital, Akame was running at a speed of three hundred kilometres, and it was obvious that this was not her limit. In the capital we split up, the girls went after Gamal and I went to follow Ogre. After the bar he was a little under the weather, and returning to his office he received a couple of guest smugglers who had bribed him not to notice them bringing large quantities of opium into the capital.

Going behind Ogre's chair, I stabbed him through the heart with a hidden blade, and in an upward motion, disembowelled him from the middle of his chest to his head. The contents of Ogre's body could now be studied from the slice. Placing the Night Raid flyer and the Baihu flyer on Ogre's chest, I nailed them to his body with Ogre's own sword, then calmly walked out of the barracks under invisibility, where crowds of guards were walking nearby.

- How's the target? - Leone asked as the three of us walked back to the Night Raid base.

- Executed in his office.

- That would scare a lot of people. - Akame replied.

For a couple of days, the guards in the capital had indeed been actively searching for Ogre's killer, but since they had missed him during the murder that had been committed in the guard barracks, they would certainly not be able to find anyone now.

When Najenda's hand was almost restored, with only half a wrist and fingers left, Night Raid received an order.

- Our target is a relative of the Prime Minister named Ivokaru, hiding behind his relative's name, he kidnaps girls and beats them to death. He is guarded by five bodyguards trained at the Kouken Temple, they are strong warriors, so it is best to eliminate our target from afar. So Mein and his long-range Teigu will take care of the immediate elimination of Ivokaru, while the rest of us will intercept and kill the guards. - gave the mission briefing to Najenda.

- Oh, I've recently made a cannon similar to Callandor Mein, do you mind if I use it to shoot at the Prime Minister's relatives? - In my hands appeared a rifle that fired solid photon plasma charges at the speed of light, and could also shoot a thin laser. It was similar to Teigu Mein in its internal structure, except that it was amplified not by emotion, but by absorbed energy from the environment. It would work most effectively in sunny weather, in heat, and also when many creatures were dying nearby, and the energy of their disintegrating souls would amplify the shot. By the way, the real name of Mein's cannon is 'Roman Artillery: Callandor', and it was nicknamed 'Pumpkin' by Najenda when she got this Teigu and learnt how to fire it so that huge pumpkins explode on impact. Maine apparently trained her in a similar pattern, and now she calls Callandor 'Pumpkin' too.

- You get in my way, I'm the sniper here, okay? - said the little pink pipsqueak.

- My eyes can see at night, and I can concentrate and look at a distance of five kilometres as if the object is a couple of metres away from me, so we'll see who's the sniper. My rifle is better than your ridiculously named Teig.

- Pumpkin's better than your inferior rifle! - Maine shouted, hugging the suitcase that holds the Teigu.

- Okay, figure it out on the mission, most importantly kill the target and shoot the guards if possible. - said Najenda.

Our target lived in a fancy mansion with a harem of slave girls, who did not live very long with him, he beat them to death, but soon he was brought new ones.

≪What a bastard, if you enslave a girl, you take care of her.≫

There was a hill opposite Ivokaru's mansion, which Maine and I occupied, and Maine and I were ready and waiting for the target to emerge from the house, and when the fat man came out surrounded by the unwilling girls and five guards, I pulled the trigger, Maine did not hesitate, and our guns fired simultaneously, and while Callandor's beam hit the head of the Prime Minister's relative, mine hit the target's chest and made a hole in it the size of his head.

- This round is a draw. - I summarised.

- I hit the head, which is a higher score. - Maine was indignant, and I was shooting at the guards running towards us, trying to dodge them, but I just had to fire more shots before I could shoot them all.

- In the end I won, while you were complaining, I eliminated the guards. It didn't seem to help them much to use their fists against a firearm. You're a good shot, too, I'll give you that, but if you weren't such a bitch... or at least had bigger breasts, you'd be forgiven for being a bitch. - I said, and Mayne pointed her gun at me, then stomped her foot and walked away. The other members of the Night Raid never got into a fight today, but no one was particularly upset about it.

After this mission, the Night Raid didn't receive orders for two days, just in time for me to fully restore Najenda's arm.

- The restored arm feels fine, but it's definitely weaker than the left one, don't think I'm complaining Gin, I'm just telling it like it is. - Najenda remarked when I had finished my treatment that evening.

- Well, the new regenerated flesh is always weaker at first, and it was the same with me, if I lost an arm and it grew back, there was a lot less internal energy in the cells of the new arm, so it was weaker.

- So it'll be back to normal after a while, although the metal prosthetic arm had its advantages too, the metal arm was very strong, and I could also shoot with my fist on the cable, but I still like the normal arm better. Gin, thanks for your help, do you mind if I thank you? - Najenda came up to me, we were in her room now, and the girl herself was dressed in a nightie.

- What about Lubbock? He'll hang himself by his own threads if he finds out. - I put my arm round the girl and held her close to me.

- I never really loved Lubbock.

- And you kind of love me? You just want to tie me to you, because I'm so useful to you and the Night Raid. - I looked into Najenda's eyes, and she looked away, letting me know that I was right. I'd like true love, but I'll be satisfied with liking you and not disgusting you, since you're offering me that. - I kissed the girl, as promised, she had stopped smoking after all, so kissing her was much more pleasant than before.

I pulled Najenda down on the bed and ripped her nightie off, exposing her luscious breasts, which I nibbled on, licking and sucking on her cherry nipples. I tore her nightie off completely so that my fingers could fondle her pussy, which began to moisten with each passing second.

Najenda wasn't a virgin, she was in her early twenties, but that allowed me to go easy on her. After penetrating her pussy with my rod, I cum quite quickly, I could not help it, it was my first time, but my regeneration and beastly stamina allowed me to continue immediately and spend the whole night making love to Najenda. My second self was able to make me temporarily infertile so that the girl would not get pregnant immediately, for after the amount of seed poured into her, she was guaranteed to get knocked up.

- What a beautiful night. - I walked out of Najenda's room in the morning, in my pants and T-shirt, with Leone, Akame, Mein, Shelly and Lubbock in the corridor, listening in.

- Bastard, Najenda was mine! - Lubbock shouted at me, almost crying.

- Well, I don't know, she said she wasn't. I'll go and make her breakfast in bed, cos she'll have a hard time walking after our night.

- And you I see cheerful, although, judging by the boss's screams, you fucked her very well, even envious, a good man is very difficult to find nowadays. - Leone looked at Lubbock and shook her head negatively. Leone could see that she was aroused, her hard nipples were clearly visible under her top.

- I'm going into town, I'm going to get drunk and go to a brothel! - shouted Lubbock running off the base with tears in his eyes.

- Good luck getting chicks... and syphilis. - I shouted after him, -What are you all doing here, haven't you heard of people fucking? Go to your rooms, or I'll do to you what I did to Najenda. - I said, and all the girls left except Leone.

- Well, look, nobody pulled you by the tongue. - Leone smiled.

- You were a bad kitty, and you don't deserve the reward. - I walked past Leone into the kitchen.

≪So let's punish her anally since she was a bad pussy? ≫

- No.

≪Then let's at least give Najenda an arsehole? ≫

- No, what's the fetish for shoving your cock up someone's arse?

≪Normal fetish. And I think I understand why your last girlfriend cheated on you, you're boring sexually, no kinky stuff. ≫

- I just don't want to make a girl put her dick where it doesn't belong.

≪Make sure this one doesn't cheat and go to Lubbock, who's sure to take care of Najenda's arse. Go on, take her anal virginity. ≫

- If she asks for it. - I replied to my twisted schizophrenia.

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