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8.09% I am reborn in Akame ga KILL / Chapter 14: The Alliance

Chapter 14: The Alliance

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My confrontation with the Night Raid ended up actually being my victory, in battle I was able to overpower them, and if they were to attack me again I would be able to overpower them again. Teigu I researched them and found countermeasures to them, or found weaknesses in their artefacts. On their own, the Night Raid members are pretty strong without Teigu, but only Bulat and Akame can pose any threat on their own, the rest of the squad is pretty dependent on Teigu, and Mein is an easy target without her cannon.

The Teigu I picked up in the last battle with Night Raid, I analysed carefully. The threaded Teigu was made from the hair of a Heavenly Dragon, a couple of which I'd met in the mountains in the southwest of the empire, only young and not particularly strong. These dragons don't have wings, they fly using air magic, and young dragons can only hover between mountains for a short time.

This Teigu had a slowly replenishing supply of royal threads from the Heavenly Dragon, and also generated threads from the owner's Ki, they were much less strong, but their quantity was limited only by the owner's energy. In general, I was more interested in the mechanism of filament supply and control than the filaments themselves. Since I make my own armour and clothing, I could use an artifact like this for sewing clothes.

Murasame Akame looked like an ordinary Japanese katana, the technology of making this Teigu was the same as when I made my first poisoned dagger, that is, I took a poisonous monster, processed it into materials that could be used in forging and made a sword. It was easy to restore this sword, and even in some ways Murasame became better after forging, after all, this sword is about a thousand years old, during this period it was fought many times, so the sword simply could not help but get micro-damage to the internal structure, after forging Teigu became stronger, but it did not affect the poisonous ability of the sword, it as killed ordinary people with one scratch, and continued to do so, except that now, the chance that the katana will split from the blow became the most minimal.

And the most interesting was Teigu Incursio, in its inactive form it looked like a black straight one-handed sword, the core of the artefact was embedded in the sword's guard, and it looked like a red eye with a cross-shaped pupil. The core of the artefact was based on a rather strong dragon whose soul was trapped in the artefact. I could use this Teigu, but the armour had a huge catch, when it was active it gave you great strength and protection, but the dragon's soul wanted to absorb your soul and take over your body, so the energy was spent on fighting the dragon rather than maintaining the armour. That said, the more you merge with the dragon the more power you gain, and eventually when the dragon completely consumes you you will turn into the original dragon, which is what the armour is made of. This artefact is for the desperate, if you need more power in a time of need, you get it, but your body and soul are consumed by the dragon.

The dragon, of course, is a powerful monster, but somehow it was killed and made into an artefact, so the prospect of becoming a dragon by using Incursio doesn't really appeal to me, especially since it can be achieved by a safer method of eating dragons. But researching Incursio gave me a couple of ideas on how to improve my armour, but the Night Raid had to do without them the whole time I was researching Teiga. I didn't rush into anything, but while I was analysing artefacts, I was fulfilling orders for weapons, going out for ice cream in the evenings, and having lynch trials at night, sleeping for a couple of hours and spending the rest of the time analysing Teigu and creating artefacts for myself.

Anyway, a couple of weeks later, as I was coming home from the cafe, Leone blocked my way.

- I don't want to rush you, but could you give us our Teigu back already? - she said.

- Technically, these Teigu aren't yours at all, they were created by the Empire, and now I took them from you after the battle, and they are my spoils of war. You're my battle trophy too, kitty. - I stroked the girl's cheek, -Hey, stop taking control of your body, you fucking schizophrenic. - I yanked my hand away.

- Um... you promised you'd give Teiga back to us. - Leone remarked, trying to ignore my insanity.

- Tsk, I was just too busy to run to your toys, but since you came to me and begged me to return Teiga, so be it, let's go to your base, I'll give you the artefacts, and then you'll show me your bedroom, where I'll punish the bad kitty for trying to kill me. - I started stroking Leone's cheek again, - Fuck you, just when I see a boobed woman in my field of vision, I go crazy. - I took my hand away, and put it in my pocket, so that I wouldn't touch the beauties so much.

- Let's go back to base, titty con artist. - I looked at Leone.

- Hey, how do you turn into a tiger? Is it Teygu, like my Leonel? - Leone asked, and used her Teigu, from which her head got ears and her hands turned into clawed lion's paws.

- Are you trying to find out my secrets, you con artist? - I asked the obvious question,' Akame told you about the Guardians of the Tomb of Putra, who she had a hand in destroying, all of whom were skilled in the Secret Art of the Beast. - I said, heading out of town.

- Yes, that's what she remembered, but what was the Secret Art? - The girl asked.

- It's simple, you choose a monster you want to turn into, kill it, eat its heart, drink its blood, and eat its flesh. If you repeat this process continuously, eating only by this method and only a certain type of monster, you will gain the ability to turn into that monster.

- I understand that this method of gaining power is not completely safe. - Leone remarked, ''For example, you might go crazy or something.

- What a subtle hint, but no, I developed schizophrenia, because this world is full of madness. - I answered, and we continued walking in silence, and then we started running in silence, for from my house to the Night Raid base was about two hundred and sixty kilometres, and it would take hours to get there on foot, but if we ran, we could make it in an hour. When Leone and I got out of the centre of the capital, we began to run without holding back, arranging a kind of race to the base of the Night Raid. I won, of course, but I ran not too far away from Leone, wryly encouraging her that if she accelerated a little more, she could finally catch up with me, she accelerated, but I also accelerated, and in the end the girl gave it her all, and when she entered the base she was breathing deeply, she was hot, and the fact that she was sweating, her smell increased, and for me she smelled even more attractive.

- What happened, was someone chasing you? - Najenda asked when she met us.

- I was chasing... after him... he runs fast... I'll go for a bath...' Leone went to the bathroom and I was left alone with Najenda.

- Here, I brought Teiga. - I put out three artefacts. I restored Murasame.

- Akame will be pleased. And your name is Gin, right? So, would you like to stay for dinner, as Akame is preparing it? - Najenda asked with a cigarette in her teeth.

- Do you smoke some kind of drugs to numb your wounds? - I asked, smelling the smell of cannabis in the cigarette smoke.

- Yes, if the missing eye practically doesn't hurt, but the place where it is connected to the prosthesis is always aching. - replied the girl.

- How about I fix you up and in return you let me touch your breasts?' said my schizophrenic mouth.

- Is this the second perverted person offering me? - Najenda asked, taking a drag from her cigarette.

- Yeah, if anything, I'm the one responsible for the almost instant regeneration of my body, while the main consciousness controls the body, I control the flow of internal energy for rapid healing, so healing is my profile.

- So, can you regenerate my arm and eye? - the girl asked.

- Yes, but not in one session, the eye I can restore at once, but the restoration of the arm is better to stretch over several sessions, so as not to harm the body, using too many resources for regeneration at one time.

- Well, let's try it, let's go to my room. - Najenda led me through the rock-cut castle.

A second consciousness took over control of my body. Once in the room, I asked Najenda to sit on a chair and remove the bandage from her eye, where she had no eye, just a rather ugly scar. My hands lit up and began to shamanise something over Najenda's eye, the spot of the missing eye also began to glow.

- It stings. - said the girl, during the procedure.

- The eye is regenerating, starting with the nerves, you'll have to bear a little discomfort. I would have restored my eye in a dozen seconds, but here I have to control someone else's energy, not my own, so it will take about twenty minutes for the eye to fully recover.

- I was sent with Esdeath to pacify your tribe, but when I saw how cruel the Empire was to people who just wanted to move to a better place to live, I deserted the Empire, and then Esdeath came to kill me, froze my hand and broke it, and poked my eye out with an icicle. - Najenda shared.

- I know all of that. I've been gathering information about the Empire, and sometimes I've been able to follow Akame, you and the Rakshasa Demons. - I replied, and when the eye regeneration process was complete, I began to perform the healing with one hand, while my other hand went down to Najenda's breasts and began to fondle them, 'I like your courage and resilience, Najenda, and I love your breasts. - I began to fondle the girl's other tit.

- Remember that green-haired guy with the strings? His name is Lubbock, he's from a rich family like me, he joined the army because he fell in love with me, and he deserted the Empire with me for the same reason. He's very jealous of me, though I've never given any hint that I've agreed to any kind of relationship with him. Lubbock is too young, he's only sixteen, whereas I'm twenty, and frankly, I would have chosen a more mature man... like you. - She put her palm on my hand that was on her breast.

- I'm sixteen, too, by the way. - I noticed, but I looked about twenty, and I was quite tall.

- You look older. - said the girl.

- It's a cost of living, I had to speed up the development of my body to maximise its potential, but I can maintain that shape for a few hundred years or so.

- Look, forty-eight Teigu were created in the Empire, and the fate of two Teigu is unknown, as well as the fate of two Teigu is unknown, as well as the unknowns of what kind of Teigu they were, maybe this schizophrenia of yours is some kind of Teigu, or maybe you are a Teigu. - Najenda said.

- I heard that assumption from a red-haired girl who worked for the revolutionaries with the Oaburg clan, Chelsea was her name, but no, I'm not Teygu. However, I may be using the internal energy principles of these artefacts, which gives them and me special powers. - I answered, and soon the restoration of Najenda's eye came to an end, and now the beautiful girl with silver hair was looking at me with her violet eyes.

- It has recovered, and I can see with it as before... - Najenda closed her left eye, which was whole before, and now she was looking with the right eye that had recovered, - It is even a little unusual to look with two eyes again. - She opened both eyes and blinked.

- I can heal my arm a little now, so that it doesn't hurt, but it will take a long time to recover, about a week... yes, when I was a child my limbs grew back for about a week, I think it will take you the same amount of time if I heal you. - I began to unzip Najenda's jacket, exposing her breasts and where the prosthetic arm was connected to her shoulder.

- I'll probably have to remove the prosthesis. - I examined the joint, which had a metal hinge embedded in the flesh of the shoulder that held the rest of the prosthesis in place,' 'Fitting a prosthesis like that must have been a very painful operation.

- Yes, it wasn't pleasant, but it was better than walking around without a hand. - Najenda replied, as I disconnected the prosthesis, when the metal arm was no longer in the way, I anaesthetised the shoulder joint and then began to remove the metal hinge, the wound that had already healed, which had fused with the metal, reopened.

Now I can grow the arm from scratch and regeneration will not be hindered, however, today I only scarred the wound and anaesthetised it.

- We will continue tomorrow, the most painful procedure is over, now you should eat a lot of meat, I will come to you during the week for treatment. - I said as I put on Najenda's jacket.

- Thank you. I didn't realise that someone who wanted to destroy the Night Raid would be so much help to me. - she took a cigarette out of her jacket and lit it.

- Oh, Najenda, I like you, both of my personalities, but you're one of the few people who hasn't tried to kill me, except when I attacked the Night Raid and you had to defend yourself. - I took the cigarette from the girl's mouth.' 'Stop smoking, because I don't really like kissing girls who smoke. - I brought my face close to Najenda's face, and our lips touched, my tongue quickly penetrated into the girl's mouth, who was not confused, and began to respond to my kiss, starting to use her tongue to penetrate into my mouth. We had not a kiss, but a competition in the dexterity of the tongue, but this competition made the kiss more passionate.

- Yes, you shouldn't smoke anymore, because after kissing you, I get the taste of smoke on my tongue.

- You're not bad, how many girls have you kissed? - Najenda licked her lips.

- Let's leave that question unanswered.

- Am I your first? - smiled the girl.

- Go eat, and eat well.

- Really first? Are you still a boy? - Najenda smiled even wider.

- If I had a girlfriend, she would probably die during the Imperial attack, then I wouldn't be so lenient, and I would still slaughter you all, you're lucky I didn't kill someone really close to me, otherwise, I would have destroyed the Empire with all my might. See you tomorrow. - I returned home to finish one of the armour's new attack functions and work on the next improvement to its defensive features.

When Najenda entered the mess hall where all the members of the Night Raid were now dining, they were 

were very surprised that their boss now had two eyes again, and when Najenda told them who had helped her, Lubbock frowned, he loves Najenda after all, and I was starting to get in the way of his love. Although, now that his Teigu is back he will be able to protect his feelings for Najenda...really, I didn't just give the Teigu away, after researching, I built fuses into them, or rather they were already there so they could be disabled if the Empire's weapons were to be used against the Empire, all Teigu were to be controlled by a special Teigu belonging to the First Emperor. I reconfigured this controller, now only I can deactivate these Teigu, and even if someone from the Night Raid tries to attack me again, I can deactivate their artefacts.

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