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he found two female survivors

At this moment, the woman was pinned to the ground, her hands and feet bound, blood pooling around her as she weakly called for help.


Chopping off someone's leg while they were still alive?


Such cruelty shocked even Michal, who was known for his ruthlessness.


The woman kept shaking her head, begging them:


"Help! Help! Please don't kill me, ahhh! It hurts! My leg hurts so much! Please stop! I've done everything you asked these past few days, why are you doing this to me?!"


The two young men had crazed expressions on their faces. "Stop yelling! Just endure it for a bit! This leg is great! Tender and straight, with perfect skin! Not only fun but tasty too!"


"After all we've done to you these past few days, it's time you gave something back, isn't it?"


"Exactly, we're starving to death here! Since you're my woman, now's the time to contribute your body!"


One of the men laughed maniacally as he raised the kitchen knife and brought it down.


"Crack!" The woman's leg was finally severed.


Blood spurted from her femoral artery, spraying several meters away.


"Ahhh!!" The woman screamed in agony.


Seeing this scene, Michal couldn't stand it any longer. He raised his fire axe and said to the two men:


"Hey, what are you doing? If you're going to eat her, at least kill her first. This is too cruel."


Hearing Michal's voice, the two men were startled and quickly turned around, eyeing Michal warily. One of them said:


"You... when did you get in? You're Michal, the security guard at the entrance, and also a student at our school, right?"


The other man put on a fierce expression and said, "Kid, I advise you to mind your own business and get lost, Otherwise, we will kill you as well! Don't think we'll go easy on you just because we're from the same school!"


"Oh? Kill me too, huh? You guys must be pretty tough. I remember you two. You're Garfield and Amos, the rich kids from Class Three, right?" Michal's eyes narrowed, his gaze icy.


Garfield, sensing Michal's murderous intent, felt a chill run down his spine.


The fierce expression on his face turned into one of fear.


Amos quickly said, "Michal, we're all from the same school, classmates even. Let's keep things friendly. How about we share a bit with you?"


He gestured to the girl lying on the ground, barely alive.


To him, this girl was nothing more than food now, not someone he cared about.


He never considered these women as his girlfriends, just playthings.


Originally, there were three men and three women having a party in this villa.


When the apocalypse hit, one man and two women turned into zombies.


They barely managed to kill the zombies but had no food and were too afraid to go out searching for it.


So they decided to use the weakest woman as food.


Now, caught by Michal, they switched tactics from threats to appeasement, hoping to placate him with an offer.


After all, they were weak from hunger, while Michal looked fit and strong. They knew they couldn't win in a fight.


These rich kids realized they couldn't match Michal's strength, so they quickly adopted a fawning approach.


Michal looked at the woman on the ground, barely alive, and then at the two rich kids with their ingratiating smiles, and said regretfully:


"What a waste. Such a beautiful woman, and you wasted her."


She could have been a great sex partner to build a new future!


These rich kids had no appreciation for beauty, treating her like food instead.


Seeing Michal's regretful expression, the two rich kids thought of something and quickly said flatteringly:


"Buddy, you like her? No problem, she's just a plaything to us. She's still alive, how about we leave, and you can have her?"


Hearing this, the woman's already lifeless eyes grew even more despairing.


She was near death, and instead of saving her or showing mercy, they were thinking of "sharing" her?


Hell was empty, and all the devils were here on Earth.


At this moment, the woman's only wish was to die.


All she felt in this world was pain.


Living another second was a torturous agony for her.


Hearing the rich kids' words, Michal was taken aback.


He always thought of himself as a cold-hearted person.


The world had been cruel to him, so he would not be kind to it.


He believed he was indifferent enough towards ordinary people.


But he never expected these rich kids to be even more heartless than he was.


Despite being born into wealthy families and enjoying pleasures many could only dream of, these rich kids seemed to have no respect for life.


To them, other people were merely playthings, objects to be used, discarded, and even tortured at will.


Though Michal was ruthless, he had not sunk to such levels of depravity.He coldly said to the two men, "Honestly, you don't deserve to live in this world, so I'll send you on your way."


Upon hearing this, the two rich kids' faces changed. However, before they could react, Michal's fire axe had already split one man's head open.


The other man tried to raise a kitchen knife to strike Michal, but before he could swing, his head exploded.


The fire axe took down one, and an ice needle took down the other. Michal dispatched both enemies in less than two seconds.


He then turned his attention to the barely alive woman.


Seeing Michal kill the two rich kids, the woman believed Michal was a good person and a glimmer of hope rekindled in her eyes.


Although she had initially been in despair, Michal had just slain those two demons! He seemed like a savior standing before her.


Clinging to this hope, she weakly said, "Save me, please save me, I beg you!"


Michal looked at her, his eyes calm and devoid of emotion, and said:


"Your leg has been severed. With the current state of medical facilities, you won't survive. Now, you're just prolonging your suffering. All you'll feel next is your life slowly slipping away, and there's nothing I can do. The best I can offer is to end your pain quickly."


Hearing Michal's words and seeing his cold expression, the woman regained her composure.


Yes, without her leg and with such severe blood loss.


Even in peaceful times, she would likely die if she didn't reach a hospital quickly. In this post-apocalyptic world, there was no chance of saving her.


She closed her eyes.


Michal sent an ice needle to end the woman's suffering.


After finishing this, Michal continued searching the next villa.


Along the way, he killed numerous zombies.


However, he found no survivors in any of the villas.


It wasn't until he reached the last villa that he noticed something unusual.


A zombie was relentlessly attacking a bedroom door.


This piqued Michal's curiosity.


Normally, zombies would stop attacking if they couldn't see a survivor and would instead wander aimlessly.


But this zombie seemed very determined, continuing to bang on the door even after its head had become dented from the repeated impacts.


Could it be that zombies were starting to develop intelligence?


Michal called out while holding his axe.




The zombie immediately turned its head upon hearing the sound, its face covered in black blood, twisted into a grotesque expression.


It then charged straight at Michal.


Michal quickly ducked into a room and shut the door.


Sure enough, the zombie began slamming against his door.


Michal drew his conclusion.


"It seems the zombie's aggressiveness has indeed increased, and it's not just because of that particular door."


"Today marks the sixth day since the outbreak, and the zombies' desire to attack has already intensified this much. If this continues, they might even evolve intelligence!"


Experiment concluded, Michal opened the door and killed the zombie with one swift axe strike.


Then he approached the door that the zombie had been attacking.


Slowly opening it.


Inside, he found two female survivors!


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