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"What do you mean, your food? If I hadn't saved you, Jack would have bitten you, and you'd be a zombie now. Instead of thanking me, you're trying to take the food? " Michal spat angrily.


"Boohoo! You're a jerk! This villa belongs to Jack, my boyfriend! This food is mine!" Simona wailed.


"Reason? Did you reason with me when you led the class in ostracizing me? Did Jack reason with me when he beat me up? Screw your reasoning!" Michal shouted, furious.


Remembering his humiliating school life made him angry.


"I admit I was wrong before, but I'm a girl and you're a man. Can't you be more generous? Why be so petty? Even if I was 99% wrong, weren't you at least 1% wrong? Isn't your poverty your fault? You're poor because you didn't work hard enough, which is why people despised you!" Simona argued.


"Smack!" Michal slapped her other cheek, swelling both sides of her face symmetrically.


"You still want to argue? Let me tell you, don't use that crap on me. I'm not a pushover; I won't be your simp. If you keep whining, I'll throw you out to feed the zombies!


[note:A "simp" refers to someone who excessively dotes on or does anything for someone they are attracted to, often with little or no reciprocation.]


You look down on poor people?


Without exploiting us, would you even be rich?


You're wealthy not because you're capable, but because you were born into a good family. Understand?


And this food is mine. Touch it, and I'll kill you!"


Seeing Michal's furious expression, Simona finally fell silent.


Simona had never seen Michal like this before.


She always thought Michal was a meek and weak coward.


Who knew that now Michal not only directly kill Jack's head off but also hit people with just a few words.


There wasn't a trace of tenderness in him.


How could she dare to provoke him further?


All Simona could do was sit on the ground, covering her face and sobbing incessantly.


Michal couldn't be bothered with her.


He took the food and found a room to lie down in. He locked himself in, leaving Simona hungry outside.


He had been chased and bitten by zombies outside today, killed one, then killed Jack after entering the villa, and was utterly exhausted.


Lying on the soft bed, Michal couldn't help but stretch.


He had to admit, the bed in this luxury villa was incredibly soft!


When he used to earn 3000 dollars a month, he probably would never have had a chance to sleep on such a bed in his lifetime.


Now, he could lie here thanks to the apocalypse.


Michal soon fell asleep.


When Michal woke up, it was already past ten the next day, and his stomach was growling with hunger.


The first thing he did after getting up was drink a bottle of milk.


Only then did he start washing up.


Hearing the noise outside, Simona also came out of her room. Her face had already deflated. She covered her stomach, looking at Michal with longing, and said:


"Michal, it was our fault before. I apologize to you. I'm sorry, give me some food. I'm really hungry. I haven't eaten for a day and a night. If I don't eat something soon, I'll starve…"


The zombies had broken out yesterday morning, and Simona hadn't eaten anything since.


It had been 24 hours without food, and the hunger in her stomach was unbearable.


"Heh, now you know you were wrong?" Michal sneered.


"Yes, I really know I was wrong. Please forgive me. I will never look down on poor people again, and I will never insult you again," Simona said sincerely.


"Alright, bring a bowl. I can share some milk with you."


"Ah? Really? That's great, thank you!" Simona's eyes lit up, and she hurried to the kitchen to fetch a bowl.


Michal really poured the milk into the bowl.


Simona couldn't help but lick her lips at the sight of the milk.


Then Michal placed the bowl under the table.


Simona looked at him in confusion!


Michal smiled and said, "Kneel and beg me!"


"Michal, you!!!" Simona's face showed a look of anger: "You are pushing me too far!"


"Oh, what's wrong? You used to treat me like a dog with a 3000 dollar salary. Now I give you life-saving food, and I can't command you a bit?" Michal said as he reached for the bowl on the table.


Simona panicked: "Wait, wait, I didn't say I wouldn't kneel!"


She immediately knelt on the ground.


Seeing this former high-and-mighty class beauty, who used to despise him and call him a dog, kneeling like a dog and begging him, Michal couldn't help but laugh coldly.


Heh, having money, is that impressive?


When the apocalypse comes, no matter how rich you were before, don't you still have to kneel and beg for food?


After Simona finished the food in the bowl, she still had a look of yearning on her face.


She looked at Michal with full longing and said:


" there any more? I can eat like I did just now, you...please give me a little more food..."


As for dignity, she had long since thrown it away.


Since the first time, she no longer felt any sense of shame.


Isn't it just eating on the ground?


So what?


As long as she could fill her stomach, who cares how she ate?


After being hungry for a night, Simona now understood.


In the apocalypse, the identity and money she had before were just no value.


And dignity was the least valuable thing.


Only food mattered.


Because only with food could she survive!


However, the answer she got disappointed her.


Michal shook his head and said:


"No food left. That bottle of milk was the last of it, so now I'm going out to look for more food. You stay in this room and starve."


"No, I have to go with you to find food. You have to protect me. I did what you asked; I knelt on the ground like a dog and begged. Isn't that enough?" Simona was immediately anxious.


In the apocalypse, if she left Michal's protection, she would either starve to death in this villa or be bitten to death by zombies if she went out to look for food.


There was no third option.


So follow Michal was the smartest choice.


"You begged like a dog, and I gave you food, which was already kind. If you want to follow me and have me protect you, it's not impossible…" Michal said, stroking his chin and looking Simona up and down.


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