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51.35% My history in fairy tail / Chapter 19: Team Natsu returned

Chapter 19: Team Natsu returned

Team Natsu returned to Fairy Tail, their spirits high after another successful mission. As we approached the guild hall, we couldn't help but marvel at the transformation. The once familiar building had been completely renovated. At the entrance, an open-air café and a souvenir shop now stood, bustling with activity. Max, the sand mage, waved at us from behind the counter of the shop, a broad smile on his face.

"Look at this place!" Lucy exclaimed, her eyes wide with amazement. "It's like a whole new world!"

Happy floated beside her, his tiny wings flapping excitedly. "Aye! It's amazing!"

Erza nodded approvingly. "They've done an excellent job with the renovations."

Gray, as usual, tried to play it cool, but even he couldn't hide his surprise. "Yeah, it's not bad."

Natsu, on the other hand, seemed more bewildered than impressed. "It's so... different," he muttered, scratching his head.

Before we could take it all in, Cana appeared and beckoned us inside. "Come on, you guys. You haven't seen the best part yet!"

As we stepped through the entrance, our jaws dropped. The interior of the guild was unrecognizable. The once rowdy and somewhat chaotic atmosphere had been replaced with a sleek, modern design. The bar was polished and gleaming, and new furniture was scattered around the spacious hall. But what caught our attention were the various new additions.

Cana pointed them out with enthusiasm. "Check it out! The waitresses have new uniforms, there's a pool behind the bar, and we've got an amusement center! Plus, everyone can now go to the second floor, but only S-Class mages can still accept S-Class quests."

Natsu looked around, a mixture of confusion and frustration on his face. "It's too different. I don't know if I like it."

Just then, Master Makarov walked in, accompanied by Juvia and myself. Makarov raised his arms to get everyone's attention. "Listen up, everyone! We have some new members joining us today. Please welcome Juvia and Jade!"

Gray, Erza, and Lucy's faces lit up with joy. "Juvia! Jade!" Lucy called out, rushing over to give us a warm hug.

"Welcome to Fairy Tail," Erza said with a smile, her hand resting on her sword hilt in a gesture of camaraderie.

Gray, who had always had a complicated relationship with Juvia, managed a genuine smile. "Good to have you here."

Makarov then gestured towards the door. "And we have another new member. Please welcome Gajeel!"

The reaction was immediate. Natsu, Jet, and Droy's expressions darkened. The man who had once been their enemy, the very person who had played a role in the destruction of their guild, was now being introduced as a comrade.

Natsu clenched his fists, his anger barely contained. "Why is he here?"

Makarov raised a hand to calm the rising tension. "Gajeel has proven himself. He deserves a chance. I know he's not a bad guy at heart. Give him a chance, just like you did for each other."

Natsu's frustration was palpable. "I don't know about this. The guild changing so much... it just doesn't feel right."

Suddenly, the lights in the guild hall dimmed. Mirajane stepped onto the stage, her presence immediately calming the crowd. She began to sing, her voice a soothing balm that momentarily eased the tension. Everyone watched in awe, captivated by her performance. Everyone, except Natsu.

As Mirajane's song came to an end, the lights came back on, and Natsu's scowl returned. Before he could voice his frustrations, Gajeel, with a mischievous smirk, stomped on Natsu's foot.

"Hey, watch it!" Natsu yelled, his temper flaring.

"What's the matter, Salamander? Can't handle a little pain?" Gajeel taunted.

In an instant, Natsu's anger boiled over, and he lunged at Gajeel, fists flying as their altercation escalated into a full-blown brawl. I watched from the sidelines, feeling a mix of amusement and concern. It seemed like old habits died hard for these two.

"Come on, you two! Knock it off!" Lucy shouted, trying to intervene but getting caught in the chaos as Natsu accidentally knocked her over in his fervor.

Erza stepped forward, her voice commanding attention. "Enough! We're supposed to be a family, not a bunch of brawlers."

The rest of the guild members watched the spectacle with a mixture of amusement and concern. Some laughed, while others exchanged worried glances.

As the fight raged on, I couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging. Despite the chaos, this was where I belonged – among friends, allies, and even the occasional frenemy.

Eventually, Makarov managed to separate Natsu and Gajeel, his booming voice cutting through the commotion. "That's enough, you two! Save it for the missions."

Natsu and Gajeel grumbled but reluctantly backed down, shooting each other one last glare before returning to their respective corners of the guild hall.

With the tension diffused, the atmosphere lightened once more. Members resumed their conversations and activities, the brawl quickly becoming just another anecdote in Fairy Tail's long history of chaos.

I couldn't help but smile, feeling grateful for the sense of camaraderie that permeated the guild. Despite our differences and occasional disagreements, we were all united by our shared bond as members of Fairy Tail. Just then, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Turning, I saw it was Erza.

"Can we talk?" she asked, looking me straight in the eyes.

I simply nodded, and she led us to a quieter area where no one else was around. Erza looked at me for a few seconds before speaking. "I want to thank you for helping us, and especially for saving Simon," she said, bowing with tears in her eyes. 

I was completely taken aback. "It's nothing, Erza. Please, stand up. I wanted to help you all. There's no need to get so emotional. After all, we're guildmates now," I said, scratching my head awkwardly.

Erza straightened up, a smile on her face. "You're right. Now that we're guildmates, I'll have a chance to repay your kindness someday. Welcome to Fairy Tail," she said, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Well, thank you for the warm welcome," I replied with a smile. Just then, we heard the sounds of fighting breaking out again.

"Sorry, but I have to go. It was a pleasure talking with you," Erza said, hurrying back to the guild hall before I could say anything more. Moments later, I heard her voice shouting at the others, and I couldn't help but laugh. After all, this was Fairy Tail, and now it was my home too.

"Mirajane, you can come out of hiding now," I said, knowing she had been eavesdropping.

Mirajane emerged from behind a bush where she had been hiding. "So, you were listening to our conversation the whole time?" I asked, walking towards her.

"It's not what you think. I was just worried you and Erza might end up fighting," she said with a smile, though I wasn't entirely convinced.

"By the way, Jade, you know you've caught my attention ever since you refused to obey Master Jose," Mirajane said.

"Oh, so the great Mirajane is interested in me? I'm surprised," I replied with a playful smile.

Mirajane laughed softly. "You have a strong will, Jade. I admire that," she said, her tone sincere.

We stood there for a moment, the night air cool and refreshing. I felt a connection with Mirajane that I hadn't expected. Her kindness and strength were qualities I admired.

"Thank you, Mirajane. " I said, my voice softer now.

Mirajane stepped closer, her smile warm and inviting. "You're part of our family now, Jade. We'll always have each other's backs," she said, her hand gently squeezing my arm.

I felt a warmth spread through me at her touch. "I'm glad to be here," I said, my eyes meeting hers.

For a moment, everything else faded away. The chaos of the guild, the noise, the laughter – it all seemed distant. There was just Mirajane and me, standing together in the quiet night.

Mirajane's eyes sparkled with a mixture of amusement and sincerity. "Fairy Tail is full of surprises, but it's the people that make it special," she said softly.

I nodded, feeling a sense of belonging like never before. "I couldn't agree more," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper.

We stayed like that for a while, the silence between us comfortable and reassuring. It was a perfect moment, one that marked the beginning of a new chapter not just for me, but for both of us.

Eventually, Mirajane broke the silence. "We should probably get back before they tear the place down," she said with a light laugh.

"Yeah, you're right," I said, smiling.

As we walked back to the guild hall, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for what the future held.

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