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Chapter 5 - Fujiwara Bloodhound

(Nero POV)

A day has passed since the mall incident.

It was still a little unbelievable that I was on the news on a news program, and apparently, someone had taken a video of the incident and put it on HeroTube.

Although the recording appears to be from the security camera, I don't doubt that someone obtained the security camera recordings and uploaded the video to HeroTube.

Speaking of HeroTube, I had a channel as a child on HeroTube, where I posted videos talking about old movies.

I have to admit, this is a little embarrassing now.

But putting my embarrassment aside, even though news of the accident had spread, and my name was clearly circulating, my dear father didn't send a single message asking if I was okay.

If I let this go to my head, I could easily have daddy issues.

I thought with a cynical smile, having long been accustomed to my father's lack of concern.

Well, also leaving aside parental abandonment, now at this moment I was in the courtyard behind the mansion where I lived.

Why am I in my training yard?

This is quite simple.

The days of sloppiness are over and the days of hellish training have begun again, especially since there are only 10 months left until Yuuei's exam begins, so I'm going to intensify my training a little.

And what is the best form of training?

Again, this is quite simple.

The best form of training is to simply fight an opponent much stronger than you, who is almost unstoppable.

And that opponent is now just a few meters away from me.

In front of me is a Hispanic woman with a thin build and ivory-light skin. She has a height of 1.69m (5'7 feet). She has long, waist-length dark purple hair tied into low braids, with square bangs hanging over her eyebrows. Her eyes are a beautiful crystal blue, but they don't convey much emotion and, along with the sharp canines in her mouth, exude a dangerous feeling.

On her curvy and slender body, she wore a long French maid uniform with a cross necklace around her neck, and on her hands, a pair of white gloves and black shoes on her feet. Furthermore, in her emotionless blue eyes, she wore large, thick, overly round glasses without any medical prescription, just because she believed that was part of being a maid.

(Roberta Image)

This beautiful woman is Roberta, my personal maid.

Roberta is not a simple maid, because before being my maid, Roberta was a guerrilla who fought in the name of the revolution. She had already killed more people than I had ever seen in my life; her hands were soaked in blood, both from enemies and innocent people, like women and children.

But after a mission in Japan, she discovered that she was nothing less than a tool of the drug cartels, that her entire life was just an illusion, and that she was nothing less than a tool.

Totally disillusioned, she completely abandoned her revolution, and, thanks to her best friend, who had political power, she managed to find shelter in Japan and work as a maid for this friend.

This friend was obviously my mother.

It could be said that, after me, Roberta was the person who suffered the most after my mother's death.

An interesting fact is that her real name is not Roberta; the only person who knew her real name was my mother, but after her death, no one knew Roberta's real name.

Roberta herself probably buried her name figuratively, along with my mother.

Roberta was loyal to my mother, but with her death, all of her blind loyalty and unwavering devotion were completely dumped on me.

As she thought this, Roberta moved her hand to her right leg, revealing her beautiful ivory-skinned leg, from which she simply pulled out a compressed air gun.

"Are you ready, young master?" Roberta asked in her melodious voice, while in the sleeve of her other hand, a machete slid into her left hand.

In her right hand, she held a compressed air gun, which had good pressure but was not deadly, and in her left hand, she held a machete.

"Of course," I said, raising my arm quickly and closing my hand, tearing a piece of space in front of Roberta, who within seconds noticed my movement and within seconds dodged that place at an almost superhuman speed.

A tear in space opens, and a space explosion occurs, but Roberta manages to escape the explosion in time. Thanks to her extremely superior physique, in a matter of seconds, Roberta covers the distance between us.

Already in front of me, she raises the machete and brings it down towards my head.

Without hesitation, I use [Mercury] to teleport behind her.

Raising my hand, I close it, tearing apart the space, and creating another point-blank spatial explosion from Roberta.

A large amount of dust rises into the air. In the meantime, I take a few steps back, preaching a little from a distance.

I was pretty sure that wasn't enough to stop her, especially since Roberta's quirk is [Homo Superior].

Her quirk elevated her attributes far beyond those of humans and, along with her variety of stealth combat, tracking, and even martial arts skills, made her an unstoppable monster.

Come to think of it, Gwen's quirk seems to bear a slight resemblance to Roberta's, although Roberta's seems far superior.

Hmph! I'm still going to find out what that blonde's quirk is.

With that thought, the dust settles, revealing my Roberta.

Her maid uniform had several tears revealing her white skin, even showing a bit of the lower part of her breasts. Furthermore, the left arm she used to defend herself from the spatial explosion was almost raw.

Even though her arm was in that state, it didn't seem to bother her at all, because, thanks to her quirk, she had a regenerative factor; probably in a few minutes, her arm would be fine. Then she moved that arm, picking up the machete she had thrown on the ground without changing her expression.

Her Quick basically turned her into an unstoppable monster, and thanks to her abysmal willpower, she was able to ignore the pain like it was nothing.

Holding the machete, Roberta brandished it and, seeing that it was not damaged, advanced towards me, moving at high speed.

Her speed was much faster, but using [Mercury] I teleported to her side.

The moment I teleport, before I can perform any action, I hear the sound of a gunshot, and the next moment, I feel a pain in my leg, along with a trickle of blood running down my leg.

Roberta, thanks to her instincts, managed to 'track' my teleportation and fired with her compressed air pistol.

I immediately felt extreme pain in my leg; even though it was a non-lethal compressed air gun, the shots still caused me sharp pain.

Roberta, without giving me time to breathe, raises the machete and comes down towards me.

I take a deep breath and raise my right hand, raising my index and middle fingers.


With my words, the machete blade that was descending towards me had its inertia interrupted, appearing to be stopped in the air.

Roberta flexed her hand, trying to force the machete down.

But no matter how much strength she put into her hand, the machete would never reach me.

The machete seemed to be stopped in space, but in reality, the blade was approaching me, however, infinitely slowly, at a level that seemed to be stopped in the air.

This is because [infinity] is the convergence of an immeasurable series, causing everything that approaches [infinity] to be slowed down, never reaching me. This occurs because the technique occupies a finite space between the two subjects and divides it infinitely. After all, no matter how many times you divide a number, it will never be reduced to zero. Instead, they will be left with fractional units so infinitesimal that they become immeasurable to the eye.

[Infinity] brings this concept to reality, so anything that tries to penetrate this space will be infinitely divided and will slow down to the point where it appears to stop completely.

One great thing about [Infinity] is that I can define what goes into that barrier.

[Infinity] is extremely powerful and can be considered the ultimate defensive technique.

But this technique has weaknesses, which are simply the pressure it puts on my body. And the longer I use this technique, the greater the pressure will be on my body and especially on my brain. After all, this technique also requires a high degree of concentration to keep it activated.

In fact, all of the "limitless" techniques put pressure on my body and brain, as well as wearing down my stamina. But [infinity] is the one that puts the most pressure on me, as well as being the technique that consumes my stamina the most quickly.

Honestly, if it weren't for my quirk, which forced my body and brain to be superior to those of a normal person, I would have had a brain hemorrhage a long time ago.

Ignoring the factor that I may or may not have a brain hemorrhage if I go over my limit. I raise my arm, erasing a large chunk of space behind Roberta, forcing real space to compensate and fill the area, generating a powerful vacuum.

"[Blue Lapse]," I said, and Roberta's body was instantly violently pulled back.

She tried to steady her body, but it was no use; after all, the attractive force was much more powerful, pulling Roberta's body backward.

Her body spins in the air, and the next moment she hits the wall hard, spitting blood from her mouth.

But without caring about damage to her own body, she falls to the ground, running towards me at high speed.

You are a kind of "killer robot from the future".

I thought, creating a patch of negative space between my hands.

Realspace automatically compensated for negative space, creating a blue sphere between my hands and bringing the concepts of "negative numbers" and "negative distance" fully into reality. The air itself was being pulled towards the blue sphere.

"[Maximum: Blue Lapse]." Spinning the sphere in my hand, I threw the Blue towards Roberta.

The biggest difference between a normal [Blue Lapse] and a Maximum is that in [Blue Lapse] I erase a piece of space, while in [Maximum: Blue Lapse] I create a negative space that brings the blue into reality. But in essence, both techniques are designed to attract, although the Maximum is often stronger and its attractive field lasts longer.

The blue sphere violently attracted chunks of the ground; in fact, everything in its path was being pulled towards the blue as it was crushed by the powerful, attractive force.

The sphere passed by, attracting and crushing everything.

Roberta was also pulled towards the sphere, but before she could be crushed by the attractive force, her emotionless gaze turned serious, and she stomped hard on the ground, breaking it. For the first time, she took it seriously, using her quirk to the maximum while throwing all her weight on her right leg. And simply with her monstrous strength and speed, she manages to escape the attractive force, disappearing from that place.

With the purest strength, she managed to get out of the attractive force that destroyed the courtyard, which was extinguished when she reached the wall of the training yard.

My eyes looked in every direction, looking for her, but I couldn't see where she was.

Meanwhile, I kept [infinity] active.

In the next second, it was proven that leaving [infinity] active was a great decision, because next to me was Roberta stabbing with the machete that had stopped in space after touching the invisible barrier of [infinity].

I let out a tired sigh and then swung my hand, tearing the space, which generated a spatial explosion, which Roberta dodged with her enviable physique.

And she started running around me at high speed, delivering several blows from different directions with the compressed air gun and the machete.

But thanks to [infinity], none of her countless blows hit me.

However, every second I spent with [Infinity] activated, and every blow that hit the barrier was wearing me down.

A small drop of blood came out of my nose and dripped onto the floor; my head throbbed with pain, and, along with that, my body showed slight signs of tiredness.

Preserving my stamina, I deactivate [infinite].

The first thing I feel is a cut on my cheek, followed by other small cuts on my body.

I have no choice, so I'll use this.

I thought, raising my two fingers towards her.

A small, unstable red sphere begins to form at my fingertips, and a force that was repelling space begins to be generated.

"Red Reversal…" I started to say excitedly.

But my excitement ended when I saw that the red sphere simply collapsed.

It seems like I can't use [Red Reversal] fully yet, but I'm almost there.

I thought, using the classic, that it was just another space explosion.

Roberta dodges the space explosion; however, her body is partially hit by the space explosion, destroying the machete blade.

Roberta falls to the ground, flexing her foot and advancing at high speed towards me.

Meanwhile, I open my hand.

In the next second, Roberta was in front of me, pressing the barrel of the air gun against my eye, while I tore the space near her belly.

"It was a beautiful draw between us, young master." She said, pulling the gun back as she put what was left of the machete into her sleeve.

Letting out an exhausted sigh, I returned the space to normal.

"Calling this a draw is a bit of a stretch, considering the air gun shot would be fired first before my space blast would hit you," I said with a smile.

"That's irrelevant, considering those were the terms of our sparring, and by our terms, this was a draw." She gave me a slight smile as she took a step towards me.

Raising her hands, she straightens my wrinkled clothes and brushes the dust off them.

I just let out a sigh and my eyes went to the injuries on her body.

"First, let's take care of these injuries," I said, looking at her arm, which was injured.

"I appreciate my young master's concern, but it is not necessary. In a few minutes, these wounds will be fully regenerated." She finished arranging my clothes with a smile.

For her, I was the first, second, and third priority.

Even if she was right about her regeneration, after all, "Homo Superior" increased the speed at which her body would regenerate many times over. In addition to amplifying the power of her regeneration, it would still take at least 30 minutes to fully regenerate.

But curiously, Roberta didn't make a point of fixing her clothes, leaving her breasts exposed, almost showing her nipples.

We need to buy her another maid uniform, not that I'm complaining about seeing her breasts.

"I don't care; let's take care of that wound now and fix your clothes," I said, grabbing her good hand and pulling it.

My body screamed with exhaustion, but first, let's take care of this Stoic maid, and then I slept for a while.

As I thought about this, a smile of happiness formed on my maid's lips for a few seconds.

Seeing my lovely maid smile, it was impossible not to smile too.

CaesarZ CaesarZ

Roberta from Black Lagoon definitely has the potential to be a waifu. If you have enjoyed reading this, toss me a stone!

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