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70% Spider-Man WEB OF Multivesal Heroes:Persona Nexus / Chapter 26: Chapter 26: Ripples Through the World

Chapter 26: Chapter 26: Ripples Through the World

The Defenders' Headquarters

Gwen Stacy stood in a quiet corner of the city, her phone pressed to her ear. She had spent the last hour trying to reach the Defenders, and now she finally had Luke Cage on the line.

Gwen: "Luke, it's Gwen. You need to get everyone together and watch the news. It's about Peter."

Luke Cage: "Spider-Man? What's going on, Gwen?"

Gwen: "Just watch the news. Trust me."

A few minutes later, in the Defenders' headquarters, Luke, Jessica Jones, Danny Rand (Iron Fist), Matt Murdock (Daredevil), and Elektra gathered around the television. The footage of Peter's battle with the Sinister Seventeen played out on the screen, showing his new powers and the brutal way he had dealt with his enemies.

Jessica Jones shook her head. "Damn. He's back alright. But he's... different."

Luke Cage: "Those new powers... what do you make of them, Danny?"

Iron Fist: "They're intense. I've never seen anything like it. It's like he's tapping into something new."

Daredevil: "And the way he handled those guys... that's not the Peter I remember."

Elektra, always the pragmatist, spoke up. "He did what he had to. Sometimes, that's what it takes to make a point."

Luke Cage: "But the message he left... warning heroes and threatening villains. That's a heavy shift."

Jessica Jones: "He's been pushed to the edge. We need to reach out to him, let him know he's not alone."

Daredevil sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I need to apologize to him. For... for kissing Felicia. She was his girlfriend at the time, and I crossed a line."

Luke Cage: "One thing at a time, Matt. First, we find him and make sure he's alright."

Jessica Jones: "Agreed. Let's get in touch with him and see where he stands."

Iron Fist: "We should be careful. He's volatile right now. But we need to remind him of who he is."

Elektra: "Then let's move. The longer we wait, the harder it will be to bring him back."

### Inside Attilan, the Empire of the Inhumans

Kamala Khan, known as Ms. Marvel, received a call from Cindy Moon (Silk). The excitement in Cindy's voice was palpable.

Cindy: "Kamala, you need to show the news to the others. It's about Peter. He's back."

Kamala's eyes widened. "Spidey? I'll show them right away."

In the grand hall of Attilan, Kamala gathered Black Bolt, Medusa, Crystal, Triton, Karnak, and Gorgon. The news footage played, showing Peter's battle and his new powers.

Medusa: "These new powers... could they be related to the Inhuman gene?"

Karnak analyzed the footage intently. "It's possible. His abilities have evolved beyond what we knew."

Crystal: "But the way he handled those villains... it's so unlike him."

Triton: "He's been through a lot. Trauma can change a person."

Gorgon: "Still, those powers... we need to understand them better."

Kamala: "Peter's always been a hero. We need to support him, help him find his way back."

Black Bolt, who rarely spoke, gave a solemn nod. Medusa translated his gesture. "Black Bolt agrees. We need to reach out to Peter and offer our support."

Kamala: "I'll try to contact him. He needs to know we're here for him."

Medusa: "And we'll be ready to help him understand these new powers, whatever they may be."

Black Cat's Reaction

Felicia Hardy, known as the Black Cat, watched the news with a mixture of shock and excitement. She had always been drawn to Peter's strength and heroism, but this new side of him was something else entirely.

Felicia: "Peter... you've become so strong, so... sexy."

She couldn't help but smile at the thought of getting back together with him. The power he now wielded was intoxicating, and she felt an undeniable pull toward him.

Felicia: "I need to see him. We could be so much more together now."

Her mind raced with possibilities, and she resolved to find him and talk to him as soon as she could.

Mary Jane's Reaction

Mary Jane Watson sat in her apartment, her eyes glued to the television screen. The footage of Peter's battle and his new powers left her stunned. She felt a rush of happiness at the thought of Peter being alive and well, but there was also concern.

Mary Jane: "Peter... you've always been strong, but this... this is something else."

She smiled, feeling a familiar warmth in her heart. "You've become so strong, so... sexy."

Mary Jane: "I need to see him. To talk to him. We could work things out."

Her thoughts were filled with memories of their time together, and she felt a renewed sense of hope for their future.

In The Daily Bugle,

At the Daily Bugle, J. Jonah Jameson sat in his office, reviewing the latest news footage with Aunt May, who now worked for him. The footage of Peter's battle with the Sinister Seventeen played on the screen, showing his new powers and the brutal aftermath.

Jameson: "Look at this, May. Spider-Man's back, and he's more dangerous than ever."

Aunt May: "He's not dangerous, Jonah. He's been through so much."

Jameson: "I don't know, May. He's crossed lines. That kind of cruelty... it's not like him."

Aunt May thought to herself, her heart heavy with concern.' *Peter, my dear nephew, you've returned, but you've changed. I need to talk to you, to understand what's happened.*'

Jameson: "But I have to admit, having Spider-Man back is good for the city. Criminals are scared. But still, he's become something else."

Aunt May: "He's always tried to do what's right, Jonah. Maybe this is just his way of dealing with everything."

Jameson: "Maybe. But we need to keep an eye on him. He's not the same hero we knew."

Aunt May nodded, keeping her thoughts to herself. She needed to find Peter, to talk to him and see how she could help him find his way back.

The Punisher's Reaction

In a dimly lit warehouse, Frank Castle, the Punisher, sat alone, watching the news footage of Spider-Man's return. He saw Peter's fight with the Sinister Seventeen, his new powers, and the brutal methods he employed.

Frank leaned back in his chair, a rare smile crossing his face. "Finally, Parker. You've woken up to the real world."

He replayed the footage, noting the precise and calculated way Peter handled the villains. "He's changed for the better. About time someone else started dealing real justice."

Frank listened to Peter's message to the villains and heroes, nodding in approval. "Yeah, warn those damn heroes. Let them know you're not messing around anymore."

He chuckled softly, thinking back to his own interactions with Spider-Man. Frank always admired Peter's resilience, but now he saw a different side. A side he could respect even more.

Frank: "You're still not a killer, Parker. I can see that. But you've become a symbol of hope and terror at the same time. Just what this city needs."

He switched off the television and stood up, his mind made up. "Time to see how far you've really come, Spider-Man. Maybe we can finally clean this city up for good."

Deadpool and Vanessa's Reaction

In a cluttered apartment, Wade Wilson, known as Deadpool, sat on the couch with his girlfriend, Vanessa. The news of Peter's return played on the television, capturing their attention.

Deadpool: "Well, well, well. Look who decided to join the party again. Spidey's back, and he's all grown up."

Vanessa: "He looks so different. Stronger, more... intense."

Deadpool: "I always knew the kid had it in him. But this? This is a whole new level of badassery."

Vanessa: "We should go see him. Peter was always like a little brother to me. He helped us out so many times."

Deadpool: "Yeah, Spidey's a good kid. And now he's got some serious bite to back up that bark."

Vanessa: "But we need to make sure he's okay, Wade. This change... it could be hard on him."

Deadpool: "Agreed. Let's pay our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man a visit. We can bring chimichangas."

Vanessa: "And maybe some emotional support."

Deadpool: "Right. Because if there's one thing I'm great at, it's emotional support."

They shared a laugh, but beneath the humor, both Wade and Vanessa were genuinely concerned for their friend. They knew that despite his newfound strength, Peter would need his friends now more than ever.

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