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Chapter 9:The Nexus Within

Peter Parker sat slumped in his small, dimly lit bedroom, the weight of the night's events pressing heavily on his shoulders. The encounter with the Sinister Six had left him bruised and battered, both physically and emotionally. His mask lay discarded on the floor, a stark reminder of his failure. He winced as he ran his fingers over a particularly deep cut on his cheek, feeling the sting of failure more acutely than the physical pain.

As he stared blankly at the wall, his thoughts were interrupted by a series of unfamiliar voices in his head.



"弱い野郎(Weak bastard) "{Garou}

"Hey give him some slack"{Ben}

"黙れ(Shut up) ,はい,黙っててくださ

(yeah shut up)"{Issei}{Ddraig}

"あなたたちは皆残酷です(you all are cruel) "{Goku}


(be nice he is our friend) "{Natsu}

" What the F**K IS HAPPENING IN MY HEAD"{Peter}

Suddenly he heard another voice,

[HELLO HOST,I am Your personal system

'THE PERSONA NEXUS' also we meet again👋 host's other personalities ]

"Yo"X3,{Jason, Ben,Goku}

"こんにちは(こんにちは) " X4x1{Garou,Natsu,Togi,Issei}{Ddraig}

"Damn I have officially lost it"

Peter's eyes widened in confusion. "Who...who are you all? What's going on?" he muttered to himself, his voice barely a whisper in the silence of his room.

"You don't even know how to handle a simple situation," taunted Jason Todd, his voice dripping with disdain.

Garou's voice followed, equally harsh. "Pathetic. You call yourself a hero?"

Togi Fushigoru added with a cold tone, "This is what happens when you don't plan ahead."

"Leave him alone!" Ben Tennyson's voice intervened, kind and reassuring. "We all make mistakes."

"Enough. All of you, shut up," Issei Hyoudou commanded, his tone brooking no argument.

Natsu Dragneel's sympathetic voice tried to comfort Peter. "Everyone makes mistakes, Peter. It's part of being human."

Goku's voice followed, filled with empathy. "Yeah, Peter. You've got to keep pushing forward. We're here for you."

["Peter Benjamin Parker", You have been Chosen as my host.I am Persona Nexus, your Personal system. The voices you hear are your alternate personalities. They and I are here to help you through these tough times and your journey as a hero.]

Peter shook his head, disbelief and frustration mixing on his face. "No, no, this can't be happening. I don't need more voices in my head. I've had enough of this hero shit! It's done nothing but bring me pain and loss."

[I understand your pain, Host. But you must know that these voices, these parts of you, are here to offer support, wisdom, and strength. You are not alone in this.]

Peter clenched his fists, tears welling up in his eyes. "Support? Wisdom? Where were you when I needed you out there? When I was getting beaten to a pulp? What good is being Spider-Man if I can't even protect myself, let alone anyone else?"

Ben Tennyson chimed in again. "We were always here, Peter, even if you couldn't hear us. You're stronger than you realize."

Issei Hyoudou added, his tone softening slightly. "You can't give up now. You have a responsibility."

Peter stood up, pacing the room in agitation. "Responsibility? Do You Know What Comes Responsibility there comes respect and love and I didn't get any Neither from people Not from my own Allies,friends,Lovers,.....and my Aunt. All it's done is cost me everything I care about. Uncle Ben...everyone,Myself."

[Host, we know you're hurting. But giving up now won't honor their memories. You have the power to make a difference, to protect those who can't protect themselves.]

Peter stopped pacing, his breathing heavy, and sat back down, burying his face in his hands. "I just...I just don't know if I can do this anymore."

Natsu's voice spoke softly. "It's okay to feel that way, Peter. Just remember, you're not alone. We're here to help you, every step of the way."

[We can guide you, provide you with insights and strength. Together, we can face any challenge.That's all we ask, Peter. One step at a time. We're with you, always]

Garou sneered. "Don't get too soft, Parker. The world out there is brutal."

Togi added, "But if you play your cards right, you can beat it."

Jason's voice had a hint of reluctant respect. "Yeah, maybe you're not a total lost cause."

Peter took a deep breath, feeling a small spark of determination reignite within him. "I appreciate it, guys, but...I can't do this anymore. This hero's done nothing for me but take away everything I love. I'm done."

Ben's voice was filled with concern. "Peter, don't say that. We need you."

Goku's voice, usually so positive, was now tinged with worry. "Please, Peter, reconsider."

Peter stood up, a look of finality in his eyes. "No, I've made up my mind. I'm leaving. I've already got the tickets. It was supposed to be a vacation, but now...I'm just leaving."

[Peter, running away won't solve anything. You have the strength to overcome this. Let us help you.]

Peter shook his head, grabbing his backpack. "I'm sorry, but I need to find peace. Maybe one day I'll come back, but for now...goodbye."

As he left his room, the voices in his head fell silent, a somber acknowledgment of his decision. Peter walked out into the night, leaving behind the weight of Spider-Man, seeking solace in the unknown.


The following morning, Peter found himself at JFK International Airport, ticket in hand. He had planned a vacation to Japan months ago, hoping to take a break from the relentless pressures of being Spider-Man. Now, it felt like an escape route.

As he sat in the terminal, waiting for his flight to board, the voices returned.

"Running away won't change anything," Jason Todd said coldly.

"Sometimes you need a break to clear your head," Ben countered gently.

"You think leaving will make things better?" Garou mocked. "You'll just find new problems wherever you go."

"Shut up, Garou," Issei growled. "He needs time to think."

Peter sighed, rubbing his temples. "I need peace, and I can't find it in New York. Not with everything that's happened."

[You have to face your problems, Peter,Running won't solve them]

Peter stared at his ticket, feeling the weight of their words. "I know. But right now, I just need to get away from it all. Maybe find a new perspective."minimumm

"Maybe Japan will be good for you," Goku said kindly. "Just remember, we're always here if you need us."

As his flight was called, Peter stood up, clutching his backpack. "Thanks, guys. I know you're trying to help. But right now, I need to do this on my own."

He boarded the plane, finding his seat and settling in. As the aircraft took off, he looked out the window, watching the cityscape of New York fade into the distance. For the first time in a long while, he felt a sliver of hope. Maybe, just maybe, this was what he needed.


In the days that followed, Peter traveled through Japan, visiting cities and landmarks he had only seen in books. He roamed the bustling streets of Tokyo, took in the history of Kyoto, and marveled at the natural beauty of Mount Fuji. The change of scenery and the absence of constant danger allowed him to reflect on his life and the path he had chosen.

One evening, as he sat on a bench overlooking the serene waters of Lake Ashi, the voices returned, more subdued this time.

"It's beautiful here," Ben said, a hint of longing in his voice. "You deserve some peace."

Peter smiled faintly. "Yeah, it is. It's nice to just be...normal for a while."

"But you can't run from who you are," Garou reminded him. "You're Spider-Man. That's not something you can just leave behind."

Peter sighed, the truth of Garou's words settling heavily in his heart. "I know. But right now, I just need to be Peter Parker."

[Finding balance is important.Take this time to heal, Peter. But remember, your destiny is waiting for you]

As the sun set over the lake, casting a golden glow over the water, Peter felt a sense of calm he hadn't experienced in years. Maybe, with time, he could find a way to reconcile his two identities. For now, he would enjoy this moment of peace, knowing that the voices within him would always be there, guiding him toward a brighter future.


Days turned into weeks, and Peter continued his journey across Japan. He found solace in the simplicity of everyday life, far from the chaos of New York. The voices in his head became less intrusive, more supportive, as if understanding his need for space.

One afternoon, while exploring the vibrant streets of Osaka. Suddenly he heard a voice that hadn't said anything for a long time,

(Hey there boy, How's life serving you right now?) Ddraig said.

Peter said," You were awfully queit despite being a personality you know. "

(Nah,boy is am not one of your personalities you can say I was a soul connected to your personality Issei hyoudou)

"Was?? "

(Now I am connected to you as well, although only Issei can you use most of my powers you have access to get some support somehow this is new even for me)


(Yeah I as scared gear had many host you and Issei are some special case also the ones that I love the most)

"Whoa, I can tell about Issei cause I know you both came from another universe if Persona gave information is true but me, why me?? "

(Well it's because who you are boy just as persona gave you information about us to you it gave your information about you to us too, and I have say I was impressed although I didn't like some part of your past and your relationships I was impressed none the less about your character, personality, motivation, ideals, what you do,why you do it,and the most important how you do it, you are a hero,Son)

"T-Th-Thanks No body has ever said those words to me I-I don't know what to say" Peter blushed with slightly embarrassed to hear such unfamiliar words.

"We all believe that, Peter", Suddenly Goku said.

"Yeah man, you are the best",Ben also came in.

" I have to say you are quite good kid",Togi chipped in too.

"You are one of most kindest person I have seen my friend"Natsu said in soft tone.

" Apart from that loser attitude of yours right now I have to You are the True hero that I Say that for sure"Garou grumbled.

(Hey, why are you all take away my time with him let me talk to my son)

"Whoa, Ddraig looks like you found new son huh I am sad" Issei said jokingly.

Peter started laughing if he had'nt had a head phone in his ears the people walking on osaka street near him would have thought that he was mad or something.Well they wouldn't be wroung after all he had voice in his head technically speaking he is mad guy but meh.

(Well you know you others and him are all the same right and you will always be my son but you all have to accept it now you are him and he is you )

Peter suddenly said"だから息子だと思うなら,年齢を考えて大八木に電話したほうがいいですか,おじいちゃんのほうがいいでしょう(so if you consider me son should I call Dad, well considering age grandpa would be better) "

"おお,ピートはスムーズな日本人だったね,とても早く覚えたね(Whoa, Pete that was smooth Japanese man, you learned quite quickly) " Issei said.

"ありがとう(Arigatō) "

(Hey,Son) Ddraig said in a very sof tone.

"Yes" Peter said.

(Ever tried)

"Ever failed" (Goku)

"No Matter"( Issei)

"Try again" (Natsu)

"Fail again" (Garou)

"Fail better" (Ben)

"The world is yours" (Togi)

"So Light up Night" (Jason)

Peter suddenly had tears in his eyes he started wiping stopping them but they continued to flow.

Peter looked up, his eyes filled with a mixture of doubt and hope. "I don't know if I can trust you. But...if you're really here to help, then maybe...just maybe, I'll give it a shot."

DragonChaos_2000 DragonChaos_2000

Hey everyone,

it's official started do give me sone suggestions every now and then ,but we wouldn't dive into super hero shit now we wait only for two chapters.We have to make Peter have a base a true base.We give Peter every thing that he needs and would need.

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