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Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Force Vision

Some time had passed since the Tano siblings went to bed at Plo Koon's house. Plo Koon had also retired for the evening. He had already reported his findings as well as his capture of the fake Jedi to Grandmaster Yoda. He was pleased to hear the result, and at the same time, was interested in meeting the two force-sensitive children. It was attracting others at the Jedi Temple too, and since it was blended into the Senate Building, the Jedi High Council was set to meet to determine the fate of the two children Plo Koon was to bring them.

Yet, it was still dark out. Planet Coruscant's sun hasn't risen all the way. It was still lurking beyond its horizon, but it was due to come up in a couple hours.

Within the room Kohsaka and Ahsoka retreated for the night, Ahsoka soon found herself squirming around, before her arms began to move. She could feel some sensations coming to the side of her, which prompted her body to stir awake. Ahsoka's eyelids fluttered, and opened. She soon found herself in an unfamiliar room, but currently nestled away inside a bed.

"Brother...?", Ahsoka uttered, stretching her arms while she shifted her body upward. It wasn't long for Ahsoka to feel something squirming about, which drew her attention to the side. She could see an azure-skinned Togruta boy next to her, currently tossing around in his sleep. While on the outside everything seemed fine, she saw small sweat droplets currently forming over Kohsaka's face. A pained expression appeared, causing Kohsaka's forehead to scrunch up. He appeared to be in pain as he tossed around on the bed, immediately alerting Ahsoka.

"Brother Kohsaka!", Ahsoka uttered, entering a panic as she saw her brother's current appearance. She snuggled up next to him, and grabbed a hold of Kohsaka in an attempt to calm him down. Ahsoka didn't know if it would work or not, but with her holding onto Kohsaka's body now, Kohsaka's momentary outburst seemed to settle his body's movement for the time being, but sweat still remained. Kohsaka seemed to be in some kind of pain, and Ahsoka didn't know what to do.

"...Master Qui-Gon...Sith Lord...", Kohsaka uttered softly, despite having a restless sleep. His pained expression remained with his eyes still closed. Ahsoka watched on with worry.

"Sith Lord...?", Ahsoka uttered, revealing a small frown over her lips, unfamiliar with that term. She knew what The Force was, but her brother hadn't gone into the specific aspects of what composed The Force yet. For now, all Ahsoka could do was try to ease the pain Kohsaka was currently going through.

Ahsoka didn't know what Kohsaka was dealing with currently, but eventually, she would come to learn what had happened here, a Force Vision.

As Ahsoka tried to calm her brother down...

Kohsaka's mind seemed to be wandering aimlessly, in a vast dreamland. Yet for some reason, Kohsaka's mind felt clear, almost as if he had woken up from his sleep the night before. Kohsaka didn't know if he was truly awake, or if this was some sort of lucid dream.

Eventually, Kohsaka found himself in a facility of sorts.

"This is...", Kohsaka tried to say, but was promptly interrupted by a loud noise. Something that he wasn't expecting to hear this early.

It was the sound of two lightsabers clashing. And quite fiercely at that.

Kohsaka's attention was immediately drawn to one part of the room. Further in the back, he saw a brown-haired boy dressed in a light-colored robe that covered most of his body. He could be seen standing in front of a red barrier that blocked him from assisting the other figure, who seemed to be a human just like him, also sporting a light-colored robe. In his hands was a green lightsaber, and it currently clashed against a menacing red-skinned humanoid with spikes coming out of his head. This weird creature had a red lightsaber, pointing out of both ends, making it double-bladed.

With each swing, he would twirl this red lightsaber around, blocking the ongoing strikes the older human unleashed at the red-skinned humanoid, likely alien. He definitely wasn't human.

Kohsaka soon found his body floating in the air, observing this scene play out before him.

"This...this is Planet Naboo, isn't it?", Kohsaka mused, seeing what appeared to be a Jedi clashing against a member of the Sith. He was quick to spot who it was who was fighting. And fighting to the death with their clear expressions of hatred in their eyes. The red-skinned man especially. He was oozing hatred. He loathed the man before him. He would even snarl every so often as he pushed the Jedi back with his red lightsaber.

"That's Master Qui-Gon. As for that menacing figure, that's Darth Maul, isn't it?", Kohsaka said, seeing the two strike at each other. Each strike Master Qui-Gon did involved a Jedi's movement. Master Qui-Gon specialized in a Jedi's form, the fourth form, Ataru. It placed emphasis on offense. Darth Maul could only match Qui-Gon's fierce strikes with his own, which created a spectacular clash of lightsabers clashing against each other. Each swing would cause Kohsaka's ears to ring with how loud the strikes were, which seemed funny.

Kohsaka didn't know whether this was a dream, or if it was real. It was definitely real enough to see what was going on before him. As the two fought in their ongoing duel, Kohsaka's gaze was drawn to the figure beyond the red barrier, the brown-haired boy who appeared to be in his early teens.

"And this boy must be Obi-Wan Kenobi, the boy who would eventually teach Darth Vader...", Kohsaka uttered to himself, observing the boy before him.

Yet time seemed to have stopped right there, with the two currently locked in another clash, refusing to let one side gain favor over the other. As Kohsaka's eyes landed directly on Obi-Wan, something unexpected happened. Obi-Wan's gaze drew from his master's fight, and shifted upward.

Obi-Wan's eyes observed an azure-skinned Togruta boy floating high above him, with a confused look in his eyes.

"You aren't supposed to be here...", Obi-Wan uttered, causing Kohsaka's eyes to turn wide in shock. And likewise surprise appeared in Obi-Wan's eyes as he mused over the Togruta boy floating in the distance. Perhaps it was because of the fierce duel going on, Master Qui-Gon and Darth Maul couldn't see Kohsaka.

"You...can see me?", Kohsaka uttered in disbelief. It was clear Obi-Wan's eyes were currently on him. He had no clue how this was happening before him. Something that should be a dream, yet it seemed so real.

Unfortunately, Kohsaka couldn't finish his train of thought before he heard a loud sound, almost as if metal was grinding against each other, following a sound of rapid twirling of a lightsaber. Shhhing!

"No!", Obi-Wan's voice suddenly yelled out, crying out as he did. His eyes immediately wandered back to the ongoing duel, causing Kohsaka's eyes to turn toward it as well. Now, Darth Maul had his saber pierced right into Master Qui-Gon's chest. The green lightsaber in his hand was pulled back into its blade. And the life in Qui-Gon's eyes soon began to fade. An evil smirk appeared on Darth Maul's lips, seeing the lifeless body of Master Qui-Gon collapse before him...


Before Kohsaka could do anything, the entire scene before him cracked into pieces. Seeing Darth Maul's crazed laughter, just for a split second, his eyes wandered upward, and spotted Kohsaka before he vanished from sight. The ongoing memory cracked into pieces, just like a mirror shattering.

"Ahhh!", Kohsaka yelled out, only to realize his eyes opening up, finding himself in an unfamiliar room. It was the room he had used to pass the night at Plo Koon's place, but his head started pounding the moment he woke up. He also felt something heavy press against his body. Kohsaka saw Ahsoka currently hugging him, with tears falling down the sides of her cheeks. They appeared dried, and Ahsoka's eyes were currently closed.

While trying to calm Kohsaka earlier during the night, it would seem Ahsoka cried herself back into slumber. Kohsaka's eyes turned serious.

"Just what on earth was that...", Kohsaka uttered, seeing the pained look on Ahsoka's face. Ignoring the present condition of his own body, he immediately reached his hand out, and rubbed Ahsoka's head, ensuring her that he was fine now. Feeling a familiar touch, the pained expression Ahsoka's face was currently showing eased, and she nestled her body up against his.

"That was a rather loud yell. Is everything alright, young one?", Plo Koon's voice called out, following a hissing sound of the door that led into the siblings' room. Sweat still remained on Kohsaka's face, but his worry had eased. The pounding head he had was starting to lessen too.

"I'm fine, I think...", Kohsaka said, welcoming Master Plo Koon into the room. Kohsaka took a moment to take a deep breath in. 'That was no dream, though. That felt so real.', Kohsaka inwardly uttered to himself.

"I felt a disturbance. It is clear you are not well, young one. Just what exactly happened to you?", Master Plo asked. Ignoring his calm demeanor, a hint of worry could be seen in his eyes.

'Should I tell him?', Kohsaka thought, not immediately answering Master Plo Koon. His gaze landed on Ahsoka again. Her expression now showed a gentle look, and her eyes started to flutter. Before long they opened up. Ahsoka immediately saw Kohsaka now leaning upward as his hand petted her head. It took a moment to realize what was in front of her, but a happy look appeared in her eyes seeing Kohsaka awake.

"Brother Kohsaka, you're fine!", Ahsoka happily responded. Unexpectedly, she gave Kohsaka a full hug.

"You saw that, didn't you, Ahsoka?", Kohsaka wondered. Worry still remained in her eyes, but it was clear she saw what happened to Kohsaka. As for Kohsaka, he could only come to one conclusion. What he saw was a Force Vision of the coming future. The scene that he saw actually took place in the first movie of the Skywalker Saga, the Phantom Menace.

It was 33 BBY in his eyes right now. Phantom Menace would start taking place next year. Was The Force trying to warn him that the movie would still come to pass, even with him crossing into the Starwars-verse?

He was only four years old. Just his presence alone wouldn't factor into anything in the bigger picture, unless Kohsaka decided to take action. While thinking that, Ahsoka managed to calm down, and proceeded to watch her brother.

"Brother, what's a Sith Lord?", Ahsoka decided to ask, causing both Kohsaka and Master Plo Koon to come to a sudden pause.

"Where did you hear that word, young one?", Master Plo asked, sporting a serious look in his eyes.

"Brother was uttering it in his sleep. He looked like he was in pain too...", Ahsoka replied, showing another worried look in her eyes.

"Is what the young one says true?", Master Plo asked Kohsaka with a serious tone.

Kohsaka sighed, and nodded his head. With him being here now, things could potentially change down the road. He didn't know how much he could change the incoming darkness, but if it was something he could do, even if it meant just saving one person, there was no harm to try it. In the grand scheme of things, Master Qui-Gon's death was quite trivial. It made Obi-Wan more insecure. He did find solace in teaching Anakin, but if Kohsaka could save Master Qui-Gon, now would be the time to act on it.

"I received a vision. It might be tied to the disturbance you felt earlier, Master Plo.", Kohsaka decided to say.

"A vision? If it really is linked to what I felt, this cannot be anything good...", Master Plo uttered to himself, going into his own thoughts.

"Did you see something, Brother?", Ahsoka asked, blinking her eyes, showing confusion in them.

Aht Aht

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