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100% DC: Hunting for Beauty. / Chapter 10: Chapter 10 - First Crime fighting.

Chapter 10: Chapter 10 - First Crime fighting.

Earth - Unknown

July 31, 2010, Friday

7:40 Am

As the steam from their shared shower dissipated, Ethan, Barbara, and Selina emerged from the bathroom. They moved through the apartment and got dressed with Ethan dressing himself in a simple shirt and gray sweatpants walking barefoot on the wooden floor.

He glanced over towards the two women who were currently wearing his oversize shirt that covered enough where they're perky nipple could be seen through the fabric. Selina saw his gaze licked her lips pressing her body against Barbara who was surprised then turn to Ethan realizing what she's doing also slyly smiled.

"Like what you see, Master~?" She teased him while he chuckled.

"Careful now, we don't want to end up wasting the entire day fucking." He said while the two simply giggled.

"Well, I'll make breakfast before you go." Ethan, feeling a sense of responsibility and care for the women who had come to mean so much to him, decided to make breakfast.

He headed to the kitchen, rolling up his sleeves and surveying the ingredients he had on hand. The aroma of fresh coffee filled the air as he began to prepare a hearty meal.

Barbara and Selina settled at the kitchen table, their eyes following Ethan's every move. He worked efficiently, his hands moving with practiced ease as he cracked eggs, sizzled bacon, and flipped pancakes. He glanced over at Barbara and Selina, who were chatting quietly, their laughter a soft background to his cooking.

"What's on the menu, chef?" Selina teased, her eyes twinkling with mischief as she watched him. Ethan smiled, flipping a pancake with a flourish.

"Just a simple breakfast to start the day right. Eggs, bacon, pancakes, and some fresh fruit. I hope you're hungry." Barbara leaned back in her chair, stretching lazily.

"Starving. Last night worked up quite an appetite." Selina smirked, her gaze shifting from Barbara to Ethan.

"I couldn't agree more." Ethan chuckled, enjoying the lighthearted banter. He placed down plates of food and brought it to the table, setting the dishes down with a flourish.

"Bon appétit, ladies." They dug in with enthusiasm, the conversation flowing easily between bites of food. Selina and Barbara paused as their tongues danced in divine flavor with Ethan having created the Essence of Cooking.

He had a multitude of abilities using his potion which resulted in him becoming the most powerful entity.

Ethan doesn't know where he would place his rank in cosmic scale but he is certainly powerful enough to take on the heavy hitters like Superman. Frankly, he wasn't that bothered by fighting the entire justice league because he can easily fight them.

Then again, they are composited versions of comics and animated series making their power ridiculous since Superman can easily contend with someone channeling all magic, gods, powers, etc across all time and space through the DC multiverse simply by using his heat freaking vision.

Unfortunately, they were against Ethan. An anomaly. An outsider of their existence who is not bound by the rules set upon them.

Meanwhile, he glanced at the two waiting for their opinion when they regained their senses and immediately took another bite.

"Hmmmhaah~ isn't this amazing!" Selina moaned at the taste that was rather pleasurable and almost felt like she had an orgasm at how delicious they tasted.

"How can eggs and your pancake taste this good? What did you do?" Barbara confronts him even though she is enslaved doesn't mean she's a mindless doll and Ethan had adjusted her enslavement to only be loyal but still share doubts and thoughts.

Once again he gave a short laugh and took a bite on his own noting that it was rather good but since he is the one who made it, he was unsure if it's really that delicious.

"Well, I'm not sure, maybe I'm just that perfect." Ethan smirked while the two looked at him suspiciously that made him slightly sweat then made fake cough.

"Enough. The food will go cold. Just eat up." He told them as they began to enjoy their breakfast taking a sip of their coffee with Ethan glancing at the window seeing the Gotham building.

Ethan tries to recall pieces of his past thinking how everything was now a complete blur with only surreal recollection scattered like dust. He didn't care since it's all in the past now and focuses on the present.

"Ah right, I haven't asked but you are planning on joining the young justice, correct? Do you have particular abilities or skills?" Selina asked curious what secret abilities that her new man has while Ethan leaned back on his chair. Young justice isn't against anyone if they have powers or not but needs something that could help the team.

"Well, besides knowing Magic. Inside my shadow, I command 10 million shadow soldiers while I'm capable of replicating any skills or powers."

Ethan's shadow moved as he had made a potion that grants a template having made a wide selection such as [ Super Goku Template ], [ Super Vegeta Template ], [ Shadow Monarch Template ], [ LN Rimuru Tempest Template ] and many more.

Why did he do it? Because he finds it fine using them against villains.

'I wonder how Death reacts to my presence?' He pondered at the beautiful Death of the endless thinking how his action on manipulating souls caused death to shift but remembered blackest night even and many scenarios that seem significant to her.

"What do you mean shadow?" Selina confused then saw his shadow shifted where the shadow knight moved out from his body.

"Greeting our new mistress. I am Bellion, the shadow Grand Marshal. It is a pleasure to meet you."

He introduced himself, surprising Selina While Barbara had met them when Ethan had been training in his [ Home ], a personal dimension outside of reality and untouched by anyone beside Ethan and those he allowed. He took time getting used to his abilities that were instant making a force to be reckoned with.

Ethan wondered if he used the shadow army would Superman be defeated since he is weak against magical attacks. Though, that is in the pretext that he doesn't take things seriously and went for the finishing blow.

Then again comics had never been consistent in their story, always changing, having removed the appeal from a wider audience who wanted to get into it.

"Mistress? Interesting. I like the sound of that." Selina licked her lips at the thought of being called mistresses while Ethan smirks.

"So, this is your power huh? Care to tell who Ethan is to you, Mr. Bellion?" She answered and Bellion shook his head.

"Bellion would suffice, Mistress. As for who Ethan is, he is our king. The king of the dead. The Shadow Monarch." Bellion's backstory had been changed to suit Ethan but regardless the shadow army is loyal to him and those he cares about.

He wasn't Jin woo or ashborn but the shadow army viewed him as both. An incarnated version of their lord. Even if Ethan told them outright he wasn't, they would still remain loyal because that is what they feel.

"Shadow Monarch. That name sounds kinda cool~" Selina commented at the name while Bellion seemed filled with pride hearing praise towards his lord while Ethan smiled at this.

He does enjoy getting complimented by his woman. Was she really his woman if he defiled her?

Yes. Ethan might brainwash them doesn't mean he treats them badly. Knowing the future and events means being with Ethan was vastly better than without.

"Is that going to be your name?" Barbara asked if she would need a name if he's going to be a hero.

"Bellion, go back to my shadow." Ethan commanded and the shadow happily listened to him. Bellion did as commanded and went back to his shadow before he turned back to Barbara.

"As for your question. Maybe. It sounds cool enough. I don't really care much about hero names." His goal was never to be a Hero but to gather beauty by his side. Be they villains or heroes.

Though, he doesn't want to end up with ridiculous names like Gay ghost. Yes. There is a hero named Gay Ghost in Gotham.

"Oh come on, don't be like that. I agree with Selina that it is a cool name. Better than mine."

Barbara would prefer to be called Batwoman but it's already taken by Katherine while the name is already stuck with her alter ego. She can't change it anymore in the public eye.

"Well, if you say so." Ethan said as the trio chatted a bit more and eventually they finished their breakfast in high spirits. The meal had been delicious and the company even better. With the day ahead of them, they prepared to part ways, each with their own missions to accomplish.

Barbara was the first to approach Ethan, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him deeply.

"I'll be in touch, Master~" she murmured against his lips.

"I'll persuade and plant the seed for Cassandra, Katherine, and Stephanie today." Ethan smiled, his hand gently caressing her cheek.

"Thank you, Barbara. Be careful." Though, her safety was incredibly protected thanks to his Essence and the shadow currently residing in her shadow. Next, Selina stepped up, her kiss lingering with a promise of more to come.

"I'll speak with Ivy and Harley." she whispered, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

"I think they'll be VERY interested in what we have to offer."

"Take care, Selina." Ethan said, his voice warm.

"I trust you." With their goodbyes said, Barbara and Selina headed off, leaving Ethan standing by the doorway of his apartment. He watched them disappear around the corner before deciding to explore Gotham City a bit. He needed to familiarize himself with the territory he now sought to control.

The morning air was crisp as Ethan strolled through the bustling streets of Gotham. The city was alive with energy, its towering skyscrapers casting long shadows over the busy sidewalks. He observed the people, the architecture, and the general atmosphere, soaking in the scenery of Gotham.

At night it's gloomy and filled with terror but in the morning everything seems normal. Though, crimes in Gotham are regulated by the mob bosses that rule it. Penguin and Black mask does help establish some balance since they may be criminal doesn't mean they're like the joker.

After a while, his attention was drawn to a small takoyaki stand nestled in a busy corner. The delicious aroma of the grilled octopus balls wafted through the air, enticing his senses. Deciding to indulge, he approached the stand and ordered a portion, watching as the vendor expertly prepared the snack.

As he savored the first bite, his senses heightened by the combination of flavors, Ethan heard a commotion from down the street. He turned to see a bank in chaos, with people running out in a panic and alarms blaring. His curiosity piqued, Ethan moved closer to get a better look.

Through the glass doors of the bank, he saw two women commanding the scene with an icy precision. One stood tall and imposing, her presence exuding a cold intensity. Her hair was a striking shade of icy white, cascading down to her chin in sleek, frozen strands that seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly glint.

Her eyes were a piercing blue, so light they appeared almost translucent, like shards of ice reflecting the winter sun. High cheekbones and a sharp jawline gave her face a sculpted, severe beauty, accentuated by her pale complexion.

She wore a form-fitting, icy blue bodysuit that seemed to be made of a material as cold and unyielding as her persona, adorned with crystalline patterns that caught the light and glittered like frost. Her very aura seemed to drop the temperature around her, an embodiment of the chilling power she wielded. Her body is curvaceous, accentuated by her full breasts which jiggle enticingly as she moves.

The other possessed an ethereal allure, her beauty as haunting as a winter's night. Her hair was a soft, pale, almost white, flowing down her back in delicate waves that caught the light like freshly fallen snow.

Her eyes, a deep, icy blue, held a frosty gleam, hinting at the cold fire that burned within her. Her skin was porcelain pale, smooth and unblemished, giving her an almost ghostly appearance.

She wore a sleek, white bodysuit that clung to her slender frame, its surface shimmering with a frosty sheen, adorned with intricate patterns resembling snowflakes. Her movements were graceful, almost gliding, and she carried an air of quiet, serene power, as if the very essence of winter had taken human form.

They were Louise Lincoln and Crystal Frost, both sharing the villainous moniker Killer Frost, were in the midst of a high-stakes robbery. Their powers were on full display, freezing everything in their path and creating barriers of ice to keep the authorities at bay.

'Oh two new targets…well then.'

Ethan observed their coordination and power, a plan already forming in his mind. The Killer Frosts would be formidable allies, and if he could sway them to his side, his influence in Gotham would grow exponentially.

Finishing his takoyaki, Ethan made his way closer to the bank, blending into the crowd. He watched as Louise and Crystal worked together, their movements synchronized and efficient. He admired their skill and strength, knowing that they would be valuable additions to his team.

As he approaches the entrance, Ethan changes clothes into a bleach trench coat and black shirt with dark slacks pants and a blanket mask that was completely black. He calmly went inside the room where the air inside the bank was frigid, the temperature plummeting as the Killer Frosts wielded their icy abilities. Ethan used his power to protect himself from the cold as he moved closer to the two women.

"Impressive." he called out, his voice calm and confident.

"I didn't expect to find such talent in the middle of a heist." Louise and Crystal turned to face him, their eyes narrowing with suspicion. They could sense the danger coming off from his presence yet there's a sense of allure that draws them to him.

"Who are you?" Louise demanded, her breath visible in the icy air.

"Just a hero for fun." Ethan replied, smiling under his mask, deciding to reference the overpowered unrecognized hero. As finished speaking, he was immediately attacked by Crystal who created spikes on the ground while he remained unfazed as the shadow shouldered slices through the thick eyes, surprising the two.

"Then don't think this will be any fun after we're done with you." Louise said as she attacked Ethan where she sent an ice blast towards him while he sidestepped and danced dodging every attack moving closer until he was right in her face and she prepared herself from getting hit only for nothing. He outmaneuvered them at every turn, striking with precision and power.

"Gotcha. I won't hurt a pretty face that easily but let's put you to sleep for now." Ethan said arriving behind Louise and before she could turn to attack was karate chop in the next knocking her out while he boredly leaned back to avoid an ice shard heading towards his head.

"You bastard! Don't touch her!" She angrily said while Ethan stepped back and blitzed behind her as well knocking her out cold. Pun intended.

With a final, decisive blow, he incapacitated the two women, leaving them sprawled on the ground, defeated. He grabbed Crystal before she fell like he did with Louise then contemplated what to do next.

'Unlike Selina, these two can't really walk around freely.' Ethan thought looking at the two sleeping women held out taking them inside his [ Home ] to turn them into his slave, and afterwards created a replica that will die by explosion to not leave any evidence.

'Knowing Batman, he will immediately think I'm the one responsible. But he won't have any proof anyway.' Ethan looked at the fake bodies thinking about how he can shift fate itself to be favorable towards him.

'I wonder if Destiny is scratching his head right now.' He chuckled thinking about the oldest endless and how he shouldn't be in the book of destiny and I would be blank pages inside. Eventually, he saw someone coming in.

"Who are you!? Why are you here?" Ethan turned to see a young man standing tall with an athletic build honed. His skin is a rich, deep brown, and his features are sharp and expressive, with keen, intelligent eyes that shine with determination and vigilance.

His costume is a brilliant yellow, designed to stand out in the shadows of Gotham. The sleek, armored suit is both functional and eye-catching, with black accents that emphasize its tactical design.

The chest emblem—a stylized bat symbol—marks his allegiance to the Bat-Family, while the helmet, which covers his entire head, is fitted with advanced tech and a visor that glows a luminous yellow, enhancing his visibility and giving him a futuristic, almost otherworldly appearance.

The suit's gauntlets and boots are reinforced for combat, and a utility belt houses his gadgets and tools. His cape, shorter than Batman's, is also yellow, designed for mobility rather than dramatic flair.

"Oh look, it's the bat signal. Hehehe~ get it?" Ethan made a horrible joke that didn't get a single chuckle from the hero before him.

"Hmmm, tough crowd." He sighed while Signal awkwardly looked at him tense and ready to defend himself if needed since Ethan was new and didn't have information against him that he could use as an advantage.

"Well, I'm just a new hero I guess. I was in the area and decided to help." Ethan explained while Signal nodded, still a bit suspicious of him. He was taught by Batman and part of the paranoid group of detectives who don't leave any smallest details unchecked.

"Ah, I appreciate the help. Having new heroes is always a nice thing to see." He said with a smile thinking Ethan would bring a new change to the city and he wasn't wrong but it wasn't the one he wanted.

Before Ethan could respond, the sound of approaching sirens filled the air. The police were on their way, responding to the signal sent out by Signal.

Together, they carried the unconscious villainess to where the police were gathering, handing them over to the authorities without hesitation. As the police car carrying Louise and Crystal, the two defeated Killer Frosts, drove away, Ethan watched with a hidden smile. He had already laid the groundwork for his plan.The two watched as they took the two killer frost while Signal gave a satisfied smile turning to Ethan.

"Once again, thanks for stopping them. Those two could cause a lot of dam—" Within minutes, the vehicle exploded in a sudden and violent blast, sending debris flying and igniting a chaotic scene on the street. Signal eyes widened in shock while Ethan pretended to be in disbelief.

"N-Nooo!! What just happened!?" Ethan asked, acting as if he was in distraught while Signal clenched his fist seeing the destruction where he leaped to action trying to help the people who were injured while Ethan also joined in.

The scene was chaotic. Officers and bystanders alike were trying to make sense of the explosion, some rushing to assist, others backing away in fear.

Ethan and Signal reached the wreckage, the heat from the flames making it almost impossible to get close. Signal stood there, staring at the burning car, his hands clenched into fists.

"Did those two die? They didn't deserve this…" he muttered, his voice breaking. Ethan placed a hand on his shoulder, a gesture meant to comfort but also to ground Signal in the reality of their situation.

"We need to help the others," he said, his voice steady despite the turmoil inside him.

"There might be more people who need our help."

Signal nodded, swallowing hard as he tore his gaze away from the burning wreckage. Together, they moved through the crowd, helping those who had been injured by the explosion

"Damnit, did someone kill them?" Signal started to formulate theories about what could have caused the explosion while he glanced at Ethan who was summoning shadows that help those who are trapped in the rubble caused by the explosion while he was healing everyone.

'He's a metahuman…I saw bats looking through the field of Ethan Adoil. Is he that guy? It shouldn't be a coincidence that a new metahuman came as Batman's investigating that guy.' Signal deduce but unable to point the cause to be Ethan who inwardly smiled.

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