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42.85% Harry Potter: The Witty Wizard / Chapter 42: Chapter 042

Chapter 42: Chapter 042

"If you cannot wait less than three minutes until the end of this meeting, say so right now; and I'll send formal notice to all the important parties to let them know the Potter-Longbottom Alliance is hereby immediately and irrevocably terminated!"

As the two stared one another down, the others gaped back in shock between the two.

After a long moment that felt, even to Harry, as if an hour had passed while the two stared at one another, Augusta finally 'blinked', threw her nose in the air in a haughty fashion and more quietly said, "I'll wait outside."

Then, not even waiting for Harry to acknowledge her words, spun on her heel and stormed back out of the room.

As the door closed behind her those remaining, including Harry and Neville, let out a collective sigh of relief.

"Sorry about that," said Harry, a lot quieter this time. "I suggest we meet, once more, one month from today. I'll let everyone know of the time and place once the time approaches."

As the others continued to pack away what few things they had out and began to leave in pairs, Neville was also about to leave when Harry motioned for him to stay.

"You're going to need to remain, I think," said Harry. "I know your grandmother will probably not want you to, but I'm asking you to remain."

Neville gave a slight shudder, but firmed up and nodded.




With Susan the last one out, Harry followed her to the door and looked outside.

He saw Madam Longbottom standing in a foul mood and watching the door.

He gestured to her to come in and, without even waiting for her to acknowledge him - let alone hold the door for her - turned and walked back to his seat alongside Neville.

It wasn't until he'd turned away from the door to head back to his seat he saw the two aurors still standing quietly along the wall behind where he'd sat.

He sat down as the woman re-entered the room. Again, she entered irate.

"Neville," she snapped. "Leave! And the two aurors can leave with you."

"If Neville leaves, so do I," Harry immediately riposted, placing a calming hand on Neville's arm as the other boy almost shot to his feet. "It is obvious this meeting is as much about him as it is about us.

"As for the aurors, they're here at the command of Madam Bones, Director of the DMLE. They're most definitely not going anywhere, no matter how much you bluster about it."

While holding Neville's arm down, he glared back at the woman daring her to countermand him.

After a very long ten-plus seconds of staring, each trying to dominate the other, Madam Longbottom finally sniffed, "I need to speak with you... alone."

"No... you don't," he disagreed right back. "You want to speak with me, alone. You don't need to, at all."

Again she stared back without saying a word. Harry could see she was quite used to this silent intimidation tactic working. The pity for her was it had no effect on him. And he couldn't care less.

Eventually she all but snarled, "I have delicate House business of matters between the Houses of Longbottom and Potter to discuss with you. You don't want other witnesses listening in."

"Do not presume to tell me what I do and do not want, woman!" he snarled back.

That stumped her, as she stood there clearly frustrated and unsure of what to do next.

Finally, she all but snarled back, "You will not be forcing me to relinquish my position of Regent for the House of Longbottom."

"Fine," he simply replied. "Then I shall inform the Heads of Houses for Greengrass, Davis, Abbott, Bones and the others that the long-standing Potter-Longbottom Alliance is terminated. If that was all you came to tell me you could have simply sent me an owl.

"As for you, I'm done with you. As I explained in my letter to you, I consider your actions in blocking Heir Longbottom from rendering me assistance, when he realised I desperately needed it and wanted to give it, as an act of betrayal. As I explained in Neville's letter to you, I have no intention of being part of an alliance where the representative of one of the senior Houses involved could be party to such an action.

"I was well prepared to not terminate the alliance if you recognised your despicable actions for what they were and stepped down. However, as you have stated you won't, then I feel I have no choice left to me but to terminate that alliance.

"Good day, Regent Longbottom. You have my permission to leave now. This audience is at an end and I'm done with you."

The Longbottom grand matriarch stood there quivering in rage and, yes, not a little fear. If it became known, as Harry had intimated, just why he was terminating the alliance, she was done as a political powerhouse.

The other Houses of the alliance would immediately act. The least action of which would be applying significant force towards her to relinquish control of the House of Longbottom to another Regent or directly to Neville through emancipation. She did not know if Harry also knew that, though it was likely he did from his words and actions, so she tried another tack.

A lot calmer and more respectful this time she asked, "If I stand down as Regent will you withhold your announcement?"

"You had your opportunity and you squandered it," he immediately snapped back.

"Harry, please," begged Neville, softly speaking up for the first time since his grandmother entered.

It was clear the other boy was pleading for his House not to be so publicly ridiculed, as would be the result of Harry carrying through on his threat. It was then Harry realised Neville would also be publicly humiliated if he went through with what he said he would do.

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