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14.81% A Soldiers Life / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Turning Point

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Turning Point



As I rode back home using my trusty bicycle, I cant help but recall the conversation I had with Mack earlier.

'Right, you have this boner for glory and excitement. Hah.... I cant change your decision when you have that face.'

'Nope, you cant. I'm already determined to do this.'

'Not even your family?'

In a few minutes, I would walk into the dining room and tell my family that I had planned to be enlisted in the Army. I knew that such decisions would change everything.

Firstly, my old man, I know will be oppose to this mostly because his worried, he'll try to dissuade me and let me stay to inherit the farm. His worry is not really unfounded. I still remember when I was young my father would tell stories of how he watched and read the news of the ongoing World War 2 as he wait worriedly for grandfather to return safely home that grandfather will participate in the Normandy Campaign.

Alas, grandfather didn't survive the campaign and that broke his heart. But I know his gonna support later on because no matter how worried he was, he know the stubborn personality of his son above all else.

My Ma was a different story. Sweet and gentle, she had always been my biggest supporter, but also my fiercest protector. I could already see the fear, anger, and worry in her eyes when I mentioned anything remotely dangerous. Telling her I was heading off to war would break her heart. She would be angry, lecture me to reconsider, and remind me that there were other ways to serve my country. The thought of causing her such pain weighed heavily on my heart and mind.

Then there was Emily, my little sister. At fifteen, she was a bundle of mischief and energy, always ready with a clever prank or a teasing remark. Despite her playful nature, I know she love her brother. I imagined her face, a mix of confusion, worry, and the inevitable joke to lighten the mood. She had always been so strong, but I know this news would shake her. I just hope she could take it and be strong for Ma and Pops.

I sighed deeply, only now did I feel the weight of my decision and its pressing down on me. This rash decision of mine isn't just about me- it was about them too. Cause no matter how much I sugarcoat it, this choice of mine will definitely change them.

I stop dead in my track as doubt linger in my mind.

'Maybe I'm wrong for the choice I'm about to take? Maybe if I stay and just inherit the farm, don't go to war, and just continue living the normal peaceful life? Maybe just stay here and spare them the pain my departure will surely bring?'

But theirs something in my mind that told me to continue my choice, not live bound by shackles and just respond to this calling.

'I'm chickening out? No, I'm not like this! What am I thinking? Its not like me to back down and just leave it like this. The pure and greatest excitement I'll probably feel is just at the other side of the world. A war. It's beckoning me to participate and enjoy.'

'The call is irresistable. But how will I break it to them? Yeah, fuck it I'll just break it to them at the dining room straight up. I just hope they're more accepting to it.'

With renewed vigor and determination, I again continued my long but short journey back home.


As I arrived at the front of the door of my house, I took some deep breaths to prepare my mind for what's to come. As I walk inside, I feel my footstep grow heavier with each stride.

As my mind wander, the familiar scent of my Ma's homemade pot roast greeted me, bringing a brief sense of comfort. As I entered the dining room, I saw my mom bustling around the kitchen, she always had this motherly smile when preparing our family's meal.

My old man sat at the head of the table, his face partially hidden behind the days newspaper. Occasionally, he would lower it to take a sip of his coffee. Such as his daily morning routine when theirs no job to take care of, reading newspaper while drinking coffee.

Emily, my younger sister, was already at the table, her plate piled high with food. She was munching on a piece of bread, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she caught sight of me. She gave me a playful smirk, undoubtedly planning some prank or teasing remark.

I cleared my throat, trying to steady my nerves. "Good morning, everyone."

"Morning Sweetheart" My Ma replied with a smile."Breakfast is almost ready. Why don't you sit down?"

I took my seat across from Emily, who was now eyeing me curiously.

"Your late, brother. What took you so long?" My sister questioned playfully.

"Eh, I was just late for a few minutes and you already miss me?" I responded with a playful grin.

"Miss you? More like I was hoping you got lost," Emi shot back with a mischievous glint in her eye. "Gives me more time to enjoy dinner without you stealing all the best bites."

My old man lowered the newspaper he was reading and greeted me with a smile."Morning champ"

"Morning old man, still not done reading your daily newspaper? your getting older faster than I thought you would."

My old man responded with a chuckle."I'm just reading this days headline about a distant country were war is pretty much escalating to the point US started sending soldiers. I mean, I've watch this news in the TV before but its not such of big of a deal such as now."

I momentarily froze, but I gathered all the courage I could muster."Old man, Ma, Emi, theirs something I want to tell you."

Startled by the clear sudden change of my tone, Ma, with her beast like instinct, spoke."What is it sweetheart? Hopefully its nothing dangerous."

Emily was just staring at me curiously. While old man, still with an easygoing grin casually spoke."Relax Jessi, it ain't like your son will go to war or whatnot, its just Jimmy being Jimmy." Old man playfully commented while sipping his coffee.

"Haha funny thing old man, I was planning to enlist and participate in the ongoing war in Vietnam."




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