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Sasuke's .................jelousy

Hey everyone! Share your ideas in the comments section, whether it's a single line or a whole paragraph. Give me your thoughts and feedback.because it wil help me in writting....So, comment quickly!and give POWER STONE.

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This is todays last part


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Kakashi suddenly got knockedout, surprising everyone. Tazna was a little frightened but was not in any trouble.

"He fell down again!" Naruto carried Kakashi, Sasuke, and Sakura on his back and followed Tazna to his home.

There was no conversation that night. The next morning, Kakashi slowly woke up. The unfamiliar ceiling and the salty smell of seawater indicated he was lying in a small house by the sea.

"Kakashi sensei, you're awake!" Naruto grinned and sat nearby.

"oh..It's you Naruto!" Kakashi's eyes were still lazy.

Naruto smiled even more happily, "Kakashi sensei, I see what you look like!"

"My Face..." Kakashi subconsciously touched his mask, which was still on his face, and said, "Oh, so you took it off when I was unconscious!"

Naruto quickly said, "I'm sorry, Kakashi sensei, your true face has become one of theunsolved mysteries in Konoha. Kakashi sensei, you are so handsome, why do you cover yourself up?"

"You have to keep it a little mysterious!" Kakashi replied and then warned Naruto, "Don't tell anyone!"(there are 2 theory maybe in next chapter)

"Well, don't worry, I haven't told anyone else. Sasuke and Sakura don't know." Naruto nodded vigorously, indicating he understood.

Kakashi said, "Go and call them all in, I have something to tell you!"

"Good!" Naruto went out and told everyone that Kakashi had woken up. After a while, the empty house became crowded.

"Kakashi sensei, how are you?" Sakura asked with concern.

"It's okay, l will be fine after resting for a while," Kakashi said.

Sasuke stood aside, looking at Kakashi's eye covered by the forehead protector, and seemed hesitant to speak.

Kakashi also noticed Sasuke's intention and took the initiative to explain, "Sasuke, I know what you want to ask. This is a relic that one of my friends once gave me."

The tone was a little heavy, Sasuke's eyes trembled slightly, and he felt a sense of sadness, "Is that so!"

Kakashi sighed, "There is one more thing I want to tell you. Zabuza may not be dead."

Naruto and Sasuke's faces did not change much. Tazuna's face sank, and Sakura said in disbelief, "No way, Naruto really guessed it right!"

"What do you mean by 'Right'!" Naruto retorted with a little dissatisfaction.

Kakashi looked at Naruto unexpectedly when he heard this.

Naruto said, "Didn't you say there is a force at that time, Kakashi-sensei? If it was a Anbu force, why did they use weapons like the Senbon? Why did they go to such trouble to take the bodies away when they could have just dealt with them on the spot? I had my suspicions at the time, but I didn't know the other's background. Kakashi-sensei, you were also over-exerted, so I made the best of it."

"Wise move!" Kakashi smiled and praised Naruto, "That boy, his strength is far beyond yours now. You still have a lot to explore."

"Kakashi sensei, are you going to guide us in our training?" Naruto couldn't contain his excitement and asked.


Kakashi nodded.


A little boy in a white round hat walked into the room and threw himself into Tazuna's arms.

tazuna laughed, "Inari, come and say hello to the ninjas who saved your grandpa. Grandpa was able to come back alive thanks to them!"

"Isn't he his grandson?" Naruto muttered in his heart, but when he thought of the word "Alabama" he didn't say anything more.

The little boy named Inari looked up at Kakashi and others with a blank expression on his face and a look as if he had lost all hope, and said, "You will all die. Anyone who stand against gato always die's."

"Hey, Inari!" Tazuna's daughter, Inari's mother, Tsunami, quickly pulled him back and said to everyone apologetically, "I'm sorry, Inari has been emotionally unstable since he lost his father. I'm very sorry." After that, Tsunami took Inari away.

Tazna sighed. It's not that there were no people in the Land of Waves who resisted gato. Kaisha, Inari's idolized stepfather, was killed in the resistance against Gato. Therefore, after Kaisha's death, Inari was completely hopeless about everything and thought that the so-called heroes were idiots.

After this episode, everyone finished breakfast. Kakashi, with a cane, took Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke to a forest and began to teach them.

First, Kakashi talked about chakra, then he leaned on the cane, let the chakra condense under his feet, and walked directly up the tree.

Kakashi continued, "That's how it is, Naruto. When I was fighting Zabuza, you stepped on the water. It means that you have already practiced like this!"

Kakashi's words surprised Sasuke and Sakura.

Naruto said, "Yes, this is what Konohamaru's sunglasses pervert teacher taught me. I can climb trees and step on water."

"Treading water!" Sasuke clenched his fists, very unwilling to accept that he was so far behind Naruto.

"Konohamaru, the grandson of the Hokage, is Ebisu, but he is called the Sunglasses Pervert sensei!" Kakashi was very curious about what happened that made Naruto give Ebisu such a nickname.

Kakashi came down from the tree and said on crutches, "In this case, Sasuke, Sakura, you climb the tree first, and I will take Naruto to the next training."

"We...ah, Kakashi-sensei, if Naruto is not here, won't we she will be alone with her Sasuke from now on?" Sakura's face turned red, and she drooled unnaturally when she thought of this.

Sasuke looked at Kakashi and Naruto's departing backs and felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart. He was unwilling to accept his own weakness. Why, Naruto, who was obviously the deadlast in the class, made such Huge progress after graduating from the Academy, while he was almost still standing still.

Kakashi took Naruto to the other side and explained, "Chakra has five basic attributes. In addition, there are special yin and yang!"

"Yes, Mr. Kakashi, I know all of this. The ninjutsu of Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji are of yin and yang nature, right? Mr. Kakashi, are you going to teach me some ninjutsu too?" Naruto almost wanted to blurt out the Rasengan at this moment and asked Kakashi to teach him the Rasengan quickly. If he wasn't afraid of exposing his secret, he wouldn't have been practicing this ninjutsu in secret.

Kakashi handed Naruto a chakra test paper, which made Naruto startled.

"First of all, you need to know which chakra attribute is outstanding in your nature. my chakra Nature is lightning. This chakra test paper will test out your innate outstanding chakra attribute."

Naruto took it and was stunned. His own chakra attribute, he knew through Kirishima memory that his innate wind chakra was outstanding, and he had been secretly using shadow clones to cut leaves, and now he can cut a hole.

Kakashi said, "Thunder will wrinkle, wind will cut, water will get wet, fire will burn, and soil will break. If your innate chakra attribute is lightning, Naruto, I will teach you an A-level ninjutsu."

Hey everyone! Share your ideas in the comments section, whether it's a single line or a whole paragraph. Give me your thoughts and feedback.because it wil help me in writting....So, comment quickly!and give POWER STONE.

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