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42.3% To The Outside / Chapter 5: Let's explore buddy

Chapter 5: Let's explore buddy

I wonder if the templates will go up overtime passively, I'll check over the next few days.



: 'Talking' (when in 3rd POV or in another's POV)



*****side note*****

- effects -




The more I do things aligned with the templates the more they unlock, but some things were blocked off for me to figure out on my own, so it can be my own. Plus, Sasaki's Ganryu Style could work for Empy if she can use them with both arms. It helps that an Empoleon's arms are similar to a blade's, but those are thoughts for later when we actually are ready to start training since learning is best done young.

I wonder if the templates will go up overtime passively, I'll check over the next few days.



Avery POV:

Ok, Empy let's make a deal. ~Pip~ Well, you're a newborn Empy so we need to settle a few things now rather than later. It would suck if we didn't use this period properly since a newborn is more susceptible to changes than an adult, so this what we'll do were going to use the next two months after the next month for physical training and to get you're body ready for other types of training like elemental or move training. And if you can endure it, I'll start teaching you a sword style that you can use to create new moves, when we get there. ~PipLup~ Cool, it's a deal then, but first food, we need food for our little training arc. So let's go on a little expedition before dark, we still have a few hours. 

- Avery and Piplup start to head out the home-

~pip~ Yes, I know it's dark here since we're in a hole / cave, but don't worry I have a way out. ~lup~ See my compass, it's pointing to the exit. ~pip~ I'm not crazy, it's magical in nature it'll always point to what i want as long as i need it and right now we really need an exit. ~pip~ ok, since you don't believe me let's make a bet, we'll head in the direction the compass points and the bet is that if we reach an exit you'll be putting in double the training time for the following months and if we don't you are are free to go at you're own pace when we start training. ~PIPLUP~ HA, you should get yourself ready for the following weeks.

-They start walking on the direction the compass points-

Run, Empy, run ~pip~~piplup~, you just had to touch it. ~GEO~~GEO~~GEO~GEO~GEO~GEO~GEO~~GRAV~GRAVELER~ Now we have a pack of Geodudes and a Graveler after us. ~pip~~PIP~~Lup~~pip~ Hey that not fair, I'm not the one who woke them up, that dusk stone was free for the taking. ~PIPLUP~ -graveler used rock throw- -~GRAV~ -boom- Talk later more running, also I'm balling you for now so you know ... we can live. -graveler used rock throw- -~GRAV~ -boom-

-A few minutes of constant running later, Avery reached the exit- 

Finally they stopped chasing, - Huff, Huff -. -Huff- Alright it's safer, you can come out now Empy. ~piplup~ Ya, I know but rifle me this would you rather be uncomfortable or most probably dead. Also don't worry about them we'll wop there asses when we're stronger, but the part that worries me is that the Geodude line is aggressive and territorial but they stopped, so I don't know what that could mean. We'll figure it out though so don't worry~piplup~~pip~. Yeah, I promise we'll take our revenge. Anyway you lost the bet empy, so you owe me a double effort training period ~Piiipluuup~. Ohhh, stop complaining, in fact the training should help you be able to take revenge quicker.

Anyway, I don't think you've noticed but as we ran, sorry I ran, it want from a salty air to a more dry air, and then here a where it's moist.~pip~~lup~~pip~ Well that would mean we went from what was most likely a beach area, to one that is more of a swamp, to a green forest one and from the sound of it we're close to some river too. ~lup~ ~pip~ It matters because where there is a river the more likely there are people nearby and if that isn't the case then there would most definitely be Pokémon that go to drink there and if we're lucky then there will be fish or any normal animal, if there are any, for us to eat. In other words, lunch time ~PIPLUP~. 

***note: They went from Cobalt Coastland -> Crimson Mirelands -> Obsidian Fieldlands (Grueling grove)***

-A short walk later-

See I told you there was a river it's not my fault that you're deaf. ~PIIIP~ Fine it's not your fault, it's mine that are too good. Anyways, check tha.... Ggrrrr.... -now noticing a growling Pokémon by the river bed- ~pip~pi~lup~pi~pi~lup~ Ya, ya laugh it up Empy, laugh it up. Ggrrrr.... wooo ok calm down, we aren't laugh'in at you... Ggrrr... wait you're injur....

-noticing a group of around 20 massive blue beetle's starting to approach the injured pokemon silently- 

~pip~~piplup~~lup~~pip~ Ya i see them but... ~lup~~pip~. Tch... that's a really bad idea, i am telling you this right now that i don't like any of this, .... we're risking our lives for... ~piplup~ Fine, but you're getting in the ball ~pip~. Alright, just getting ready for another damn chase and this time with an injured wild Pokémon that I have no relation to, Ggrrr... hugh, why do I do shit like this. ok on three.. one.. two.. three.. -Avery runs, along the shore line, to and grabs the injured pokemon and keeps running knowing he stuned every pokemon in the current area giving a few seconds head start- -The injured pokemon bites down on Avery's hand- Owww, did you have to bite me ~HERACROSSSSSS X20~ can't you see that I'm in the process of saving you -bites down even harder- OWWW. Stop biting me while I'm running.


-Avery trips over a tree root and falls into the river following it upstream-

-a half hour of swimming and almost drowning later-

***note: They went Obsidian Fieldlands (Grueling grove) -> Obsidian Fieldlands (Worn Bridge)***

gurgggg, gasp... huh.. huh.. huh.. Alright listen here you little shi... great and it's out -releases piplup- ~pip~ what now... ~pip~pip~.... ~PIIII~PIIIIIP~ ~PIIII~PIIIIPLUUUUP~ ok, ok suck it up, i just wanted to know what we should do with this little guy, not laugh your lungs out at me ~PIP~....~PIIII~PIIIIIP~PIIIIPLUUUUP~ sigh, the bite mark is going to take a while to fade, - A few minutes later when piplup calmed down-. You done now, now what do you think we should do. ~pip~~piplup~~pip~. I don't think balling it is a good idea, it's probably going to try to bite my head off later if I do. Humm...Humm, ok how about this let's bring this one in the home for treatment of course we'll treat it later after securing foo.. ~pip~ ~lup~. What -looks down- well that settles live stock for a while -while pulling out the 5 fish from the pants-. But we still need berries or other re-plantable edibles I'll go find so later after you're going to stay there and look after this one until I come back.

-The home entrance appears-

I'll just place this one in my bed while I'll put the fish in a pond that the home made in response to them. It's fascinating that the other new arrival created a snowy yet ominous mountain biome, i would honestly ski or snowboard on it if it didn't feel like the mountain itself was going to eat me, like sheesh. Alright Empy, look over everything here while i'm out just don't devour the fish let them breed so we can get some more, ~pip~ just let them breed. Now back into the wild,... man i really need something to defend myself with out there i guess i could look for a stick or something.

-Avery leaves-

Now where tooo gooo,.... arghh you know what the best survival trick it is, ..... the Tia Dalma Compass, now show me somewhere i can get something similar to a berry, i need food. .... N.W,... got it.

-An hour of walking later-

***note: Went Obsidian Fieldlands (Worn Bridge) -> Obsidian Fieldlands (Horseshoe Plains)***

Ok found a sizeable stick to defend myself, hopefully it wont break in one h.... and would you look at my compass coming in clutch with a berry tree. They're blue and look like an oversized blueberry so that would mean that they are oran berries.. ~bur~ ~my~ and it's occupied, but i don't have much of a choice if i want food to live i will need to fight it. the only up side is that burmy's were push overs in the game but reality must be so very different than a game. Lets inspect it first it might be on the bad side.


+ Burmy (Lvl 8)

-National Dex #0412: 

If its cloak is even slightly damaged, Burmy will immediately repair it, with whatever is close at hand. The Pokémon within the cloak is scrawny vulnerable to the cold and when it's hot its cloak is thinner. To shelter itself from, the cold, wintry winds, it covers itself with a cloak made of twigs and leaves. Even if it is born where there is no cocooning materials, it somehow always ends up with a cloak.

-Gender: (male)

-Nature: lonely (+10% A / -10% D)

-Type: Bug


1) Overcoat

- Element mastery:


Bug (new)

- Moves: 


- Protect / Bug Bite / String shot



Ok so I got extremely lucky, Its hot out so its cloak should be thinner it has lowered defense which is arguably it's best stat and it just arrived at the intermediate stage. Well i got a stick, sasaki's garyu style knowledge and a dre.... sorry a need, might as well use it. 

-Avery throw a rock at the burmy-

Hey, buchy cone, I need some berries so get down here so I can take some. ~BURMYYYYY~

-Burmy turns around meeting eyes with Avery-

Fighting POV:

***note: I tried, help i need advice for fighting scene writing also next time it'll be longer***

As their eyes met, the Burmy wasted no time, instinctively unleashing a flurry of string shots toward Avery's stick. The sticky strands snaked around the wooden weapon, pulling it closer and drawing the Burmy toward its target. With remarkable agility, the tiny Pokémon attempted to follow up with a swift tackle, seeking to capitalize on its advantage.

Caught off guard by the rapid sequence of events, Avery's heart raced as he instinctively swung his stick in a defensive arc. The force of his swing connected with the Burmy just as it approached, sending the Pokémon soaring over his head and crashing into a nearby tree with a resounding thud.

However, the Burmy was undeterred by the setback. Determined to press its advantage, it attempted to chain its tackle with another string shot, seeking to overwhelm Avery with its relentless assault. But the strain on the string proved too much, causing it to snap under the pressure.

With a sudden jolt, the Burmy found itself hurtling toward the tree it had just collided with, its cloak unraveling and breaking apart upon impact. The force of the tackle shook the tree violently, causing a deluge of berries to rain down upon the forest floor and leaving a sizable hole in its trunk as evidence of the Burmy's impact.

Confusion flickered across the Burmy's face as it struggled to make sense of the chaos unfolding around it. But as the reality of its broken cloak sank in, a wave of anger washed over it, fueling its determination to retaliate.

With renewed fury, the Burmy launched another string shot at Avery's stick, intent on closing the distance between them once more. However, this time, Avery was ready. His basic instincts honed by the intensity of the battle, he stood his ground, waiting patiently for the Burmy to draw near.

As the Pokémon approached, its determination palpable in the air, Avery seized his moment. With a swift and calculated motion, he swung his stick downward with all the force he could muster, the impact landing squarely on the Burmy's unprotected head.

The Burmy staggered backward, stunned by the blow, before collapsing to the ground in defeat. Across the clearing, Avery stood victorious, his resolve unbroken despite his inexperience. In the aftermath of the battle, the forest fell silent once more, the only sound the soft rustle of leaves in the breeze.

Avery POV:

S**t, that didn't go as how I thought it was gonna go.

I can't believe, I struggled that much against a Burmy especially one as weak as that one. So mental not train like hell when i get back.

But for now, it's time to collect my prize and i got an additional kind of berry along with the original Oran berry. This one is a pineapple looking berry so it should be a Pinap berry and i have a lot of them to. Around 45 berries in total being 25 Pinap berries and 20 oran berries that i originally came for. And with that its time to get out of here, since I'm sure that the noise attracted other Pokémon

-Opens the entrance to the Home and leaves with the berries in hand-

I'm back, Empy -yelling from the entrance-, -sigh- I'll plant these first.

And done, Ggrrr.... Great now i have to deal with the angry and probably hungry troublemaker. Will my day ever end.






Few Things to Say:

- This chapter was around 2 500 words.

- I will try to make one more chapter between Today and Wednesday.

- If anyone reading this has an idea on the direction this should go then, comment here. Also I was recommended Jurassic Park as a world and it could work but I'm going to make one world before it be T.V show called scorpion, then J. P. and then blacklist, once that's done I'll probably be doing a marvel or dc universe.

- If you have something to suggest for any of the Gacha spins then it would be much appreciated. (ability/skills/Pokémon items or just normal items)

-The Pokémon he found will be apart of the team and this time, it's a Pokémon i really like instead of a random encounter, I tried to make it as natural as can be but to some it might seem forced so sorry about that. Try to guess it if you can, (clue: its an Hisuian Pokémon)

- Last thing I realized photo links don't work so I will find a way to give you a picture without causing too much trouble.

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