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35.48% The Chosen one who goes dark / Chapter 22: Chamber

Chapter 22: Chamber

Adrian adopted a vengeful wrath once the rest of the students returned.

Millicent, the real Millicent, confirmed she hadn't ever set foot in the dungeons during the break. This sent Draco into a fit as well.

With both Adrian and Draco prowling in a simmering anger, the Slytherin population consciously tried to avoid them.

Adrian didn't care, his thoughts revolved around the actions of the Golden Trio.

A small part of Adrian was impressed- a second year successfully brewed the Polyjuice potion?

But where would three students find a secluded location secure enough to brew such a complex potion.

Adrian was venturing back to the spot where Filch's cat had been petrified. He searched for any clue, either regarding the Slytherin heir or the trio.

He heard Filch shouting from a corridor down, where a stream of water passed Adrian and descended a slope towards the shouting.

The puddle of water was traveling from under a heavy battered door, not slowing with its torrent.

It was a washroom, marked with a large "Out of Order" sign. Adrian grimaced as water soaked into his robe, yet he did not let it deter him.

He pushed the door open, feeling the resistance of the water that spilled out.

There was a bawling ghost, out of sight although loud enough to be a nuisance. It was dark; the candles normally magically lit were extinguished from the rush of water that had left both walls and floor soaking wet.

"Hello?" Adrian asked, his voice echoing off the walls.

A ghost head popped out of a stall. It was a young girl, her face translucent and blotchy. 'Who's that?" it glugged miserably. "Come to throw something else at me?"

She saw Adrian, paused, and seemed to grow even paler. She screamed, the sound echoing painfully in Adrian's ears. Her eyes bulged, arms trembling and shaking water droplets almost comically onto the floor. Her jaw shook as she rattled out horrible choking noises, tears trailing down her face before she leapt into a toilet out of sight.

Adrian blinked, slightly dumbstruck by the violent reaction.

The room was eerily silent, the dripping faucets echoing rhythmically.

There was a small thin book under a nearby sink. It was black and waterlogged, standing out in the bleak room.

Adrian picked it up, wrinkling his nose at the uncomfortable texture of wet parchment. He opened the book, there was no ink inside the pages. It completely unused.

It was a diary, and the date on the inner cover said it was fifty years old. Why would someone not use a diary, or why would they keep it around just to throw it away in a girls room?

Adrian hummed quizzically, searching along the spine and the back cover for the traces of a name. It was possible whoever it was would want it returned at a later time. He spotted something, almost carved with fine handwriting just inside-

T. M. Riddle.

Adrian dropped the book. It splashed back into the sink carelessly.

"No way," he breathed, feeling distant as he opened the book again. How was it possible...

Then he was hit with something strong and dizzying, enough to nearly send him toppling to the flooded floor. It was overwhelming, the spasming sensation of pain prickling along each of his nerves. Nausea rose until the vague sensation of sick wasn't limited only to his organs.

Adrian curled in on himself, almost heaving as his head felt thick and sluggish- as if he had inhaled too much of Lockhart's perfume.

It whispered, something whispered words he could almost understand. A language he didn't understand, something muffled but loud enough he could hear the cadence of speech.

The hand clutching the diary had gone numb from biting cold.

It relented, lifting immense weight from Adrian's chest and suddenly he could breathe again.

He swallowed and placed the book in his front pocket. His cloak hung slightly further on the one side to accommodate the weight.. It pulsed something foreign, low and alluring like the first curse he had ever casted.

Considering that if this...thing, did belong to T. M. Riddle, Adrian wasn't exactly sure what sort of effects it would have. It was possible it could seriously harm him.

But the coincidence of finding something from T. M. Riddle during the opening of the Chamber of Secrets- it had to be linked. Which led him to to the only impulsive thing he could think of doing.

He needed to write in this as soon as possible.

The attacks had mysteriously vanished, which given the recent discovery, made sense.

The diary- the diary belonged to his father, who was the Heir of Slytherin! Somehow this book was the one opening the chamber and setting the monster loose.

Although he hadn't actually written in it yet, Adrian was too paranoid to leave it sitting out. He kept it on his body at all time, trapped within the anxiety ridden thoughts that somehow, someone would know that it was him.

The only thing to rattle him out of his sleepless thoughts was, somehow, Lockhart had gotten it in his head that he was the reason the attacks had stopped.

Lockhart's idea of a morale-booster became clear at breakfast on February fourteenth.

The walls were coated with disgustingly pink flowers. Worse still, heart-shaped confetti rained slowly from the pale blue ceiling.

Only Lockhart seemed to be enjoying himself, with the lurid pink robes to match the decorations.

The rest of the day, dwarves were hired to carry around singing valentines day cards.

The cards were rubbish at best. The highlight was the foul one, christened with glitter and red hearts sent from Lockhart to Snape during a house meeting.

Adrian had avoided the dwarves so far, mostly due to his infamous dealings. Daphne had received three, taking them all in grace.

Draco was dreading the event, knowing positively he would have at least one. The pale haired boy glued himself to Adrian's side, certain that Adrian would have a way to avoid the blasted creatures.

Adrian couldn't. Even running didn't deter one persistent dwarf which managed to chase them across an entire open courtyard. If it wasn't for the spell resistant skin, Adrian would have sent dozens of tripping spells hoping one would hit.

"Go get 'em!" One Gryffindor shouted, whooping loudly at the dwarf when he saw the target.

There was no way dwarves should be able to run up stairs that fast; they were so short the legs shouldn't be able to move that quickly.

"Is it after me, or you?" Adrian panted, although not looking as exhausted as Draco.

Draco was flushed, skin reddening and contrasting with his light hair.

"Doesn't matter," Draco panted, eyes sharpening with a look of Slytherin cunning, "It's getting you."

Adrian took a moment to puzzle over Draco's words, not understanding foreboding tone.

Draco turned, and smacked Adrian lightly across his chest. Considering how fast they were sprinting up the steps, the even slight push was enough to topple Adrian to the ground.

He grunted, hitting the ground and catching a glimpse of Draco managing to escape.

"Draco!" He shouted, half angry although half amused by the absurdity of the situation.

They were being chased by a dwarf wearing a diaper.

It wasn't nearly as funny once the Dwarf shouted loudly in victory and nearly tackled Adrian against the ground.

"Finally!" The dwarf grunted, shuffling in its side back for a slip of folded parchment. It cleared its throat, and Adrian knocked his head against the stone steps again.

"He's the kid that boy Selwyn,

Who'll sell you treats or pigskin,

And find you stuff right out of books,

He'll save your skin with his looks!"

Adrian blinked, the poem was almost as absurd as the situation.

Someone burst into cackling laughter, Draco had peered out from the top of the staircase, having heard the valentine.

"We don't talk about this," Adrian grumbled, trying to dislodge the dwarf from where it sat on his chest.

"As if!" Draco cackled, "Oh Adrian! Will you fetch me pigskin?"

"Oi!" The dwarf looked at Draco speculatively, "I got one for you too!"

Draco paled, and turned to run.

"'We don't talk about this' my arse!" Adrian shouted, finally able to catch his breath when the dwarf jumped off his chest in hot pursuit once again.

Thankfully, it was the last valentine he received that day.

Draco wasn't as lucky.

'Hello' Adrian wrote with the Eagle-feather quill Hermione gave him, 'I know who you are.'

Adrian wasn't sure if it would even work. It was a considerable risk, also considering that he didn't know if it would trigger the dark magic or curse. He had his tattoo ready to send a warning and explain what he had done in the case of an unspeakable curse.

The ink was absorbed instantly into the diary; in seconds fine spidery handwriting wrote itself across the pages, 'Hello, I'm sorry I believe we haven't met. My name is Tom Riddle, who are you?'

Adrian chewed his bottom lip, he didn't feel anything different. Perhaps there was no curse, or maybe he had to interact with it longer.

The handwriting was the exact same, all doubt he had for its true creator vanished.

Should he answer realistically?

"Lutain?" Adrian hissed, peering around his room. Almost on cue his familiar slid out of his charmed box, flickering his tongue quizzically.

"Yes, Master?" Lutain looked at the book in puzzlement, not seeing why Adrian was speaking so cautiously.

"This book, it's possibly very cursed." Adrian paused, "If something happens, I need you to push the book or hide it, and get help for me."

Lutain tensed, "Is it smart to work with curses?"

"Probably not, but it's my father's." Adrian swallowed, "And it involves the Chamber. the door, you remember how to turn the handle? Alright, wish me luck."

Adrian ignored how his snake watched cautiously. He dipped his quill in ink and scratched out the letters painfully slow.

'Adrian Selwyn.' He wrote, watching the words vanish into the pages themselves.

'Hello then, Adrian.' It replied almost instantly, seeming so friendly, 'It's a pleasure to meet you.'

Adrian paused, and sighed. What was he hoping for? There was no way that this diary and his father would trust him so readily.

'I know you opened the Chamber,' Adrian wrote carefully, 'Where is it?'

The words sunk in, and he didn't get a response until nearly two minutes later. The words were written considerably slowly, although not with hesitation of pondering words.

'I'm sorry, I just caught the Heir, I don't know. But I hear your school is suffering what mine did as well, fifty years ago. Shall I show you?'

Adrian scratched two letters, 'No.'

He could tell he was confusing the book, although it was doing a marvelous job at hiding it.

'Alright,' It almost seemed to test the water, 'It sounds wonderful that the situation is under control once more.'

Adrian snorted against his better judgement, a smile curling at his mouth. Was this what it would be like to actually have a conversation with his father?

'My name is Hadrianus Selwyn,' Adrian wrote carefully, 'I have a familiar, his name is Lutain. Only two people can speak to him,'

'That's very interesting, as well as your name. You are very lucky to have a familiar while also in Hogwarts. I hear it is very difficult to obtain one.'

Adrian wasn't entirely sure the book hadn't been charmed with a monitor spell. Anything he wrote could be rewritten someplace else; he had to be subtle.

'You could talk to him as well,' Adrian wrote, hoping that the book was picking up the now not so subtle clues. 'He was a pain to speak to at first.'

'I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about. I wasn't aware of a creature which could speak English fluently.'

Adrian growled annoyed.

'I thought you'd be smarter for the Heir of Slytherin,' Adrian scribbled out frustrated.

'I'm sorry, I only caught the Heir.'

The book was being evasive because he didn't trust him, which was understandable given that it was talking to a stranger.

"It doesn't trust me," Adrian hissed to Lutain, who was still peering at the book questionably. Adrian hadn't ever taught Lutain how to read English.

"Nagini?" Lutain offered, "Only something Nagini knows?"

"Like what?" Adrian sighed, "I don't know what much about my father to begin with."

This book would start getting sassy if he didn't start responding fast.

'You're being very uncooperative.' Adrian huffed, flinching as the book suddenly dropped in temperature. It was seeping cold, tingling up the nerves, It stung, creeping like a numbing tar in his blood.

'Stop that,' Adrian scratched out, hand shaking slightly.

At once, it receded and paused.

'Stop what?' It asked innocently, the strange sensation tickling the back of his head.

'Reaching up,' Adrian wrote awkwardly, 'Going up my arms.'

'You can feel that?'

'Yes.' Adrian wrote, was he not supposed to?

It flared suddenly, not burning or tingling but moving up his hand once again. Rolling oil invisibly over the surface of his skin.

He felt it touch his barriers, sliding through like legilimency without any mind.

Adrian choked, folding over and clutching his scalp between shaking hands.

"Master?" Lutain hissed in alarm, "Master?"

"Possession," Adrian choked out, feeling as if the invisible presence was clawing in his throat, "It's-"

'Oh,' an invisible presence whispered, sliding between each wall of his mind like water, 'oh,'

Then it receded, withdrawing so fast it left Adrian slamming backwards heaving against the back of his headboard.

"Back!" Lutain hissed, rearing in a lethal display as he revealed his long fangs, glaring in Adrian's face with the viciousness of a wild animal, "Leave!"

"It's me," Adrian blinked, wincing as he fumbled for a vial of pain relief potion he received for Christmas.

He almost kicked his foot out to send the book flying across the room. An artifact with sentience strong enough to possess someone? What was his father thinking? At least he knew the book wasn't spelled to compromise him.

A single word scribbled back across the page, shaky in contrast to its normally precise lines.


So now it believed him. It was alarming and a bit terrifying how quickly it demolished his Occlumency shields, he was proud of them.

'I'm your son,' Adrian wrote, his handwriting shaky for what was happening, 'Voldemort is injured. The Chamber of Secrets has been opened and I can't find the entrance.'

'Impossible,' It wrote instantly, 'Voldemort cannot be harmed.'

So his father had a god complex as well.

'He is,' Adrian tapped the edge of the quill against his lip, 'He looks like a mandrake.'

'What.' It deadpanned. Adrian paused with his quill still on the page, ink seeped into a larger blot the longer he waited, 'A mandrake. A screaming shriveled root.'

Adrian slid the book out of his reach and onto the edge of his bed. Its pages flickered quickly, moving from cover to cover like a whirlwind. It snapped shut, spine creaking loudly.

"What is it doing?" Lutain asked curiously, he hadn't ever seen a book act like that before, "Is it angry for being read?"

"No, he doesn't like how my father looks like a plant." Adrian responded calmly, waiting for the diary to end its temper tantrum, "Apparently it's a sensitive subject."

The book swung open to an empty page, quickly spreading black ink across its page.

'A lavatory. Speak in the tongue under the sinks. A girl was killed there.'

Adrian's eyes widened- the ghost he had been talking to earlier? The one that screamed at him?

Of course, she would scream because he was similar in appearance to her killer.

'What is the monster?' Adrian wrote back calmly.

A single word filled the page.


Adrian was forced as the days continued, to pick his classes for the next year. Some people chose classes that were sure to be very simple to learn, Divination mostly. Adrian felt compelled to take Care for Magical Creatures, something about the course seeming highly interesting to him although he would likely be caring for slugs.

Ancient Runes also seemed important, as well as Arithmancy

In the end, he chose to take Ancient Runes and Care, leaving his schedule free to fill with his other required core classes.

Now that Adrian had talked to Tom Riddle over the more darker materials, he often took the diary with him to have conversations about everything he could whenever he could.

He found out, that his father was actually an amazing teacher.

With Tom Riddle's written instruction, Adrian actually had confidence in his Occlumency. It was almost like holding the diary and focusing on his shields, somehow gave him a boost- like the diary itself was assisting him with making them stronger. It was entirely plausible considering the book had the suspicious capability for possession.

Then he ran into Hermione.

He scowled, glaring at her cold enough for the girl to freeze. Hermione managed to look guilty, and walked over before tugging on Adrian's arm to pull him away from his chair and his books.

She dragged him around a bookshelf where they were a bit more secluded.

"Adrian, I'm really sorry-" She started, voice jumbling and jumping to explain, "You probably know that we had the Polyjuice potion... but we just wanted to ask Malfoy!"

"You used a deal against me." He growled out angrily, "You snuck into my dorm to spy on me!"

Hermione chewed her lip uncertainly, and nodded.

"I have nothing left to say to you." Adrian bit out, and Hermione grabbed his arm once more.

"I need your help!" She blurted, looking embarrassed, "I- I know you know a lot about magical creatures and I can't find the right book so I was actually looking for you and..."

"Hermione!" Adrian hissed out, nearing the end of his patience.

"Basilisk!" She blurted, seeming unsettled but looking at him hopefully, "I think the monster is a basilisk!"

"Impossible." Adrian ground out, "Basilisk's can't survive in this climate. Not to mention that if it was, Potter would have heard it-"

"He's not a Parseltongue!" She exclaimed angrily.

"And the monster isn't a basilisk!" Adrian hissed back, "Why don't you busy yourself with course selections, or go read something useful."

He turned and dismissed her, not feeling a shred of guilt when she looked very much like she was about to cry.

He returned to his spot, pausing and noticing at once something was askew.

He sorted through his books, mouthing the titles as he went.

It took him until he had placed them all back in his bag that he realized the diary was gone.

The next week, he heard the Basilisk travel through the pipes again.

He had rushed to the washroom in question, peering at all of the sinks but he hadn't found any symbol for a snake. He still hadn't managed to get to the chamber.

It was Hermione who was found petrified.

With how annoying she had been getting, a part of Adrian wished the basilisk had killed her.

With the recent attacks, the failure to find a culprit, and lack of knowledge of what the monster actually was; Dumbledore was suspended from Hogwarts by Minister's Orders.

People were more frantic, the hospital wing was entirely shut down and permitted no guests. Classes were covered with the strictest security, and students moved in large groups.

The Exams were to start on the first of June, one week from today.

It was asinine that they were still getting exams- classes were canceled left and right in fear of the attacks. The library was closed from being a crime scene, and each house had a strict curfew.

Three days before the first exam, Professor McGonagall made an important announcement. The Mandrakes had finally grown to a point where the cuttings could be used to revive those who had been petrified.

The time was drawing short, the window of opportunity for the diary to act was down to just days.

Adrian smiled when he heard the announcement for all students to go back to their House Dormitories. That meant there was another petrification, which meant the diary had decided to take actions.

Draco stared at him horrified as he made his way the opposite direction of the Dorm.

"Adrian! Where are you going!" Draco hissed, and Adrian simply smiled. A breathless excited smile which left Draco standing stunned. Something wasn't right about his eyes.

Adrian walked away, thankful that Lutain had fallen asleep in his pocket.

"Wake up." Adrian giggled, sliding behind a tapestry and pulling out his wand, "It's time to go to the chamber Lutain," He practically crooned.

He casted the disillusionment charm on him, feeling the unsettling sensation as he walked through the now empty hallways with ease.

"What?" Lutain stumbled, waking up sleepily, "What time is it?"

"Time for the Chamber," Adrian hissed, knowing that there was no risk while invisible, "Let's head to the Chamber and see the basilisk."

They walked to the washroom, there was a message written in blood right where the first message had been written at the start of the year.

"Her skeleton will lie in the Chamber forever." He read quietly in English, lifting a fist to bite it sharply. He would have laughed otherwise- out of sheer relief. Everything was working, the diary had taken a body.

He didn't bother with investigating the sinks, "Open!" He hissed loudly.

The sinks ground, and slowly slid open to the beautiful sight of a hole in the ground.

Adrian stepped into the hole and slid out of sight.

"Look at the shed!" Lutain gasped, flickering his tongue at the huge hollowed form of the shed skin. It was twenty feet long and pale white with imprints of scales larger than Adrian's fist.

There was something freeing about being in this chamber- miles underground. There had never been documents saying that the Chamber existed. No wards, spells, or maps ever drew it. It was completely untraceable, unmappable, which meant no matter what sort of spells Adrian casted, he would never be found.

His face was starting to hurt from smiling when he reached the next set of doors, two carved intertwining serpents with glittering green eyes.

"Open," Adrian laughed, watching as the door cracked apart and each half slid out of sight.

Adrian walked forward, nearly skipping.

He and Lutain were standing at the end of a very long, dimly lit chamber. Towering stone pillars were decorated with more curved serpents, rose high into the dark to support the ceiling.

Adrian pulled out his wand and walked between the serpentine columns, his footsteps echoed loudly off the shadowy halls.

At the last of the pillars, a statue high as the Chamber itself loomed into view, standing against the back wall. Adrian had to crane his neck back to see the face above: something monkey in features with a long thin beard.

At the base of the floor, a single prone red haired girl lay.

"Ginny Weasley?" Adrian asked, his voice echoing loudly, "Seems a bit strange to possess a pure-blood."

"It worked, didn't it?" a soft voice answered him behind.

Adrian turned slowly, holding his wand aloft.

The tall black haired boy was unmistakable, although he was eying over Adrian with interest, "You have my face," Tom said, blinking in surprise and some sort of pride, "And my hair."

"Blood adoption," Adrian explained, trying to not seem strange with how intently he was looking at Tom Riddle. He hadn't ever seen his father look remotely humanoid, seeing him like this was baffling and thrilling. Adrian wondered how similar they really would look once he grew more.

Ginny made a loud whimper, echoing through the hall.

Adrian looked down at the girl, "She isn't dead?"

"Almost," Tom sighed, looking at her fondly, "She was a wonderful pawn. As she grows weaker, I grow stronger."

"Did you possess her the entire time?" Adrian asked intrigued, "Or only at times?"

"At times," Riddle confirmed, prodding the girl with one of his shoes, "She was pathetically easy."

"Are you able to go back into the diary?" Adrian asked, "It would be easier to take you out of here."

Riddle was still eying Adrian with some sort of fond affection. Riddle stepped forward, bending slightly and with one hand touched Adrian's cheekbone. Then his jawline, he pinched his chin and turned his head side to side to observe it better.

"You do look like me." Riddle hummed, "So strange, I never thought I would ever have…"

He trailed off, and then he smiled. It was a wide breathless smile which somehow made something in Adrian's heart stir.

"Has my older self taught you spells?" The younger asked excitedly, "I could feel you when you walked in here- why is that?"

"You can feel me?" Adrian's jaw dropped, "How?"

Riddle shrugged and offered a sharklike grin, "Would you like to see Adalonda?"

"The basilisk?" Adrian asked excitedly, looking around the chamber.

Riddle turned, looked up at the statue and hissed loudly, "Speak to me Salazar Slytherin, greatest of the Hogwarts Four."

The stone mouth slid open, and from the empty cavern something slithered from within.

"Adalonda," Riddle spoke, "This is a friend of your noble kind. He speaks and is of my blood."

The basilisk hit the ground, its eyes were greyish and clouded by an extra eyelid. It's girth was amazing, it's hiss was loud enough to echo.

"Another speaker?" It spoke, voice much more intelligent as the rest of its body landed and began to slither between them, "So young. So fresh." It hissed, jaws opening to reveal a row of multiple fangs in its mouth, pointed and needle sharp like a python or a boa.

Lutain slithered out of his pocket and up to see the basilisk, "Your scales are like sun on water." Lutain prattled out, nearly wriggling in excitement, "Your teeth could sink many prey."

The basilisk hissed, tilting its head curiously, "A little one," It cooed, "So small, are your fangs sharp?"

Lutain hissed eagerly and slid off Adrian onto the ground to rear in front of the mighty basilisk. He was a tiny twig in the wake of an ancient Oak tree.

"What is your name, little one?" It tilted its head, "You are not Nagini."

Adrian looked at Riddle who stood with his leg resting on the deathly still Ginny.

"You had Nagini when you were at Hogwarts?"

"She's still around?" Riddle looked interested, "She had just hatched."

"Nagini is wise." Lutain hissed in glee, "Master! The mark! Summon the mark!"

Oh, that was actually a good idea.

Riddle blinked in alarm, "I finished the Dark Mark?"

"A different one," Adrian explained, removing his cloak and unbuttoning his shirt. He pressed his fingers to his collarbone and hissed directly at his skin "Nagini."

He grimaced at the sensation and Nagini pulled her way out of his skin. Riddle's eyes widened and he smiled at the sight of his familiar moving around Adrian's body, "Nagini," Adrian addressed the mark, "Tell father that the diary has taken a body."

The snake hissed and dove through his skin again.

"That's brilliant," Riddle smiled, glancing down at Ginny, "I think she's comatose."

Adrian nodded, staring at the Weasley girl.

Her breathing was low, barely anything. Her eyes had opened at some point and were rolling around in her skull, clouded and desperate. She made desperate whimpering noises, tears ran from the corner of her eyes.

"She's going to die," Adrian breathed, lowering to his knees. The sound of his kneecaps hitting the stone was muffled yet sounded loudly in Adrian's ears.

He felt Riddle behind him, peering over interestedly. His presence washed soothing black waves over Adrian's mind; he felt it go cloudy, everything tinted by the inhales and slowing exhales.

"She doesn't have to," Riddle spoke, there was a soft tone in his voice, one hand resting on Adrian's shoulder, "You could take her with you if you want. She'd live."

He could, he could take her with him. Be declared a hero and carry Ginevra Weasley to safety from the Chamber of Secrets...

But how would he explain how he knew she was down here? How would he explain how he snuck down here? How would he explain how he saved her from the basilisk?

Then what would the story be for how Ginny had been opening the chamber?

"No, no I can't." Adrian breathed, the soothing dark around his shoulders was fogging his mind, "She can't live."

Adrian almost heard the phantom whispers of something inaudible hiss 'yessss' deep in his skull.

"Are you sure?" Riddle sounded so concerned, "I can pull away now, not become tangible."

"You can't." Adrian breathed, "You can't kill her entirely. I have to sneak you out in the diary."

Riddle exhaled with a smile somewhere between resignation and pride, and with the sound of a taught wire snapping, Ginny let out a choked gasp and a cry. Tears began cascading as she started sobbing wildly.

"Master?" Lutain asked, slithering over and looking at Adrian concernedly.

Adrian didn't hear him- whispers were gathering in his head.

"You should let her live," Riddle whispered, his mouth by his ear.

Something was thrumming 'Kill her, kill her.'

"Let her live," He murmured once again,"She's in pain."

'Kill her Adrian,' Riddle's voice was clouding his ability to breathe, like smoke in his lungs, 'She can't live.'

Adrian jerked forward and grabbed the diary from the ground.

Ginny turned her head towards him, her eyes met him and he could see her begging. Tears ran from her eyes.

"Lutain, we're going." Adrian spoke, feeling like he was watching the scene from outside his body, "Adalonda, I must go. Go to sleep, I'll be back when I can. It may be months."

Adalonda gave a regal nod, and turned towards a tunnel on the side.

"She'll wake up, now that I'm not attached to her," Riddle warned, looking at the scene with some sort of half lidded amusement- like everything was coming to fruition.

'Leave her be,' Something whispered, its voice enticing. He almost didn't feel his own lips moving, "Leave her in the Chamber."

"In the Chamber?" Riddle looked almost alarmed, reaching around in some sort of mock embrace, his touch felt like smoke, "In the Chamber? All alone?"

He was breathing in the clouding poison...

"Let her starve to death." Adrian exhaled almost dazed.

He turned and stumbled out of the Chamber, Adalonda's scales slid smoothly over the stone until she too, vanished.

Somewhere faintly over the sounds of Tom Riddle laughing in his head, he heard Ginny sobbing.

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