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50% Harry Potter: Arcane / Chapter 11: Chapter 10

Chapter 11: Chapter 10

With their hearts racing with anticipation, Harry and Zatanna pushed their trolley through the barrier at platform 9¾, eager to catch their first glimpse of the Hogwarts Express. As they emerged onto the platform, a wave of excitement washed over them, mingling with the chatter and laughter of their fellow students and families.

There it was, gleaming in the morning sunlight—a magnificent scarlet steam engine, billowing clouds of steam as it awaited its passengers. The Hogwarts Express stood proudly on the tracks, its polished carriages adorned with gold lettering, a symbol of the magical journey that lay ahead.

With laughter and excitement echoing around them, Lily and Lana, accompanied by James and Rose, breached the barrier after Harry and Zatanna. The bustling platform of King's Cross Station transformed into a gateway to a world of magic and adventure as they made their way through.

Behind them, the Longbottoms followed, their expressions a mix of anticipation and nervousness, eager to embark on this new chapter alongside their friends. Together, they formed a united front, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them at Hogwarts.

As they joined the throng of students and families on the platform, anticipation buzzed in the air like electricity.

Meanwhile, James nudged Lily discreetly, nodding towards Cyrus Greengrass and his family, who stood nearby along with Muriel Prewett. With a knowing look, Lily followed his gaze, her expression guarded as she observed their unexpected company.

Cyrus Greengrass, a figure associated with Marauders Inc., the company James had co-founded with Lily and Sirius, was known for his shrewd business acumen and connections within the wizarding world. His presence, coupled with that of Muriel Prewett, a venerable elder of the Prewett family, piqued their interest and raised questions about their intentions.

Keeping their composure, James and Lily exchanged a silent conversation, their thoughts aligning as they assessed the situation. While they remained cautious, they also knew the importance of maintaining amicable relations with their business associates, even in unexpected encounters such as this.

With a nod of acknowledgment, James approached Cyrus Greengrass, extending his hand in greeting. "Cyrus, what a surprise to see you here," he said, his tone polite yet guarded. "And Muriel, it's a pleasure as always."

Lily followed suit, offering a polite smile as she greeted Muriel Prewett. "Indeed, it's a pleasant surprise," she added, her demeanor poised and composed.

As the conversation flowed, James and Lily introduced their children to Cyrus Greengrass and his daughters, Daphne and Astoria. With warm smiles, they exchanged pleasantries, the children eyeing each other curiously as they formed introductions.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Daphne and Astoria," Lily said warmly, her eyes twinkling with kindness as she addressed Cyrus's daughters. "I'm Lily Potter, and these are my children, Harry, Lana, and Rose."

Daphne, a poised young girl with a confident demeanor, returned Lily's smile with a polite nod. "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Potter," she replied graciously. "I'm looking forward to starting Hogwarts this year."

Meanwhile, Astoria, a younger girl with a playful twinkle in her eye, surveyed the group with interest. "Hello, Mrs. Potter," she greeted cheerfully. "I can't wait to join my sister at Hogwarts in a couple of years."

As they exchanged pleasantries, Lily couldn't help but notice a third girl standing quietly beside Cyrus, her presence going unnoticed until now. With a curious tilt of her head, she addressed Cyrus with a gentle smile. "And who is this young lady?" she inquired, her tone polite yet inquisitive. "You mentioned Daphne and Astoria, but I see there's a third girl with you."

Lily's expression softened with sympathy as Cyrus introduced Harleen Quinzel, the daughter of his late sister Sharon. Her heart went out to the young girl, who had endured such loss at a tender age.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Harleen," Lily said gently, her voice warm and reassuring. "Welcome to Hogwarts. I'm sure you'll find it to be a place of warmth and friendship."

Harleen offered a shy smile in return, her blue eyes brightening with gratitude at Lily's kind words. "Thank you, Mrs. Potter," she replied softly. "I'm excited to start my journey at Hogwarts."

Lily placed a comforting hand on Harleen's shoulder, offering her silent support and reassurance.

James noticed that Muriel has been wanting to say something.

"Alright, Muriel," James said, leaning forward with anticipation. "What's on your mind?"

As Muriel silently gestured for two figures to approach, Lily's eyes widened with surprise as she beheld the unmistakable resemblance between the young girl and herself at the age of eleven. With bright red hair cascading over her shoulders and vibrant green eyes sparkling with curiosity, the girl bore an uncanny likeness to Lily in her youth.

Muriel made the introductions with a solemn nod, gesturing towards the woman at her side. "This is Lilian Isley," she began, her voice tinged with gravity, "and her daughter, Pamela Isley-Prewett."

Muriel cleared her throat, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness as she continued her explanation. "Pamela here is the daughter of my nephew, Gideon Prewett," she revealed, her words carrying the weight of a long-held secret. "He had a brief encounter with Lillian, an American tourist, before his untimely demise alongside his twin, Fabian."

The revelation hung heavy in the air, casting a somber mood over the gathered group. Lily felt a pang of sympathy for Pamela, knowing the complexities of her parentage and the burden she must carry. Yet, despite the solemnity of the moment, there was also a sense of connection, as if fate had brought them together for a reason.

Muriel's gaze softened as she turned to Pamela, a silent plea in her eyes. "Pamela has spent her life in America, raised in a Muggle household by her mother, Lilian," she explained gently. "I was hoping that the children of the Potter and Longbottom families might extend their friendship to her, showing her the ropes at Hogwarts and helping her feel more at ease in this new environment."

Lily nodded understandingly, recognizing the importance of making Pamela feel welcomed and supported. "Of course, Muriel," she replied warmly. "We'd be happy to include Pamela in our circle. Hogwarts can be quite overwhelming at first, but with friends by her side, I'm sure she'll settle in just fine."

Pamela offered a shy smile, her green eyes shining with gratitude. It was clear that she was eager to make connections and forge bonds with her newfound classmates.

James furrowed his brow in confusion, his curiosity piqued by Muriel's choice of entrusting Pamela's care to their group rather than her own niece, Molly Weasley, whose children were already attending Hogwarts.

"Forgive me for asking, Muriel," James began, his tone laced with curiosity, "but wouldn't Molly be a more suitable guardian for Pamela? After all, she has experience with children and her own kids are already attending Hogwarts."

Muriel's lips curved into a wry smile, her eyes twinkling with mischief as she regarded James. "Because, young man," she replied, her voice tinged with amusement, "Molly has her head shoved so far up Dumbledore's arse that the dinner he has is her breakfast."

James's eyebrows shot up in surprise at Muriel's blunt response, his mouth slightly agape. It was rare to hear such candid words spoken aloud, especially in the presence of children. Lily subtly nudged him, shooting him a warning glance, reminding him to keep the conversation appropriate for young ears.

Clearing his throat, James attempted to steer the conversation back on track. "Well, uh, thank you, Muriel, for entrusting us with Pamela's care," he said diplomatically, trying to diffuse the tension in the air. "We'll make sure she feels right at home at Hogwarts."

Muriel simply nodded, her expression unreadable as she glanced towards Pamela, who stood quietly beside her, her gaze fixed on the ground. It was evident that beneath her tough exterior, Muriel harbored genuine concern for her niece's well-being, even if her methods were unorthodox.

As the group prepared to board the Hogwarts Express, James couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air. With Muriel's parting words echoing in his mind, he couldn't help but wonder what other secrets lay hidden beneath the surface of the wizarding world, waiting to be uncovered.

The group of excited young witches and wizards chattered animatedly as they made their way towards the Hogwarts Express, their voices filled with anticipation and excitement for the adventures that lay ahead. Harry, Neville, Lana, Zatanna, Daphne, Harleen, and Pamela exchanged stories and shared their hopes and dreams for their first year at Hogwarts.

"Can you imagine all the magical creatures we'll see?" Harry exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

Neville nodded eagerly, his face lit up with anticipation. "And the spells we'll learn! I can't wait to try out some new charms."

Lana grinned, her long, curly hair bouncing with every step. "I heard there's a secret passage behind one of the tapestries on the third floor," she said, her voice tinged with excitement. "We'll have to find it and explore!"

Zatanna's eyes gleamed with curiosity as she listened to her new friends' enthusiastic chatter. "I wonder if we'll have any classes together," she mused, her mind already racing with possibilities.

Daphne and Harleen exchanged knowing glances, their excitement palpable. "I can't wait to meet all the other students and make new friends," Daphne said, her voice filled with anticipation.

Harleen nodded in agreement. "And maybe we'll even get to play some pranks," she added with a mischievous grin.

Pamela listened to her new friends with a shy smile, her green eyes sparkling with excitement. "I can't believe we're finally going to Hogwarts," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "It's going to be amazing."

As they reached the Hogwarts Express, the group of young witches and wizards made their way towards the train, their laughter echoing through the station.

With eager anticipation, Harry led the way to a spacious compartment near the middle of the train. The group followed closely behind, their excitement palpable as they entered the compartment and began stowing away their luggage.

Neville placed his battered old trunk carefully on the overhead rack, ensuring it was secure before taking a seat beside Harry. Lana followed suit, placing her sleek, modern suitcase next to Neville's trunk with a satisfied nod.

Zatanna carefully stowed her belongings in the overhead compartment, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she settled into a seat opposite Harry and Neville. Daphne and Harleen joined her, their trunks fitting neatly under the seats as they chatted animatedly.

Pamela hesitated for a moment before taking a seat next to Lana, her green eyes flickering with nervous excitement. With a reassuring smile from Lana, she relaxed, her hands fidgeting nervously in her lap as she settled in for the journey ahead.

As the train lurched into motion, the group exchanged excited glances, their anticipation building with each passing moment. With the promise of new adventures awaiting them at Hogwarts, they knew that the journey ahead would be nothing short of magical.

As the group chatted excitedly, the compartment door suddenly slid open, revealing a girl with bushy brown hair peeking inside. Her eyes scanned the compartment, searching for an empty seat.

"Um, excuse me," she began tentatively, her voice soft yet determined. "Is there any space in here? Everywhere else seems to be full."

Harry smiled warmly, gesturing towards the empty seats scattered around the compartment. "Plenty of room," he replied, his tone friendly. "Come on in."

With a grateful smile, the girl stepped into the compartment, carefully maneuvering her way past the luggage to find a seat. She settled in beside Harry, her eyes alight with curiosity as she took in the group before her.

"Thanks," she said earnestly, her voice warm. "I'm Hermione, by the way. Hermione Granger."

The others introduced themselves in turn, exchanging pleasantries with their new companion.

Hermione's eyes widened in astonishment as Harry introduced himself. "Harry Potter?" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with awe. "The Harry Potter? I've read all about you in books!"

Her words echoed with a mixture of admiration and curiosity, as if she couldn't quite believe that she was sitting face to face with the famous Boy Who Lived. Harry chuckled, feeling a flush of embarrassment creeping into his cheeks.

"Yeah, that's me," he replied modestly, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. "But, uh, I'm just Harry, really."

Despite his attempts to downplay his fame, Hermione couldn't contain her excitement. "It's such an honor to meet you," she gushed, her eyes shining with enthusiasm. "I've always admired your courage and bravery. You're like a real-life hero!"

Daphne cleared her throat, drawing the attention of the group. "Um, excuse me," she began tentatively, "but I just wanted to say that, well, those Harry Potter books? Turns out they're not exactly accurate."

Her words hung in the air, causing a ripple of surprise and curiosity among her companions. Hermione raised an eyebrow, intrigued by her statement. "What do you mean?" She asked, her interest piqued.

Daphne hesitated for a moment before continuing. "Well, there's been this article circulating in The Quibbler," she explained, her voice gaining confidence as she spoke. "It claims that the Harry Potter books are fake, just made up stories written by someone looking to make a quick profit."

Hermione's frown deepened as she processed Daphne's words, her mind racing with conflicting thoughts and emotions. The idea that the beloved stories she had immersed herself in might be nothing more than fabrications was difficult to comprehend. Yet, the evidence presented by Daphne seemed compelling.

"I don't understand," Hermione murmured, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "How could something so... magical be fake?"

Daphne shrugged, sympathy evident in her expression. "I don't know," she admitted softly. "But it seems like there's more to this story than meets the eye."

Zatanna, sensing the tension in the air, reached out a comforting hand, offering a reassuring smile to Hermione. "It's okay," she said gently. "Now you can get to know the real Harry instead of the fake one in those books."

Zatanna's words offered a glimmer of comfort amidst the uncertainty, and Hermione couldn't help but return her smile with a small one of her own. "You're right," she agreed, her voice steadier now. "I suppose there's always more to a person than what's written in books."

Harry nodded in agreement, his expression thoughtful. "Exactly," he chimed in. "I'm still the same Harry, just without all the... embellishments."

With a sense of resolve settling over them, the group settled back into their seats, ready to embark on a new chapter of their journey. As the train chugged along towards Hogwarts, Hermione couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building within her.

As the door swung open once more, revealing a disheveled red haired boy with dirt smudged on his face, his voice rang out rather rudely. "Is there any room in here or what?"

The sudden intrusion caught the group off guard, and for a moment, they exchanged uncertain glances. However, Harry quickly gestured to the empty seats, offering a friendly smile. "Of course, there's plenty of room," he replied, his tone welcoming despite Ron's brusque demeanor. "Come on in."

With a grunt of acknowledgment, Ron stepped into the compartment, squeezing past the others to find a seat. As he settled in, Hermione couldn't help but notice the wary expression on his face, and she made a mental note to try and make him feel more welcome. After all, they were all in this together now.

As Ron introduced himself with a loud exclamation, the compartment fell silent for a moment before Harry responded with a polite nod. "Nice to meet you, Ron," he said evenly.

The air grew tense as Ron's next words echoed through the compartment, his tone brash and impertinent. "So, you're Harry Potter, huh?" he blurted out, his eyes widening with curiosity. "Do you have the scar? And do you remember what 'You-Know-Who' looks like?"

Hermione shifted uncomfortably in her seat, shooting Ron a disapproving look at his forwardness. Meanwhile, Harry's expression remained impassive, though a flicker of annoyance crossed his features at the mention of Voldemort's name.

Harry glanced at Ron with a bemused expression. "A scar? What scar?" he asked innocently, his green eyes twinkling with mischief. "I'm sorry, but I think you must have mistaken me for someone else. I've never had a scar in my life."

Ron's jaw dropped in disbelief, his freckled face turning a shade of crimson as he struggled to comprehend Harry's denial. "But... but I thought..." he stammered, his words trailing off into an awkward silence.

"Um, excuse me, but who's 'You-know-who'?" Pamela asked.

Pamela's question hung in the air, prompting a moment of solemn reflection among the group. Harry exchanged a knowing glance with Hermione, recognizing the significance of the name 'You-know-who' in the wizarding world.

"It's a long story," Hermione began, her voice soft and measured. "But 'You-know-who' is the name people use to refer to... well, to a dark wizard who caused a lot of trouble in the wizarding world."

Neville nodded in agreement, his expression grave. "He's the one who... who tried to take over everything," he added quietly, his voice tinged with a hint of fear.

Harry sighed, a shadow passing over his features as memories of past battles and lost loved ones resurfaced in his mind. "He's gone now," he said finally, his tone tinged with sadness. "But his legacy lives on, and it's something we all have to deal with."

Pamela's curiosity piqued as she listened intently to the conversation, her expression shifting between curiosity and concern. The mention of such a formidable villain left her feeling uneasy, but she pushed aside her apprehension, eager to learn more about the world she was about to enter.

As the conversation shifted to lighter topics, Pamela's unease lingered in the back of her mind. However, she remained determined to embrace the new experiences awaiting her at Hogwarts, eager to learn and grow alongside her newfound friends. With a sense of anticipation, she looked forward to the adventures that lay ahead.


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