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Zeno: Let’s Replace these Hakaishin

Under normal replacement procedures, they would first find the candidate Hakaishin for their respective universe and then voluntarily offer their resignation.

After getting the approval of Zeno and the Grand Priest, they could officially step down and enjoy a peaceful retirement. However, being directly replaced by Zeno was entirely different from resigning voluntarily. It meant they had made a grave mistake in their duties, giving Zeno every reason to destroy them completely.

By ignoring Zeno's orders and privately conducting a contest between two universes, what they did today had indeed reached the point of annihilation by Zeno. They were now drenched in cold sweat, trembling with fear, and the ground beneath them was soaked.

The Kaiōshin of the two universes felt equally wronged. They were merely informed by their respective Hakaishin to watch the contest, never expecting to face such a dire fate for just observing a game. At this time, they didn't know who to tell the grievances in their hearts.

"... Zeno-sama, Beerus-sama has done an excellent job over the years! Just now, I only pointed out his shortcomings, not his strengths," Whis spoke up, realizing the gravity of the situation. His complaint was intended for minor punishment just to make fun of Beerus, not for Zeno to replace Beerus altogether. He didn't expect that things would blow up to this point. This was beyond his expectations.

Vados on the side also echoed, "Zeno-sama, I was the same just now. Champa-sama has many advantages as well."

Replacing the Hakaishin would bring about an unknown successor and disrupt the familiarity established over hundreds of millions of years. If they were replaced by a new Hakaishin, it would take a long adaptation process.

Beerus and Champa felt no gratitude for the pleas on their behalf; if it weren't for these two bastards who sued them for their lazy behavior, Zeno might not have considered their replacement. At this moment, this was only one thought in their hearts that they wanted to beat up these two bastards!

In the Sixth Universe's audience stands, everyone was surprised and curious. Those arrogant Hakaishin, reduced to trembling figures on their knees, was an unimaginable sight.

In most people's eyes, Hakaishin was the supreme god. Cabba turned to Hit, asking, "Mr. Hit, what's going on? Why are the Hakaishin from both universes so scared? Who is that child?"

Hit, who had lived for thousands of years, might know more. Perhaps he would know who that child was, which made those Hakaishin so fearful. Caulifla and the others looked at Hit and were also quite curious.

Just now, Champa was so arrogant and threatened to destroy them and their respective planets, but now he was scared like a grandson! The gap between before and after was indeed a bit too big.

[T/N: Come here grandson, let this grand-daddy Herbert show you Mt. Tai!]

"I don't know who they are, but I hope their presence can save us," Hit replied flatly, fearing death more than others despite his long life. If Champa was replaced, maybe they wouldn't have to die today.

On the Seventh Universe side, similar doubts arose. Beerus, usually aloof, now seemed so distressed.

"It's unbelievable that such a powerful Hakaishin is this scared! If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it." Krillin remarked.

Seeing the surprised crowd, Goten also lowered his voice and explained, "There's nothing surprising about that. Although Hakaishin are supreme gods of their universes, that little guy is the master of all universes, he holds the power of a universe's laws."

"With a flick of his finger, he could wipe out all twelve universes. In his eyes, Hakaishin are insignificant. If you had to describe it, then that little guy is the supreme emperor, and Hakaishin can only be regarded as the magistrate of a certain county at best."

In fact, his metaphor was very appropriate. The emperor does have absolute rights! Wanting to kill a county magistrate in a certain area was just a matter of one sentence.

"What? The master of all universes?" After hearing Goten's introduction everyone was in disbelief. Because the three guys who suddenly appeared, didn't look like any powerful characters. But Goten described them as an emperor-like existence. It seemed that they really had underestimated the power dynamics of their universe.

"Goten, what should we do now? If Beerus-sama is replaced, will we be implicated?" Krillin asked. Goten nodded seriously, acknowledging the danger.

If even those scary Hakaishin had to tremble before these beings, then they, as mortals were probably like ants in front of those three guys. Not even an ant, but a speck of dust.

"It's possible. After all, that guy has the power of being able to wipe out multiple universes in an instant. It is as simple as playing house for him." Goten nodded seriously.

Zeno was unpredictable, he acted like a three-year-old child. Everything he did was on a whim. So, no one could guess what he would do, what would he want to do.

"Zen... Zeno-sama, we know we were wrong. We won't dare to conduct competitions between universes privately again!"

"Zeno-sama please spare us this time!"

At this time, Beerus and Champa, who were already trembling with fear, begged for mercy. They didn't want to die. Especially after living for such a long time, they cherished their lives even more.

"You guys were a little too disobedient!" Zeno replied, not ready to let them off easily. These kind of disobedient Hakaishin who were so lawless, should be erased directly!

Erasing them was as simple as a flick for him. Even if these two universes disappeared, it would have no effect on him.

After a moment of thought, he turned to the Seventh Universe with a smile, having thought of something fun. "I suddenly thought of a very interesting thing! Your fate will be in your universe's hands. If they choose to become Hakaishin and replace you, you will be destroyed. If they refuse, you might still have a chance." After finishing speaking, he showed a sly smile towards the two of them.

Beerus and Champa were terrified. Hakaishin was a supreme god of the Universe. A position which had great rights. No mortal could refuse the temptation of the position of Hakaishin.

'Uh... Uhhh!! Does he want those guys to replace me?'

'Damn it, those bastards will definitely not refuse, because I almost killed them just now.'

Champa's complexion became very ugly at this moment, and the sweat drops on his forehead became denser. If Zeno hadn't appeared suddenly just now, he would have killed all those guys, and now, Zeno actually wanted those guys to replace him?! Then they would definitely not refuse.

If it was for survival, they would never refuse and maybe by accepting, they could even get revenge on him.

'It's over!! This time it's really over.'

Beerus on the side was also not so relaxed. Because Goten did have the Hakaishin-level strength, so he was fully qualified to be the Hakaishin of the Seventh Universe.

He felt that no one could resist the attraction and temptation of this position. But he couldn't do anything now, because this was Zeno's order.

At this moment, Zeno looked at Goten and Hit. Because he saw all the battles between the sixth universe and the seventh universe just now. Both guys did really well. Especially Goten, his strength must have had reached the level of Hakaishin!

And when Zeno pointed at Goten and Hit. The two guards beside him appeared in front of them like ghosts.

"Hey! Zeno-sama wants to see you." Zeno's guard spoke to Goten.

Goten nodded quickly. These three guys in front of them were countless times more terrifying than a Hakaishin.

As long as he made them a little bit unhappy, maybe their universe would be annihilated in an instant. Goten naturally did not dare to act arrogant. He was even more afraid to be audacious in front of Zeno like Goku.

Then the two bodies flashed and instantly appeared in front of Zeno.

"Greetings Zeno-sama!!" Goten greeted with a bow. He knew that before he had absolute strength, he must not do something disrespectful if he wanted to live.

Arrogance without strength was not confidence, but stupidity! This kind of stupidity might ruin his own life...

Hit, unaccustomed to bowing, remained composed.

"Hm! The performance of the two of you in the contest was excellent! I enjoyed watching it!" Zeno changed his expression when he looked at Goten and Hit.

There was a shallow smile on his face, which seemed harmless. Totally like the three-year-old next door.

But Goten remained cautious, knowing the danger beneath Zeno's demeanor. "Thank you, Zeno-sama, for your compliment," he replied respectfully.

"I asked for the two of you to come here, but I actually wanted to ask you both a question. Would you like to be the new Hakaishin of the Sixth and Seventh Universes? These two have made serious mistakes, and the Angels say they are too lazy for their duties," Zeno said bluntly.

Both Goten and Hit were surprised by the offer. They didn't expect Zeno to make them the new Hakaishin of the two universes! Both of them frowned slightly, carefully considering the implications of such offer and how to respond to it. They understood the risk of offending such a powerful figure. If they were not careful, they may lose their lives.

Beerus and Champa, now more terrified than ever. Now as long as Goten and Hit nodded, then the two of them would be completely destroyed by Zeno soon. Both of them looked at Goten and Hit with begging eyes. Vados and Whis also stared intently, waiting for their response. Everyone knew this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Hakaishin? Goten, hurry up and agree! This is a very good opportunity." Krillin and the others clenched their fists tightly, obviously looking forward to Goten's answer.

They naturally wanted to get Goten to agree. If they have a good friend who becomes Hakaishin, they will have many advantages and wouldn't have to worry about Earth being destroyed by Beerus on a whim.

Watching Goten and Hit thinking. Zeno continued to ask: "How about it? Do you want to become the Hakaishin of the two universes? This is a very good opportunity."

There was no sound at this time, and everyone was looking forward to the answer from the two of them. They had to admit, this was indeed an opportunity to reach the sky in one step. As long as they nod their heads, they could become the supreme gods of a universe!!

To be honest, it was difficult for ordinary person to refuse such an opportunity and temptation. After all, many people might be able to withstand the temptation of money and beauty, but few people could withstand the temptation of absolute power.

"Zeno-sama, thank you for your appreciation. I don't think I am qualified to be Hakaishin in terms of strength or ability. Beerus-sama is very responsible, and I hope he continues as the Seventh Universe's Hakaishin. This would be beneficial for our universe," Goten respectfully declined, having no interest in the position.

Beerus had been good to him, too. If he took Beerus' position for himself, then Beerus was likely to be completely erased by Zeno! As a friend, he didn't want to see this happen.

And becoming Hakaishin was not a wise choice before he had absolute strength. Most importantly, he felt that this matter was far from that simple. His instincts warned him of a trap, it seemed like Zeno had other ideas in mind...

"Huh??! Really? Do you really think so in your heart? This is a very good opportunity, you don't have to be worried. Because once you become Hakaishin, Beerus can't do anything to you." hearing Goten's answer, Zeno was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, Goten refused so easily and praised Beerus for being responsible. This was indeed surprising. After hearing Goten's answer, Beerus burst into tears. He swore in his heart that from now on, Goten was his benefactor. If something happened to Goten in the future, he would do his best to help him.

'Regardless of if I will be erased by Zeno-sama today, thank you! Goten.' Beerus thought sincerely in his heart.

Goten continued seriously, "Yes, Zeno-sama, that's what I think! So please let Beerus-sama stay as the Hakaishin of the seventh Universe. I believe Beerus-sama will do better in the future."

Hearing this, Whis was also quite moved. It seemed he hadn't taught the wrong people in the past two months.


Clay_Champion Clay_Champion

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