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92.3% Jaehaerys Targaryen: The Dragon Mage / Chapter 22: Chapter 21

Chapter 22: Chapter 21

The grand hall of the Red Keep was alive with the sounds of celebration. The feast to commemorate the victory over the Stepstones was in full swing. Lords and ladies of the realm mingled, their laughter and chatter blending with the clinking of goblets and the rustle of fine silks. The tables were laden with an array of sumptuous dishes, from roasted boar to exotic fruits, and the air was thick with the aroma of spices and freshly baked bread.

At the far end of the hall, a bard stood upon a small platform, his lute in hand. His voice carried through the hall, weaving a tale that captured the attention of the revelers. His song, a ballad of heroism and cunning, told of Prince Jaehaerys' exploits during the war.

"Deep within the Stepstones' crags,

Where shadows weave their darkened flags,

The Triarchy soldiers lay in wait,

Their hearts were filled with fear and hate.

But Jaehaerys, brave and wise,

Saw through their cunning, their disguise,

With fire unknown and power dire,

He unleashed the fiendish fire.

The caves were filled with blazing light,

A dragon's breath, a fearsome sight,

A magic old, a spell untamed,

Engulfed the foes in searing flame.

No mortal flame, this fire dread,

With serpent tongues it swiftly spread,

Consumed all life within its grasp,

Turned stone to ash with fiery clasp.

The soldiers hid in shadowed gloom,

But Fiendfyre brought their fiery doom,

No place to run, no place to flee,

For Triarchy's men, no mercy, no plea.

The caves, once dark, were lit anew,

With flames that blazed both red and blue,

A cleansing fire, fierce and bright,

Turned darkest night to blinding light."

As the bard continued, the hall grew silent, all eyes and ears drawn to the vivid imagery his words conjured. Jaehaerys, seated near the head of the table alongside King Viserys and his other family members, could not help but feel a mix of pride and unease. The song painted him as a near-mythical figure, but he knew the truth of those harrowing nights spent battling in the caves and the forbidden magic he had dared to wield.

Rhaenyra and Laena, sitting beside him, exchanged glances of admiration and affection. Their eyes shone with pride for Jaehaerys, whose bravery had secured not only their victory but also their future. Even Daemon, leaning back with a goblet of wine in hand, allowed a rare smile to touch his lips as he listened.

The bard's song wove on, detailing the cunning traps Jaehaerys had set, the ambushes he had foiled, and the fierce battles fought in the darkness of the caves. The imagery of fire and magic left the audience in awe, their imaginations alight with the bard's vivid descriptions.

"With Fiendfyre's aid, our prince did stride,

Through narrow caves and corridors wide,

His enemies, in terror's grip,

Felt doom within their very midst.

Their schemes undone, their strength turned dust,

Their hopes and plans reduced to rust,

For Jaehaerys, with dragon's might,

Had turned the dark to blinding light.

So raise your cups, and let us cheer,

For the hero brave who knew no fear,

The prince who tamed the Fiendfyre's blaze,

And brought us peace in darkened days."

As the song concluded, a roar of applause erupted from the gathered nobles. Goblets were raised high in tribute to Jaehaerys, their voices chanting his name. 

"Jaehaerys! Jaehaerys!"

King Viserys stood, his eyes shining with pride as he looked down the table at his brother. "To my heir, Prince Jaehaerys, whose bravery and wisdom have brought us this great victory. The realm owes you a debt of gratitude."

Jaehaerys rose to acknowledge the applause, a humble smile on his lips. He lifted his goblet in a toast. "To the brave soldiers and allies who fought by my side, and to the peace we have secured for the realm. May it endure for generations to come."

As the revelry continued, Rhaenyra leaned in close to Jaehaerys. "The song was beautiful," she said softly. "You truly are a hero."

Jaehaerys chuckled, his expression warm. "The bard certainly has a way with words. But it was not just my doing. We all played our parts."

Laena nodded, her eyes filled with admiration. "Still, your bravery and quick thinking saved many lives. We are all proud of you."

Daemon, who had been watching the exchange with a smirk, raised his goblet in a silent toast to his brother. "To many more victories, Jaehaerys. And may the flames of Fiendfyre keep our enemies at bay."

Jaehaerys returned the toast, his mind momentarily drifting to the potion he had brewed and the plans they had set in motion. He hoped that their careful maneuvering would keep the realm safe and secure the future of House Targaryen.

The feast continued late into the night, the hall filled with music, laughter, and the warm glow of camaraderie. But even amidst the celebration, the wheels of intrigue and strategy continued to turn, setting the stage for the challenges and battles yet to come.

Daemon Targaryen moved with a purpose, the vial Jaehaerys had given him securely tucked away in his tunic. The revelry of the feast echoed through the corridors, a stark contrast to the quiet tension of Daemon's mission.

His eyes scanned the room, locking onto his targets: King Viserys and his betrothed, Alicent Hightower. They sat at the high table, surrounded by courtiers and nobility, their goblets filled with wine. Daemon moved closer, mingling with the guests, his demeanor casual but his mind focused on the task at hand.

As he neared the high table, he saw an opportunity. A servant approached with a tray of fresh goblets of wine. Daemon intercepted the servant, a charming smile on his lips. "Allow me to assist," he said smoothly, taking two goblets from the tray. The servant, caught off guard, nodded and moved on with the rest.

Daemon discreetly pulled out the vial, uncorking it with practiced ease. He poured the potion into the two goblets, watching as the liquid mixed seamlessly with the wine. With the deed done, he approached the high table, offering the goblets to Viserys and Alicent.

"Brother, future goodsister," Daemon said, his tone light and amiable. "A toast to your health and to the victory we celebrate tonight."

Viserys, his face flushed with joy and wine, accepted the goblet with a grin. "To victory," he echoed, lifting his goblet high. Alicent followed suit, her eyes shining as she smiled at Daemon.

"To victory," she repeated, her voice clear and bright.

Daemon watched intently as they drank, ensuring they consumed the potion-laced wine. A sense of satisfaction settled over him as he saw both Viserys and Alicent take generous sips, the potion now coursing through their veins. He raised his own goblet in a final silent toast, hiding the smirk that threatened to break free.

With the potion administered, Daemon slipped back into the crowd, his task complete. He felt a strange mix of triumph and unease, knowing the potential consequences of their actions. But his loyalty to Jaehaerys and their shared vision for the future of House Targaryen kept him resolute.

As the feast continued, Daemon returned to his seat beside Jaehaerys, leaning in to whisper in his brother's ear. "It's done. Viserys and Alicent drank the wine."

Jaehaerys nodded, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Good. Now we wait and see. This will buy us the time we need."

The two brothers exchanged a knowing glance, their bond solidified by the secrets they shared and the plans they had set in motion. The future of the realm rested in their hands, and they were determined to shape it according to their vision.

As the feast continued, Jaehaerys found himself momentarily separated from Daemon. The noise of celebration and the scent of roasted meats filled the air. He was lost in thought when he felt a gentle tug on his arm. Turning, he saw Laena and Rhaenyra, their faces illuminated by the flickering torchlight, their eyes full of mischief and intent.

Without a word, they led him through a side door and down a dimly lit corridor, away from the prying eyes and ears of the revelers. The sounds of the feast grew fainter as they moved deeper into the secluded part of the Red Keep. Finally, they stopped in a small, candlelit alcove, the flickering light casting dancing shadows on the stone walls.

Laena was the first to speak, her voice a soft whisper. "We've missed you, Jaehaerys. With all the planning and plotting, there's been little time for us."

Rhaenyra stepped closer, her hand gently cupping his cheek. "We wanted a moment alone with you. Just the three of us."

Before Jaehaerys could respond, Laena pressed her lips to his, a kiss full of longing and affection. Rhaenyra followed, her kiss equally passionate and tender. Jaehaerys found himself lost in the warmth and love of the two women, his mind momentarily free of the burdens and schemes that had consumed him.

The kisses deepened, and the world outside the alcove seemed to disappear. The only reality was the closeness and intimacy they shared, a stolen moment of peace and connection amidst the chaos of their lives. Laena's hands were in his hair, and Rhaenyra's arms wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer.

They took turns, their kisses lingering and full of unspoken promises. It was a reminder of what they fought for, the love and unity that bound them together. In this secluded corner of the Red Keep, away from the politics and intrigue, they found solace in each other.

Eventually, the need for air forced them to break apart, their breaths mingling in the cool, candlelit air. Jaehaerys looked at Laena and Rhaenyra, his heart swelling with affection. "I've missed you both too," he said softly, his voice thick with emotion. "These moments are what keep me going."

Laena smiled, her eyes shining. "We'll have more of them, I promise. Once all of this is over."

Rhaenyra nodded, her fingers intertwining with Jaehaerys'. "Until then, we'll take whatever moments we can get."

They shared one last lingering kiss, a silent vow to each other. Then, reluctantly, they stepped back, knowing they had to return to the feast. With their hearts a little lighter and their resolve a little stronger, they made their way back, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them.

As they rejoined the festivities, Jaehaerys felt a renewed sense of purpose. The love and support of Laena and Rhaenyra were his anchor, and with them by his side, he felt invincible. The future of House Targaryen was uncertain, but together, they were ready to shape it.

Meanwhile, Daemon was carefully observing the people attending the feast, when a servant approached him discreetly and handed him a folded piece of parchment. Daemon unfolded it quickly, his eyes scanning the familiar handwriting.


I need to speak with you immediately. It's urgent. I'm waiting outside the hall.  

- Mysaria

Daemon's eyes narrowed. Mysaria wouldn't risk summoning him during such an important event unless it was crucial. He cast a quick glance at Viserys and Alicent, noting their preoccupation with the bard's song and the revelry. 

Slipping away from the feast, he navigated through the corridors of the Red Keep, his steps quick and silent. As he approached the main entrance, the cool night air greeted him, along with the shadowy figure of Mysaria, waiting just outside the hall. 

"Mysaria," Daemon greeted her in a low voice. "What's so urgent that it couldn't wait?"

Mysaria's eyes were sharp and alert. "I've uncovered a plan that you need to know about immediately. Otto Hightower and the High Septon are conspiring to turn the people against Jaehaerys. They intend to incite the crowds against his use of magic to reinstate the Faith Militant."

Daemon's expression darkened. "Are you certain?"

"Absolutely," she replied. "My sources are reliable. They plan to use the fear of dark magic to rally the Faithful and destabilize Jaehaerys' position. We need to act quickly."

Daemon nodded, processing the information. "This complicates things. We can't let their plan come to fruition."

Mysaria stepped closer, her voice urgent. "There's more. They've already started spreading rumors. It won't be long before the people are riled up and demanding action. We need a counter-strategy."

Daemon's mind raced. "I need to get back to the hall. Jaehaerys must be informed, and we need to adjust our plans. Thank you, Mysaria. Your information is invaluable."

"Be careful, Daemon," Mysaria warned. "The situation is volatile, and one wrong move could ignite a fire we can't control."

Daemon nodded, his resolve steeled. "I will. Stay safe and keep gathering information. We'll need every advantage we can get."

With a final, meaningful look, Daemon turned and headed back into the hall, his mind now juggling the urgent task of slipping the potion into Viserys and Alicent's wine and the newly discovered threat against Jaehaerys. As he re-entered the feast, he spotted Jaehaerys returning from his secluded moment with Laena and Rhaenyra. He made his way over, determined to share the critical information discreetly.

Approaching Jaehaerys, he leaned in, his voice barely above a whisper. "We have a problem. Otto and the High Septon are plotting to turn the people against you, using your magic as a pretext to reinstate the Faith Militant."

Jaehaerys' eyes flickered with a mix of concern and anger. "We need to address this immediately."

Daemon nodded. "Agreed."

As the two brothers exchanged a quick, meaningful glance, they knew the stakes had just been raised. The game was more dangerous than ever, and they would need to be smarter and more cunning to protect their family and their realm.

Back on the streets of King's Landing, the tension was palpable. A growing number of Septon and Septa were strategically positioned throughout the bustling city, their voices rising above the din of everyday life. They spoke of dark magic and ancient curses, painting Prince Jaehaerys as a dangerous sorcerer whose use of forbidden powers threatened the very fabric of the realm.

"Beware the prince who dabbles in the dark arts!" cried one Septon, standing atop a crate in the crowded market square. "His magic will bring ruin upon us all!"

"Remember the Faith Militant!" shouted a Septa from the steps of a prominent sept. "Only through piety and devotion can we cleanse the realm of this unholy influence!"

The fearmongering began to take root, as whispers of doubt and fear spread among the common folk. However, just as the seeds of panic started to sprout, a group of soldiers who had fought in the Stepstones began to push back against the rising tide of suspicion.

"Hold your tongues!" bellowed Ser Harwin Strong, a knight who had served with distinction in the Stepstones. He stood tall and imposing, his voice carrying authority and conviction. "Prince Jaehaerys is a hero, a man who led us to victory against overwhelming odds. He saved countless lives with his courage and strategic brilliance."

The crowd murmured, some nodding in agreement while others remained skeptical. Another soldier, a grizzled veteran named Ser Gawen Corbray, stepped forward to add his voice to the defense. "I saw what he did with my own eyes. Those soldiers hidden in the caves would have slaughtered us all if not for Prince Jaehaerys. He used his knowledge and skill to protect us, not to harm us."

A young woman, a healer who had tended to the wounded on the battlefield, raised her voice next. "His magic is not dark or evil. It's a gift that he uses to protect the realm and its people. Those who spread lies about him are either ignorant or malicious."

The Septon, momentarily taken aback by the soldiers' fervent defense, quickly tried to regain control. "You are blinded by your loyalty. Magic of that kind can only bring destruction."

Ser Harwin stepped forward, his eyes blazing with righteous anger. "And you are blinded by your fear and ignorance. We owe our lives to Prince Jaehaerys, and we will not stand by while you spread lies and incite fear. We fought for the realm, and we will fight to defend the honor of the man who led us to victory."

The crowd, now swayed by the passionate defense of the soldiers and healer, began to shift. Murmurs of agreement spread, and the fearmongering of the Septons and Septas started to lose its grip. The common folk, many of whom had family members or friends who had fought in the Stepstones, found it harder to believe the dark tales spun by the clergy.

Seeing their efforts to incite fear falter, the Septons and Septas exchanged worried glances. Their plan to undermine Prince Jaehaerys and rally support for the reinstatement of the Faith Militant was not going as smoothly as they had hoped.

As the soldiers continued to speak out, more people began to question the motives behind the fearmongering. The streets of King's Landing, once filled with uncertainty and dread, now buzzed with a growing sense of unity and resolve. The defenders of Prince Jaehaerys had turned the tide, at least for now, and the attempts to sow discord were met with resistance and skepticism.

Back at the Red Keep, unaware of the drama unfolding in the streets, Jaehaerys and Daemon continued their intricate dance of politics and power. The information from Mysaria and the defense by the soldiers had bought them precious time. But the battle for hearts and minds was far from over, and they knew that their enemies would not give up so easily. The game was only just beginning.

In a dimly lit chamber deep within the underground chapel built long before King's Landing was raised, the High Septon and Otto Hightower convened to discuss their recent setback. The air was thick with the scent of incense, and the flickering candlelight cast long shadows on the ancient stone walls. The mood was tense, frustration evident in their expressions.

Otto paced back and forth, his face a mask of barely controlled anger. "The soldiers from the Stepstones have thwarted our plans," he said, his voice low and sharp. "They've defended Prince Jaehaerys publicly, turning the crowd against our warnings."

The High Septon, seated on an ornate chair, folded his hands in contemplation. His eyes were narrowed, his expression one of deep concern. "It appears we underestimated the loyalty and influence of those who fought under Jaehaerys. Their testimonies have swayed the people, at least for now."

Otto stopped pacing and turned to face the High Septon, his eyes blazing with determination. "We cannot afford to let this continue. The prince's use of magic is a threat to both the realm and the Faith. If we do not act swiftly, his influence will only grow stronger."

The High Septon nodded slowly, his mind racing with possibilities. "We must find another way to undermine him, a way that cannot be easily countered by his supporters."

Otto approached the table in the center of the room, where a map of King's Landing and its surrounding areas was spread out. He traced a finger along the lines, deep in thought. "Perhaps we need to shift our focus. If we cannot turn the people against him through fear alone, we must find another angle."

The High Septon leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with a new idea. "What if we expose his magic for what it truly is? We could find someone who has witnessed it firsthand, someone whose word would carry weight and who can be easily manipulated to serve our purpose."

Otto nodded slowly, considering the suggestion. "That might work, but it will require careful planning. We need to ensure that our informant is credible and their testimony irrefutable."

The High Septon stood, his robes rustling softly as he moved to join Otto by the map. "We must also be prepared to exploit any mistakes Jaehaerys might make. If we can catch him in an act that appears unquestionably malevolent, it will be easier to turn the people against him."

Otto's eyes narrowed as he studied the map. "We should also strengthen our alliances within the court. There are those who already harbor suspicions about Jaehaerys and his magic. We can use their influence to further our cause."

The High Septon placed a hand on Otto's shoulder, a gesture of solidarity. "We must proceed with caution and precision. One wrong move could unravel everything we've worked for."

Otto nodded, his expression resolute. "Agreed. We will reconvene with our most trusted allies and devise a new strategy. Jaehaerys may have won this round, but the game is far from over."

As they parted ways, both men were determined to find a way to bring down Prince Jaehaerys. Their setback had only strengthened their resolve, and they knew that they needed to be more cunning and ruthless than ever. The future of the realm—and their own power—depended on it.

In a private chamber within the Red Keep, Daemon, Jaehaerys, Lord Corlys, Rhaenys, Laena, Laenor, and Rhaenyra convened to discuss their counterstrategy. The room was filled with a sense of urgency and determination, the air buzzing with the energy of their collective resolve. They had just received word of the soldiers' staunch defense of Jaehaerys, a development that had buoyed their spirits and fortified their commitment to their cause.

Jaehaerys stood at the head of the table, his gaze sweeping over the gathered faces. "The soldiers' defense is a significant victory for us," he began, his voice calm and authoritative. "It shows that our actions in the Stepstones have earned us loyalty and respect. But we must be prepared for Otto and the High Septon's next move."

Daemon leaned against the wall, a smirk playing on his lips. "They're desperate now. They'll try something even more underhanded. We need to stay ahead of them."

Lord Corlys, his expression thoughtful, spoke up. "We should capitalize on the goodwill we've earned. Strengthen our alliances with the common folk and the nobility who support us. If we can rally more people to our cause, it will be harder for Otto and the High Septon to turn them against us."

Rhaenys nodded in agreement. "We must also be vigilant. They will likely attempt to smear Jaehaerys' name through false accusations or by exploiting any mistakes we make. We cannot give them any ammunition."

Laena, her eyes bright with determination, added, "We should also consider proactive measures. Discredit Otto and the High Septon before they can launch their next attack. Expose their schemes to the public."

Jaehaerys looked at Rhaenyra, who had been listening intently. "Rhaenyra, your presence and influence are vital. The people trust you, and your support will bolster our position."

Rhaenyra smiled slightly, her confidence clear. "I will do whatever is necessary to protect our family and the realm. We should also gather information on Otto and the High Septon's next moves. If we can anticipate their actions, we can counter them more effectively."

Laenor, who had been quiet until now, spoke up. "We also need to ensure our forces are ready. If it comes to open conflict, we must be prepared to defend ourselves and our supporters."

Jaehaerys nodded, his mind racing with possibilities. "Agreed. We will strengthen our alliances, gather intelligence, and prepare our forces. But we must also be strategic. We cannot afford to act rashly."

Daemon, his eyes gleaming with a mix of excitement and determination, added, "And we should continue to undermine Otto and the High Septon from within. Sow discord among their ranks, turn their allies against them."

Jaehaerys looked around the room, feeling a sense of unity and purpose. "We have the advantage now, but we must remain vigilant and proactive. Together, we will protect our family and the realm from those who seek to undermine us."

Then, Jaehaerys leaned forward, his eyes narrowing thoughtfully. "There's one more thing we can do. A Trial of Seven. It's a rare and ancient tradition, but it holds significant weight. By challenging the Faith to a Trial of Seven, we can force them to prove their accusations against us in combat. If they fail, it will silence their fearmongering and demonstrate the gods' favor towards us."

The room fell silent as they considered his words. Rhaenys nodded slowly. "It's a bold move, but it could work. The Faith would be hard-pressed to refuse such a challenge without losing face."

Laena smiled, her eyes glinting with approval. "And it would give us the chance to show our strength and unity. The people would see that we have nothing to fear from the Faith's accusations."

Rhaenyra looked at Jaehaerys, admiration in her gaze. "You're right. A Trial of Seven could turn the tide in our favor. But we must choose our champions carefully."

Lord Corlys nodded in agreement. "We have strong warriors among us. We can do this."

Daemon, his smirk widening, added, "I always did enjoy a good fight. Let's give the Faith something to remember."

With their plan set, the group felt a renewed sense of determination. They knew the road ahead would be fraught with challenges, but they were ready to face them head-on, united in their goal to safeguard House Targaryen and ensure its future. The Trial of Seven would be a decisive moment in their struggle, and they were prepared to meet it with all the strength and courage they possessed.

The next day in the Throne Room, the atmosphere was charged with tension. The grand chamber was filled with courtiers, nobles, and commoners alike, all eager to hear Prince Jaehaerys address the accusations laid against him by the Faith. The High Septon stood prominently, flanked by a few of his trusted followers, his face a mask of stern disapproval. 

Jaehaerys stepped forward, his presence commanding attention. He raised his voice, addressing the assembled crowd. "People of King's Landing, I stand before you today to confront the accusations the Faith has leveled against me. They claim I consort with dark magic, that I endanger the realm with my actions. These claims are false, borne out of fear and misunderstanding."

Murmurs rippled through the crowd, a mixture of curiosity and skepticism. The High Septon stepped forward, his voice booming. "Prince Jaehaerys, your use of sorcery is well known. It is a danger to the faithful and to the realm. You must cease these practices or face the consequences."

A heated debate ensued, with voices rising in support of both sides. Harwin Strong, a seasoned and respected knight, stepped forward, his voice cutting through the din. "Prince Jaehaerys has shown nothing but dedication to the realm. His actions in the Stepstones saved countless lives and secured peace. To accuse him of dark magic is an affront to his honor and to the services he has rendered."

Gawen Cobray, a steadfast ally of Jaehaerys, added his voice. "The prince's methods may be unconventional, but they are driven by a desire to protect and strengthen the realm. The Faith should recognize his intentions and support him, not condemn him based on fear and ignorance."

The High Septon's followers jeered, but the crowd's opinion seemed to be swaying in Jaehaerys' favor. Seeing an opportunity, Jaehaerys raised his hand for silence. "The truth must prevail, and the realm deserves to see it. Therefore, I propose a Trial by Seven, as is our ancient custom. Let seven of the Faith's champions face seven of my own. Let the gods decide who is in the right."

A collective gasp went up from the crowd, followed by a low murmur of excitement and apprehension. The High Septon's face darkened, but he could not refuse such a challenge without appearing cowardly. "Very well," he said, his voice strained. "The gods will judge this matter."

Jaehaerys nodded, a confident glint in his eye. "Then it is settled. We will prepare for the trial, and let the gods' will be done."

The crowd buzzed with anticipation as the gathering dispersed. Jaehaerys turned to Harwin and Gawen, gratitude in his eyes. "Thank you for your support. We have taken a bold step, and I will need your strength in the days to come."

Harwin clasped his shoulder. "We stand with you, Prince Jaehaerys. The Faith will not succeed in their schemes."

Gawen nodded in agreement. "We'll see this through. The gods will favor the truth."

As they left the Throne Room, the tension between the crown and the Faith had reached its zenith. The Trial by Seven would be a decisive moment, a test of strength and resolve that would shape the future of the realm. Jaehaerys and his allies were prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead, united in their determination to protect House Targaryen and ensure its rightful place in history.


Author's Note:

Hello, dear readers!

I hope you're enjoying the story so far. We're approaching a pivotal moment with the Trial by Seven, a tradition where seven champions from each side will face off to determine the will of the gods. This is a significant event that will shape the future of House Targaryen and the realm.

I'd love to hear your suggestions for who the seven champions of the Faith and the seven champions of Jaehaerys should be. Your input will help bring this epic confrontation to life and add depth to the characters involved.

Thank you for your continued support and for being a part of this journey. I look forward to reading your suggestions and incorporating them into the story!

Best regards.


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