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66.66% Harry Potter: MageX / Chapter 15: Chapter 14

Chapter 15: Chapter 14

Later that afternoon, after what could only be described as a magical assessment that was more impressive than a triple-scoop ice cream sundae on a hot day, Jean, Harry, and their friends were invited to the Great Hall. This wasn't just any regular Hogwarts lunch or a random feast; today, it was a special meeting with a wandmaker.

The hall was buzzing with anticipation. At the center of the room, looking like he'd stepped straight out of a wizarding renaissance fair, stood Garrick Ollivander, the legendary wandmaker. With his wide, pale eyes and a nose that could rival any eagle's beak for sharpness, he was practically a wizarding celebrity. Dumbledore had summoned him to help with the unique wand needs of Harry and Jean.

As they entered, Ollivander's gaze settled on Harry and Jean like a hawk spotting its prey—or, more appropriately, like a wandmaker spotting an exceptional wand core. "Ah, Mr. Potter," he greeted, his voice as smooth as a velvet cloak. "A pleasure as always. And you must be Miss Grey. I've heard quite a bit about the two of you."

Dumbledore, who had been standing nearby looking like the world's most benevolent grandpa, nodded in agreement. "Indeed, Garrick. Harry and Jean have been gifted M'Kraan Crystals by the Phoenix Force. We believe they might serve as powerful wand cores. Your expertise is essential to ensure that these wands can harness their full potential."

Ollivander's eyes lit up with curiosity as he examined the dark pink crystals Harry and Jean handed over. "M'Kraan Crystals," he murmured, turning them over with the kind of reverence usually reserved for rare antiques. "I've read about these, but never had the chance to work with them personally. They are reputed to be exceptionally potent and in tune with their wielder's energies."

He fixed a serious look on Harry and Jean. "These crystals are not to be trifled with. They will amplify your magic immensely, but they'll demand considerable control and discipline."

Jean nodded eagerly, her eyes bright with determination. "We understand, Mr. Ollivander. We're ready to take on the challenge."

Harry, not one to be outdone in the determination department, added, "We trust your expertise. We need wands that will help us channel our abilities effectively."

Ollivander's smile widened, clearly impressed with their resolve. "Very well then. The next step is selecting the wood. For cores as powerful as the M'Kraan Crystals, we need woods that can match their strength."

He led them to a table laden with various wand woods, each one seemingly whispering secrets of magic. "Each of these woods has unique properties. Given the nature of the Phoenix Force, we should consider woods known for their strength and adaptability."

He picked up a piece of ebony, holding it like a precious artifact. "Ebony is ideal for those with a strong sense of self. It offers great protection and is excellent for combat magic."

Next, he held up a length of vine wood. "Vine wood is flexible and attuned to those with a sense of purpose. It responds well to the wielder's intentions."

Finally, he displayed a piece of yew. "Yew is incredibly powerful and enhances the magical capabilities of its owner. It's rare and often associated with those destined for greatness."

Jean touched various pieces of wood, her fingers brushing over them like she was conducting an elemental symphony. When she encountered a piece of holly, she felt a warm resonance. "This one," she said with a confident nod, lifting the holly wood. "It feels right."

Harry, meanwhile, was drawn to a piece of elder wood. The moment he picked it up, he felt a powerful connection. "Elder," he declared, his voice firm with certainty. "This is the one."

Ollivander examined their choices with a nod of approval. "Holly for Miss Grey and elder for Mr. Potter. Excellent choices. However," he added, studying the woods and crystals together, "there's something missing. These wands need an additional element to balance their immense power."

He reached into his pouch and pulled out several small vials of rare metals. "These metals each have unique properties. Perhaps one of them will complete your wands."

Jean and Harry inspected the vials like they were examining rare artifacts. Jean was immediately drawn to a vial containing a golden metal. "This one," she said, handing it over with a decisive nod. "It feels like it will amplify the holly and the M'Kraan Crystal perfectly."

Ollivander's eyes gleamed. "Ah, adamantine. A metal of extraordinary durability. An excellent choice."

Harry, on the other hand, was intrigued by a vial containing a purple metal. "This one," he said, his eyes meeting Ollivander's with a spark of excitement. "I think it's the right fit."

Ollivander studied the purple metal closely. "Vibranium," he mused. "A rare and powerful metal known for its remarkable properties. It will complement the elder wood and M'Kraan Crystal beautifully."

With the materials chosen, Ollivander's skilled hands went to work. He crafted Jean's wand with the adamantine and holly wood, shaping it into a sleek, elegant form. The M'Kraan Crystal was embedded at the tip, glowing with vibrant energy. The result was a wand that looked like it could command the very elements.

Harry's wand, on the other hand, was a formidable creation. The vibranium was expertly fused with the elder wood, creating a sturdy grip. The M'Kraan Crystal was set into a special pommel at the top, giving the wand a sleek, dagger-like appearance.

As Ollivander finished his work, he stepped back with a satisfied smile. "Here you are," he said, presenting the wands. "Your new companions."

Jean and Harry took their wands, feeling an immediate, deep connection. "They're incredible," Jean said, her voice filled with awe.

Harry nodded, his excitement evident. "Yeah, they feel... right."

Ollivander's smile widened. "Remember, these wands are extensions of yourselves, reflecting your strength and determination."

Jean and Harry exchanged a look that said more than words could express. They were ready for whatever came next, side by side, ready to face challenges with their new magical tools.

As Dumbledore, Sirius, Susan, and Tonks admired the wands, Dumbledore's gaze lingered on Harry's elder wood wand. He was deep in thought, contemplating the rare and symbolic significance of elder wood. The wand was not only powerful but also represented wisdom and the passage of time.

Sirius, ever the mix of bravado and mischief, couldn't help but crack a joke. "Well, Harry, looks like you've got yourself a wand as serious as I am. And you know what they say about elder wands—don't mess with them unless you're ready for some serious magic!"

Tonks, ever the clumsy yet lovable presence, tripped over a stray chair leg as she said, "Wotcher, Harry! Nice wand. Just don't go breaking any more than usual, alright?"

In the midst of all this, Ororo, standing with an air of calm dignity, observed the scene with a hint of a smile. Her presence was a quiet reassurance, though everyone knew that when she got angry, she was a force to be reckoned with.

As the group prepared to leave, Dumbledore's thoughts were a mix of contemplation and resolve. He was ready to support Harry and Jean in their new journey, knowing that the path ahead would be anything but ordinary.

The Hogwarts night was about as peaceful as a dragon in a tea shop. With excitement for their Diagon Alley trip buzzing like a horde of pixies, everyone was gearing up for bed. The atmosphere was thick with anticipation and a dash of pre-adventure jitters.

Jean and Ororo had the room with the view. Seriously, who wouldn't be excited with a moonlit Hogwarts landscape staring back at you? Jean was twirling her new wand like she'd just won the magical lottery, marveling at how perfect it felt. Ororo, the epitome of calm and collected, was buried in a book on magical theory, her regal demeanor almost glowing in the moonlight.

"Are you excited for tomorrow?" Ororo asked, peeking over her book with a knowing smile.

"Totally," Jean said, her eyes practically sparkling. "I've read every single thing about Diagon Alley. I can't wait to see it in real life."

Meanwhile, in the next room, things were a bit more chaotic. Tonks and Susan were in full gossip mode. Tonks, with her usual clumsiness, was demonstrating how she could trip over her own feet while recounting tales from her Hogwarts days.

"So, you're telling me there are secret spots for some alone time?" Susan asked, eyes wide and full of teenage curiosity.

Tonks grinned, though she nearly tripped over her own shoelaces while doing so. "Oh, absolutely! Hogwarts is practically built for sneaking around. Just watch out for Filch and Mrs. Norris. They're like the ultimate sneak-detection squad."

In Harry and Sirius's room, things were quieter, but no less tense. The room was comfy enough, with a massive window giving a view of the Forbidden Forest, which looked like something out of a horror flick. Sirius, always the jokester with a name that rhymes with "serious," was unpacking their stuff with a mix of practicality and mischief.

"You all set for tomorrow, Harry?" Sirius asked, his eyes twinkling with that familiar mix of humor and affection.

Harry stared out at the dark forest, feeling the weight of the night. "Yeah, it's just... everything's changing so fast. I'm excited to see Ron and Hermione, but I've got this weird feeling about the forest."

Sirius clapped Harry on the back, almost like he was trying to knock the worry out of him. "Don't sweat it. We'll make sure you've got everything you need for school. And don't let the forest spook you too much. It's part of the Hogwarts charm—danger mixed with a little wonder."

Later, as the castle settled into a deep silence, Harry's newfound psionic senses—thanks to a little gift from the Phoenix Force—started buzzing. It was like having a really unsettling alarm clock that went off in his brain. This dark, gnawing sensation was tugging at him, and it was coming from the Forbidden Forest. Great.

Trying to ignore the fact that he was about to have a serious conversation with himself (again), Harry dressed quickly and opened the window. Just as he was about to make his dramatic exit into the night, Sirius's sleepy voice cut through the quiet.

"Harry, where do you think you're going?" Sirius asked, sounding half-awake but very concerned.

"There's something in the forest," Harry said, his voice tight with urgency. "I need to check it out. I'll be back soon."

Before Sirius could fully process what was happening, Harry leapt out the window and took off toward the forest. Sirius, now wide awake and panicking, grabbed his wand and bolted from the room. He had to keep up with Harry—after all, he didn't want to be the godfather who let his kid get into trouble.

Sirius sprinted through the halls, his thoughts a mix of "I'm being a terrible godfather" and "Why did I have to transform into a big black dog now?" He hit the entrance of the castle, changed into his Animagus form, and bounded into the night. The Forbidden Forest loomed ahead, dark and ominous, but Sirius wasn't about to let Harry face whatever it was alone.

Back in their room, Susan was lying in bed, feeling a weird mix of admiration and jealousy. The way Harry and Jean interacted was like watching a soap opera—full of unsaid words and electric chemistry. Susan sighed, trying to ignore the pang in her chest. Jean and Harry were definitely a thing, and Susan could see it clearly, even if she was still trying to figure out her own feelings.

Harry touched down in the Acromantula Colony with a superhero-level thud, sending a few startled leaves fluttering into the night. It wasn't the grandest entrance he'd ever made, but it was definitely dramatic. He straightened up, immediately locking eyes with Aragog, the colossal spider who had once almost made a meal out of him and Ron.

Aragog's many eyes glittered in the dim light, looking both curious and a tad annoyed. "Who dares disturb my beauty sleep?" the giant spider rumbled in a voice like gravel being crushed underfoot.

"Hey there, Aragog," Harry said, trying to sound casual despite facing a spider that could probably eat a truck. "It's Harry Potter. You might remember me from that time I didn't die horribly at your hands."

Aragog's eyes narrowed as he scuttled closer. "Harry Potter... I recall you. And your friend Ron. I nearly had you for dinner."

"Ah, yes," Harry said, raising an eyebrow. "The 'almost-eaten' incident. Appreciate the hospitality, really. But now your spider buddies are causing a bit of a problem for Hogwarts."

Aragog's mandibles clicked in what sounded like disapproval. "We don't leave the forest. We don't hunt children."

"That's the thing," Harry said, trying to sound as reasonable as one could when negotiating with a giant spider. "You mentioned your kids were getting a little rowdy last time. I remember you said it was only your presence keeping them in line. You're getting up there in age, Aragog. Soon, you won't be able to manage them anymore."

Aragog's eyes flickered with what might have been acknowledgment—or perhaps just a touch of grumpiness. "Yes, my time is approaching."

Harry took a deep breath, channeling every ounce of his inner hero. "So, here's the deal. If we can't figure out a way to keep your colony from becoming a danger to Hogwarts, I might have to take more serious steps. And trust me, nobody wants that."

Before Aragog could retort, a spider the size of a small car lunged at Harry. It was so fast, it almost looked like it had a jetpack. Harry reacted instinctively, summoning his psionic powers and conjuring a spear of crackling energy. The spear shot forward with a satisfying zzzzap, spearing the acromantula mid-leap.

The acromantula screeched in a way that made Harry's teeth ache. It twisted and thrashed as if trying to get out of a really uncomfortable date. As it died, Harry felt a rush of power course through him, almost like he'd just chugged a super-sized energy drink—if that drink were made from spider guts.

More acromantulas swarmed in, their legs moving in a chaotic dance of menace. Harry sprang into action, using his newly enhanced abilities to slice through them with a blur of psionic energy. It was like being in a video game, except with more squelchy spider goo and fewer respawns.

Every strike of his spear sent a shower of spider bits flying, and every blast of psionic energy made the air sizzle. The forest floor became a grisly battleground, with Harry at the center, dodging and weaving through the chaos. His healing factor kicked in, mending wounds as fast as they appeared, which was good because there was a lot of spider goo flying around.

As the last acromantula crumpled to the ground, Harry stood amid a battlefield of spider carnage, breathing heavily but feeling oddly exhilarated. The forest was eerily quiet once more, save for the occasional rustle of leaves and the distant chirping of crickets.

Harry wiped a bit of spider goo from his face and looked around. "Well," he said to no one in particular, "that was a bit of a mess. But hey, at least Hogwarts is safe for now. Until the next creepy-crawly decides to drop by." 

Sirius arrived at the scene of the aftermath with impeccable timing, just as if he'd been rehearsing a dramatic entrance for weeks. His eyes widened as he took in the gruesome sight: a mountain of lifeless Acromantulas strewn across the forest floor like an over-the-top horror movie set.

"Harry... what in Merlin's name happened here?" Sirius's voice wavered, a mix of shock and awe coloring his tone as he took in the battlefield.

Harry, standing amidst the carnage like a gritty action hero, met Sirius's gaze with a tired but resolute look. "There was no other choice, Sirius. These Acromantulas were becoming a serious threat to Hogwarts. I had to take action."

Sirius's expression morphed into one of reluctant admiration mixed with deep concern. "I get it, Harry. I do. But—" He trailed off, seemingly at a loss for words, his usual quick wit momentarily muted by the gravity of the situation.

Just then, a raspy voice cut through the silence, drawing their attention. "Young wizard... you have brought death to my children."

Harry turned to see Aragog, the ancient Acromantula, lying still with a defiant spark still flickering in his many eyes. "I had no choice, Aragog," Harry said, his voice carrying the weight of reluctant resolve. "Your colony was a danger to the school. I had to protect my friends."

Aragog's mandibles clicked together in a sound that could almost be described as a spider's sigh. "I understand, young wizard. My time is ending. You should finish me off as well, to end the Acromantula threat."

Harry's heart sank as he stared at Aragog. He took a deep breath and gripped his psionic sword tightly. Every step he took toward the ancient spider felt like a mile, laden with the burden of the decision he was about to make. With a final, somber breath, Harry raised the sword and delivered a swift, merciful strike, ending Aragog's suffering in one clean motion.

As the life faded from Aragog's eyes, Harry felt a strange mix of relief and sadness. He knew it was necessary, but the weight of it lingered heavily. Turning away from the fallen spider, he felt the gravity of his actions settle on him like an unwelcome cloak.

Sirius, standing nearby, broke the heavy silence with a question that was half frustration, half curiosity. "Why'd you do it, Harry? This doesn't exactly line up with Dumbledore's usual pep talk. Killing creatures isn't exactly his style."

Harry sighed, the weight of his choice pressing down on him like a particularly dense book. "I know, Sirius. I'm not exactly following the Dumbledore fan club's handbook these days. Sometimes, you have to act to protect what you care about, even if it means stepping off the beaten path."

Sirius's face lit up with a grin, as if Harry had just delivered the punchline to a joke. "Not the Dumbledore's Pet anymore, eh? I knew you had some bite in you, kid."

Harry shot him a half-smile. "Not exactly my idea of a good time, but yeah, I guess I'm making my own rules now."

Sirius slapped Harry on the back, a mischievous glint in his eye. "That's the spirit! A bit of rebelliousness is good for the soul. Now, speaking of making money—"

"Money?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Absolutely!" Sirius's eyes practically sparkled with excitement. "Look at all these Acromantula bodies. The silk and venom are worth a small fortune. And don't get me started on Basilisk byproducts. We could rake in some serious Galleons!"

Harry's eyes brightened. "Can we also harvest the Basilisk?"

"Definitely," Sirius said, nodding vigorously. "We'll need to be smart about it, though. It's not a job for amateurs. Let's chat with the Goblins at Gringotts. They're experts at this sort of thing."

"Great idea," Harry agreed. "We're headed to Diagon Alley anyway. We'll swing by Gringotts and sort out the details."

Sirius, ever the practical joker, winked at Harry. "I'd say we're about to have a serious fortune on our hands, but I'm pretty sure that joke's been done to death."

With that, Sirius began casting protective and preservation charms over the Acromantula bodies, his wand movements precise and purposeful. "There we go. These guys will stay intact until we can get them to Gringotts."

As Harry and Sirius headed back toward the castle, their footsteps echoing in the night, the mood was a curious mix of contemplation and optimism. They had made tough choices, but there was a shared sense of purpose in their stride. Hogwarts was safer now, and with the promise of a profitable venture ahead, they felt a glimmer of hope amidst the shadows.

The morning sun was practically showing off as it bathed Diagon Alley in a golden glow, turning the magical thoroughfare into a picture-perfect postcard. Harry, Jean, Susan, Sirius, Tonks, and Ororo walked down the cobblestone street, their footsteps creating a rhythmic chorus against the bustling backdrop. The shops were already in full swing, and it seemed like the entire alley was alive with a kind of excitement that felt almost tangible.

Sirius, the resident troublemaker with a grin that could outshine the sun, stopped in front of Quality Quidditch Supplies. His eyes were glued to the latest Firebolt broomstick on display, practically vibrating with excitement.

"Hey, Harry," Sirius said with that trademark mischievous sparkle, "how about we get you that Firebolt? I know you've been dreaming about upgrading."

Harry raised an eyebrow, already bracing himself for the impending banter. "Thanks, Sirius, but I've got my mutant powers for flying now."

Sirius's eyebrows shot up like he'd seen a dragon fly by. "Right, right, forgot about that. But come on, you still need a broom for Quidditch. It's like having the coolest accessory!"

Harry chuckled, shaking his head. "I already have a Nimbus 2000, and it's been great."

Sirius threw his hands up in mock exasperation. "A faster broom means you can dodge anything. It's practically a no-brainer!"

"Alright, alright," Harry relented, rolling his eyes. "If you're that insistent, go for it."

As they continued their shopping spree, the group scattered like a pack of well-dressed, magical wildlings. Harry lost himself among the books on advanced magical theory, while Jean ogled spellcasting implements with a level of reverence that suggested she might have been a spell-caster in a past life. Susan and Tonks explored the latest wizarding fashions, though Susan's attention kept drifting towards Harry and Jean's interactions with a mix of curiosity and a budding crush she tried to conceal. Ororo, in her regal manner, marveled at enchanted jewelry as if she were considering adding a few pieces to her goddess-level wardrobe.

Meanwhile, Tonks, with her usual clumsiness, stumbled over a stack of dragon-hide gloves. "Wotcher, everyone!" she said with a grin, catching herself. "These shop floors are out to get me, I swear."

Sirius couldn't help but laugh, though a touch of concern softened his mirth. "Careful there, Dora. The floor's been looking pretty shifty lately."

"Don't call me Dora!" Tonks shot back, though she couldn't quite hide her amusement. "I'll hex anyone who does—except my mum, obviously."

Ororo, ever the picture of calm grace, watched with an amused smile. "And here I thought I had seen everything," she said, her serene demeanor almost glowing with fondness for her chaotic companions.

The chemistry between Harry and Jean was palpable, like the air before a storm. Their interactions were a delicate dance of glances and awkward smiles, each moment tinged with the unspoken tension of their mutual crushes. It was the sort of thing that made the heart race and the mind spin, especially when you were thirteen and trying to navigate the wild world of feelings.

Sirius's eyes softened as he looked at Harry, reflecting on the boy's resemblance to his parents, James and Lily. His own sense of responsibility weighed heavily on him, a mix of affection, regret, and a fierce desire to be a positive presence in Harry's life. Despite his knack for impulsive decisions and his tendency to rush into things without always thinking them through, his love for Harry was unwavering.

As they exited Quality Quidditch Supplies, Sirius couldn't resist one last joke. "Well, if you change your mind about the Firebolt, just remember—my name rhymes with 'serious.'"

Harry grinned, shaking his head. "You and your puns, Sirius. Can't escape them, can we?"

Sirius gave him a proud look. "It's all part of the fun, kid. We've got more adventures ahead, and I'm not going to let you forget it."

With the group's camaraderie and shared experiences binding them closer together, they continued their exploration of Diagon Alley. Despite the dangers and challenges looming on the horizon, they knew that their friendship and the strength of their bonds would see them through.

Here's a rewrite of the scene incorporating all the elements you requested, styled like Rick Riordan but in third person:


As the group entered Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor, they were immediately enveloped by the inviting aroma of freshly baked waffle cones and the dazzling sight of colorful ice cream flavors swirling in the air. It was like walking into Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory, but with more magic and fewer creepy Oompa Loompas. The Weasleys and Hermione were already seated at a cozy table near the window, chattering away like a flock of excited magpies.

Ron Weasley nearly dropped his ice cream cone when he caught sight of Harry. His eyes bulged as if someone had just told him there was a spell to make spiders disappear from the world forever. "Blimey, Harry! What happened to you?" he blurted out, his voice a mix of astonishment and a hint of jealousy.

Hermione's gaze swept over Harry, her expression a curious blend of admiration and confusion. "You look... different," she remarked, her tone carrying a subtle note of awe. "In a good way, of course," she quickly added, her cheeks flushing slightly.

Harry chuckled sheepishly, feeling the heat rise to his face as he scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah, it's been a bit of a whirlwind lately," he confessed, trying to downplay the whole 'new and improved' Harry thing.

"Everyone, I'd like you to meet Susan Bones," Harry began, gesturing towards the redheaded girl beside him. "She's a fellow Hufflepuff at Hogwarts and a great friend."

Susan offered a bright smile and a polite wave to the Weasleys and Hermione, her cheeks tinged pink. "Nice to officially meet you all," she said cheerfully, though her eyes kept darting toward Harry with a soft, lingering gaze. She couldn't help but notice the chemistry between Harry and Jean, which made her heart flutter with a mix of hope and apprehension.

"And this is Jean Grey," Harry continued, nodding toward the other redhead in the group. "She's... well, she's got a lot of talents, let's put it that way."

Jean chuckled softly, her green eyes sparkling with a friendly warmth. "It's a pleasure to meet you," she said, her voice smooth and inviting.

Harry turned to Sirius, who was grinning like a dog with a new bone. "And last but certainly not least, this is Sirius Black, my godfather."

Sirius nodded at the Weasleys and Hermione, his smile both warm and a little mischievous. "A pleasure to meet all of you," he said with a playful glint in his eye. "And yes, my name does rhyme with 'serious,' but don't let that fool you—I rarely am."

Sirius was like a coiled spring, full of energy and always ready to jump into action. He was fiercely protective of Harry, driven by a deep sense of responsibility and a twinge of guilt from his past. He saw Harry as a living reminder of his dear friends James and Lily, and his heart swelled with pride every time he looked at his godson. However, the years in Azkaban had left their mark on him, a shadow of sorrow he hid behind his wry humor and reckless bravado.

"By the way," Harry interjected, "Jean will be joining us at Hogwarts this year, starting with our third year."

The Weasleys and Hermione exchanged curious glances, clearly intrigued by the newcomers.

"And, um, just so you know," Harry continued, "both Susan and Jean are... well, they're magical mutants. So, you know, things might be a bit different around here with them."

Arthur Weasley's eyes lit up with excitement, his fascination with all things magical and muggle-related kicking into high gear. "Magical mutants, you say? How fascinating! Welcome to our world, Jean. We're delighted to have you join us at Hogwarts."

His genuine enthusiasm and acceptance immediately put Jean and Susan at ease, easing any lingering apprehension they might have had about being different in the wizarding world.

Here's the rewrite in a style reminiscent of Rick Riordan:


Hermione turned to Susan with an expression that said, "I'm both intrigued and a little bit confused." She raised an eyebrow and asked, "Susan, since when were you a mutant? What are your powers?"

Susan's face turned pink, which she tried to hide behind a smile. "I awakened my powers recently, just like Harry," she explained, her voice slightly higher than usual. "I can detect lies. It's been… interesting figuring out how to control them."

Fred and George shared one of their classic twin glances, the kind that said, "Oh, we're going to have some fun with this." Fred nudged George, eyes twinkling with mischief. "Well, it looks like we'll have to be on our best behavior around Susan," Fred said, trying and failing to look innocent.

George chuckled, shaking his head. "Right, Fred. No more tricking her with our brilliant lies," he said, giving Susan a playful wink.

Susan grinned, her eyes twinkling with mischief of their own. "I don't need my powers to tell when you two are up to something," she teased, enjoying the banter. Her gaze wandered to Harry, who was busy chatting with Jean and smiling in a way that made Susan's heart do a little flip. She noticed how Harry's face lit up when he looked at Jean, and even though she felt a twinge of jealousy, she couldn't help but be happy for him. Maybe she'd even cheer them on—secretly, of course.

Meanwhile, Harry was grinning like he'd just won the Quidditch Cup, his eyes full of excitement. With a flick of his wrist, he shot out thin strands of silken webbing from his fingertips, weaving them into intricate patterns before they vanished into thin air. "Check this out!" he said, his voice full of wonder.

Ron's eyes widened, a mixture of relief and horror crossing his face. "Blimey, Harry! You mean no more giant spiders in the Forbidden Forest? That's brilliant!" he exclaimed, though his voice held a shiver of apprehension. "But mate, shooting webs like a spider? That's just plain creepy if you ask me."

Hermione looked at Harry, then at the rest of the group, her concern evident. "Harry, are you sure you're okay?" she asked, her voice a mix of gentleness and firmness. "We need to be careful with these new abilities. They're powerful, but they come with risks."

Harry nodded, trying to look reassuring, though his smile was a bit wobbly. "Don't worry, Hermione. I've been practicing, and I've got it under control. Plus, Sirius and Dumbledore are keeping an eye on things. And I've got all the teachers at Xavier's looking out for me."

Ron sensed Hermione's gears turning, ready to launch into another one of her mini-investigations about Harry's magic. Ron decided to be a good wingman for Harry (or maybe just avoid a lecture) and quickly changed the subject. 

Ron's grin spread across his face as he pulled out his wand like a prize he'd just won at the wizarding carnival. "Check it out, Harry!" he said, brandishing it like it was Excalibur. "Got it over the summer. It's way better than my old wand, which, let's be honest, was practically held together with Spellotape by the end of last year."

Harry leaned in, eyes sparkling with interest. "What's it made of?" he asked, genuinely curious. 

"Willow wood with a unicorn hair core," Ron replied, his chest puffed out with pride like he'd just caught the Snitch in a Quidditch match.

"That's a fine wand," Harry remarked, nodding approvingly. "Perfect fit for you, Ron."

Hermione, who had been watching the exchange with a mix of amusement and something that looked like…jealousy?…quickly covered her feelings with a smile. "It's a great choice, Ron. Unicorn hair cores are known for their loyalty and consistency. Just like you," she added, her cheeks turning a slight shade of pink. 

Jean sauntered over, her eyes twinkling with the same excitement. "New wand? That's fantastic!" she chimed in. "Harry and I got new wands made yesterday too."

Ron's curiosity piqued, and he nudged Harry. "Show us your new wand, mate. I want to see what kind of awesome wizardry Ollivander cooked up for you."

Harry, never one to pass up an opportunity to share cool stuff, reached into his robe and pulled out his new wand, sleek and elegant. He could feel Hermione's eyes on him, a mix of admiration and something else he couldn't quite put his finger on. "Well, my old wand started overheating. Guess my magic was just too much for it to handle, thanks to my mutation and all."

Hermione's brow furrowed, her curiosity and concern evident. "Overheating? That's highly unusual. What exactly happened, Harry?" she asked, trying to keep her tone light but failing to hide the hint of worry.

Harry shrugged, trying to play it cool. "Just a little magical overload, I guess. No big deal. But check this out—Ollivander crafted this new wand for me, and it's pretty incredible." With a flourish that would make even Professor Flitwick proud, he revealed the wand's intricate design.

Ron's eyes widened as he examined the wand closely. "Blimey, Harry, that's some top-notch craftsmanship right there! I bet you could take on a dragon with that wand."

Hermione nodded, her approval evident, even though she still looked like she had about a thousand questions bubbling up inside her. "It's good that you got a replacement, Harry. A wizard's wand is an extension of themselves. You need to be careful, though."

Jean, sensing the camaraderie and wanting to be part of it, pulled out her own wand. It was a beautiful piece, with unique carvings and a distinct sheen. "Here's mine. Ollivander made it special for me. It's holly wood with an adamantine core."

Ron's jaw dropped as he inspected Jean's wand. "That's…wow. That's a pretty unique wand. I've never seen one like it."

Hermione, ever the scholar, leaned in to get a closer look. "Adamantine? That's extremely rare. It's supposed to be incredibly strong and resilient. It suits you, Jean," she said, giving her a genuine smile.

Jean smiled back, clearly proud of her wand. "It feels like a part of me, you know? Like it's meant to be in my hand."

Ron grinned, his eyes darting between Harry and Jean. "Looks like we've got a couple of superpowered wizards on our hands with their fancy new wands. Just don't go blowing up the castle, okay? I kind of like having a place to sleep at night."

Harry and Jean exchanged a glance, their cheeks flushing slightly as they realized how close they were standing. Hermione noticed the subtle exchange and felt a mix of happiness and a twinge of something she didn't quite understand. She shook it off, focusing on the fact that they were all together, sharing stories and excitement about the new school year.

Hermione cleared her throat, trying to sound casual, even though her curiosity was practically jumping up and down. "Jean, I just realized we never asked you about your mutant ability. Care to enlighten us?"

Jean flashed a warm smile, her eyes dancing with a mix of mischief and kindness. "Sure, Hermione! I'm a telepath and telekinetic. That means I can read minds and move things with my thoughts."

Hermione's eyes widened, her fascination evident as she processed what Jean said. It was almost like the gears in her head were spinning faster than a Quidditch Snitch. "That's incredible! Have you always been able to do that?"

Jean nodded, her gaze flickering momentarily to Harry, who was trying to play it cool but couldn't hide his admiration. "Yeah, but lately, my abilities have gotten a bit of a boost. It's been quite the adventure, to say the least."

Ron, who had been lazily stirring his ice cream into a soupy mess, perked up at the mention of telepathy. "Blimey, Jean, that's wicked! So, can you, like, read anyone's mind? Like Dumbledore or…even Snape?" He shuddered at the thought of Snape's thoughts invading anyone's mind, let alone Jean's.

Jean chuckled, shaking her head. "It's not that simple. I have to really concentrate, and some minds are like trying to crack open a dragon's egg—nearly impossible. Besides, I wouldn't go snooping around in people's heads without a good reason. It's kind of rude, don't you think?" She glanced at Harry, and he smiled back, a secret understanding passing between them.

Ron laughed, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "Good thing you're on our side, then. Last thing we need is Snape knowing all about our plans to…you know, get through the year without too many detentions."

The group burst into laughter, the sound echoing through Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor. Harry couldn't help but feel a warm glow, not just from the summer sun but from the easy camaraderie with his friends. He caught Hermione's eye and saw a glint of something he didn't quite recognize—admiration, maybe? Whatever it was, it made him feel oddly self-conscious.

As they settled into a comfortable rhythm of chatter and jokes, the conversation shifted from Jean's abilities to the latest Quidditch scores and theories about their upcoming classes. Hermione, despite herself, found her gaze drifting back to Harry, wondering if he'd ever notice the way her heart fluttered whenever he smiled. Meanwhile, Jean and Harry kept stealing glances at each other, both of them acutely aware of the invisible sparks between them but too shy to do anything about it.

Ron, oblivious to the emotional undercurrents swirling around him, was just happy to be surrounded by his friends, eating ice cream, and enjoying the last few days of freedom before school started. He might be a bit lazy and quick-tempered sometimes, but right now, he was exactly where he wanted to be—part of a group that felt like home.

And as they laughed and joked, planning their next adventure, none of them knew just how much their lives were about to change.


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