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Chapter 4: Discovering the World and Its Time

As I continued my secretive practice of magic, a new curiosity began to grow within me. The nights spent by the creek honing my abilities were fulfilling, but they left me with a burning question: In what era of this world was I living? To understand the challenges I might face, I needed to grasp the historical context of my surroundings.

The village of Buina was small and isolated. My parents, Thomas and Eliza, knew little beyond the immediate concerns of farming and daily life. But I needed more. I needed to learn about the world and its history. The idea of a library came to me one evening, and I decided to pursue it.

One morning, while helping my mother with the chores, I broached the subject. "Mother," I began cautiously, "is there a place where people can learn about history and the world? Like a library?"

Eliza looked at me curiously, wiping her hands on her apron. "A library? Well, there's a small one in the village. It's not much, just a few old books and scrolls. Why do you ask?"

"I want to learn more about the world," I said earnestly. "I think it could help us."

She smiled, a mix of amusement and pride in her eyes. "You've always been a curious one. All right, if you're that interested, we'll go to the library after the morning chores are done."


After a morning spent tending to the garden and feeding the animals, my mother and I set off for the village library. It was a modest building near the center of Buina, made of weathered stone and wood. Inside, the air was cool and filled with the faint scent of old paper. Shelves lined the walls, holding a small collection of books and scrolls.

The librarian, an elderly man named Mr. Harren, greeted us with a nod. "Good day, Eliza. And who is this young man?"

"This is my son, Edward," she replied. "He's interested in learning more about the world. I thought we could look through some of your books."

Mr. Harren's eyes twinkled with interest. "A thirst for knowledge is a fine thing. Come, let's see what we can find."


Mr. Harren led us to a corner of the library where history books were kept. I eagerly scanned the titles, searching for anything that might shed light on the current era. After a few minutes, I found a book titled "A History of the Post-Laplace Era." My heart skipped a beat. This was exactly what I needed.

I sat down at a nearby table and began to read. The book detailed the events following the Second Great Human-Demon War, known as the Laplace War. It spoke of Laplace, the powerful Demon God who led an army of demons in a bid to conquer the world. The war had caused immense destruction, but ultimately, the demons were defeated, and Laplace was sealed away.

The aftermath of the war was a time of rebuilding and recovery. The book described how different kingdoms and territories were established, and how the scars of the war had shaped the world. It mentioned the formation of the Seven Great Powers, the most formidable warriors of the era, who had played a significant role in maintaining peace.


As I absorbed the information, I realized that understanding the history of this world was crucial. The balance of power, the alliances, and the lingering tensions all influenced the present. I needed to be aware of these factors if I was to navigate this world successfully.

While I was engrossed in the book, Mr. Harren approached me. "Finding what you were looking for, young Edward?"

"Yes, thank you," I replied. "This is very helpful. Do you have any other books about the history or magic of this world?"

He nodded thoughtfully. "We have a few more, though they're mostly basic texts. Feel free to take your time and look through them."

I spent the rest of the afternoon immersed in the library's collection. I found a few more books on history and a couple of basic magic texts that complemented what I had already learned from my stolen book. My understanding of the world's history and my own magical abilities grew deeper with each page I turned.


As the sun began to set, my mother and I thanked Mr. Harren and left the library. On the walk back home, I felt a renewed sense of purpose. I now had a clearer picture of the world I was in and the historical context that shaped it. The knowledge I had gained would be invaluable as I continued to train and prepare for whatever lay ahead.

"Thank you for taking me to the library, Mother," I said as we approached our home.

Eliza smiled warmly. "I'm glad you found what you were looking for, Edward. Knowledge is a powerful tool. Use it wisely."


Back at home, I continued my nightly practice by the creek, now with a deeper understanding of the world and its history. The more I learned, the more determined I became to master my magical abilities. My progress with chantless magic was slow but steady. I could now create small gusts of wind without incantations, a skill I was sure would prove useful.

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