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Chapter 7: The Duel and the Directive

The one who patted Byakuya on the back was Yoruichi, whom Byakuya had been pursuing angrily before.

"Are you done chasing me, Byakuya-boy?" Yoruichi said, laughing.

With veins bulging on his forehead, Byakuya turned his hand around and slashed at Yoruichi with his wooden sword. But as expected, Yoruichi casually dodged it with a slight jump.

Byakuya then looked towards Mizuki and said, "Brother, wait a minute till I catch this cat!" and rushed towards Yoruichi.

Just as Byakuya was about to use his flash step to catch Yoruichi, Ginrei Kuchiki, who was acting as the audience, said,

"Enough, Byakuya."

Hearing this, Byakuya stopped in his tracks, turned around, and walked towards Mizuki.

Ginrei then said to Yoruichi, who appeared beside him, "Miss Yoruichi, please stop teasing my grandson. Why don't you also watch the match between my two grandsons?"

Hearing this, Yoruichi, with a playful expression, turned around and addressed both Mizuki and Byakuya.

Yoruichi then said with a joking expression, "Come on, Mizuki-kun, beat that arrogant prick to the ground."

Hearing that, Byakuya, with veins bulging on his forehead, turned around but, seeing Ginrei's serious face, he kept quiet and readied his sword.

Looking at Yoruichi and hearing her words, Mizuki simply nodded. In his heart, he had already considered Yoruichi Shihouin very dangerous.

He knew better than to underestimate her, despite her playful and joyful demeanor. Yoruichi Shihouin was a master of disguise, effortlessly masking her lethal prowess with a carefree attitude. Beneath her mischievous smile and easy laughter lay the heart of a warrior, a former commander of the Stealth Force, and a deadly assassin with unparalleled speed and agility.

So from the start, Mizuki had already considered Yoruichi one of his enemies. After all, if things went according to the original plot plus his own plans, then he would be destined to be enemies with her.

He just turned around and faced Byakuya seriously.

Byakuya Kuchiki and Mizuki Kuchiki stood facing each other, wooden swords in hand, their eyes locked in a silent challenge. The training field was still, the only sound being the soft rustle of leaves in the wind. Ginrei Kuchiki watched them with an impassive expression, arms crossed. Beside him stood Yoruichi Shihōin, her golden eyes gleaming with interest and a playful smile on her lips.

Byakuya smirked, a confident glint in his eyes. "Ready to lose again, brother?"

Mizuki simply nodded, his grip tightening on the hilt of his wooden sword. "Let's begin."

Ginrei raised his hand and then swiftly brought it down, signaling the start of the duel. Byakuya wasted no time, lunging forward with a swift, precise strike aimed at Mizuki's shoulder. Mizuki parried the blow with ease, the wooden swords clashing with a sharp crack.

The two brothers moved fluidly, their wooden blades dancing in a flurry of strikes and parries. Byakuya's attacks were aggressive and relentless, his strikes powerful and well-aimed. Mizuki, on the other hand, was more reserved, focusing on defense and waiting for the right moment to counterattack.

"You're getting better, Mizuki," Byakuya said, a hint of surprise in his voice as their swords clashed again.

"Thank you, Byakuya," Mizuki replied, his eyes narrowing in concentration.

Byakuya attempted a feint, aiming low before quickly shifting to an overhead strike. Mizuki anticipated the move, sidestepping and delivering a swift strike to Byakuya's side. Byakuya grunted, momentarily thrown off balance, but quickly recovered, his eyes flashing with determination.

"You've improved, but not enough," Byakuya said, launching a series of rapid strikes.

Mizuki deflected the attacks, his movements smooth and controlled. He saw an opening and lunged forward, aiming for Byakuya's shoulder. Byakuya blocked the strike, but the force pushed him back a few steps.

Ginrei watched the exchange with a keen eye, noting Mizuki's progress. Despite being on the defensive for most of the duel, Mizuki's patience and strategic thinking were evident. Yoruichi's eyes sparkled with amusement, impressed by the two brothers' skill.

Byakuya, growing frustrated, decided to end the duel with a decisive blow. He launched a powerful strike aimed at Mizuki's head, putting all his strength behind it. Mizuki, however, was ready. He ducked under the attack and swiftly brought his wooden sword up, nearly reaching Byakuya's neck.

For a moment, it seemed as if Mizuki would claim victory. However, Byakuya's quick reflexes allowed him to parry Mizuki's strike and counter with a rapid series of blows. Mizuki managed to block most of them, but the relentless onslaught began to wear him down. Sweat trickled down his forehead, his breath coming in short gasps as he struggled to keep up with Byakuya's speed and precision.

In a final, powerfulmove, Byakuya spun around and delivered a sweeping strike that knocked Mizuki's wooden sword from his hand. The weapon clattered to the ground, leaving Mizuki defenseless.

The training field fell silent as both brothers froze, breathing heavily. Byakuya's wooden sword hovered near Mizuki's chest, signaling his victory.

Byakuya's eyes widened in shock, then narrowed in a mixture of respect and satisfaction. "You've really improved, Mizuki. I almost thought you had me."

Mizuki bowed his head, a small smile playing on his lips. "Thank you, Byakuya. You fought well."

Ginrei stepped forward, nodding in approval. "Well done, Byakuya. You demonstrated your skill and determination. Mizuki, you showed great progress, but you must strive harder."

Yoruichi clapped her hands slowly, her grin widening. "Impressive duel, both of you. It's not often you see such dedication and skill in such young fighters."

Byakuya nodded, his expression serious. "Yes, Grandfather."

Ginrei turned to Mizuki. "For the next month, you will be training with me and your brother," he then continued. "And your training will intensify. Prepare yourselves."

Both brothers bowed respectfully. "Yes, Grandfather."

Byakuya then turned towards Mizuki and said, "Why don't we go another round, brother?"

Just as Mizuki was about to reply, a person wearing a uniform resembling a ninja's appeared next to Yoruichi, kneeling on one knee.

Looking at the kneeling person wearing a black ninja uniform, some thoughts came to Mizuki's mind.

'A person from the Second Division? Judging from the outfit, they must be from the Executive Militia branch.'

As soon as the ninja appeared, Ginrei turned toward both Byakuya and Mizuki and said, "Why don't we call it a day for practice today?"

As they were leaving the training field, Byakuya placed a hand on Mizuki's shoulder. "Good duel, brother. But don't get too sad. I am sure you will win someday."

Mizuki chuckled. "I look forward to that moment, Byakuya."

Mizuki then turned and looked at the ninja reporting to both Ginrei and Yoruichi.

'I also need to build a force of my own,' Mizuki muttered to himself as he walked out of the training ground.

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