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Chapter 40: Chapter 40

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Hufflepuff's role in the British magical world is similar to the chastity arch in ancient society. When it comes to Hufflepuff, people might say they are naive, slow to react, and have average academic performance. However, if you accuse them of cheating, most people will strongly disagree. This reputation is highly respected. Clearly, the Hufflepuff name means a lot to someone like Hagrid.

"Come in," Hagrid said as he opened the door. Wayne let go of Yaya and walked in under Gouzi's watchful eyes. The fire in the fireplace burned brightly, crackling and making the room warm. Though there was only a small stool and no table in the room, Wayne didn't mind and sat down. Hagrid was sitting on his bed.

"Um... Lawrence, what do you need to see me about?"

"Just call me Wayne," Wayne replied, making up an excuse. "I heard Harry talk about you. He said you are very kind and helpful. So, when I had a problem, I thought of you first."

Wayne wasn't worried about Hagrid double-checking with Harry later. He had mentioned Hagrid to Harry but not in detail. Even if Harry hadn't mentioned him, Wayne could easily convince Harry he had forgotten.

Hearing this, the half-giant smiled, both pleased by Wayne's compliments and Harry's mention of him. Hagrid's earlier business-like demeanor quickly turned enthusiastic. He got up and went to the fireplace, fetching a large iron plate and a cloth bag from where a lot of candies rolled out.

"Have some sugar and some of my salt-crust strudel. I made it this morning."

Wayne picked up a candy with a smile but avoided the pie. It looked harder than bricks.

"What do you need my help with? Let me tell you first; I won't help you if it breaks school rules," Hagrid said, rubbing his hands.

"Of course not. I just need some materials to make some gadgets," Wayne explained, taking the opportunity to discreetly spit out the overly sweet candy.

"That's it." Hagrid sighed in relief and patted his chest. "What do you need? If I can get it, I will."

"That's great," Wayne said happily and listed his needs: bird feathers, Silencer feathers, Cocktail scales, unicorn feathers, Tebbo warthog bones, and ash snake eggs.

"Is that all? Any specific quantities?" Hagrid asked.

"Just a small amount for practice," Wayne replied casually. "It would be great if we could get Acromantula venom too."

"Acromantula venom…" Hagrid frowned. "The rest are simple, but I don't have any Acromantula venom now. I'll look for it in Hogsmeade later."

"You eat first; I'll go to the cellar to get the ingredients," Hagrid said, leaving the room.

Wayne watched the half-giant's back and felt a bit surprised. Hagrid's earlier statement about going to Hogsmeade was just an excuse to avoid revealing the presence of dangerous creatures in the Forbidden Forest.

This small clever act slightly changed Wayne's view of him. It was clear that everyone should not be underestimated, and their mentality needed adjusting. About ten minutes later, Hagrid returned, carrying a large sack.

"See if these are enough. If not, I will go to the Forbidden Forest to get more," he said.

Wayne took the sack, held it in his hand, opened it, and was immediately speechless. It was filled to the brim with various feathers, bones, and ash snake eggs, all packed together like garbage. The snow-white feathers were balled up, and Wayne could tell at a glance that they were unicorn feathers. Wizards with some common sense knew how precious these were. The best unicorn feathers, used to make wands, could sell for five galleons each. Even lesser ones could be used to make beauty potions, with a bag of ten galleons containing only a dozen feathers. 

Hagrid's sack must have contained dozens of feathers, and amidst other items, the sack was worth several hundred galleons at least. Wayne's view of Hagrid changed immediately. 

"This is a true rich man!" he thought.

"Isn't that enough?" Hagrid asked, seeing Wayne silent and scratching his head in distress. "Then you have to wait a little longer. I'll go to the Forbidden Forest to help you find more."

"Enough, enough. These are enough for me to practice," Wayne quickly assured. This harvest had greatly exceeded his expectations, making it sufficient until after Christmas. "Thank you so much, Hagrid."

The giant smiled, "It's okay. Just come to me if you need anything in the future. I don't need these things."

Wayne had noticed earlier that Hagrid had a blanket made entirely of unicorn feathers, truly a waste of natural resources. Determined to maintain a good relationship with his raw material supplier, Wayne took out the gifts he had prepared long ago.

"The elves said you also take care of the school's vegetable garden. These potions are for driving away garden goblins and insects. Please accept them," Wayne offered.

"Very good!" Hagrid's eyes lit up. "Those goblins and pests are annoying me to death. You are a big help, Wayne."

"We are friends, aren't we?"

All of a sudden, the giant hybrid was so touched that he burst into tears.

Under Hagrid's kindness, Wayne left the cabin carrying the sack and a rock pie. As he walked back to the Hufflepuff common room, Cedric, who was watering the plants, saw Wayne with his large bag.

"Did you go for a robbery?" Cedric asked.

Wayne's face remained unchanged. "No, I just chatted with my friend and got some souvenirs as a gift."

"What souvenir?" Cedric inquired.

"Here you go, pie," Wayne said as he handed over the box containing the pie and walked back to the dormitory.

When Cedric opened the box, he saw it was indeed a stuffed pie and still steaming. Being a Hufflepuff, Cedric took a bite without hesitation. 

"Ouch! My teeth!" he exclaimed.

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