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Chapter 4: Chapter 3: meeting my cousin

Edward's pov 9 years old

Today was my time to patrol the camps border as I walked to the borders, I was wearing a CHB t-shirt and black pants with black shoes. it was dusk as I reached the border, I summoned two of my demonic wolves I named them Ignotus and Antioch I named them after the two brothers of the hollows and I was Cadmus the third brother as my last name was Cadmus

As I walked there I sent them through the forest, I sensed many monsters coming to the gates as well as 3 demigods and 2 satyr's, I was able to sense them through my dogs senses ,

I rushed through the forest and saw a satyr fell to Alecto a servant of my father as a girl with raven black hair and electric blue eyes around my age stand against the three furies as well as several hell hounds as she sent her remaining group away , I sent my chains through the cyclops's and hellhound

As Alecto was about to slash the girl with the whip

"Alecto stop" I say with as loudly as I could, as Alecto stopped and the other two bowed in front of me

"but my lord your father- "

"I know my father wants her dead but I don't if he says anything then tell him that I protected her he will understand now leave or else – "before I could say any thing all three left in a burst of flames

"who are you , why did the furies listen to you" she asks raising her spear towards me

"for someone who just got their life saved by me you are very come lets go to the camp i think your friends are waiting I will explain everything later " I say as I lead her towards the camps borders I saw a saw a small child with blond hair with princess curls with Gray eyes and grover a satyr who I saw around the camp borders were petting my dogs as we reached there the blond girl and another boy with blond hair and blue eyes saw the girl they all rushed to her did a group hug

I went towards Grover

"take these three to the infirmary and tomorrow morning we will discuss with them tomorrow I am going to Chiron about the three" saying this I left towards the big house

Knocking on Chiron's door, he appeared

"We have to talk" he gestured me in as I sat down on a nice leather chair

"a daughter of Zeus is here" I said as I informed him of what happened

"Why did you let her live rather than let her die in revenge against Zeus "he asks a bit confused and yet relieved

"I'm not my father nor is the girl Zeus, I have a grudge against Zeus and I wanted to offend my father a bit" I said with a bit of cheek, Chiron sighed as he sent me off to sleep but I did not get any sleep

[next morning]

I left my cabin and headed to the big house , I saw Chiron and Mr D who I learnt was Dionysus

"Hello Chiron, Dante" I say as I sat next to them and got a blue cherry coke, it was a running gag where me and Mr D call each other everything but the others name

"Hello Ender/ Edward" they said

"Have the newcomers woken up" I ask

"no" they replied

After which we played pinochle this time me and Mr d were playing as a team to finally defeat Chiron as we were playing the four who came last night came to the table

"Ah the sleeping beauties are awake please sit down and introduce yourselves" I say as I saw them

"My name is Annabeth Chase daughter of Athena and I'm 7 years old" the small child who was petting my dog said

"My name is Luke castellan son of Hermes I'm 14 years old" the blond boy says biting himself when he says son of Hermes

"My name is thalia grace daughter of Zeus I'm 9 years old" she says

"Oh, a daughter of Sky garbage" I say as lightning flashed across the

"You know its rude to interrupt people when they talk right" I shout towards the sky as the three looked at me in shock as Mr D chuckles at my antics whilst Chiron just sighs. then Chiron introduces the three to the camp and what it is

"Edward please show them around the camp" he says as I take them

"My name is Edward Cadmus son of hades" I say as the three looked at me wearily

"if your father is hades then why did you save me, but hades wants me dead" thalia asks me suspiciously 

"the thing is I'm not my father nor are you are your father and the reason my father want you dead is because he was returning the Favor per say" I say

"so you mean my father- "she says as I cut her off

"yes" I say as we arrive to the cabins

"This is the cabins the first cabin is Zeus's and don't worry this is not proportional to his ego if it were then this entire camp would be his" I say as the three chuckled

"This is the Athena cabin and lastly this is the Hermes cabins" I show them the last cabins

"Why is the Hermes Cabin so filled" Luke asked

"Hermes is the god of travellers, so any unclaimed child goes there" I say as Luke looked a bit bitter

"Welcome to CHB" I say as I leave

[time skip 1year]

It has been an year since my cousins and her friends came , I had become friends with Luke but we have never been close , he was okay to hangout about but he whined a lot about his hatred for gods

Me and Annabeth had become good friend she always had questions about Greek mythology Math and architecture it had been a joy to teach her

For thalia it was different she kept her distance from me most of the time and some times she challenged me but every time I won she gave a good challenge which seemed to frustrate her ,

 i stopped playing capture the flag as it got boring for the fact that I am too strong , it felt as if I am alone and the only person who would be able to give me a challenge usually ignores me , it is a bit depressing so I usually hangout with Chiron and Mr D or I just trained with my dogs and my magic

so yeah, that is it for my time at camp

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