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Endless Responsibilities

I braved a resolute look on my face as I stared at Hiruzen, with the man finally looking at me as what my position dictated. No longer was I the pitiful boy left behind after his clan was massacred, in his place was the steadfast heir to the Uchiha Clan, a shinobi of the (former) strongest clan in Konohagakure.

Scrutinizing me, the Hokage finally let out a strange weary sigh before seemingly making a decision. Picking up the hat he had recently placed at the window, he stood up and turned to leave. As he approached the door, he took one last look at my prone self resting on the infirmary mattress before asking his last question. One that would determine my future path in the Hidden Leaf Village.

"Would you like to live in an apartment within the Heart of the Village from now on? I understand that your home and the rest of the Uchiha District will hold only the trauma of the past, one that no one deserves."

...An apartment? I suppose it would be good to avoid the main house, after all, even if the blood and bodies are cleaned up, the memories of the past will still haunt me for as long as I stay there.

Realistically, that would be the best option. But in spite of that, I can't bring myself to leave it all behind. I am Sasuke Uchiha, the Clan Leader of the Uchiha. Even if the members are gone, I will hold on to everything that we have. When you get right down to it, what kind of Clan Leader abandons all of his heritage simply because of fear?

That's right, there was really only one path for me. Ever since I had gained the memories of Sasuke, ever since I had become one with him and Indra.

"No, I will remain in the Clan Compound as the Head. I will collect everything my clan has owned and temporarily disband the Police Force until I have become a shinobi. Also, I-"

I cut myself off, it's more compelling to seem hesitant about asking for something rather than haughtily demanding it.

By the way the Sandaime's eyes sharpened again, I could tell we both knew that I did that on purpose. Still, he decided to acquiesce to my favour and asked me what I needed.

"What do you need, young Sasuke?"

An almost shit-eating grin crawled up my face. I've won... exactly as planned.

"I would like for you to gather all of the bodies of my clan for the funeral that I will be planning, and to have the entire village commemorate the Uchiha Clan."

With this, I won't come into contact with the dead bodies and thus they'll have no reason to believe that I came across a dark secret of the village like how all of the bodies' eyes are missing. With this, I'll prevent any suspicion from falling onto me, and convince them that there is no way for the truth to be leaked out since the one chance was taken care of by the ANBU themselves.

In the end, you will all believe that I was a mere puppet in your hands, while in truth, you were in my own from the very beginning. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha- Not yet, I'll have to hold my joy for the very last moment, when they all die in front of me with eyes filled with despair. Only then will I have the satisfaction of revenge.

The Hokage mused for a second before accepting, believing that it was worth the effort. Quickly taking a drag of smoke from his pipe out of habit, he held out the moment to bring tension as a power play over my 7 year old self, before embarrassingly spitting out his approval after remembering that he wasn't meant to be smoking around me right now.

"Ahem, very well. I approve all of your decisions and will see to it that the funeral will commence without issues. Here is a scroll containing all of the addresses of the places you need to go to collect your clan's belongings. I offer my deepest condolences for the burdens placed on you, Young Sasuke."

...It seems he had already planned for the situation in which I adamantly refused the apartment and wanted all of my clan's possessions immediately. Good, this is better than I expected, I'll make sure to clean up everything... right after I leave this damned hospital.


{7 Days after Rebirth}

I dressed myself in black robes, black garments, a fully black outfit with the only distinguishing part being the Uchiha Fan symbol on my back. Today was the day of the Grand Funeral. Leading up to this point, I had sought numerous banks and authorities, both civilian and ninja councils of the village, as a mere 7 year old child, to gather everything owned by every Uchiha. 

I had even developed the Great Fireball technique of the Uchiha's coming of age rite to become a B-rank jutsu (I just poured more chakra into it), in preparation of the final sendoff for my clan.

Now, laying in front of me were the numerous caskets of my fellow clansmen. Ones which I had already invaded a night prior, without being detected, in the off chance that I managed to master the reanimation jutsu and mindwham Nagato into reviving my family.

As the people of the Village gathered around, I gave my eulogy in remembrance of all the people that had loved me and I had loved in turn.

"I am Uchiha Sasuke. The new Leader of the Uchiha Clan. I have stood here before you all to give tribute to the most prominent clan of the leaf village, to the ones who safeguarded the village not only on the front lines but also protecting the civilians within-"

Taking a deep breath, I spoke about my mother, my father, my neighbours, every single member of the Uchiha Clan. I could remember them all, their faces, their kindness, the warm hearts hid beneath their cold exterior. I talked, and talked, until my voice gave out. Until I crumpled up with tears running down my face. But still, I had one more thing to do.

Wiping the tears off my face, I let other members of the village give their own eulogies, each of them leaving white flowers for those they knew, before dusk began to set in and I formed the hand seals for my Great Fireball Jutsu.

Mi (Snake). Hitsuji (Ram). Saru (Monkey). I (Boar). Uma (Horse). Tora (Tiger).

<Katon: Gōkakyū No Jutsu>

The world exploded.

An inferno shaped into a sphere streamed out of my mouth, burning away all of the coffins and the 'corpses' within. It was then, that the people realised why they were out in front of everyone instead of under the ground where they belonged.

I, the young Uchiha Clan Head, had chosen to cremate my clansmen, unleashing their souls from their bodies and letting them pass on without having to leave anything behind.

Watching the fire take the last of their remains before disappearing, I watched as the clouds gathered and rain began to pour, trembling in front of where my dead family was, I held myself before turning and leaving one last message while I ended the funeral.

"Tears and rain, fall down on my face, my body is unable to stay yet my heart is unwilling to leave"

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