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The False God of Shinobi

"Hey you. You're finally awake."

A gaudy man stood over me, not someone I would have expected to be a medical professional, yet I suppose all ninja have their own quirks to deal with the stress. He rambled on and on, even as I pinned him down with my glare, only smirking at my attempts to silence him.

"You were just walking back home, right? Walked right into that slaughterer, same as the rest of your clan."

It was only then, that I noticed I could see the energy, no, Chakra within him. Chakra that eclipsed everyone else in the room by numerous folds, combined with his Jōnin vest and most importantly, that senbon he was chewing on. I could already tell who this was, Genma Shiranui, an elite bodyguard of the late Fourth Hokage.

"@#$... Damn that Itachi, Konoha was just fine until he came along. The village was recovering and at peace. If he hadn't betrayed us and murdered his own clan, we wouldn't need to worry about the other vill-"

So then, this proves it, huh? Even though I don't know why he, of all people, was the one to break the news to me, at least now I know just who I am.

 <Uchiha Sasuke, The Last Uchiha>

Then, it happened. An overwhelming whirlpool of pure Chakra enveloped the room, blanketing and suffocating everyone within it. The powerful figure, dressed in a red robe and white cloak, took steady yet powerful steps towards us as he slowly lifted his hat. The Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi.

His eyes fell upon me for but a moment, yet that moment felt like an eternity as my breathing stopped and my already feeble body began to shut down from the sheer Power he exuded. Noticing my struggle, he reined in even that chakra he passively let out and shifted his gaze onto the heavily sweating Genma.

*Cough* *Cough* "Genma, I had instructed you to gently inform young Sasuke of the events that transpired, not reminding him of that traumatic event he had to endure."

Rolling the senbon in his mouth around a few times in frustration, Genma thought for a moment. Then he thought again. Still, he couldn't think of a better way to do it so he just spoke his mind.

"Oh come on, it's the same thing, how else could I put it? The kid's life is a mess, and frankly, there's nothing that can patch it up and let him go fine. Even if we had those mind fuckers in the room to erase his memories of the massacre, he'll still find out, not to mention that they can't even do that in the first place because of the genjutsu Itachi placed on the kid stopping any attempts to enter his mind." 

Hiruzen, just stared at him. Even Genma's completely correct and logical argument had fallen apart in front of the Third Hokage's gaze. And it was at that moment, that I realised what it meant to be the Hokage. To be truly powerful, even if he was the second weakest of them.

Genma seemed to have remembered too, that is, his place. He quickly kneeled on one knee and apologised for his behaviour.

"I apologise, Hokage-sama. I failed to accomplish the task you set out for me."

Still, the Hokage kept his eyes locked on Genma's figure. For a few tense moments, it felt like the air was solidifying, before he simply raised his hand and Genma disappeared. Even with my Sharingan activated, I didn't even see Genma move. One moment, he was there, and the next he was not...

...Is what a typical fanfic protagonist would say, nerfed by their pathetic authors! The moment the Sandaime Hokage's arm twitched, my eyes instinctively locked on to the movement of Genma's chakra through his pathways and memorised the Jutsu he used. Not even a day into my Rebirth, and I've already learned the Shunshin-No-Jutsu.

And by the look of it, Hiruzen noticed it too, if the look he was giving me was correct. A mixture of conflicted admiration and regret painted not only his eyes but also his entire face. Something that was no doubt an act, for he was the Hokage, the greatest ninja within Konoha, and thus not someone who would show emotions unless he meant for them to be perceived.

Taking off his hat and placing it on the window sill next to me, he reached into his pocket for his pipe, by pure habit, before realising that I probably couldn't handle the smoke in the state I was in. He laid down on the side of my bed, causing the bed to tilt slightly and pins and needles to spread throughout my left side from the sudden movement.

"Sasuke, I truly apologise for what you had to experience. No one could have expected for Itachi to have betrayed not only the village, but his clan as well, in the dead of night. I wish I could have put this easier, but, we were only able to save you. You are, from this moment onwards, the Last Uchiha. So then, I'll ask you now, what are your goals from this point onwards?"

My thoughts whirred, with my Sharingan reading his lips on what he was about to say before he even spoke, I had a few extra seconds to think of my response before I understood that any false expression I put before him would be picked apart in an instant. The only correct answer is to show my true feelings, pure indifference, and play it off as a result of Itachi's torture.

I looked at him in the eyes, with an ice-cold gaze only consisting of the tomoes of my Sharingan rotating in response to the physical trauma I was experiencing from the remnant injuries of Itachi's beatdown. Then, just as I was about to speak, it hit me.

[If only you would have listened.]

A skull-splitting pain that reached heights far beyond the already extreme pain I was under, broke out in that instant. I could feel it, my sanity, slipping through the cracks of my mind as everything that was <Sasuke Uchiha> began to become part of me. I could remember it, all of the sweet and loving memories with my family, with my brother who loved me more than anyone else, of the torture I experienced at the hands of the one I trusted and loved most as he made me watch my mother, my father, my friends, my cousins, my uncles, aunts, everyone in the clan die before me with pure fear and hatred in their glassy dead eyes 5̴̢͈̯̦̗̙̯̺͖̦͌̉̀̄͆̂̄̓͗̕1̸̢̩̜͇̯̘̥̎͋̀͝8̸̙͑,̸̬̝̟̐̃̏̈͝4̵̞̺͛͐̔̓̓̄́̕0̷̭͊͐̄̇̀̉͊͐̀͝0̴̻̩̠͕̦̳̻͖̻͒̈́̆͛̅̇̔͜ ̷̢̡̹̟̟̳͙͖̓̄͑̀͆̽̚͜͠͠ͅt̶̞͉̝͉̂̂į̴͎̪̬̻̙̮̹̠̂̈͋͆͘̚m̸̛̛̫͉̖̃̔̉̾̎̈́͘͝e̵̱̱͖̳̲̓̍̒̎̓̚̚͠s̴̝̤͚̞͕̺̽̄͜

It was at that moment, that I understood it all, why the original Sasuke was so hellbent on revenge, why people like Guts, Eren, Kurapika, Centipede Kaneki, had gone insane with hatred.


[So many try to flee their burdens. Fleeing is impossible!]

Then something just snapped, something inside of me. I didn't care anymore, I didn't care about Itachi, I didn't care about my clan or my goals to be the strongest, I didn't care if I lived, I didn't care about anything.

Then, it happened. The cracks in my psyche led to an interaction in my mindscape between the three souls who inhabit this body. An encounter that resulted in something none of us wanted, complete assimilation and integration of each other to fill in the breakage of our 'Self'.

We fused, the one who transmigrated from Earth, the one who lost it all, and the one who reincarnated again and again across the ages.

My chakra and body, originally decrepit, had transformed. I had become more, something greater than just myself and yet also above everyone else. My sharingan pulsed with power as it reached levels far beyond the regular 3-Tomoe, even though it hadn't reached the Mangekyou stage yet. My chakra improved several folds, going from low genin-level to special jonin level. My body was raging with unbridled power from the passive chakra enhancement.

My insanity from that torture should have made my mouth split open with pure joy at my newfound strength, at skipping so many steps to get my revenge. And yet, all I could feel was the pleasantness of the world.

I'm sorry, Mother, Father. I'm not even angry over you right now. I don't hate anyone. It's just that the world feels so, so wonderful right now.

"Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone am the honored one."

It was then, that Hiruzen seemed confused, he looked at me as if I had gone insane. It would make sense, after all, I had undergone rapid improvements in just a moment, though that alone would not have warranted the simply gobsmacked face he had shown. At the end of the day, it was well known to him from his teacher Tobirama Senju, that the Uchiha gain power from their negative emotions.

What had truly bewildered him, was my sudden change from my previous dead expression to my bright and enlightened visage, along with my sudden words that made no sense to the current conversation.

And yet everything was just so right.

"Sorry. That was a strange thing to say."

I put on a light smile, none of them will know anything. Yet I know it all, the truth, and I will get my revenge on you Hiruzen. You, Danzo, Obito, and Itachi will all get their personal judgement.

"I just understood something after you told me of what happened to the everyone else. I am the successor of the Uchiha clan, and I will carry the burden of the Clan as it's leader. I'm going to restore my clan, and personally avenge it by killing Itachi."

One_Salvation One_Salvation

Sasuke will already be out of the hospital in the next chapter, dealing with the responsibilties over everything he has missed during his coma.

Stay tuned for more references.

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